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02-21-2014, 12:49 AM
She didn't want to sleep. The weather was just getting warmer and her legs had reached the proper length that she felt cramped lying so close to her brother in that den. She needed to get out and run off some of her energy, and there was definitely something interesting moving outside of the den mouth that she needed to check out. From where she was sitting so lopsidedly, she could also see a brightly colored something that looked like it could use a good sniff.

With a slight whimper of restlessness, the silver and ebony girl raised herself off of her rump and bounded to the edge of her den, bewildered by the sight of the dirt outside. She placed a careful paw against a pebble and nearly gasped when it rolled away from her as if in protest.

"'Stralis!" She called back into the den, then ran out to chase the opposing pebble. It would not escape her this time...Short and unstable limbs propelled her towards the stone and she found her instincts pushing her to cover it with both soft and pudgy paws. A grin spread across her maw and she raised her head to see if anyone had seen.

Silver pools of moonlight aimed into the dark cave as she called again. "'Stralis did you see? Come 'ere I gotchya somethin." Her little tail was waving with pure joy, eyes filled with ecstasy.



02-23-2014, 09:55 PM

Curled up in a tight ball, Australis had been sleeping. Ears pinned back against his head, tail over his dark nose. He did not stir when a mass of heat left his side, body remaining in the same position. The boy was enjoying a nice little dream, dark paws batting at a colorful flower that was taller than the rest of the field, and glowing like the sun. ail wagged as he sat back, head tilted, aqua gaze going wide when something flew off one of the petals.

"Stralis!" A voice would cause the boy's eyes to suddenly open, blink a few times to refocus in the darkness of their den. An ear would lift from his head, the other following a moment later. His gaze would turn to the den entrance just in time to see his sibling dashing out, sparking curiosity in the boy. Tail would uncurl from his body, legs unfolding from beneath him and straightening to lift his body.

Quickly but clumsily, due to just waking up, the pup would make his way over to the den opening, watching his sister chase after something on the ground. Australis would blink his eyes a few times to try and see what the girl was going after, but her paws would quickly cover what it was. Zlata would ask if he saw, telling him to come over because she caught something. Unlike her though, the boy wasn't as excited.

Paws would carry him forward, tail hanging behind him, a look of curiosity in his eyes yet the rest of his face seemed to hold no emotion. ?What is it?? He asked softly, coming up on his sibling's right, head lowering to sniff at her paws.
