
[ OPEN ] Pirate's Hunt

Daedalus I


02-18-2014, 11:28 AM
Since the storms and the crazy weather ended a while ago, and the weather had finally warmed up into the summer, Daedalus began to explore much more than he normally would. In the Range, he romped around the tall grasses chasing butterflies mostly, but today he was looking for treasure. Whether it was colored stones, soft feathers, or anything else that interested him. Daedalus hadn't yet gotten a secret storage for himself, but eventually he would have to find one. Like a pirate, he was out to find some boo-tay!

"Boo-tay, boo-tay, boo-tay!"

Daedalus said in a sing-song voice as he trotted along a grassy path used by large game animals. The sun warmed the earth quite brightly with its warm rays. The earthy brown boy with violet eyes thought of it as a rather pleasing feeling compared to the cold air he had been suffering with. Daedalus didn't like the cold, and to keep going through it, he had no idea how he would. Daedalus was much bigger now than he was before and his loping gate was evident of it. The young avenger was getting fairly built up, like his father, and soon enough he would possibly resemble him. Speaking of his father.. Daedalus hadn't seen him for a while now. Perhaps a sparring thing would be in order. As an avenger, Daedalus would be expected to have strength and determination within him, as well as a sound mind and body. For today for now, he was bootay hunting.



6 Years
02-18-2014, 12:12 PM

Iorwerth was most certainly not out to find boo-tay.

The man had never been on a treasure hunt in his life, even as a pup such acts of piracy had never taken place. He'd been a prince after all, and in Uroril the royal blood in his veins called for far more serious matters than boo-tay. Of course he'd been an odd child really, isolated and never really taught to have fun, and now that upbringing was still present in his serious and cold nature. Pups had never been something he particularly knew what to do with and for that reason he was secretly glad that he had not yet been assigned a child to mentor.

His current plan of action was a hunt of sorts though only a real one after prey. He had to eat, as did others within the pack, though with no one else to accompany him on his mission he was left with smaller game, likely only to get a meal for himself. Though if he could get any more food he would take it back for someone else; any of the pups or those like Loccian still suffering from the after-effects of the storm. The bad weather had long gone now though it had certainly left some of the wolves a little worse for wear. Iorwerth himself had sustained an injury, the wound had healed up now and the bruising had vanished, he was fortunately back to his normal strength and ready to hunt.

"Boo-tay, boo-tay, boo-tay!" The voice was far from subtle and was certainly going to ruin Iorwerth's chances of catching anything. Olive eyes shifted their focus, searching for the annoying sound. The child soon came into sight. One he had rescued in the storm actually, not that he had seen the boy since. The name of the child escaped him, though of course Iorwerth hadn't asked for it at all, had simply taken him back to his family and then continued on his way, helping wherever he could.

made by raii

Daedalus I


02-25-2014, 06:46 PM
(Sorry for the lateness. Ugh.)

Daedalus hadn't paid any attention to wolves who may have been hunting in the same place he was. All he knew was he was enjoying the day and couldn't care what was going on besides what he was doing. For now, he was found down by the creek looking at the stones in the water. Many of them were an earthy brown or stone gray color, which he didn't get appealed by. Unless the stones were smooth and shiny, he passed by all of the dull ones. Daedalus kept humming to himself as he walked down the edge of the creek, kicking stones as he went. All the racket in the world could be heard and Daedalus finally found a green colored stone that had black stripes in it.


Daedalus said long and dramatically. Daedalus was a dramatic puppy, who would care otherwise? Dae quickly picked the rock out of the cold water with his teeth and looked at it on the ground. It was shiny and the black was like tiny cracks in the stone, but the surface was so smooth that there were no cracks to be felt. Picking it up and holding it in his mouth, Daedalus padded away into the grass humming to himself and dance-walking to the notes. What the young boy didn't realize that he was about to walk straight into the herd of elk. As an avenger, most would expect him to be aware of his surroundings and prepared for crazy shit to happen. As the pup walked up to a dark brown mound, Daedalus turned and plopped by it and laid down, giving a yawn. It was when that mound moved suddenly that Daedalus jumped up and looked up to see a massive thing with branches coming out of it. With the rock by his feet, Daedalus picked it up and watched the thing grow bigger and bigger, until it finally looked down at him and gave a sniff. It was the bellow that followed that made Daedalus nearly piss himself there and then.

Daedalus quickly backed off into the taller grass and back to the creek, as the Elk who went to stand up looked around for him. Daedalus knew he could smell him, but seeing him was another issue. So long as Daedalus didn't move, maybe he wouldn't spook them and get trampled, or be seen by the herd in general. Still, the actions of the bull caused the others to be wary some as the breeze constantly shifted his scent around. Daedalus slowly began backing back towards the creek until he reached the shore again, only able to see the tips of the branches coming out of their heads.



6 Years
03-02-2014, 06:00 AM
ooc: I've only just realised you replied, sorry for my delay

Of course the man would be horribly mistaken. The boy's happy little chant hadn't driven away the herd of elk that were in fact driving there way. Alone, for Iorwerth certainly wasn't about to count the child in his count, there was only a slim chance that he would succeed in bringing one down and there presence was simply useless because of it. He supposed though he could hardly tell the boy off for scaring away prey now, not when there was clearly some coming towards them.

Olive eyes switched back to the pup all the same, or at least attempted to though it seemed that Daedalus had wandered rather quickly from the last place that Iorwerth had spotted him. Frowning slightly he tried to look for the pup, a little concerned as to where he may have vanished to. It was only as he heard the deep bellow of an elk that Iorwerth's head snapped to the scene in time to see the child, now backing away.

Apparently this one had an awful habit of getting himself into danger.

Once more Iorwerth wished that he had more of the pack with him, together they'd have more chance of safely driving the herd away from the pup but alone all he could do was try get Daedalus away from them before they started to charge. Slowly he moved towards the boy, gaze flicking continuously from elk to pup, or at least the grass obscuring the child, watching for any sudden movements from either. At last though he was close enough to see Daedalus for himself and halted at the shore as the boy joined him.


03-02-2014, 03:27 PM

For her last few minutes in Seracia, Silveris had decided to go the long way. Soon, she heard a bellow, from an elk. Sniffing the air for any injured elk, the year old wolf caught the scent of something different. Her younger brother, Daedalus, was near the elk. Silveris's bi colored eyes widened, and she started to race to her brother's side. Soon, moving close enough to see the brown fur of Daedalus, she moved beside her brother. The elk, more curious than anything, was still moving forwards slowly. Following her brother, with her head lowered, and a snarl coming from her throat, Silveris glared at the elk. Soon, it was closer than ever to her, and the girl's growls got louder. Finally, the elk shook his head, bellowed again, and moved away. Turning to her brother, eyes narrowed in fury and a little bit of fear for her brother, Silveris glared at him. What were you doing? You could have got killed, or hurt!

Talk like this

Daedalus I


03-04-2014, 11:01 AM
When it looked like Daedalus wasn't in as much danger as he was before, Daedalus backed up some more and then relaxed some. He wasn't so scared of them, but he didn't want them charging at him all the same. Looking around, he noticed Iorweth standing before him and he waggled his tail. "Look what I found! It's a pretty green stone!" Daedalus announced happily as Silveris came running and seemingly disciplining him. Daedalus rolled his eyes and laughed. "Oh come on. They couldn't even see me. I'm fine Silveris! Look! I found a pretty stone!" Still wet from the water and his saliva the stone still had it's emerald green sheen with black veins running all over it.

Looking back to Iorweth, he smiled slightly. "Sorry if I made you and Silveris worry. I was just out looking for boo-tay!" Daedalus emphasized the 'boo-tay' word and chuckled at how silly it was. Daedalus had recognized the danger, though since the elk had moved off and there was no other reason to worry about it. Daedalus was sure they could still be hunted as they didn't see what made them scared in the first place, but still. "You should go treasure hunting with me! I still need to find some feathers!" Daedalus exclaimed to Silveris, wishing she would go too so he wasn't alone.



6 Years
03-04-2014, 02:05 PM

The plan was to escape without potentially causing any alarm to the herd. Alone and needing to protect the pup Iorwerth certainly wasn't going to take any chances when there was a herd of elk so close. The single one alone may have been a slightly different story, though if this fellow charged then the rest were likely to follow suit and the last thing he wanted was for he and the pup to be caught in the midst of a stampede.

Before he could quietly guide the pup away though another wolf chose to interfere, charging up to the elk and growling. The creature stepped closer and for a moment he assumed the plan had gone to rot and this female had just put them all in danger. She was Loccian's adopted daughter if he recalled correctly, and he was prepared to lift himself from the ground and push her away when suddenly the elk decided it'd had enough of the wolves and moved away. Once there was enough distance and the rest of the herd had begun to leave the area as well Iorwerth rose to his full height, a small growl aimed in Silveris' direction as she stepped forwards to scold the boy. "What were you doing? You could have got killed, or hurt!" The words were incredibly hypocritical of her.

"You foolish child!" He declared, words clearly aimed towards Silveris. "Did you not acknowledge the rest of the herd? If they had chosen to stampede you could have gotten us all killed. He had the far more sensible idea, hiding rather than risking aggravating the elk. They may only be prey though they are still dangerous for a single wolf. There is a reason we hunt such large animals in groups and not alone." She was still young of course, though for her own good hopefully she would learn quickly.

His gaze looked back to the younger wolf now, relatively happy despite all that had happened. "Look what I found! It's a pretty green stone! Oh come on. They couldn't even see me. I'm fine Silveris! Look! I found a pretty stone!" Hopefully he did acknowledge that there had been some danger, that this wasn't the sort of situation he should go looking for. "Sorry if I made you and Silveris worry. I was just out looking for boo-tay! You should go treasure hunting with me! I still need to find some feathers!"

Olive eyes glanced briefly at the stone though he was hardly impressed with it or the idea of treasure hunting. "Feathers are for birds. They are useless to wolves." He stated, facts taking priority over any imagination. At least the anger had gone from his tone now, towards Daedalus anyway.


03-04-2014, 03:07 PM

Head raised, growling at the wolf as he yelled at her, the yearling glanced at her brother and only said one thing. I'm not a child. When Daedalus spoke, saying that Silveris should go treasure hunting, too, the yearling lowered her head so she could lick his head. I'm sorry, Daedalus, but...I can't. She whimpered, raising her head a little. She would miss her siblings, and she hoped that they would be okay. Licking her brother again, she said something else to the pup. If...If I find any feathers....I promise to bring them to you. Okay? She said, and smiled at her brother. Moving past the wolf, Silveris muttered something to him.Don't tell him that I won't be here anymore, that I'll be in a different pack, or a rouge. And take care of my little brother. Sure, that went for any of the wolves here, but Silveris trusted this wolf, in a way. Moving to the edge of Seracia territory, the girl moved out of the pack borders for the last time.

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