


02-21-2014, 06:22 PM

The sound of rushing water, the roar of it reaching her ears, would lure the brown and cream fae onward. She had been wandering around Alacritia without running into her siblings for quite some time now... and the thought did worry her a little. The young girl, well, was a woman now. The season of her birth was upon her, as was her first heat cycle. It was a strange feeling, and with it came a sense of insecurity. The feeling was strange... and Akemi moved towards the water, unsure if she really wanted to risk company when she was like this.

Akemi would come to a stop as she saw the water before her. This, much like the large stretch of water she had come across last season, was a sight that was unfamiliar with. She could sense danger in those moving waters, especially because of the speed. The female would flick her ears back, peering to the other side of the waters. She wasn't sure what she wanted to do at this point. She had come across several pack borders in her wanderings, though her heart belonged with her family. Though... would they ever really be together in the way she truly wanted? The female would let out a soft sigh. She just... didn't know anymore.

talk, think



02-21-2014, 06:42 PM

OOC: Will be short, wanted to fit this in before i got of to bed.

Since joining ebony Vaughan has been patrolling the borders, making sure no threat lurked just around the corner, and seeing if there was any possible wolves joining. With the sun held high within the air, painting its gold rays all around. the brute would decide to take a walk, Venturing a little further away from the territory then intended, and yet he still wasnt to far. For a moment he'd stop and wonder, thinking about all the possibilites and the future, before setting his eyes upon a woman so alone. Perhaps doing the same as he. With a roll to his shoulders he'd venture towards her, cautiously before breaking the silence. " It looks as though your over thinking." he'd chuckle before sitting a respectable distance away. Well aware of her heat cycle. Today she was in luck, for he would never take advantage of another in any type of way. " Im Vaughan, do i have the pleasure of having your name?" He'd turn to look towards her, smiling in greeting.

image by Luisiana


02-24-2014, 12:05 AM
Ooc:: I've decided that Akemi is going to join Ebony, by the way, so if at some point Vaughan wants to make an offer about it to her that'd be great. <3

A sudden chuckle would break her from her thoughts. Akemi would turn towards the male, instinctively throwing up defenses at first and bristling her fur. But then it would register as he spoke that he was hardly here to attempt anything on her. No, he seemed instead to be of a kinder sort, offering conversation, a name. The tiny female's fur would lay flat upon her body, and she would flick her ears in his direction, analyzing the male with bright red orbs. A gentle smile was upon his face. The female do a mental check on herself before she answered. Not everything had to be done with the assumption that a wolf was her enemy here, she would remind herself. She was still fully getting to the idea, however.

"Perhaps, or perhaps there are other things weighing in my mind, Vaughan." Her words, although holding a serious tone, were not unkind. The female would offer a smile as well, sitting down now and curling her tail around her body. "You may indeed have that honor, though it is a bit of a mouthful." The femme would chuckle softly. "Akemi Miu Hr??vitnisdottir. You may have run into one of my siblings... it seems quite a few of them have trickled into Alacritia." By his scent she would assume he might belong to a pack, though not one she had ever caught wind of before. Had a new one arisen?

talk, think



02-25-2014, 03:51 PM

The woman seemed to be well alerted, defenses up. It was no surprise though, a stranger can hold many things, violance, murder or even rape, being the worst case. He'd take a seat listening carefully towards the woman. Her name would catch him by surprise, knowing there was no way he'd ever learn how to say it with out stuttering. " Well akemi, its nice to meet you." The thought of seeing any others would be extremely low, afterall he had only just arrived onto these lands a few weeks ago. " Im afraid i do not recognise any other with that name, i am fairly new to the lands myself but ive managed to obtain a respectable rank as high lord over at the Ebony Empire." The place was rather impressive, with enough water source for the entire pack, a wide range of lands and food. " Do you reside within a pack yet? Its different from the rouge life i suppose."

image by Luisiana


03-12-2014, 12:10 PM

And I Know That I

I Sometimes Tend To Lose My Temper

And I Cross The Line
The small female would give a nod as he said he was nice to meet her. Just a simple, kind word, made her heart ache in longing for more. For too long the female had dealt with the harshness of her old pack... and... maybe it really was truly time to move on. Accept new wolves into her life and truly change what she had become into something better. She was still attached to her family, and that would never, ever change, but... it was time to stop living in the past.

Vaughan had not heard of any of her family members, though as she thought about it that might have been for the better. Most of her family members had bad tempers to say the least, herself included, and were not all that kind when it came to strangers. Still, she supposed it just depended on the other wolf and the mood they caught them in. It would seem, however, that he was also a newcomer to the lands, however unlike herself he already found himself within a pack. No. An Empire. At first the word Empire set Akemi's nerves on edge, but then she recalled his approach. If the Ebony Empire was at all like her old pack... he would have tried to force claim her, surely.

Akemi would flick one ear in thought as Vaughan asked her if she was within a pack or not. The female would give a soft sigh, shaking her head. "Not yet. I used to be but... well... I guess you could say it was hell from the start and finally the shit hit the fan and I up and left, along with some of my kin. Though... because of the state of where we once lived we're not as close knit as I would sometimes like myself to believe." Blood red eyes would shift to his mismatched gaze. "Could you tell me more about the Ebony Empire?" She would ask. Maybe... if it felt right... she could join.

I Know It Gets Hard Sometimes

But I Could Never Leave Your Side

No Matter What I Say



03-12-2014, 01:53 PM

The lands of Alactria had treated him well, he had already claimed the rank of lord, he had met Raisa again- who resided within his old pack, and now he was just beginning to meet all the new wolves that live around here. He was rather enjoying how things are going, and hoped it would go on, the thought of it turning upside down was out of the question, And Vaughan would definatly not let it happen. He would lend a warm smile her way, interested on her views. " Its a good thing you got out of there, your siblings to. It must be horrible to live under a bad rule... Ebony seems to be the complete opposite." He'd give a heartful chuckle before proceeding. " Ebony is a rather close knit family, we forgive and let others develop over time. We are small but the numbers are coming together nicely. We have healers to tend to the wounded, and warriors to protect our lands. We could do with a few more. Theres currently high ranks up for grabs, but its only given out to those who deserve it. The queen, treats everyone fairly. Whether its the old or the young, the wise or the developing. Everyone is accepted."

image by Luisiana


03-22-2014, 01:30 PM

Akemi would give a nod as Vaughan spoke, definitely agreeing with his words. By the way he spoke he certainly didn?t have to experience such a thing, though that was definitely a blessing if he hadn?t. She became more curious about the Ebony empire as he mentioned it being the opposite of what she had spoken of, and a small glimmer of hope sparked within her heart. Perhaps... Ebony might have what she sought. Ears perked, the female listened quietly to what the male had to say.

A close knit family... Her heart would give a pang, thinking of her own brothers and sisters. How she longed for them... But if she couldn?t be with them then a pack was the next best thing, right? They were also still rather small, the perfect setting for her, at least she thought. If they were still small that would give her the chance to work hard and prove herself to the current members, so that when more came it would be clear that she was a loyal and dedicated pack member. She doubted she would ever work herself into a high rank... But it couldn?t hurt to try.

For a few moments longer Akemi would ponder, her tail swishing quietly in thought. Though it was an empire... It was sounded so different compared to what her father had shaped... What she had longed for all along, watching as things were corrupted around her. Finally Akemi would lift her red orbs to gaze upon the male, giving a small nod. ?I think, if you are truly sure your pack would have me, Vaughan, I?d like to join. I know I?m small, but I know how to fight and hunt, and I?m not opposed to learning new skills.?




04-02-2014, 12:40 PM

Sorry this took so long!

He felt rather relaxed under the heat, the woman taking his mind of important matters. Though, he was due to feel a little more calm, he had been working himself busy to keep the empire running smoothly and efficiently. And he could only hope raisa had seen his efforts. There was no denying he loved his current home, and could only hope others feel the same way. He would stand, and lean a single paw into the river, tracing it against the waters as he'd think. He would turn to her then, as soon as she decided to join. It made him more then happy, even on his day of he had found an interest, and that itself was an accomplishment on its own. " Really? Thats excellent! Im never one to judge a wolf by there size, my little sister was a brave warrior, and she was around the same height as you." He'd show no emotion in his voice, not wanting to go any further about his beloved sister. She did, afterall die trying in battle. " We currently have a lack of hunters, and the master rank currently has no other in it, though that has to be earned with hard work. What duty would you like? Hunter or warrior? We have a few wolves that could to with a spar." He'd chuckle softly, before standing up right.

image by Luisiana


04-02-2014, 05:51 PM

And I Know That I

I Sometimes Tend To Lose My Temper

And I Cross The Line

His words would stir excitement within her, hope that she would find a new home. Would these wolves truly come to accept her? Vaughan didn't seem to have any problem with it, even mentioning that he had a sister around her size. A brave warrior. Something she had wanted her own brothers to say about her one day. The small femme would give a nod, though at the lack of emotion in the male's voice she had to wonder. What was it that he did not tell her? A painful memory perhaps? She would not pry anyway, not wanting to open old wounds.

The female would gently smile, making her decision with a sure mind. "If it is hunters that Ebony lacks then I shall ask for that rank and work hard within it. Whether or not I get a higher rank is not such a concern. As long as my best effort is given then that is all that matters." Her red eyes would shine brightly as she spoke the next bit. "I'll also happily spar with any other wolves who would be willing. Even if I'm under the rank of hunter I'd still like to keep up my fighting skills in case they are ever needed."

I Know It Gets Hard Sometimes

But I Could Never Leave Your Side

No Matter What I Say



04-03-2014, 12:19 PM

NOTE: As of now you'll be accepted, you can roleplay in ebony lands and attend the Tourney to introduce yourself properly!

He would come to her side, glad that she made the choice to go in within the hunting ranks. Ebony lacked them, they really did. And adding one to the list was the best thing that could happen. " Then a hunter you shall be, miss. If i or Raisa see your activity and you make a strong impact upon the kingdom, then there will be a chance to hold a high ranking." He would look down upon her small frame, such a petite and fragile woman she seemed to be. But he wouldnt deny she had muscle and strength. He often admired the smaller structures, how they can look delicate and yet fight just as well as any other. His focus would be to return home, With Akemi close beside him. He could only hope she puts a mark onto Ebony.

-Vaughan walks to ebony along with Akemi?-

image by Luisiana


04-18-2014, 05:56 AM

Officially she was a part of Ebony now, within the ranks among other wolves. She would feel a bit of pride and hope stirring within her heart. She was placed as a hunter... a rank that was lacking in the pack. But she would do her best to make progress for the pack. She was small, but she was strong. She would work on his skills in this pack, for both hunting and fighting, and when she next saw one of her siblings she was going to be able to show them the progress she made. 'I can do this.' She would think, falling into place alongside Vaughan as they walked to Ebony lands. "Thank you. I look forward to working alongside you, Vaughan."

Ooc:: ^^ Yep, end thread.
