


03-02-2014, 05:50 AM

With an eerie grace the pallid queen would slink into the forest, her light hued coat sticking out in the shadow of the dusk. She had heard rumors of a cat that had taken residence here, a cat that Deteste had saw fit to remain. With neutral intent, the queen set out to find her. Thus far in her life, her experience with big cats had been minimal, left only to the time the leopard Vask had saved her from critical injuries from a polar bear. Needless to say, her initial perspective of their usefulness had been altered. She followed the smell of the cat, tensely through the trees, unaware as to how the cat would approach. When the smell was at its thickest, a place it seemed, at least to her that the cat had been recently, she let out a bark, asking for the cats presence to be made known.



03-11-2014, 05:21 PM

The sound of an approaching creature captured the attention of a killer, and primrose pools fixated on the approaching form of a filthy mongrel in the distance. A cruel chuckle bubbled up from the depths of the demoness' pale chest as she slunk through the branches and drew ever closer, until she was following alongside the lupine. It stopped, scenting the air with a slightly confused expression, and the beast seized the opportunity. Hurling herself from the trees, she landed upon the back of the canine, crushing it beneath her bulk and snarling with malevolent glee. Immense fangs were bared for a split second, and promptly sank into the neck of the wolf. There was the crunching of vertebra, and the painted she wolf was dead, twitching pitifully as it bled out on the ground. With a blood curdling shriek, the tawny murderer tore open the carcass with her curved talons for the sheer glee of destroying the flesh of the stupid trespasser. The sun long since sunk below the horizon, she would prowl her domain and search for more delightful intruders, her lust for wolf blood never quenched.

Ah, such fantasies. In her search away from these lupine infested lands, she had not found any felines of her own kind, and had grudgingly retreated to what she knew, despite how filthy and rotten it was. Now, she had reclaimed her territory, and was lounging in a bed of furs and sleeping off her most recent meal.

Pale golden optics were fixed on a pallid, disgusting lupine that traipsed through what had been clearly made out to be the territory of the redwoods true queen. A faint growl bubbled up in the beast's throat as she watched the creature approach, sniffing around and trying to figure out where the monster was hiding. Finally, the mutt let out a bark, announcing her own painfully obvious presence and demanding the daemon make herself known. With a snarl, muscles would ripple under a tawny coat while the immense paws of the feline would slither down the branches to end up a mere few feet above the canine. Disdain was plain in the features of the murderess as she watched the features of the mutt. They were painted, interestingly enough, but overall the bitch was unimpressive. "You are trespassing. Explain yourself." Heavily accented Russian lyrics would snarl as the monster's tail would lash angrily from side to side. She was not happy to be seeing another one of these in her territory, and was not in the mood for chitchat. Although, in hindsight, the beast never wanted to converse with canines, or interact with them, or even coexist with the filthy creatures.



03-17-2014, 12:04 AM

The rank stench of cat was rapid in the area. Her lips had curled slightly, un-used to the odd smell. She would watch for the cat, and the slight movement above her, had her looking up curiously, her eyes coming to rest on the golden form above her. 'You are trespassing. Explain yourself.' The cat would demand, and a slight chuckle would leave her, before she would speak. "You're infamous in Tortuga." She would observe calmly, before leaning back on her haunches so she could look at the cat more easily. Her ears pricked forward- attention on the beast before her. "I recently took over Tortuga. Deteste told me about you, but I wanted the... pleasure of meeting you myself." She explained slightly. "I am Roman, what may I call you?" She inquired lightly, keeping her tone neutral but remaining on her toes- so to speak. She didn't know much about this cat.


03-26-2014, 08:16 PM

The mutt looked up with a less than impressed face, a chuckle escaping dark lips as it held the pale golden gaze of the beast. A comment on the viewing of her presence in the area was made, prompting a bored chuff from the she cat as she rolled her eyes. As if I care what your idiotic Tortuga think of me, mongrel. She would internally growl, flexing massive paws to dig wicked talons into the bark. The whip at her hocks would give an irritated flick as she lowered herself closer to the branch, laying her immense frame upon the rough bark of the thick limb and reclining regally with her forepaws resting firmly upon the wood. The canine would continue to yap, speaking of the former leader and how she had wanted what was clearly not something as wonderful as she put it out to be, to meet the monster herself. Boredom would be clearly written upon the severe features of the murderess, primrose optics scanning the painted features of the dog as it introduced itself.

The idea that she must give her name to yet another of the annoying little mutts was not something ideal, but if it would keep them away from her for a little while yet, it seemed to be the only course of action. "I am Zafira." Growled the heavily accented lyrics of the daemon as she watched the face of the strange wolf. Long tail would give another aggravated lash at her hips, before draping itself over the edge of the branch. She would not speak, instead leaving the wolf to either state further business, or leave. She would put up with this, but not for much longer if this infuriating small talk must ensue. The way this pale canine seemed on edge was amusing, but it hardly showed upon the features of the redwood queen. There was unease in the tense muscles of the mongrel, and it made the beast feel content that she inspired such fear.



04-25-2014, 10:13 AM
She doesn't know what to do about the cat, she's in a tenuous spot- the forest holds a lot of prey. However, Tortuga is no where near the size needed to drive off the cougar, nor does she want too. "I'll make this brief, Zafira." She begins, "What deal did you and Deteste have about your residence in Tortuga?" She doesn't want to offend her, but Roman wants to get on with her day. If they can come to some sort of agreement about placements, or alliances, Roman will be happy. "Deteste fell ill quickly, so he didn't have a chance to explain it too me and I'd rather keep our shared residence as peaceful as possible." That was the last of her words, as violet eyes studied the beast. Why had Zafira chosen the territory they were in? Did Deteste have a deal with her, allowing her to keep her residence should she not harm wolves? She's trying to be friendly, but she won't deny the sheer size of the cat unnerves her. Easily she could be bested, and she's not arrogant enough to think anything else. However she remembers Vask, and he proved to be extremely useful in Glaciem, perhaps she can forge some sort of friendship with Zafira.