
I'm getting Stronger!



5 Years
02-27-2014, 04:21 PM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2014, 07:01 PM by Newol.)
Never Never - Korn

The sun had yet to rise up into the sky, and yet Newol was already on his feet. Something about this pack life was starting to effect him. Before the sun rose, he did, and took to his feet to work hard to please this new family of his. The new list of chores and rules to follow though had their own requirements that came with them. It was different from how Newol had lived before. The laws of the wilderness where much different than that of a pack. And so he had to make sure that he could fill those requirements as not to disappoint his new Alphess. Erani had been his friend before all this, and he wanted dearly to be of assistance to her because of this. And so in the dark grey pre dawn hour, the wolf was out and running hard across plains, driving all the bugs out and working awareness into himself. This was all for a reason, he kept telling himself as he kicked his pace up a gear. And so, he had to be strong and stay strong!

Erani had been his friend first. Otherwise he wouldn't be here with this pack scent slowly mixing into his own. That in its self was something incredibly new to him. The slow change of his scent. He'd never experienced it before. Never bore pack scent on his body. And as for Erani, he hoped he could still call her his friend, but the truth was, she was his superior now, And ever sense she'd taken up the roll, they'd never really had a chance to converse with one another. So he didn't know just where she sat with him anymore. And this new family of his that he'd found himself in. That was another thing that was still confusing to him. Valhalla was a family, one that had been formed long before he had entered the picture. And all Erani had done was taken and put it on her shoulders when it had fallen off of the previous owner's. From what he understood, there where deep bonds here that where already strong and tested. He, on the other hand, was second string. From this stand point, that placed him so very very low on the bar. He was untested martial who was still learning all the rules. It was all just so very different.

Finally, the sun began to creep it's way into the world as the wolf approched the lake. The sun just coming up over the horizon and bleeding his orange light into the sky. As he slowed down to a walk, he couldn't help but compare it all to the different way of life he'd had in the wilderness. There it had been simple. Your success was governed by the swiftness of your feet and the sharpness of your mind. Small game was your best friend, and common sense was the only guide line you had to listen to. Finally reaching the back of the lake, he trotted up and lowered his head down to it to lap from the water. As he did so he finally gave up on all the noise inside of his head, surrendering it to the day. In his head he sighed deeply, thinking to himself, Who would have thought I'd have ended up here.



03-03-2014, 03:39 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Ashtoreth could not be happier to be back in old Valhalla territory. The move to the island had been a reluctant one for her, not only disliking the trek across the water but nervous about the creatures who had inhabited it. And there had been some interesting, curious animals there. It had taken quite a while for her to grow tolerant of them, and she had never quite gotten completely comfortable. Poor Leon, he had been so patient to deal with her, and she was so grateful that they had gotten back their old den in the Vericona Plains. Curled up there, she felt like they were finally home.

Her sleep since their return had improved immensely, putting the petite grey hunter back into her typical old self. She rose happily, scouted and patrolled throughout the plains first in order to find where it was the herds resided, but after locating them and setting a plan to begin a pack hunt soon - likely Erani would appreciate it, and Ash was secretly eager to do something else for her impending ceremony that did not simply involve waiting - she needed something else to do. The past day had been spent venturing beyond the very familiar borders of the plains and visiting the new areas that were added to Valhalla's domain.

Today was designated to the lake. Ash rose early, as she had been getting back into the habit of doing. It was quieter this way, less distractions and with an enjoyable air. Or at least if the season was not so warm. Maybe, as day progressed, the hunter might even take a swim. She had visited the place previously and thankfully time had not altered it too much. The forest around it became recognizable the closer she got and by the time her purple and gold eyes spotted little glints of sunlight on water she was smiling with a gentle wag in her tail.

It seemed she was not the only one to have thoughts of visiting the lake early. No sooner than she ventured out of the tree line and into sight she spotted the brown wolf getting a drink from the lake. "Oh," she said in a moment of surprise though she only slowed her approach. "I wasn't expecting to see any other early risers." Her smile was kind and friendly, and out of politeness she gave him space, recognizing him vaguely from the move but lacking a name to call him by. "Mind if I join you?" Ash hoped he would allow it. With the pack still reestablishing itself she wanted to find those who showed potential to join the ranks of the hunters, and here seemed to be another good prospect.



5 Years
03-03-2014, 10:50 PM


The female's words cough Newol by surprise, but here on pack lands he knew he as safe, so fortunatly he didn't make a fool of himself by jumping and turning face her abruptly. This concerned him as much as it did comfort him. He didn't know this wolf. He had no reason to trust her other then the fact that they now occupied the same pack. And at the same time she didn't know him. So he had all the reason to trust her. Finally, his mind made up, he pushed all the clutter from it, all the early morning annoying voices that got on his nerves. His eyes opened and took in his own reflection in the water for a moment making sure nothing was place, the three scars on his muzzle standing out at him, before bringing his head back up and turning to face her.

The female before him was one he recognized from the swim back over to the mainland, but didn't know in any other way than one of his pack mates. To be fair it was the same for her, unless Erani had put in a good word for him. She was the whole reason he'd allowed himself to get sucked into this too. A big rebellious Fekk You to the wolf that had set Valhalla amiss in the first place. It had pleased him. To make matters worse, she not a new wolf to the pack. He could tell by ho thickly the pack scent was laced into her own. He, by comparison, only had a faint trace clinging to his pelt. All the loner scents of the wilderness still very present on him. She was apart of the family, and he was not.

Offering her a respectful bow of his head, he meet her gaze with his green eyes and put up a friendly smile. "I hadn't expected to see any others this early ether. Please, feel free." He was so out of practice in dealing with being around so many wolves at once that he hadn't really socialized with his packmates any, so this quiet encounter was perhaps a small blessing.


03-04-2014, 12:23 AM
Habit was a hard thing to break, especially for Arwel. Every morning he would rise before the sun, a daily routine beginning, though with a bit of alterations now a days. A good stretch, just as a precaution since he was getting older, a drink of water, and he was on his way. It was hard to believe he had already reached six years of age... life had certainly moved on, merciless in stealing time from him. Finally things were moving in a much more positive direction. He had a home, for the first time in his life, and a new family of wolves to protect. They weren't related by blood, though he had hopes his sister would reappear, but Arwel would do everything he could for them all the same.

For now he was set at a hunter rank which suited him fine. The male had a good amount of experience in the area under his belt, though not so much with a pack. But there was still time for him to learn new things -- he wasn't quite an elder yet! Arwel's cerulean eyes were shining brightly as he moved toward the lake territory that the pack had claimed. He had been here once before, exploring, getting to know the terra, though he hadn't expected to catch the strong scents of two pack members. Others were up at this hour?

The russet and black would come upon two members of his pack sure enough, a female and a male, both he recognized from the gathering on the island and had taken notice of on the travel to Valhallen lands. The older male would approach both, dipping his head in greeting. "A wonderful morning to you both." He would lift his head. "Would three be a crowd? If so I can move on." His words were calm and warm towards his fellow Valhalla members.



03-16-2014, 08:47 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The younger wolf bowed his head, a custom that seemed to almost be out of date with how often Ashtoreth saw it - or perhaps she was just too familiar for formalities around those she associated with most, and thankfully welcomed her to join him. Her smile became a little brighter within her eyes at his offer and with a little pleased noise and a chipper, "Thanks," she resumed the last few steps toward the water's edge at a more comfortable and leisurely pace as she added, "I'm Ashtoreth, by the way." She paused just before walking in so that all four paws were submerged, delighting in the cool of the water compared to the heat of summer that had begun lingering around of late. "Mmm." Yes, she would definitely return later for a swim.

Her eyes had closed in a blissful moment of relief, and as she turned to angle her attention back upon the brown wolf she was distracted by another figure, another male who approached with a slow but steady step and a friendly demeanor. She extended a smile his way, assuming him to be another new face and addition to the pack that she had yet to meet. So many of them! She would really need to gather up her hunters soon if they were expected to feed this growing bunch. But while the thought was daunting, she welcomed the challenge, especially knowing there would be new wolves to drag into her ragtag group to join her and the others.

With a courteous greeting he asked to join them, and while Ash had no objections herself she stayed quiet and refrained from answering. The other brown male had been the first to claim this spot beside the lake as his and without knowing him or his preferences she hardly felt qualified to speak on his behalf. Besides, she still did not know his name. "What do you say?" she asked with a little tilt of her head to indicate the newly arrived wolf. More than likely he would be welcomed as well - The Valhallans overall tended to be a friendly bunch, at least those that she could say to be familiar with - and so her expression remained comfortable and open, friendly and welcoming to both parties present.