
Shaking things up


10-23-2014, 04:03 PM

She walked with confidence across the sandy bridge. This place was new, untouched by many. The storm seemed to have connected twp continents that would have otherwise never met. Her silver figure crossed the beach without hesitation. Nostrils quivered inhaling the faint scent of wolves. But they weren't wolves she was familiar with. These wolves seemed to have lived her, long before the storm ever hit. A brow would lift in curiosity, so it appeared they had no been alone all these years. She continued her trek, her coral gaze sweeping across the horizon.

If there was anyone here, she wished to meet them. They had no heard a peep from these wolves all this time. Did they no challenge for kingdoms? Did they not punish the weak and undeserving? Anticipation rippled beneath her thick pelt, audits tipped forward, straining to pick up even the slightest of noises. Nostrils quivered, inhaling the foreigns around her. This new land held endless possibilities. She could extend her powerful grasp to this place, rule two continents.



10-26-2014, 06:20 PM

[Image: mipief.png]

ooc;; I'm gonna regret this D:

The scents were around but few in number. Skah had spent the last three days scouring the continent. He had observed a few in secret, followed a number while they had explored the goddess's lands and though they had all kind of freaked him out none had seemed overly threatening. So he had moved back towards the coast before following it right to the land bridge once more. This is where he had started, it was where he intended to finish as well. One last sweep, it was only mid afternoon he had until sunset before anyone started to worry about him. Massive paws would press into the sand, head hung low as he looked easily at the ground. He had begun to relax again, begun to feel at ease in his own skin rather then feeling alien and alone. He was still alone but it was far easier to be alone now. Especially with everything that had happened. He had made up with his brother! His brother whom his whole world had revolved around at one point, his brother whom he still loved so dearly it hurt sometimes to look at him. Then there was Gwena, she had been helping him ease out of his shell? He was oblivious to his surroundings, walking slowly along the beach and following the curve of it as he moved towards the land bridge. The wind ruffled his fur, tossing his scent towards the north and the stranger standing on the land bridge.

" This is my speaking color woop. speaking"

Table by Tempy. Art by Tatchit. <3



10-27-2014, 05:41 PM

A shadow would approach. She would halt, watching as he remained completely oblivious to her. Lips would curl in wicked satisfaction. Altering her course, she would aim to come at him head on, placing her small form in his path. He was huge, like Kylar. But his pelt was made up various dark colors. His eyes were vibrantly colored, his face adorned with peculiar markings. Her crown fell level with her spine, chin tucking slightly. He was a stranger, part of this new place, he didn't belong to her mainland. Coral pools darkened with dangerous intent. She intended to use him, find out everything she could about these wolves. Only after she was satisfied would he be released, maybe. "hello." she would coo softly, the wind carrying her voice as he unknowingly carried himself closer to her. Legs spread, squaring and bending. She would hold him hostage by any means necessary. Her tail lashed behind her like a cat, her gaze intent upon his behemoth frame. He would make a fine addition to her growing collection of slaves. Perhaps she could steal him away, introduce him into the wonders of the north.
