
My dear sister


02-17-2014, 06:37 PM
I fell in love today

there aren't any words you can say

[Image: 21marzd.png]

Restlessness would pull at the man slightly as he scrimmaged through the land. The scattered summer snow would make a soft cushion for his white tipped paws and elbows. Plenty had happened since he arrived, plenty had not. He kept that gut feeling hidden behind his usual mask. As yet, he had yet to his his brother, or his sister in these lands. Just the many children they had running amok not yet ready to even live their lives as it stood. Though there was no doubt the Armada, who was growing wary would not just give up at a moments notice where as he wouldn't leave until told. Not that he didn't want to ask though, if he could leave, possibly find somewhere, where he was actually needed.

Etern sat down watching the sky, he was not growing old, and he was waiting for his prime to start happening again. The War lord was not one to just want to sit around and do nothing. Even if his expressionless face told otherwise. It was simple, mysterious, as he had always been with no sense of emotion. Only those close to him able to tell what he was feeling in subtle body movements. Even so, he wanted to speak with his brother and sister, otherwise he would not feel complete in this place. Not that they remembered the small pup who would follow them around in awe.


02-17-2014, 07:12 PM

She most certainly remembered him. An ear flickered with interest as rustling caught her attention. It was seasonably warm in the sound, and the occasional drip drip drip of ice melting was the only sound she'd paid attention to for some time. That is, until this other one resounded. The walls of the sound made it echo, almost as if it were calling to her. Curiously she would drift toward it, mystified. His figure loomed a ways ahead of her, standing out in stark contrast just as she did. ?Can it be?? she mused, having long since believed him dead or gone. ?I swear, it's like we have an Armada magnet laying around somewhere. Where have you been, my blue?? Isardis' fanciful tongue was certainly wearing off on her, though she wouldn't admit how much she enjoyed using artful collections of words to express her thoughts. An ear twitched idly, realizing that minus their father and mother, the entire family was together again. Oh, what help another sibling could be in the life that was Glaciem. Muzzle would stretch forth, extending to reach as far as the tip of his nose, if he'd allow it - curious as to how much affection he still held within his bosom for his family.



02-17-2014, 07:39 PM
I fell in love today

there aren't any words you can say

[Image: 21marzd.png]

Etern would have made no notion to pull his body up had this been a stranger. Clear as day it was Sendoa, her steel coat standing out from the cold as his did, as the man raised himself but made no expression of happiness nor of discomfort. All it was a blank rock of emptiness, but polite posture and tones would only come from the war lord. Her lyrics would send unshown shivers down his spine. This was what he had raised to do. To meet himself as an equal level as his siblings. Even if however steps he was behind them, he had grown into a fine young male strongly worried for his family but it was clear that his brother and sister were fine.

"And I had no mind to know of how many armada were running around. Until I spoke with roman." the lyrics would politely tone into a soft russian accent that he had. As she came to pull her nose to meet his. Etern would hold such affection, that he wouldn't show to others as his tail slightly shifted comfortably. His teeth aimed to nibble at the side of her cheek as just a soft greeting. "I have been searching for you, and isardis. I was sent to be a war lord after tugged away by my mother. Though my short reign as a commander led me here." he explained. Though would not inquire on his banishment for brutally killing the group who had taken and defiled his love at the time. Not unless she wished to know more.


02-19-2014, 08:05 PM

She had forgotten how stoic he was. He'd been like that even as a child, as she quickly remembered upon seeing his featureless response to her arrival. He didn't look like he'd seen a ghost, and he didn't look like he was thrilled or overjoyed. He simply looked. "Yes Isardis has formed quite the empire," she would note, neither thrill nor joy in her vocals. She wasn't sure how she felt about his mass procreation, but it wasn't even the Queen's place to speak against it. She would never tear him down, even behind his back. He told his tale, albeit briefly, and a brow would rise in interest. "Warlord.." she breathed with reverence. "I've no doubt you did us proud." Her words were slightly garbled as she didn't open her mouth completely, allowing him to nibble a small amount of affection upon her cheek. Quickly, and hopefully before he pulled away, she would aim to swipe her tongue across his maw in greeting. It had been some time since she'd seen him. "So what are you going by now? If I recall correctly we called you Ortzi and Etern. Of course if you prefer Warlord... I suppose it wouldn't kill me to call you that." A light chuckle rolled off of her tongue, finding his presence to be uplifting and pleasing.



02-19-2014, 08:51 PM
I fell in love today

there aren't any words you can say

[Image: 21marzd.png]

A slight pain filled him. He wanted to snap, and tear into the flesh of an innocent animal, but the emotion was not shown. Just the slight twitch of his muzzle to show canines only to be calmed by the soft pink tongue of his sibling. The touch was well appreciated, giving his chest to lower calmly rather then how tense it had been before. "I will not lie to family, they ended my reign in banishment so I sought this empire out. They were softer than I thought." he would not lie to his family, or keep secrets. Well, only one secret, but that was to secure the safety of a certain someone in a group that did not exist.

A small chuckle would leave his throat though, as warlord left her lips. It'd be so nice to be called that as a nickname, but it was not proper for a lady like her since he was not above her. Etern had a high respect for ranks even with blood relation. "Etern is fine Sendoa. It's softer on the tongue than Ortzi." he mused. How beautifully she had grown, though she had always been beautiful. "You have grown beautiful Sendoa, what has become of you and Isardis, I heard that you two have children of your own together. Is this true?" it was not uncommon for siblings to mate in such situations. Of course if it were true their children would be heirs. And it would be glorious.


02-19-2014, 09:01 PM

He seemed distressed, but she would not comment on that matter. It wasn't her business to pry, especially when he had been gone for so long. All would be revealed in good time, she had faith in that. ?Banishment,? she murmured, the word tasting bitter on her tongue. ?They must have been fools. Can't say I'm displeased with how things turned out, though.? It was true, no matter what the circumstances, she was pleased he was home where he belonged. He would chuckle as she called him warlord, and he quickly named his middle name as his calling. ?Etern. It is much softer, almost melodic.? She would smile and tag on a little note, ?I'll save Warlord for special occasions.? He would then go on to compliment her beauty, to which she would scoff. So many thought her beautiful, but she'd never once seen it herself. Sendoa had always been a tool until now, a battle machine - perhaps she was finally growing into a lady. ?Isardis and I are mated. Last season we brought two fine sons into the world - I would love for you to meet them.? They were three months old now, and growing so fast. It would do them well to have another strong male influence in their life.



02-19-2014, 09:15 PM
I fell in love today

there aren't any words you can say

[Image: 21marzd.png]

Fools. That was true to him, the group of men he killed were less innocent then the pups he has killed on their orders. The men had defiled, and killed the love of his life, he had no doubt anyone else would had done the same. And it is true, he had to say, now that he had come in contact with Sendoa again he felt at home. That this was where he belonged in all honesty. Perhaps things would turn for the better in his days here. Two sons, magnificent really. He found pups amazing, and if they were his brother and sisters children no wonder they were held to such high expectations. "It would be an honor, I have no doubt that their beauty is to match yours and isardis'. They will do good in following the kingdom as heirs if they are." he commented with a nod. Him being here, he would have no problem helping look after the children if Isardis and Sendoa were both busy with their duties.

"Though, there is something on my mind. I feel like a dry rag-doll sitting here doing nothing. Is there nothing I can do but sit back and admire these lands like a lazed lion." he asked, curiosity falling over his mind. This was far different from his days of simply waiting for an order to kill, or start a war and then going for it. It was now where he had to make use of himself with effort, or rather maybe less effort with his slightly more open nature of freedom. Freedom of speech, strength, and emotion even if he had been taught to conceal it in times if an enemy caught him. The perfect spy had been born to this name of Ortzi Eternally Armada. Etern for short.


02-20-2014, 09:55 PM

She eyed him, recalling what a tiny thing he had been when he'd entered the world and took his first breath. He'd cried shortly after, a sound she now knew to be a battle cry. He had been a strong boy, and he looked to have become an even stronger man - one she could be truly proud of. A smile creased her features, just enough to curl the corners of her lips up a degree or two. ?I imagine one of them will end up as Heir, though nothing has been decided yet. Their personalities are so different, it's hard to imagine picking one over the other.? Perhaps that wasn't necessary, though. Who's to say the boys couldn't take on the dynasty together, as one? The thought had never crossed her mind until now, and it would certainly not leave her mind for some time. That would be remarkable, something only an Armada could pull off - or two, actually. Something tugged at the strings of his mind, and she would tilt her ears attentively to his words. He was bored, ah - the plagues of a finely tuned pack, there just simply wasn't enough work to go around. ?I daresay you deserve a day or two to behave like a lazed lion, but I understand your desire for productivity. It seems now that I am Queen and a mother I'm not much good for anything but strolling about and looking pretty - if I manage to pull that off.? She snorted, it seemed that her days of battling were over - as her life's worth was placed in her son's eyes instead of her teeth and claws. ?I must admit I've somewhat of a personal request you could attend to - if you're interest lies with youth. Isardis has fathered quite a few children, including the two of my own. The boys.. I fear they aren't getting the training and discipline they so need. I wonder if you might oversee their upbringing. Show them how to be men, teach them to be the warlords there genes command them to be.? Isardis meant well, but one man did not have time enough to manage the testosterone running rampant in Glaciem. It was time trusted others stepped in to assist in reigning in the youthful boys of the North and oversee their transformation into men of valor. Taurig was gone, but perhaps the gods or fates or whatever celestial beings there might be had sent Etern here to replace him - and surpass him.



02-20-2014, 10:40 PM
I fell in love today

there aren't any words you can say

[Image: 21marzd.png]

It had felt like forever since he had been able to have a talk with Sendoa like this. While they were his year seniors, it was still with a happy heart he say that speaking like this put him to ease if not a little bit at all. He was glad to hear he hadn't been the only one craving for action, craving for something to do within a stable empire to secure a future for their young. Listening to Sendoa he raised an eyebrow, of course she managed to look beautiful her beauty couldn't be beat in his opinion. Isardis was lucky to have won her heart if anything. Etern was still healing from losing his.

"You and Isar must both be busy with your duties, I'd say with this many children it is no wonder that they are not having enough time with their father. They look up to him no doubt." Etern shook his head, it must have been true. He wasn't meaning they weren't giving them enough attention, he knew nothing of that. As she had said they do need another father figure in their life. His heart bubbled softly at the thought. Bringing a short smile to his lips, yes here he didn't have to hide his emotions much. Even if it would take some time to get used to it. "I would love to spend time with my nieces and nephews. And if training is what they need I can offer that too. Am I to stay as an Assailant under this? While ambitious, I don't wish to make it seem like I am trying to replace or overthrow my brother. My thoughts are nothing of the sort." which was true, he was not telling a lie. When he would say that he was ambitious, but not for his brothers throne at least.


02-23-2014, 06:19 PM

Ever the flatterer, Etern would suggest that she must be busy. On the contrary, it seemed as if she had more time than ever before. Perhaps it was because she was still not used to this life - perhaps she never would be. Still, she had chosen this lot in life, and she could not take that choice back even if she wanted to. ?They certainly do, and he is a wonderful father - but no man could hope to spend enough time with all of them. What they need is another influence on top of Isardis, one that falls in line with his viewpoints and only seeks to strengthen them. I fear these boys grow too prideful in the knowledge that they are sons of Kings and forget that they still must earn their way to notoriety.? He would smile, which sent her eyebrow arching in a high curve above her brow line. It wasn't often Etern Armada smiled. He quickly accepted her terms, offering to train the children and asking about ranking. Her mind whirred quickly as she decided upon a more suitable rank for her brother. ?Etern Armada, I name you Knight of Glaciem - in charge of the Bloods and Juveniles. Your orders are simple - make the boys into men, and train the girls to be proper women.? Okay, perhaps not so simple. ?I have every faith in you, Warlord.? She would smile, the beautiful sort of smile that was rare to see upon her features. For the first time in a long while Sendoa Armada was irrevocably happy.
