
Null and Void



02-28-2014, 01:17 AM
The fea made her way up the side of the mountain. These new lands intrigued her to no extent and she was very glad she'd made her way here. Tessi hadn't had the easiest time making it this far in life, but she'd done fine enough with her parents and siblings at her side. But this was a new leaf for her, she found herself thinking as she climbed up the side of the mountain, duel colored eyes watching every single step. She was positive she'd manage to survive, what with all that her father had taught her about hunting small game. Here there was surely nothing left to do but develop her skills even farther and gain more of them. There where packs in these lands, that much she'd figured out. It was both a good thing and a bad thing. If she joined a pack and got a job solely as a huntress, she wouldn't end up having to fight. But she didn't have the courage to just walk in and ask for a seat among the ranks.

Finally as she reached the opening in the side of the mountain, one of many she assumed, her curiosity got the better of her and she entered the cavern. She made her way deeper into the darkness, a thrill running though her body at the passage she was traveling. When she was younger, too young to go off on her own, she'd have never been brave enough to do something like this. But now one grey eye and one green eye scanned the darkness as she traveled deeper and deeper into the darkness. Finally, she made her way to a small cave in the tunnels. A small pool of water collected in the middle and faint blue green light reflected across the room. The stone underneath was smooth and the the water was crystal clear. She found herself walking to the edge of the water and sitting, settling her tail on her paws, then she brought her head down and lapped from the cool water. A smile touched her face as she did so. A thought passed through her mind. This might be the place she settled.


02-28-2014, 01:50 AM
She wasn't typically one to explore, but today was one where she felt restless guarding her usual spot. The tan queen had found it easy to pick out scents of rogues here in Alacritia, and thought today would be the perfect chance to test her tracking abilities since leaving her previous pack.

The female's scent was not difficult to follow, as it was drenched in the scents of fear and unease. Perfect. Zajia had lately found solace in the discomfort of others at her own hand. This one would be no different, she thought with a smirk.

The girl had taken a strange route, climbing up the side of a mountain to reach caverns that appeared almost out of nowhere. Zajia pushed her way up the cliffs with ease. Her pawpads had become accustomed to this way of travel as of late. Amethyst orbs would take in the darkness of the cave quickly. Her night vision was pristine, and she would silently follow the disappearing image of the gray fae.

She could tell the fae was becoming more relaxed as she gained distance. Soon the woman arrived at a pool and bent to take a drink, and Zajia saw her opportunity.
"Well hello, darling." She would begin, closing the distance between them and sitting next to her, gazing into the pool with a sickly sweet smile plastered on her face.
"Like what you see in there, huh?" She continued in honey tones, turning her face once more to flash her pearly white grin and amethyst orbs to the smaller femme.



02-28-2014, 02:07 AM
The grey fea jumped at first when the other, larger woman made her appearance. Unease settled within her but she did her best to suppress it. But the fea did bear a somewhat friendly smile on her face that gave some ease to the girl. She didn't expect anything off the bat here now. Summoning her voice, she responed in kind with a shaky nod of her head and a fair greeting, meeting her gaze head on with her grey left eye and green right eye. "Hello there, friend." Her use of the word friend was simply for lack of a better term to insert into the space behind her greeting. She didn't dare declare this woman her friend. In fact, something about her caused a sense of unease within the poor girl.

This was not helped by the way that the other woman just came and sat down beside the girl. Flashing Tessi with her white grin. She did her best to put up an uneasy smile of her own, somewhat confused and intranced by the woman's sweet, honey laced words. Because of all this, all she could do was set there frozen for a moment before finally finding her voice again. "Y-Yes I do, actually. This place is rather intriguing." It was all she could find the words to say, still somewhat taken by surprise. Inside she was secretly scalding herself. The only reason she'd finally worked up the courage to go off on her own was that she had believed she was finally strong enough to meet other wolves head on and not fold under pressure. But she was proving quite wrong at that so far.


02-28-2014, 02:27 AM
A short laugh escaped her maw, echoing through the caverns like bell chimes. She could sense that the girl was uncomfortable in her actions and the shakiness of her voice. How charming! Oh, the fun she would have with this one. It was only a matter of time before the girl wet herself with discomfort, she was sure.

Zajia made herself comfortable and leaned a shoulder against the girl. She saw in those mismatched eyes uncertainty and surprise. With another thought, she allowed her voice to escape her maw once more. "Well aren't those eyes just the most beautiful thing? I'm sure you get that all the time, love, but I just can not help myself. I, too, am often complimented on my own." She boasted and batted her purple orbs at the femme. Another smile crossed her ebony lips and she stood, dipping her head and sweeping her tail in a gesture she was once taught as a youth.

"And how rude of me not to introduce myself! You must think so little of me. I am Zajia Djamila Narmolanya, queen of my kingdom and blah blah blah, formalities. What's your name, pretty thing?" She asked the silver woman. She leaned herself forward, taking another step towards the girl and brushing her muzzle against that sleek and slender shoulder that presented itself so easily to her. SHe was just being friendly...of course...



02-28-2014, 02:51 AM
Tessi gave a small start again when the woman's sweet voice sounded through the walls of the cavern as she laughed. Why was it that the girl couldn't draw herself to move? She was just glued to where she sat only able to look on as the other woman went about her business. She started stumbling confused through her mind trying to figure it out why this was going on. She had thought she could do it. She had thought she could totally handle herself on her own, but she was being proven wrong here and now, stuck paralyzed with fear. Then the woman leaned against her shoulder, and for some reason this action scent a wave of ease through her body. It was such a strange response. But that touch had reminded her that she was still present.

That's when the fea questioned her about her eyes with that same welcoming and friendly, honey drenched voice that just confused her so. She felt like something bad was going to happen, and yet so far all this wolf had done was be friendly to her. Her eyes. The thought took a moment to process before finally remembering that her eyes where two different colors. Her left eye being a shade grey lighter then her coat and blending in very nicely with it, and her right being a bright and vibrant green.

But before she could process the thought enough to verbalize on it, the woman was speaking again, introducing herself and addressing a lack of manners that had thus far gone unnoticed. Her name struck Tessi as quite the mouthful of words, but what came next really shocked her causing her eyes to go wide. Queen. Tessi had always been told that there was a certain way a leader carried them self. You'd know it when you saw it. But she hadn't picked up on it and so for a moment questioned the statement. But she didn't want to offend this woman, especially if the statement was true. And so offered a bow of her head before finally finding her voice again, stammering out the words. "Tessi. I'm Tessi Aryi Cami. And my eyes, well, I can't formally explain them. Both my parents had grey eyes... I'd just been born with this."