
please help


03-01-2014, 02:37 AM

He loved her.

In his mind it was as simple as that. Add on the fact that they were living together, had children together and were by all outward appearances 'together'. He wanted to make it official. But he wanted to do something special, he wanted to do it right. He had already asked Erani if she wouldn't mind taking the pups for a night once he figured out his proposal but first. He needed to figured out how to propose. When he was one he had watched his step father propose to his mother and give her a delicate silver bangle that was scratched and tarnished from years in the sand. But the thing was, it was something to mark her and his. It was and outward symbol as opposed to a simple promise of until death do us part. And he wanted to do that. So as he made his way away from Eria and the pups with the lie of going to the coast to hunt fish for her, though he planned to bring one back just to make him not seem like a complete let down, he took a loop around and back in towards the territory and toward his old alpha's den. Chrys and he had never been super close or known each other well but she had helped his bury Aislyn and for that he would be forever grateful. He also knew that she had adopted the young girl who he had met some time ago in the fall and early winter when he had been collecting herbs.

As he approached he slowed, letting out a bark to announce his presence so they knew he wasn't sneaking up on anyone. "Odette? Are you here?" He asked softly, it wasn't super early but it was still early enough that a youngster might be asleep if she had had a late night.



10 Years
03-01-2014, 02:55 AM

Odette had been sticking to home since her mother had experienced the loss. She wasn't sure how to comfort the woman, aside from getting her food and making sure that she was able to keep her smiling, talking, and laughing. Odette didn't care if her mother regained her title or decided to remain where she was. The yearling adored Chrysanthe with every fiber of her being and she loved her for who she was as a person. Her personality and how she carried herself made the young girl want to strive to better herself as an adult and that was her main priority.
As she lay curled up with Chrysanthe, idly talking about plans to keep Valhalla safe from outsiders, a brief bark was heard. Odette's ears perked and she slowly turned her head to the entrance. A familiar face she hadn't seen in a long time appeared at the front of their home and a smile appeared on her lips. "Mister Friction!" she exclaimed, for she had been only a pup when they first met. She looked at Chrysanthe for a second before rising from the ground and padding outside. It was there that she shook out her fur, tail continuing to shake. "How may I help you today?" The girl was definitely curious.

Talk like this


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


03-01-2014, 03:42 AM

He couldn't help but let a grin spread over his features as the youth from what seemed like a lifetime ago slipped from the den before him. Her excitation made him chuckle, he was a mister now? Was he really getting that old? "Please Odette, just Friction. You make me feel old!" he exclaimed but it seemed that quickly they were getting to the reason he was here. Though he was a bit offended that she didn't think he was there to see her he had to admit they had really only hung out once. Since he had seen her when valhalla had returned but that was about it. "Are you free? I kinda have this plan cooking in my head and need some help with it. It involve hunting birds on an island and it might take a while." His smile would turn a bit sheepish with that last statement. He knew it was a lot to ask her, especially when she was now part of a pack and had a family. But he hoped it might peek the young girls interest enough to agree to the adventure. He was a bit doubtful of his own bird hunting skills and it wouldn't hurt to have some company.



10 Years
03-01-2014, 04:04 AM

She lightly laughed at his correction and nodded to confirm her answer to his request. "Certainly, Friction. It may take some getting used to, but I will refrain from the 'Mister'." She listened with rapt attention as he spoke of needing help with a plan involving birds. An eyebrow rose and her eyes twinkled in delight at the prospect of hunting in her future. After a second or two of thinking it over, she let her smile spread widely across her face and remain that way as she replied. "Of course, Friction. I wouldn't have any problem helping you with your mission." After all, being in a pack meant helping out family. This was one of those opportunities she could grab onto and run with. She quickly looked back into the den and let Chrysanthe know where she was going to be. With some words exchanged between mother and daughter, Odette looked back to Friction and nodded. "Let us make haste!"

"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


03-04-2014, 12:33 AM

He couldn't help but smile as she agreed to call him by his first name alone. At least she wasn't calling him Mr. Sovari like some had before but even though he was a dad he didn't want to feel like a grandpa. God he hoped he wasn't a grandpa. "Much appreciated Odette," he answered simply, head tipping in mock politeness though there was still and odd twinkle to his eye as he watched her reaction to his request. Thankfully it only took a moment, maybe less for her to smile broadly at him and agree. He let out a short bark of a laugh and nodded happily. "Thank you so much Odette, I hate to admit it but its a bit more then I can handle on my own." He said. he had scouted the island some time ago when he had first decided on his plans but soon realized that he would need a helper and possibly someone much younger and more agile then he. So he waited patiently while she slipped back into her den and told Chrys of their plans then came back out. "Let us make haste!' She would exclaim and with that he would set off after her. "The island is called Dove Island or so I've heard, follow meeee!" he would call as he started off at a lope, swinging his hips or shoulders at Odette playfully every once and a while to make the trek a bit more interesting.

-exit Friction leading Odette-