
Building Faith and Trust


02-23-2014, 12:57 AM

The legs of the Queen would lead her to the yet unexplored area of Seracia's territory. As her word spread throughout the lands, reaching each wolf, she would take her time to learn the rest of Seracia's territory. For so long she had come to know every nook and cranny of The Range... and now there were three more territories to cover within Seracia's lands, to get to know as well as the first. From what she could make out so far these lands had also been touched by man. Strange, sloped structures rose from the ground, though she did not pass over them. They were spread apart at the same kind of interval, littering the land with their presence.

What had these things been to the strange creatures known as man? Destruction would slowly come to a stop, allowing her crimson ringed white orb to travel over the land. She would take in what she saw, trying her best to commit things to memory. The female would take a deep breath, catching sight of what appeared to be large, furry beasts in the distance. Perhaps these were the buffalo that the place was named for? The female would gently smile. It was good to see the prey had come back after the terrible storm that shook their territory. It was such a scary time... she had lost her left eye in the storm, due to a piece of debris becoming lodged within it.

Then things had truly started changing within Seracia. As Loccian fell ill, passing off leadership to her for now, the female had been doing what she could to organize things and set up tasks for the wolves of Seracia. Some sort of activity within their ranks was definitely needed, especially with such large numbers. The young needed training, and mentors had been chosen for them. The female would twitch her ears, catching a scent on the breeze. It belonged to a Seracian, but one she didn't know. In fact she could only recall catching this scent at the gathering... and that was about it. The female would tilt her head back, a howl passing her lips to request the presence of the other wolf. It was not fierce or harshly commanding, but it was certainly more than a request.

"Speech" Think



2 Years
02-23-2014, 01:15 AM

Her personal task today would be to learn from the large prey animals the roamed these parts. She had already learned the land, each little hill and hole, each patch of thick growth of grass. Her mind had a photographic like memory, easily able to see and remember the land only once was her only talent. One not even Squall had learned of yet. She had never thought of it as a talent, had just thought everyone else was the same way. So carefully she walked into the herd of the giant beasts. There was some neutral understanding she was not there to hunt. They let her wonder among them, watchful yes, but knew the predator was not on the hunt. A natural balance of understanding. She found a little crop of a hill to sit on and watch through pale green eyes.

They were interesting, huge, strong, and worked together. The young girl could have sat there all day just watching them. But a howl was sent, telling her to answer to it. Ears twitched nervously, had she done something wrong? Was Squall looking for her? She did not know the owner of the call, but she knew she must go to it. Paws lifted the earthen tone girl up and slowly weaved her way out of the herd. Tail hung down, slightly tucked in, and ears laid down on her lowered skull. There in the distance she could see the other. Pausing for a moment she tried to figure out who it was. She had seen her before at gatherings but that was it.

Rohini had yet to show the courage she had during the storm when she saved Pacifica and Squall. She had not carried the same calm, strong and confident air as then. It was like it had never happened. With a sigh she slowly made her way over, pale orbs looked anywhere but at the woman directly. She felt so out of place now, out in the open infront of this wolf. Body lowered to a crouch, her mind barely aware of it. She said nothing, waiting for the other to speak. She could not give a proper greeting to someone whose name she knew not of. "Speech"


02-23-2014, 02:58 AM

The female that would approach her was still on the young side, one that clearly was on the submissive side by her actions as she approached. Destruction's facial features would soften as she looked at the young lady, a gentle look appearing in her single eye. The poor thing seemed so shy, not even speaking a single word to her. Her scent wasn't one that seemed similar to any other wolves in Seracia so Destruction could only assume that she had no family here. Did she even know of the leadership change? Of the things that were going on in the pack? Destruction would hardly hold that against her.

"At ease. I am a fellow pack mate, there is no need to act in such a way before me. I will bring you no harm, and neither will any other wolf here in Seracia. You are among friends, a family that is here to help you learn and grow." Her voice was soft, almost motherly. It was something that kind of surprised Destruction, but seeing this girl act this way... it stirred something in the older femme's heart. "At ease. Feel safe to look upon me and speak your name, my friend. I am Destruction, the new Queen of Seracia, and I swear to you that you have nothing to fear from me."




2 Years
02-23-2014, 03:30 AM

The words from the other females hit her ears, making them twitch, the only indication that she had heard. Slowly though her body would relax from its crouched down position to end with her rump gently sitting down. Friends? Family. Eyes narrowed slightly. The only friend she had here was Squall. He was her shield, her mentor, a brother that she so desperately needed. He was slowly working to get her more confident, to come out of her shell. But she could only manage to do so around him. Their progress was slow, snail slow but it was there. But hearing words about family and friends nearly fell deaf on her, not getting much of a reaction. She had given up on such feelings that one had in a family relationship with another, they had died and been buried.

But the tone that this black and red female used made something in her twitch. She had heard words spoken with that tone before, had sat there thinking maybe this person could fill the void of a missing mother, only to watch them slowly fade away from her. Epiphron was gone, Loccian she hardly saw, so she would only think that if she allowed herself to open up to this female, she too would be gone. Instead she stood there, nearly not reaction to it at all, not an inch was given. In a few short moments a name was given to the woman before her. Destruction, an odd name."Rohini Astraea." She replied simply, eyes still not looking up. But new of this Destruction being the new queen had her eyes widened. Legs propelled her body to a standing position, head lifted to stare at the new Queen. What had happened. Bewilderment flooded over her."Queen Loccain, what happened to her? Where is Epiphron, would she not have taken up the rank if Loccain had dropped down?" Her voice was full of distress. Though both those females had spoken to her on some very emotional subjects and then seemed to disappear from her, she still cared. Living on the outskirts of the pack, with not even her own den, she never heard any news among the pack.

It was a shock at the very least to her. Why had there not been a meeting? Or had there been and she never heard it? Surely not. She might be shy and all but she never missed the meetings. Her mind raced as she stared at the other. There didn't seem like there were any fresh wounds, so there had been no challenge. So what had happened?



02-23-2014, 09:54 PM

The way the female reacted... it wasn't necessarily a cheerful one. Her look suggested more caution, uncertainty. Destruction would take this in as the femme moved to a sitting position, looking at her, calmly waiting until the name was given. Rohini Astraea. No, this female didn't have any family within Seracia that she knew of, though she was clearly a member of the pack. Her next reaction would startle the dark woman quite a bit, as the female immediately shot to her legs, eyes widening as the questions spilled from her mouth. Destruction would watch her, voice soft as she tried to soothe the female.

"Please Rohini, at ease. Loccian is still here in Seracia, I am a friend of hers. She fell ill after the storm, and has asked me to take Seracia into my paws while she recovers. All of the things I do is to back Loccian, in hopes that she will return to her rightful place sooner rather than later." First was the matter of Loccian, then came the explination of Epiphron. The female would let out a soft sigh as she went to give the news to the other.

"I do not know why Loccian has entrusted the pack to me instead of Epiphron, only that she has asked, and as my friend, my Queen, I accepted the task. I am uncertain if it is because of this temporary change in leadership or not, however Maverick and Epiphron have decided that they wished to leave Seracia. I allowed them to freely leave with any member of their family who wished to accompany them." She would eventually speak again, but for now Des decided it would be best for this information to settle with Rohini and have her calm before she did so.
