
way down south



2 Years
02-20-2014, 09:43 PM (This post was last modified: 02-20-2014, 09:43 PM by Kyarst.)

He'd never been this far south before. He wasn't certain he liked it. There was heat here, and lots of it. Granted, even at home it was unseasonably warm.. but this place was downright sultry! He snorted, not only was it warmer than home, it was duller than home. The land he trekked over was flat and beheld nothing of interest to his emerald eyes. He breathed a sigh, slumping to a sitting position and peering in all directions. Land masses rose up great distances away, but he was in no mood to continue on and risk losing his way back home. If he was gone too long he'd surely be missed by his brother or mother or father - and that was something he wanted to avoid if at all possible. Despite his wandering ways, Kyarst wasn't a big fan of getting into trouble. Most of the time he was grounded, locked in the den until further notice - and that was the worst punishment of all. An ear flickered back, then the second, as he snorted aloud in displeasure for his current predicament.

[Image: kyarst_bot_zps49a3e6da.jpg]

Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



5 Years
02-21-2014, 06:05 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Living by the river was proving to be an experience. Room had needed to be made as soon as they had arrived, the trio of children no longer small enough to simply curl up beside their parents inside the limited confines of the den, but the living arrangements were nothing compared to the true issue for the gold-grey girl. The water alone was making itself out to be her worst enemy. It was just so loud compared to the quiet within Seracia that she had grown used to over the past six months, peaceful and comfortable and relaxing when she would finally lay her head down to rest. She had been told she would get used to it, that eventually she would not even notice the sound at all, but restless nights had worn on her and ground down her patience and optimism, adding a somewhat dour note to her typically chipper mood.

Thankfully what her parents had said was slowly beginning to take effect, though the stolen naps during the day were just as helpful in remedying her touchiness. But these naps could not simply be taken at different locations along the riverbank. Everywhere she went along it, she heard its sound, and so she had gone further, sneaking out of the Rio Grande and venturing into neighboring territories that were both safe and less frequented than others. There was no use trying to sleep somewhere that was typically busy with visitors.

It also meant that the further away from the water she got, the more strongly she was able to feel the heat on the air. How was she going to nap like this? Maybe she could find some nice little shady spot, or a quiet pond somewhere to cool off by. Instead, she seemed to have gone in the entirely wrong direction. There was nothing here, just open space, burning sunlight and--

Oh. That was unexpected. Seated here, amid the heat and looking a bit perturbed, sat another pup, a youth of a dark coloration and vibrant eyes. Who was this? She could not recall hearing about any other families living around here, and she was sure she did not recognize him as a roaming pup from Seracia. Unless he was newly added anyway. Suddenly very curious, Anais felt the little bit of sleepiness abandon her as she turned her course for him, approaching with her customary smile and a friendly, wagging tail. "Hey!" she greeted, padding over to join him with her yellow-gold eyes quickly assessing him while her mind puzzled over his being here. It was only when she was close, feet away, that she halted. "I'm Anais." Her introduction was spoken simply, more naturally, lacking the formality that her mother so longed to instill in her. But she was no longer in Seracia; the rules no longer applied. "What's your name?"

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



2 Years
02-21-2014, 06:46 PM

No matter how ungodly hot it was in this godforsaken place, Kyarst was enjoying the change of scenery from the usual forests and northern atmosphere. Granted, this place wasn't any prettier than home, but it was different. She would approach him from an angle in which he could not see her plainly, though the fur prickling on the back of his neck told him she was there. The right half of his upper lip curled tight, revealing pristine white fangs. His ear flickered toward her just before his body shifted to face her. 'Hey!' she would chime. Her name came shortly after, Anais. He logged it in his mind for future reference, tagging on his own name in effort to make himself known as more than the dark stranger he probably appeared. Kyarst. Tail thumped the earth as the skin around his lips softened. He may not be the greatest at reading strangers, but he knew she meant him no harm. She was about his age too, which was interesting. Anais would be one of the only pups he'd met who wasn't related to him in some form or fashion. He rocked back to his haunches after having aligned his bodice toward hers, his tail thumping a pleased rhythm upon the earth. What are you doing way out here, Anais? It wasn't as if it were any of his business what she was doing, but he was curious as to what her answer would be. Emerald eyes instinctively roved over her frame, perhaps a trait inherited from his father's side - or perhaps one embedded into the same genes that made him distinctively male. Whatever the case, he found her to be pleasing to the eye. She was multicolored, though not in a way that made her look strange or stitched together (like his brother). No, all of her colors seemed to go together. He liked that. Her eyes didn't stand out like other wolves' did, but instead melted into her skull in interesting pools of gold. His tongue grew suddenly dry and he swallowed hard to remedy the problem.

[Image: kyarst_bot_zps49a3e6da.jpg]

Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



5 Years
02-21-2014, 07:33 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Kyarst. So that was his name. Certainly not one of the names she had heard within Seracia of the other pups who had once shared her home. Was it possible she had failed to hear of one, for one to have gone unnoticed around all the others? Or maybe he really was not a part of that pack. Maybe he really did come from somewhere else entirely. Maybe he comes from nowhere at all. The young girl felt her curiosity slowly taking flight, wild imagination finally with something, or in this particular case someone, to fixate on. Before it had been the fabled Sharp Tooth monster in the red barn; now it was this boy, alone like her and entirely unknown.

There were no answering wide smiles about his dark features, but neither did Anais ask for much. The mere fact he had been nice enough to offer her his name in return for her own was enough for her. "Nice to meet you," she responded still with a smile, using a little of her mother's teachings in propriety. She had never held an interest in much of it, but this simple phrase had been one of the few that she had taken to with relative ease and little fuss. It was only a nice thing to say after all.

Kyarst questioned her purpose in coming out this way and heedless of the dangers that giving out such information could lead to - regardless if it was merely another pup being curious - she answered without a hint of hesitation. "I was trying to find a place to nap," she explained, "We live beside a noisy river and I'm not used to it yet. Mom says I just need to give it time and I'll get used to it." She paused a short moment after she had spoken and took a seat, noting quietly the curiously direct way in which he had looked her over, and quite quickly turned the question around on him. "What about you? What are you up to?" He had only been sitting when she arrived; had she maybe interrupted some plan in the works?

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



2 Years
02-21-2014, 09:05 PM

His mystery was somewhat unknown to him, but deep down he had reservations about telling her too much information. Perhaps it was bred into him, perhaps just instinct, whatever the case - his thought first name ought to sate her curiosities for now. Emerald pools would flicker to eyes of gold, locking there in efforts to stop looking as if he were memorizing her features. She quipped a quick pleasantry, to which he would dip his head robotically. There was no use in responding, at least not in his eyes. His father might be artful of tongue, but he hadn't picked up the long-winded phrases as part of his own vocabulary - not yet, anyway. It seemed, as she told him, she was seeking out a place to nap. Apparently the river she lived near was too loud for her to sleep at home. He articulated that she must have just moved near the river, or else she'd be used to it by now. So where had she come from? It seemed Anais was full of mysteries herself. So you live nearby? he would query without reservation - unaware as to how prying he was. As if practiced, the damsel would turn the question on him, and he would find himself searching for a proper response. It took him only a moment, perhaps two - though not longer than usual - to respond. Just exploring. The scenery of home is nothing special anymore, I wanted to see the rest of what the world has out there. The thin skin atop the bridge of his muzzle wrinkled as he cast his gaze over the plateau, But this is even more boring than home. He snorted, frustrated, and returned his gaze to her golden spectacles. Isn't there anything exciting to explore around here? If she lived nearby perhaps she knew of somewhere, or perhaps she might offer to lead him to the river she knew about. Anything would beat the barren wasteland they'd stumbled upon.

[Image: kyarst_bot_zps49a3e6da.jpg]

Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



5 Years
02-22-2014, 01:39 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Kyarst spoke up quickly after she had explained her situation and because of it she answered readily and without hesitation. "I do." It took her thoughts a moment to catch up with her and realize what she had been about to say, the information about herself that she had nearly divulged, and quite suddenly she ended her answer when it seemed she otherwise would have elaborated. Revealing where it was she lived, as well as the circumstances that had brought her there, were not things she was sure she should be so free with, mostly knowing so little herself about the strangely serious boy, and so she kept her cherished secret close - I'm going to be a big sister! - and hoped her short answer would have been satisfactory enough.

Thankfully she had also asked her own question and he was answering that instead after a thoughtful second. Exploring! That was something she too took great pleasure in, and the surprised yet eager smile that stretched upon her face was sincere. "Sounds fun," she ventured, tail drumming slightly against the ground behind her, though it was plainly obvious from the look on Kyarst's face, a look that nearly drew a quick chuckle from the grey-gold girl, that he was anything but impressed.

When asked whether there was anything to be done around this area, Anais felt a sudden disappointment that she had not done anymore adventuring than she already had. Her first chance at making friends with someone outside of Seracia, and she had nothing to offer. "I don't know," she answered, expression pinching itself frustratedly as she pondered what she had seen in coming here. A new thought surfaced, and with it her cheery smile returned. "I'm sure there's got to be some place around here that's interesting. Maybe we can find it together." Always eager for fun, she was more than willing to go on a little adventure with someone new. Maybe she would even have a fun story to tell Nako and Jakart later!

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



2 Years
02-22-2014, 02:11 PM

To his surprise, she would comment back in the affirmative - she did live nearby. The question was precisely where, though it was a question he dared not ask after just meeting her. He was smart enough to know that the odds of her answering were slim. His tail curled neatly around his hips, the tip thumping whenever his nerves fired and told it to. There was an uncertain look upon his face, mostly because he found it hard to believe that the south was half of what it had been cracked up to be. From what he'd seen of it, he wondered why anyone would ever want to live here. His mind settled upon deciding where to go next, and eagerly his emerald gaze would stretch as far as it could go, to the far reaches of the plateau and beyond. Land masses could be seen in the distance, though nothing appeared interesting enough to warrant a closer look - or else it was too far away to judge whether or not it might be interesting. She also seemed uncertain, for as his gaze drifted back to Anais her expression was different. It seemed she hadn't done much adventuring in this particular area, either - which made him wonder how much of an explorer she really was. If she lived nearby, as she claimed, why had she not been through here before? '"I'm sure there's got to be some place around here that's interesting. Maybe we can find it together."' He couldn't deny his willingness to go anywhere but this particular spot, and so he would nod his head in the affirmative. Yeah that sounds fun. Maybe we can find some water, I'm awfully thirsty. A smile would follow, traveling with the realization that he would no longer be alone in his southern adventures. As much as he hated to admit it, he really did loathe being alone. She was the solution to a problem he hadn't even known about until now. He lifted his haunches from the earth, allowing his tail to sprawl out behind him - wagging pleasantly in the wind. Kyarst would stifle a yawn brought on by the warmth all around him and pad slowly to her side, slowing as he neared her. Let's go, he chided, a note of urgency in his timbre. He was eager to find somewhere more enthralling than this.

[Image: kyarst_bot_zps49a3e6da.jpg]

Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



5 Years
02-23-2014, 03:13 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

A nod. He agreed! They would get to leave this dusty old plateau and find something else that was more fun, more intriguing, together. It was more than enough to get the young, excitable girl grinning, and her tail began to drum all over again as she eagerly rose to her paws. What fun this would be! And even better that Kyarst appeared to be of a like mind too. Adventuring with Nako and Jakart were things she had already done, each incredibly different from the other. But here was someone strange and new, not even of Seracia or anywhere that she knew of. Going with him would be an adventure all its own, separate from whatever events would transpire along the way. And though the whole of it was unknown she could only register excitement.

He smiled, the first true smile he had made in her presence, and she hoped whatever they would find would not disappoint that sudden flicker of happiness. Hopefully it would stay, hopefully he would be good company, and hopefully they would be rewarded flesh their efforts of searching. Kyarst was on his paws without wasting a moment, venturing forth with a yawn. Eager herself, Anais needed no further cajoling than that little verbal nudge he had made. "Okay. This way," she instructed, turning and beginning to pad away in a direction chosen completely at random. With so little knowledge of this place, what was the point of choosing a direction? She was just as likely to find something of significance by wandering as she was by methodical searching.

"I think there might be some water this way," she assured him, trying to recall whether it was here or more slightly to the right that she had walked through earlier during her arrival. She was sure she had seen some water, a pool if nothing else. It would be nothing compared to the loud, energetic river back home but at least it would take the edge off the heat. She meandered about, leading as she typically had a habit of doing, when she saw it, the sudden glint, and ears rising she swiftly loped in its direction before coming to a rather sudden stop.

Her jaw hung slightly agape and her yellow-gold eyes were wide. "We found it!" Never had she anticipated coming upon it so soon. The pool of water, a small lake really, was wide but relatively shallow, only deepening toward the very center. There was evidence of what had used to be a river that led into it, but with the heat as bad as it had gotten of late the thin source of water seemed to have shriveled up to nothing. Curious, Anais ventured boldly forward, sniffing first at the water before she took a small sip and continued forward in up to the middle of her legs, watching below the relatively clear surface. Could there be anything in this miniature lake, fed there by the once-present river? Already becoming wrapped up in her own game, Anais spoke quietly, "Do you see anything?" Likely Kyarst knew nothing of what she meant, but fishing was such a common thing for Anais and her family that she failed to consider her actions might appear strange to someone outside of it.

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



2 Years
02-23-2014, 07:51 PM

He hoped she was as useful at finding water as she was pretty, though he wondered if that could even be possible. Did he even know what pretty meant? He wasn't sure he did, but if he had to guess he'd say she was it. The girl agreed to find water, and quickly took the lead. It was awkward for him to follow anyone, as almost always he was the leader, but he found his stride eventually and settled in at a comfortable distance behind her. It never once occurred to him to walk beside her, and once he was in step behind her the thought would never begin to cross his mind. Eyes flickered almost instinctively to her backside, but remained there only a moment - as if it were some sin to glance there. Maybe it was.

'I think there might be some water this way,' she noted with not a high degree of confidence. He snorted, eyes rolling in their sockets. She thought there was water this way, which could easily mean there wasn't, which meant that he'd walked even further from home for no apparent reason. Oh well, her thought was much better than his lack of knowledge, and so it was all he could go on for the time being. In his musing, he hadn't noted her demeanor shift as she noticed the water up ahead. This missed information could have saved him from bumping into her hind quarters as she so abruptly stopped. Oof! he breathed, backing up a pace or two. 'We found it!' She exclaimed, though he would not share in her jubilance. You found it, he corrected. Much to his dismay he'd had little to do with their success - and it irked him to admit it. He watched her move forth, sniffing the water and then stepping into it. He followed suit, drawing up to her right side and lapping eagerly at the previously still surface. It wasn't cold like up north, but it was something to drink.

He watched her as she drank, her eyes were peering intently into the water - as if she had lost something. Only, she hadn't had anything to lose, as best he could recall. 'Do you see anything?' He drew his mask very near to her own, gazing down into the water - seeing nothing. Uhh, no. It's water, there's not supposed to be anything in it. Little did he know he was entirely wrong in that assumption. Their pack rarely feasted upon fish, and so he'd never had the opportunity to know anything about fishing. The food he was given was brought to him, and he'd not seen it caught. For all he knew water was just... empty. He knew that sometimes Atlas and the other penguins swam in it, but they didn't stay in there all the time. This water should be entirely empty, so why was she looking for something? He tilted his head to the side and up, angling it so he could see her, a puzzled and entirely skeptical look upon his mask.

[Image: kyarst_bot_zps49a3e6da.jpg]

Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



5 Years
03-01-2014, 02:42 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

She was still staring into the water when Kyarst ventured closer to peer as she did below the water's surface, and the answer he gave took her completely by surprise. Brow furrowing in confusion, the girl lifted her head and turned it to set her puzzled expression upon her company, noting only fleetingly his closeness while the better majority of her mind struggled to understand how he could have answered as he had. Nothing in water? It was as strange and baffling as saying there were no hares or foxes in the woods!

"Yeah there is," she responded somewhat heatedly, very much certain that she was right and willing to back her opinion completely. "There's always fish," Anais informed him, though on second thought she added with less certainty, "or at least there usually is." It was not often that she could find a body of water that lacked any fish, usually only those few ponds that were either too small or lacked a decent river or stream to feed it. But this lake had had one and her yellow-gold eyes shifted toward the location with a renewed determination. Perhaps, if she was lucky...

"Here, I'll show you." The grey-gold girl spoke confidently as she smiled and padded a little further into the lake, keeping her movements quiet and calm, or as best as she could while she tried to impress. She had done this a few times before under her mother's supervision, finding success less than half of those attempts. But Anais wa naturally excitable, hard to keep still and lacking the necessary patience. Here, right now, she had a reason to do her best, to show off what she had been taught and what she was sure she could do. Her brow puckered again but this time in concentration, her body holding still as she continued to stare into the water expectantly. Hopefully there were fish here, and hopefully they would get close.

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



2 Years
03-09-2014, 03:20 PM

There wasn't much sense in arguing with her, though he felt very strongly that he was right. After all, what kind of world was this if creatures lingered in the water for long periods of time.. even lived in it? What kind of creatures could even dream of doing so? He would shrug as she assured him that she was correct, noting that there were always fish, and then quickly subtracting that statement and appending it with a less certain phrase. His head would tilt as she chirped that she'd show him, and almost eagerly he would watch her - intent upon her proving her own self wrong and him being there to witness it. Why he wished her failure, he had no clue, but something about it seemed amusing. She moved further into the lake, her bodice poised as his had once been when he'd been stalking the rabbit his kin had caught for him. Was she expecting this to work on a fish? Was she expecting there to be a fish? It was sad really.

As she settled he found himself following after her, his bodice in parallel line with her own - features mimicking hers. He stared blindly into the water, his chest heaving with feigned exhilaration. Broad shoulders were set wide as his tail flickered high above him. He hadn't bothered to note just how still she was, and so this appendage had not yet quelled. Moments passed and soon he would realize her placid feature was more still than the water they stood in. Quickly he would control his features in such a way that he stood as a statue, staring into the water that appeared to hold nothing in its depths - as he'd expected it to.

[Image: kyarst_bot_zps49a3e6da.jpg]

Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



5 Years
03-16-2014, 05:01 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Anais ignored him, stubbornly keeping her yellow-gold gaze fixed upon the water and nothing else. She was going to show him that she was right about the fish, but she was not going to do that by allowing her attention to falter. She needed to focus, to concentrate, so that when the fish finally did decide to venture closer she would spot them sliding closer to her legs and curiously sidling nearer. And hopefully they were there. It was her first chance at showing off her smarts and skills before someone that she was unrelated to and it would have been so terribly embarrassing to get it wrong. Still and silent, the young girl continued to look intently at the water below her nose, practically willing the prettily scaled creatures to show themselves.

Although, as she considered it, they were not going to show up if Kyarst continued to move about and fidget like he was. Her own ears twitched slightly his way as she continued to try ignoring him, feeling the water move as he did though eventually it stopped. Had he finally caught on and realized he needed to be still? Trying for discretion, her eyes slowly shifted his way, peeking at him from the corner of her vision. He was still, just as she was, and thankfully for it. Had he possibly spotted one of the fish that she had argued where there? Pulling her gaze from him, she attempted to follow his line of sight and see what he was seeing.

Nothing. That was discouraging. A little she began to feel nervous, her features worrying themselves into a more pinched look. But after a little bit she could have sworn she had seen it, a little shadow just beyond where they stood. Ears perking, her body became slightly more tense, her attention rapt upon the movement. She said nothing, only waited and willed the dark colored wolf beside her to do the same since she dared not speak in case her quiet voice might ruin the tranquility that permeated the air around them. Fish were so sensitive, and so easy to spook away when they had the upper hand in water. To her surprise, the shadow did come closer, and once she could see the distinguishing shape of it clearly she smiled. Anais glanced over toward her company with a slight movement of her head, trying to get his attention, before she sought out the fish again. Ah! Yes! Still there. Just a little closer, just a little bit...

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.