
Heart range


02-27-2014, 07:38 PM

The ice felt warm, or partly warm against her paw pads. Since the summer had made the large points much smaller, dripping with water. Until of course winter came around again and they would grow freeze all over again in their magnificent shape. The north, she was adapted to, as her Myna kept pace flying to each point next to his master. Her tail flicked behind her as she licked her lips with a giggle. How glorious these places were, how glorious it was to be alive. She began to dance among the ice, moving weaving through the spines that tried to reach the gods. She laughed, and giggled stopping when she felt like it to finally take in a breath. Wasn't it wonderful, she was living how she wanted, she was living like she wished, and no one could deny the beast her existence.
"Isn't this great Radio?" She said to the bird. Who gave a 'yes' in her exact tone of voice. The mimic bird flapping his wings as Ryouta looked at him proudly. This was the story of kings, of the one who lived and the one who died but still is a monster. She laughed out loud, vigorously fidgeting to her vocals as she let it echo out in the ice. Who would eve think about approaching the giant beast? The king of the north maybe, or maybe not. You never knew.
