
This is my home


02-26-2014, 10:23 PM

The giant beast enjoyed her new home even more than her last, the little strands of blue strings hanging off of the weeping willows. Her family was well hidden in an underground secret place. Where the entrance only she and Raven knew of. Ryouta had left the whelps to Raven as she went out for a short walk, and Vahva was close by if Raven wished to leave them with the little woman who obviously wouldn't try anything. The smiling beast now had a bird perched on her back. Black with yellow near it's beady little brown eyes. It knew how too mimic voices, which would come in handy for the days to come. It's name being Radio. For the bird had told her of the strange human contraption that emitted voices like he did. Like black magic, she wondered what the humans had really done. Her tail flicked as the two walked through in the morning, the heat was not as harsh within the confines of these tree's.
Victims, and power was what Ryouta sought, and she had not been interacting with other wolves much since her children had been born. But they were nearly old enough to leave the den for a bit, so it was no problem. As soon as she had her pack, the sanctuary she envisioned in her insanity would become a reality. She dug in the sweet scent of the thoughts. Her giggling like a little girl crackled into the morning as the Myna bird Radio made a short caw and hopped onto her head. Curious as they remarked the borders. Ryouta didn't want to be intruded upon again in her home with her children. This was her place, and no one dared to challenge her.
