
I want to thank you


02-18-2014, 03:08 AM

She was no longer the woman she had hoped to want to be, not the leader nor the savior. Vahva no longer had any faith in herself for others, the scab over her left leg that would heal into a scar was a reminder now of her failure to keep her calm in front of the first family she had craved in the first place. Her son had joined Glaciem, her daughter was no where to be seen even if she had arrived on Alacritis. It was a sad turn of events and she didn't want to seem like the sob fest of the universe but she was depressed. Her decision to help Ryu and Raven who seemed to be the only ones she felt comfortable being around right now seemed to be helping a bit. The ex Valhallan would simply want to break the depressing shackles but they stayed put right now and she only wanted to have one last look at her old home before she left. Not just giving prayers to her mother, an apology was all she could offer to Night, who honestly Vahva had felt she was too easily forgotten.
Shuffling the maned woman stood at the shore, pushing her nose into the sand. Did the heavens pity her, what did they think honestly. Was she a failure, for letting her son join a pack that killed her aunt and even scarred her. What more could she do with the boy who had fallen for an armada daughter. And worry filled her heart for her smaller daughter Koi who took after night greatly when it came to size and slightly skiddish nature. She was a lost child, if anything.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-19-2014, 02:26 AM

It was an hour after the meeting she had called. She had noted Vahva?s absence. The actions of the female that was the Daughter of Night had been brash at the Challenge, but Erani hardly blamed her. Everyone was furious towards Glaciem. Everyone wished Glaciem a painful fall that had no path out to rise again. Vahva had been dealt an injury to her leg be the ivory and coral ?King?, and the Theta, soon enough to be Alpha Primary, once she had moved the pack and claimed land for them to live upon, wanted to be sure that the leg would heal.

She came upon the black, white and blue female at the crossing, pausing just out of sight to watch her for a moment. Vahva looked as though she were struggling through a mental war. Erani stepped out into sight, greeting the female with a soft bark. Her pace was changed, head held slightly higher than her shoulders, her tail lifting slightly. A leader?s step, but not one overfilled with cockiness or pride. ?Vahva, daughter of Night, daughter of Sani. You missed a meeting an hour past, young one.? Deep blue pools settled on the red gaze of the younger wolf. Vahva was in her prime of life, strong, physically, but emotionally? Erani could feel the turmoil, had seen the sudden change in the female on the BattleField. Old hurts drawn to the surface, strong enough to overwhelm a wolf.

She studied Vahva, head cocking slightly. ?What ails you, Vahva?? Her tones were soft, gently coaxing, yet commanding. She couldn?t help Vahva, until she knew what it was that was wrong.


02-19-2014, 03:19 AM

Vahva would look nearly like she has seen a ghost lifting her head to Erani. She had not seen the woman since she was a pup. It was like a small dream, though it suddenly seemed like a nightmare. She sighed, she calmed herself, breathing in and breathing out. She couldn't break down like she had with the heir. Sitting down, her red eyes looked over Erani. "I didn't hear the call, I went to Seracia to tell them what had happened." she said. Though hearing her mothers and fathers name brought a small sting to her heart. Had she really failed her parents? Her mother, and even her own children and family.
"It'd be a simpler question to ask what doesn't Ail me Erani. This all feels too surreal. I tried to help Tortuga only for the alpha to give it to his father. I was going to challenge him for his throne, only to discover he had murdered my aunt. And I thought I had become stronger only to burst out during a confrontation and get all those looks, those stares, from the Valhallans I sought to protect. My son fell in love with an armada and is now a glaciem and my daughter is missing. What else do I have, I may have been a queen in the north but here I am nothing more than the bastard child of Night and Sani in which Cairo looked down upon." Her shoulders would stretch up in a shrug. Then release, it was all too surreal.
