
I'll Come Back When You Call Me


02-23-2014, 01:00 PM (This post was last modified: 02-23-2014, 01:00 PM by Impra.)
She still was not completely certain of the journey they'd be taking. She wasn't even completely certain she was ready to go, but something was calling her forth. Still, she was at slight reluctance due to the urge to serve her father. All was for greatness, but ever since her return from the enemy pack she had felt restless and useless. She would not realize the difference between avoiding the rest of her pack or if they would be avoiding her. All she knew was that her knowledge of them was small and she felt a guilt that she was letting her father down. She had tried to help train some of the children her blood was tied too, but even that had somehow felt off.
Now she had an opportunity to rejuvenate herself, to take herself away and step back. To learn and to grow, but she would still feel a selfishness inside of her for the want to leave. She would come back, but she didn't know when. All she knew was that she needed to take this trip. She would stroll into the glen, her rosy gaze searching for Satis, or Isardis. She has to leave, but she wouldnt go with our saying good bye. She would be back someday, but for now she had to leave.?