
Save the last dance


02-24-2014, 12:21 PM

The ebony knight had been so engrossed in his own problems, in his own boiling rage that he had completely forgotten the fact that Song's family was now living with them in Ludicael. He knew that they were around, he had seen them in previous pack meetings, he had just never gotten around to actually talking to them. And now that he was taking over for Song, given that another illness appeared to be catching up with her, the Guardian though it best that he get better acquainted with his in-laws. They were his family now and he was sure that they would like to be more than just strangers who lived in the same pack and shared a wolf in common.

After making sure that his wife was comfortable, he would set out for the day, with a different task in mind. Instead of patrolling like he usually did, the charcoal knight would head out in search of Destruction family members, wondering who of his wife's family he would run into today.

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6 Years
02-24-2014, 12:54 PM

Anthem Destruction was blissfully unaware of the consequences of his actions recently. All he knew was that he felt strange, and he had hurried home rather quickly, deciding to not leave home alone again. It seemed no one had noticed him missing, and he was grateful that he did not have to face the confusion that engulfed him. He had learned his confusion was often best dealt with by ignoring it all-together, rather than trying to understand.

And so Anthem would resume his normal life, content to wander about the lands he had come to know has a home. However, the creamy pelted man did not expect to run into Cherokee, his sister's husband -- and when the sight of him reached his pale yellow eyes, he found himself momentarily stunned. It was rare to spoke to those outside his family, but Cherokee was kind of family too, right? It seemed to make sense. His tail would wave freely behind him as he approached Song's mate, his smile growing. "Hi!" he greeted him simply, eager to talk.


02-24-2014, 01:05 PM

Of the Destruction wolves he'd seen around, the man figured he would most likely run into the women of his wife's family. They seemed to be the more dominant sex in the Destruction family so far and they were the ones that he had seen around more often. But one could imagine how surprised he was to spot the smaller figure of a Destruction male, one of Song's younger brothers trotting up to ebony knight. If memory served him correctly, the young man hadn't been around in Ludicael lands in quite some time. Or had he? Cherokee wouldn't be surprised if he had been in the lands the entire time, but the Guardian had just missed him. Ludi had expanded territory after all so there were plenty of places to go unnoticed if a wolf really wanted to.

Hi! would come the enthusiastic greeting from the young man as he approached, a smile already dawning across his features. A friendly would be returned to the young man, white marked plume curling high over his hips in a wag as bi-colored gaze took inventory of the boy, committing his looks to memory. Now if only he could attach a name to his face. Hello young man. You are a sibling of my wife, yes? I'm sorry, I haven't been able to catch your name. I'm Cherokee, in case you didn't know. It's a pleasure to meet you. He hadn't been this cordial with anyone in quite some time and it was nice to fall back into his usual demeanor, not the angry one that he had adopted as of late. Gaze would briefly take a survey of the hot springs around them, finding the area to be empty. Satisfied that there were no pressing dangers, the man would allow his attention to return to the young man, wondering if he would introduce himself.

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6 Years
02-24-2014, 01:24 PM

He was so utterly naive, so innocent -- even the wide smile he wore was an indication of the man's child-like nature. It was a good thing he kept close to home often, for he was so easily misguided and confused. But in the presence of family, he did much better, allowing himself to relax his mind and stay at ease. Cherokee, though quite unfamiliar to Anthem, would be no exceptions. He was the father of Song's children! He was as good as family as anyone else.

His presence had been scarce, or so it seemed; he was more quiet following Symphony's absence, unused to being away from her, and finding life just that much more difficult because of her absence. But he was here now, grinning wildly and waving his tail freely behind him as he came to stand near Cherokee. "Anthem!" he enthusiastically introduced himself; he was never very proficient at speaking, but he knew easily how to greet another wolf, even if he did not grasp the intricacies of the other man's words. "Where Song?" he would ask suddenly, a bit of panic creeping into his voice; he had never seen them away from one another, so it was strange to see him alone. "S.. sorry," he started then, backing away slightly. "Don't mean to be rude. Just miss her." His dandelion gaze would watch Cherokee, considering him quietly.


02-24-2014, 08:58 PM

There was something oddly child-like with the young man's demeanor, but Cherokee wasn't sure whether he liked that or was put off by it. For now he would remain neutral on the man's disposition, figuring it wasn't something that would be bad. Anthem! would come his enthusiastic introduction, further cementing the child-like personality. An easy smile would curl Cherokee's ebony lips once again, jaws parting as he was about to answer Anthem, but the man was quicker than him, not one to miss the absence of Song, quickly apologizing for having blurted out the blunt question. At the mention of his wife an acute ache would blossom in his powerful chest as his mind went back to earlier when he'd left his wife back at the den sleeping. Why was it that Song was continually getting sick? He would have to seek a professional healer to take a look at his wife.

It's nice to meet you Anthem and it's quite alright. No need to apologize. Song is resting back at our den. It seems that another illness is catching up with her again. He would sigh quietly, lids falling closed over bi-colored gaze for a moment before they would peel back once again. Would you like to take a dip in the springs Anthem? He would turn towards the springs, hoping that his brother-in-law would want to spend some brotherly time together.

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6 Years
02-25-2014, 07:21 PM

In some ways, Anthem's behavior had improved drastically since coming to Ludicael. Back in Ahlon, he had only really been exposed to his family members, and Symphony had often been fiercely protective of him. Here, though, he was mostly free to roam as he pleased, though his siblings all kept a watchful eye on him. It was helpful to interact with others that did not know him well, and those who did not understand his often peculiar mannerisms. Of course, all this man knew was whether a creature was being nice to him, or not -- and he did not do well when he was questioned about his slowness, or his staggered speech. But it seemed Cherokee was nice, and Anthem would take a few steps closer, his smile growing slightly.

He told Anthem that Song was sick, and he frowned a bit. It seemed a common occurrence these days, but not something to be overly afraid of. He could not even fathom the possibility of her not being around. Death was not something Anthem understood, or even could picture. "Okay," he answered simply, nodding understanding. He was quiet for a moment, an inquisitive look on his gentle features, as he watched Cherokee. He offered to go for a swim, and he would nod again enthusiastically. "Sure!" His words were short and simple, and he would begin to pad in the direction of the warm pools of water, tail wagging happily behind him.