



7 Years
03-22-2014, 01:17 PM
Name: Svetlana Xanilov {Female} / Nikon Xanilov

Origins: Russian / Ancient Greek, Russian

Meaning: Light, World / Victory

Gender: Female {or if you prefer a male I?d play a male}

Design: 3, 11, 12 {In this order, though I?d be happy with any pup!}

--- will be very, very chubby as a pup, looking more like a round, fluff-ball then a pup. Her legs will be on the shorter side, and her paws large and clumsy, causing her to trip over herself and fall a lot. ---?s fur will be very soft to the touch, almost as if she bears the coat of a pup, even as she ages. --- will care for her appearance, for the most part, very carefully, making sure that her coat is always shining and clean, full of health, and well groomed to give her a soft, fluffy appearance, especially as she ages. Her ears will be a bit more on the rounded side and a little larger than average, having a habit of twitching when she is highly curious about something. Large, eyes, almost doe-like in appearance, will sit upon her face, a bright gleam within them.

Despite looking like she?d be lazy, because of how chubby she is and her short legs, --- is anything but. While she will have a hard time at first when it comes to training and running for long periods, through training and practice --- will learn to manage with what she has, and overcome her physical barriers. With age she will grow into her paws, and legs will lengthen out, giving her a tall, almost elegant appearance. She will still bear with her some of her chubbyness, but she supports it well, and though she will not bear curves she will still be nothing short of beautiful.

When --- finally reaches her full height of thirty five inches and one hundred and sixty-two pounds she will definitely not be a small wolfess, though due to her rounded features she won?t look intimidating. All of her features will remain soft and round, even in her face, making her more ?cute? than ?beautiful? or ?sexy?. She will not be the sort to flaunt her appearance, however her head and tail will often held high to present herself with pride, for who wouldn?t be proud of being the child of Ebony?s alphess, Raisa? Overall she will certainly look the part of a royal, both in how she cares for herself and carries herself.

Just For Design #3: A soft cream base coats ---?s body, gracing her main body with a light coloration that differs from her mother, and hints more towards the coloration of her father. All four paws will be covered in a soft cloudy gray, ending just above her ankles. A splattering of creamy-brown, somewhat similar to the marking around the eye of her father,will be around either eye, almost giving her a mysterious appearance. A snip of the same creamy-brown will come up above her nose, a marking she got from her mother.A marking somewhat similar to her mother?s own will rest upon her back in the color of creamy-brown, the only color on her main body other than her base coat color. Her ears will also be colored in this creamy-brown.Finally, ---?s eyes will be a bright, shining blue.

Just For Design #11: A soft cream base coats ---?s body, gracing her main body with a light coloration that differs from her mother, and hints more towards the coloration of her father. Milk chocolate coloration covers each leg in a sock that ends in a slight splattering of the color, rather than ending neatly. The only other marking that will mark the female will be a splattering of color around her left eye, similar t the marking around her father?s eye. Just like Raisa the child supports one orange and one blue eye, with the orange on the right side and the blue on the left.

Just For Design #12: If anything this pup looks like a much lighter version of Raisa, almost as if some of her color was bleached out of her fur. A base coat light silvery-gray coats the girl, with a darker color of the base coat covering her tail and back. The marking on her back is much like that of her mother, as well as the face marking that is colored in the same type of gray. Under each eye is a small marking of white, followed by an even smaller pale gray-red marking. The child has a snip of gray-red above her nose, as well as having the color for socks and tipped ears. The very tips of ---?s ears, however, are capped with white, and her toes are white as well.



--- is a kind wolfess, with an open heart and mind. It doesn?t matter what kind of wolf of wolf you are, how you look, how you act... To her, as long as you do not commit serious crimes such as rape and murder she will judge you with a gentle heart. --- is one who doesn?t often get angry, due to a very calm and almost laid back attitude. It would take something big to set this little girl off, and when you do you?d better watch out, for she is not the type who will just stand by and do nothing as her friends and family get talked down to. Being born of royal blood she will make sure that others know it, though she won?t hold it over their heads.

While she is young --- will be very trusting of all wolves, not yet wise enough to know that not every wolf is kind, and it will likely take some larger event to make her a bit more wary. During this time --- could be easily manipulated, and lead towards the wrong path, though she will never be evil. With her family --- will be of the clingy sort, showering them with love and support.

As --- grows she will become a bit more independent, though still of the clingy sort with her family, and possibly certain members of the pack. As she gets wiser --- will be a bit more cautious when it comes to strangers, though if it is an innocent wolf who needs her help --- won?t hesitate to stop and help them. She hates to see an evil crime go unpunished, and will strive to bring justice upon the evil ones of the world, acting merciless to the cruel and kind to the weak.

It is likely that --- will take on a maternal role as she ages, looking after the younger wolves of the pack. --- will be a loyal member of Ebony for life, her will strong, and a bit on the stubborn side. Though she will prefer not to fight, if the situation calls for it --- will not hesitate to do so, striking down any who dare threaten her family, friends, pack, or the innocent. It will be clear, no matter what she strives to do with her life, that --- will work hard and strive for nothing but to be the best she can be, and be a wolf of royal blood that her mother can be proud of.

Gemstore Purchases:
-Character Slot
-Extra Pup Slot
-Fox Companion {Korrin} -- To come in later