
Careless Whisper


02-28-2014, 10:09 PM

Where had everyone gone? She no longer say Jinx, and only been around Pulsus when they first found him, and now even Twig was distant. Or was it she the one being distant? She didn't think so, she was always there for them if needed. But it seemed here in Alacritis they'd rather go off and do their own thing. It hurt, not being involved in their life's, like they were ashamed. Or maybe they didn't want her around anymore. Had she done something wrong? The young Black girl sighed, ice blue twin shards barely aware of what was around her nor where she was.

Maybe Tyr had been right, maybe this was her chance to find out who she was. The thought of the timid male made the corners of her lips twitch up. He had been so sweet. She couldn't get the image of him out of her head, ever since they met. She wondered if she would ever see him again. This land was so large, who knew. She paused as her toes came to the edge of the delta. Eyes stared down at her reflection, rump coming to settle on the earth. Who was she? Without her family she was nothing? Could she change that? Nothing but an angel with broken wings. Never able to fly. Who could repair her? Who could she lean on in these dark times? She was still haunted by panic attacks and nightmares, still feared other's intentions.

I can talk!



3 Years
03-05-2014, 01:12 PM (This post was last modified: 03-05-2014, 01:12 PM by Sköll.)

Another mission the powers have called me away

Another time to carry the colors again

My motivation an oath I've sworn to defend

To win the honor of coming back home again
Sk?ll had wandered much further in the lands since he'd met up with his brother Baldur. That meeting had given him much to consider. He had not, for instance, realized how difficult it might be to persuade his siblings to their duty. Part of him had been hoping it would be as simple as talking to them and they would docilely return with him to retake control of the pack. Their Empire would rise again, and life would return to some small measure of normalcy. But Baldur had given him a much different impression.

Plus, the more he saw of these lands the more he had to wonder if returning to their northern home was even in their best interests. There was a much wider variety of possible territories here. Why not leave Vili to play at being alpha of a falling-apart pack, and rebuild the empire here? He could return to retrieve Hodr and their other siblings later if they didn't eventually leave of their own accord.

They would need to draw in more than just family to sustain a more viable long term empire though. Unrelated wolves to act as mates, guards, cannon fodder depending on how well they proved themselves. Willingly by preference, though captives would certainly be an option if there weren't volunteers. He'd learned long ago that everyone had something that would earn their compliance if not their loyalty.

It occurred to him, as he traveled along the water's edge, that he hadn't thought to ask Baldur if any of them had sired pups yet. New pups would be an important part of their pack, and they would need to be brought up properly if they were to live up to their blood. Besides, it was far past time for the older siblings to have taken a mate or two. He made a mental note to bring it up next he ran into one of them, then he paused midstep.

There, not far ahead of him, a white female stared glumly at her reflection in the water. A grin tickled at his muzzle as Sk?ll took a moment to study her from afar. Not purely white, after all, but a very pale silver marked with darker grays and black, including an unusually perfect marking on her shoulder. Sk?ll's tongue darted out, like a snake scenting for prey, then lolled as his jaw gaped in a grin. It was as if Hroovitnir had heard his plans and reached beyond the grave to bring him the perfect opportunity.

He stepped out with renewed vigor, long strides bringing him quickly to the she-wolf's side. "Well hello there, beautiful," he laughed in a sing-song manner. "What are you doing all the way out here alone? You must have someone to be with, surely... Family, friends, mate...?" He was fully unaware that he'd echoed nearly exactly his own brother's words to this same girl some time ago during a storm, albeit saying it with much more in the way of confidence and panache.

My declaration embedded deep under my skin

A permanent reminder of how it began

No hesitation when I am commanded to strike

You need to know that you're in for the fight of your life


03-05-2014, 04:08 PM

She sat there studying herself, maybe if she stared long enough she would see something within herself. So wrapped in her thoughts she did not notice the male approaching till he spoke. At once her body went into action, ears pined down, body crouched and tail slightly tucked in. Ice blue shards lifted to look at the owner of the voice, full of fear and unease. After meeting some not so friendly wolves and seeing the capability others could inflict; she was wary of strangers. She was fine if she placed herself in their path, but appearing from seamlessly no where frightened her. But his laugh and tone seemed otherwise of any cruel intentions. Slowly she raised herself back up but took two steps back, just out of reach from his jaws. Where had he come from? And so bold to just waltz right up to her, a complete stranger. Ok, sure she look far from anything threatening, but still.

At once he attempted to start a conversation. Black tipped ears twitched, perking up. This was the third male to complement on her looks. What did they see in her to warrant such words? She thought she was average looking if even that. Twig was far prettier than her. His question ring something familiar to her in the back of her mind but she couldn't focus on it. She sat there watching him, noting his much larger size by at least fourteen inches, his eyes much like her's, and his pure white coat. He had to be at least a year older than her. Slowly her body went back to its original position, sitting down.Wouldn't introductions be first before questioning? I'm Angel Black. And..i don't know. I havnt seen much of my family around. Plus..i guess its time for me to discover things on my own. She replied in a soft voice of angelic silk. Tail wrapped around her body, as if trying to shield herself from the strange white male.What about you?

I can talk!



3 Years
03-06-2014, 09:30 AM

Another mission the powers have called me away

Another time to carry the colors again

My motivation an oath I've sworn to defend

To win the honor of coming back home again
The female cringed, tucking her ears and tail in a fearful manner. She reminded him nearly of his elder half-brother Tyr, who had managed to escape the pack after Vili took over. Undoubtedly he was dead now, and good riddance. A pity, though - crippled and weak though he'd been, he had been a Hr??vitnisson and thus still superior to these mewling commoners in this land. Tyrssons may not have been tainted with their father's affliction and would have made a decent part of the empire to come. If he'd even had the wherewithal to mate with a female, that is.

Despite her fear at his approach, the tiny female gently chided him for questioning her without introducing himself. His eyes slitted, not with threat but rather good humor, he regarded her with some amusement. "Of course, you are quite right," he agreed congenially. His father would have immediately slapped down even so mild a rebuke as that, but whatever else he was, Sk?ll was not his father. He had no right to the rigid respect owed to Hr??vitnir, and so he would willingly tolerate the small slight. For now.

"I am Sk?ll Hr??vitnisson, my most lovely Angel, and I have traveled here to find my own family who strayed when my father, rest his soul, passed away." The sorrow that filled those icy eyes was not feigned, but it served well to hide the spike of fury that passed through him at the same time, the hatred directed toward the Betrayer who had murdered his father. This sweet innocent girl had no need to know of that yet. Soon enough, soon enough.

He hadn't missed the fact that she was on her own, all alone. Just as he'd hoped. He curved his way closer to her, nonchalantly, his whole manner mild and calm as it always was. "I have never seen such a lovely angel in my life. Your name is so fitting - is it your given name, or a nickname? Perhaps all the pups in your family are as gorgeous as you so they had no doubt of the lovely form you would grow to. No offense intended, it is merely curiosity, I assure you," he added smoothly. "I have just never heard a name so perfect for a girl as perfect as you."

My declaration embedded deep under my skin

A permanent reminder of how it began

No hesitation when I am commanded to strike

You need to know that you're in for the fight of your life


03-06-2014, 05:11 PM

She sat there, curling slightly in on herself shyly. Her eyes often darted up to look into his handsome face. She couldn't help it, though his was plain in color it was rather refreshing to the eyes and his body shape was very masculine. Her eyes lingered as he spoke about why he was alone. She could only imagine. Having a large family herself food shortage was a huge problem when the pack was already under stress. I'm sorry for your loss.. She said softly.

As he moved closer she tucked her head down and more towards her chest, as if trying to find her face from him. Flattery befell upon her virgin ears. It wasn't like she had heard such things before but not addressed to her. So being the only other one here and having such sooth words spoken to her had her blush slightly. Eyes half closed debating if she should disagree with him or shut up and take it in graciously. A soft laugh bubble in her at his words inquiring her about her name. Angel is my birth name. Angel Madieke Black. I'm rather plain looking compared to the rest of my family, and one of the smallest. My sister is far more prettier than me.. She said, looking away from him. She just couldn't see herself as attractive. Eyes pulled down to the water to look at herself. What did others see in her? All she saw were ice blue shard glowing out from dark grey lines and black spots, grey tipped ears, and nothing more. With Skoll so close to her she really saw the size difference in their reflections. She could be at a real disadvantage if he tried to hurt her. Yet she didn't get that vibe from him and her gut was usually right when it came to these things. Skoll...what do you really see when you look at me? She wanted to know, to maybe see things from another's prospective. Maybe then she'd get a glimpse of who she was.

I can talk!



3 Years
03-07-2014, 09:38 AM

Another mission the powers have called me away

Another time to carry the colors again

My motivation an oath I've sworn to defend

To win the honor of coming back home again
This could not be going better if he had planned it all a moon in advance instead of speaking completely off the cuff. He flicked his tail in acknowledgement of her condolences, as though he did not trust his voice in his sorrow. And truly he didn't trust his voice just then, his throat tight with excitement and gloating as she tucked her chin in shyly.

She laughed, speaking of her name and claiming her sister to be the prettier of the two. "Madieke," he repeated, rolling the name on his tongue like a fine wine. "There is nothing plain about you, my girl. You are... exquisite." And, as he studied their reflections in the water, he realized that she truly was - the lines and dots beneath her icy eyes emphasizing them, drawing attention to them. Her slim, delicate body needed no markings to draw the eye, and his gaze lingered as it swept over her. She was just what he wanted.

"What do I see when I look at you?" He turned toward her, one paw rising to her chin, to gently encourage her to look at him. "I see a shy, generous girl who should not have to shoulder the grief her family has given her, always there when her family needed her but abandoned by the very people who claimed to have loved her. A gorgeous, lonely woman who deserves to not be alone anymore. That is what I see when I look at you. Beautiful, perfect, Angel Madieke Black." His voice dropped at the end, a soft, sincere whisper. His paw brushed her cheek gently, then lowered once more to the ground. "There is nothing to be ashamed for about who you are, my girl. It is your family who should be ashamed for not recognizing your worth."

The words he spoke were a shot in the dark, but a shy, insecure girl like this alone when she could be with her family? It was highly unlikely someone like that would venture out on their own voluntarily.

My declaration embedded deep under my skin

A permanent reminder of how it began

No hesitation when I am commanded to strike

You need to know that you're in for the fight of your life


03-07-2014, 04:29 PM

Hearing her middle name roll smoothly off his tongue sent shivers down her spine. No one really called her by her middle name but Twig. Her sister had always seemed intent on going off of middle names than first. Angel did not mind it but her opinion was why hide behind it? It was like you were hiding behind some fake fa?ade with a middle name. No she showed and told people exactly who and how she was, just simple being herself and nothing more or less.

His paw gently lifted her face up to him and she could do nothing but compile. Eyes stared into his, as if trying to see right into him. Each word waved and swirled around her, wrapping her in their embrace. Her body grew warm and a blush glowed from her cheeks. She clung onto each word that passed his lips, drinking them in as if her life depended on them. A place within her felt less dark and painful, a ray of light breaking through the clouds within her soul. Was life gracing her with someone she so desperately needed to heal her wounds? For a brief second Tyr's face flashed in her mind's eye. Who would heal his? But is quickly vanished as Skoll's paw brushed her cheek. Her body involuntarily leaned into it, eyes closing for a moment. But as his touch slide away her gaze followed his paw. Her cheek burned where his had touched it.

For once she felt appreciated, noticed, and worthy. It was true she had felt so discarded from her family, easily tossed away and only called back when needed. Part of her hated her family for it, despised them, and yet she knew if they needed her again she would go to them. But for now it was time she found out who she was and make her own discoveries and experiences, her own memories. She looked back up at Skoll, a crazy idea flickered in her voice, growing till she voiced it. Take me with you Skoll. Lets face the world together? Her voice came in a soft whisper, as if afraid he would deny her words. A whisper so soft it would not break this moment for being too loud. She felt as if, if he would walk away now she would crumble into pieces and be unable to gather the pieces even again. She crave for his words, his intent look upon her, his attention.

Angel was smart, keen, but innocent to love and how easily it could be played. Unknown to these feeling she was going through. She could not truly say she was falling for him or just her soul desiring his words and touch. Her body screaming to be healed, to be loved in some kind of way. To be noticed and not some sister in the background.

I can talk!



3 Years
03-10-2014, 08:31 AM

Another mission the powers have called me away

Another time to carry the colors again

My motivation an oath I've sworn to defend

To win the honor of coming back home again
The girl leaned into his brief touch, awakening a spike of triumph in his chest. Those innocent eyes, the quavering spirit behind them, spoke to him. She is yours, they seemed to whisper, yours to claim. No, he did not truly believe voices were speaking to him - unlike a few of his siblings, he had no issues with insanity, but he felt drawn to this young fae. Innocent, easily manipulated... she put him in mind of his own mother, who had started much the same way with his father and had grown to be his staunchest supporter.

Her softly whispered words trembled in the air between them for one sparkling moment, and Sk?ll let it rest there a moment, his soulful blue eyes studying her as he let the tension build.

Then he was in motion, gracefully and slowly so as not to startle her, moving closer to wrap her in a gentle hug, leaning down so his chin tucked around her small shoulders. "For you, I would do anything," he murmured in a voice as nearly as soft as hers. "With you by my side, my darling, the world could not possibly be dark. You would be the sun in my sky, beautiful Angel."

The glee that fluttered in his chest quivered in amusement at those words, for was his namesake not the wolf who devours the sun at Ragnarok? Truly his father had chosen well to name his children after the old gods, for names were a powerful thing and their blood was too great for the names of mere mortals, and in that moment he felt closer to his fictional namesake than ever.

My declaration embedded deep under my skin

A permanent reminder of how it began

No hesitation when I am commanded to strike

You need to know that you're in for the fight of your life