
sing me to sleep


02-20-2014, 12:33 AM
[Image: 2wnpyes.png]
[Image: atl3-1.png]
ooc;; MOMMY TIME!! Hopefully you don't mind a bit of power playing with her placement <3 ps. he's kinda obsessed >.>

Those memories? Even a few months later still burned like bright lights behind the lads eyes. She was his everything. Though love still poured from his I'm gallons for his father and sibling there was something about her. Something that made his heart race every time she came home with food, or every time she left to hunt. Or really any time she did anything he had an adverse reaction to it. Even when his father was there to stay with them he found himself staring into the distance after his mother, awaiting her return. He never wanted her to leave and though he felt remorse trying to kick his father out so he could be with the woman who had given him his very life at the same time he didn't really? If he could spend the rest of his life with his mother he would have been happy, happy to bask in her glow and radiance. Because she, in his mind, was perfection. And tonight, just like most nights when the moon was full and illuminating their den so perfectly it made it hard to sleep, she looked even more beautiful in her peaceful slumber. His dad was sleeping near the rear curled around his sibling while his mother slept closer to the front. Erion had always demanded her attention and love, requesting to sleep with her every night that she would allow. Most nights she allowed it and often he snuck away from her embrace to watch her sleep.

Tiny body would fold before her, laying himself so his tiny nose was almost touching hers and he could feel her hot breath wash over him. It almost tickled, especially when she sighed in her sleep and it was almost like a tidal wave of heat washing over him. Usually he was content there, happy to be in the vicinity of his mother and to allow the feel of her breath drag him into a deep slumber. But tonight the moon was awake and so was he. Tentatively a small paw would reach out, placing it gently atop his mothers seemingly massive nose, wanting to test the waters and not startle her awake. When she didn't respond to his touch he would begin tapping her nose gently, tail wiggling behind him as a smile crawled across tiny features. "Mooooommmmyyyyy" His voice was a hushed whisper, barely more then a mouse squeak and when she still didn't respond he escalated quickly. He pushed himself back onto his haunches and then sprung forward, looking to land on his mothers face in a hug type position with his for paws over the top of her head and his butt basically sitting on her nose. "Wake uppppppp" He whined as if his sneak attack would't have already awoken the love of his life.


02-21-2014, 02:26 AM

She had been resting comfortably with her back to the den entrance. The temperatures had faded into the low forties, but it was all right for the bluish-black female. Her thick fur was made for colder climates, despite the fact she hadn't lived in the North for about a year. Now, as she lay resting in the Western Hemisphere of Ala, she was beginning to wonder if she would ever return. Probably not, since Friction preferred warmer climates and the pups could easily be exposed to the chill and suffer. She didn't want that to happen.
Eria's form was curled into a lazy ball as the night wore on. She was enjoying the gentle breezes that crept into their home and as they weaved through her thick fur, relief of her body heat was given. It wasn't long before she started to feel movement around her, then a large leap onto her face. Blue eyes immediately opened, but she didn't dare move her head from the ground. Instead, she looked up and saw two legs sticking out from below her forehead. "Erion...ohhh, my sweetheart."
The female then rolled her head to the side, letting his small form roll onto her stomach. She gave him a funny look and lightly chuckled. "Are you all right? You couldn't sleep?" Such inquiries were verbal pieces of evidence about her curiosity. She wanted to know if he was having trouble sleeping or hungry -- the possibilities were endless.



02-22-2014, 12:32 PM
[Image: 2wnpyes.png]
[Image: atl3-1.png]

ooc;; about how old are they now?

Tiny creature's head would plop atop his mothers, letting out a great huff of air in dismay. Had h failed to awaken her still? How heavy of a sleeper was she? Then all of a sudden her voice washed over him like a blankets of the softest cashmere and he allowed his eyes to close and a smile to draw across his lips. So she was awake, at least it would save her from him trying to eat her ears. But even as he relaxed into the sound of her soothing tones she began to move, gently so he didn't slid off anywhere she didn't want him to, and soon deposited him beside her belly. He giggled, standing to the full height of his tiny frame and began circling as he normally did when he was about to lay down. But now he rubbed his head, shoulders, ribs and flanks along her ribs cage, giggling the whole while. It wasn't until she spoke again that he would finally stop, bright orange eyes gazing up at her with complete adoration.

"The moons sooooo bright mommy!" he exclaimed though his voice remained little more then an excited whisper. He wasn't a complete jerk and wake the rest of his family, though he was being quiet for more selfish reasons, he only want his mother to be awake with him. He hopped, but at his age really only his front paws left the ground. So forepaws landed on his mothers shoulder and his stomach collided with her ribs. Tiny limbs scrabbled to keep him where he was rather the to fall backwards. "Can we go see it?" He pleaded, head dropped to law between his paws on his mother dark fur. Thus far he and his sibling had been rather confined to the den, only leaving for short times and only when it was deemed 'safe' which Erion had realized early on didn't mean fun as wel. But he wanted to see the moon! And he wanted his mom to tell him stories and take him adventuring. Maybe not all right in that moment but soon. Maybe even once the sun was up.