
The Return Of Valhalla



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-23-2014, 09:02 AM (This post was last modified: 02-23-2014, 10:02 AM by Erani.)
So, most of you already know about the big stuff going on. Erani is taking control and reforming Valhalla, and there will be a few changes. Since I didn't get a chance to grab the old laws from Valhalla's page before it was changed to Elysium (Didn't think of the whole thing until it was a step too late), I've made Some new laws. Have a peek at the New Valhalla! (Name is subject to change.)


Pack Name: Valhalla
Territory: Vericona Plains
Pack Color: #8A489B
Alpha Name: Erani
Link to Alpha's Account: Erani's Account Here

Member Name & Rank: Caerul - Digamma Primary
Link to Recruitment Thread:: Link

Member Name & Rank: Imena - Theta Primary
Link to Recruitment Thread:: Link

Member Name & Rank:Ashtoreth - Psi Primary
Link to Recruitment Thread:: Link

Member Name & Rank: Sephiroth - Beta Secondary
Link to Recruitment Thread: Link

Member Name & Rank: FlameSong - Gamma
Link to Recruitment Thread: Link

List what your intended ranks and laws will be.

Tier 1 Rank: The Alpha Primary | The Alpha Secondary
Description: The Alpha Primary is the female leader of the pack. Her word is law. She has all the rights of any alpha. Her power is a step above the Alpha Secondary.

The Alpha Secondary has power as a secondary Alpha, and does not need to be mated to the Alpha Primary to lead at her side. Only The Alpha Primary is higher in power than the Alpha Secondary.

Tier 2 Rank: The Heir | Beta Primary | Beta Secondary
Description: The Heir is the chosen continuation of the pack Hierarchy. Either born of the Alpha Prime's blood, or chosen from the pack, the Heir will undergo stringent training to ensure the pack will have a strong, worthy leader in future generations. If the Heir is found lacking, or is unwilling to take on the mantle, another can be chosen. The Heir has power to accept new members, Challenge for wolves of other packs, and the power demote members or elevate members in ranks, only if the Alpha Prime and Alpha Secondary have been consulted and agree.

The Heir has the power to call meetings, and you are expected to arrive just as promptly as with the Alphas and Betas.

The Beta Primary is the lead Beta, and can be either gender. The Beta Primary is in charge of the pack when the Alpha Primary and Alpha Secondary are unable. If no Heir is in place, the Beta Prime can step into the place of the Alpha Primary or Alpha Secondary, until the Alpha Primary or Alpha Secondary is able once m ore to lead. The Beta Prime is to be consulted with, regarding battle plans, patrols, and new members, as well as training. Like the Heir, the Beta Primary and Beta Secondary are both empowered to demote, promote, accept, and punish members, as well as Challenge for members of other packs. Likewise, they are to consult with the Alpha Primary and Alpha Secondary, about anything that may affect the pack. They are the eyes and ears of the Alphas.

The Beta Secondary is the support of the Beta Primary, a partner in pack life, whether mated or not. The Beta Secondary can be of either gender, but must work as a team member with the Beta Primary. Both Beta ranks have the same powers within the pack.

Both Betas are allowed to call meetings if the Alphas or Heir are unable to call them themselves.

Tier 3 Rank: Digamma Primary | Digamma Secondary - Theta Primary | Theta Secondary - Psi Primary | Psi Secondary
Description:These six wolves will be the leads of each section of the pack, Warriors, Healers, and Hunters. These wolves may not accept new members, demote members, or Challenge for members of other wolves.
Digamma Primary: This wolf reports to the higher up wolves, oversees training in battle excersizes. He/she assists with border patrols, and is expected to fight in battles to defend the pack. Digammas can challenge for higher ranks, such as Beta Secondary and Beta Primary.
Digamma Secondary: The Digamma Secondary works beside the Digamma Primary to keep the pack running smoothly, assists with Patrols and training, and can take up the slack when the Digamma Primary is under the weather.
Theta Primary: The Theta Primary is the head of the Healers Circle. They can be of either Gender. They are the most knowledgeable healers in the pack, and have great responsibilities in ensuring the pack's health and welfare. Their wisdom is to be acknowledged by all in the pack, even the Alphas.
Theta Secondary: Like all Secondary ranks in the pack, the Theta Secondary is the partner in main healing, often being a student of the Theta Primary. Like the Primary, the Secondary must have great knowledge in healing.
Psi Primary: The Psi Primary is the Lead Hunter, in charge of all things hunting, and all the hunters of the pack. Lithe and full of stamina, these wolves must be swift, and have a keen eye for prey in need of culling. They are in charge of keeping the prey life healthy, and ensuring that only those animals that are lame, or ill are hunted, leaving the healthy to continue the generations.
Psi Secondary: The Psi Secondary is, like other Secondaries, the partner of the Primary, there to take up the slack, and to consult back and forth over hunting plans.

Tier 4 Rank: Gammas | Etas | Sigmas
Description: The Warriors the Healers, and the Hunters.

Gammas: Gammas are the warriors under the Digammas, trained to be fit and strong. Any seen slacking in training will be focused on until they pick up their pace and work harder. Gammas not only are the fighters, but are encouraged to partake in knowledge of Hunting and Field Healing, in case of emergencies.

Etas: Etas are the healers under the Thetas. They are usually pupils who are still learning, or wolves who have knowledge. They are encouraged strongly to partake in battle training, and hunting, as well as their regular duties of healing the injured and treating the sick.

Sigmas: The bulk force of the hunting members of the pack. They are the wolves that must venture out with the Psis Primary and Secondary to bring down meals for the pack. They are encouraged to learn fighting and field healing.

Tier 5 Rank: Elders
Description: The Storytellers. The Lore Holders.
The Elders are the aged wolves who are respected for their age and experience in the world. They may not be of high rank, but they are to be cherished and treated with great respect.

Tier 6 Rank: Epsilons
Epsilons: Wolves with no particular rank, who, nonetheless, are expected to help out with the pack. They may also be pregnant mothers from the higher fighting ranks, lowered a few bars out of protection for the future lives they carry. These females must understand that in being set as Epsilons, there is no punishment, only the Alphas' wishes that she remains safe and well cared for. This is also the rank a yearling who has not yet chosen a Vocation will be placed until a choice is made.

Tier 7 Rank: Children
Description: They are the new generation, the young lives that are to be cherished, loved and protected, no matter the cost. They are also to be taught the virtues of honor, love, and courage.

Tier 8 Rank: Omegas
Description:The lowest rank you could get, and just above the punishment of Exile. What on earth did you do to get booted here? Despite the lowest rank, these wolves are not to be treated as slaves. They are to be given a chance to work their way back up through pup sitting (Unless they are untrustworthy), guarding the lame, helping with the Elders comfort, and helping with hunting by catching game animals.

Tier 9 Rank: The Exiled
Description: You must have done something terrible, absolutely horrible, to be given this punishment. This is the rank a wolf will have until he or she is completely kicked from the pack, or is given a trial to protest his or her innocence. These wolves are not allowed to visit any part of the pack territories unless under escort. Other wolves may visit, under escort and supervision. Pups are to be kept well clear of these wolves. The Exile Rank, if you are found guilty of whatever put you here, is a grace period where you may ready yourself to leave.

Laws: What will your pack laws be?

1: Respect. Respect within the pack is crucial. Whether it be for the Alphas, or for the Omegas, respect is expected, and earned.

2: Contribute. You are expected to contribute to the welfare of the pack, in hunting, fighting, and healing. No member is exempt from this rule, save for the pups. Yes, even the Alphas must put a paw in and help.

3: A Paw In Every Trade. You are expected to learn all three skills to the best of your ability. Hunting, Healing, and Fighting. The pack must be as ready as possible for all that comes its way.

4. We Are Family. Family will butt heads, but always remember to put differences aside for the good of the pack. If a member has a problem with another, or a higher ranking wolf, they are encouraged to approach the Alphas with their worries. Both sides of the problem will be considered, and a fair judgement will be given.

5. Work Together. All members are expected to work as a team. Each month, the Psis Primary and Secondary are expected to lead the pack in a hunt.

6. Mates and Pups. Love is encouraged, however, the Alphas must be made aware of a mating, especially beforehand. There's little better than a Mating Ceremony, and watching the union of two hearts. Likewise, if mates intend to have children, the Alphas must be made aware, so that blessings can be given, and new lives may be noted and accounted for.

7.Challenges. All lower ranking wolves below the Alphas are allowed to challenge for a higher rank. Of course, the Alphas would prefer it if you worked your way up through hard work and perseverance, but if you must... The loser of a Rank Challenge must submit without rancor; after all, they may have a chance to win back the lost rank through a challenge or hard work.

8. New Members. All Prospective New Members must be brought to the notice of the Alphas, so that they may meet and assess the newcomer themselves.

9. Be Proud Of The Pack, But Do Not Let Pride Become What Drives You. In others words, you may be proud of an accomplishment, but heavy bragging, or allowing pride to dictate your every move is heavily discouraged.

10. Trespassers and Visitors. Trespassers are to be escorted out of the Territory, but only given hostility if hostility if given first by the Trespasser. Wolves of Ally packs are to be welcomed and escorted in. Wolves of Enemy packs are to be intercepted and escorted from the territory, with force if needed, and only if needed.

11. Meetings Are Mandatory, Not Optional. And they will happen often, to keep the pack connected and to hold Ceremonies and Celebrations, such as Mating Ceremonies, as well as celebrations of new pups. When the Alpha Primary or Secondary, or the Betas call a meeting, you are expected to arrive, if not promptly, then at least in time to hear what the Alphas/Betas have to say.

12. Leaving. Wolves are allowed to leave the pack, but the Alphas and/or Betas must be notified and spoken to beforehand about the wolf's plans.


Account Name: Erani
Gems Intended to Pay: 500 for Pack Creation


Feel free to give me any tips and suggestions!