
Like A Flower In The Sun



6 Years
Dragon Mod
02-16-2014, 08:55 PM
Sin Armada

Summer. It was here, and Sin was that much closer to bringing forth the empire he had stored in the crevices of his mind. Glaciem had become nothing to him, and so the beast didn't care what happened there any longer. The white witch had taken Valhalla, changed its name to something unoriginal and disbanded the pack save for the spawn of the albino Rey. Poor children...stolen from their mother. Then again, he didn't put it past his father to do such a lowly act. Would sin have done it? Perhaps...but he would have given the children the choice upon the age of a year. Forcing others to do what you wanted would only lead them to defy you, and why conjure hatred in such a way? The beast could only laugh at the folly the king brought upon himself, he would fall one day...and that day would be soon.

The waters weren't as high or as strong today as usual, perhaps it was because summer would eventually bring a drought. But he did not care, he had places to get water. He had important places of secrecy to turn to instead of wasting his time in the north. He had plans, and they would happen. He didn't give a fuck about the pack anymore, after all, why should he? His so called father didn't care about him. Treat others as you wish to be treated...and frankly, he had treated the beast as If he were a criminal to not be trusted. So why should he give his loyalty? Hopes were too high for that, for Sin would not do such a thing with those who had such horrid manners.

Tainted paws reached the edge of the water, the summer heat bearing down on the white male. All senses remained on alert, and thus he would quench his insatiable thirst.


02-16-2014, 10:34 PM
Summer came rapidly to the land and it was starting out to be a hot summer already. The heat was good for Alphonso but Isabella was somewhat impartial to it so long as she could find a place to be comfortable every now and then. For now the most comfortable place was by any water source, all the better if she could be by her beloved Ocean. A place where rivers did what all waters did, returned to the Ocean, was a fine spot to be. As Isabella sat on a large rock on the bank of the river she looked to the Ocean with a smile on her face as Alphonso sunned himself.

"Ah, Spirit of the Ocean, may you give me comfort in this heat." She said her voice with kindness in it for the ocean she loved. Smiling she shook out her fur a little. Her winter coat was long gone by this point but it never hurt to shed any extra fur she could in the summer months. So, alone for the moment aside from the company of Alphonso it seemed she was alone, a good time to groom. Grooming was an act that was necessary, and though it involved no real emotion she liked to be alone when she tended to her fox colored fur.

It felt good to run her teeth through her fur getting out anything that would keep too much heat this summer. She started with her sides before she lifted her left front let and forced on that. By this time Alphonso had put more energy in looking around than basking and as he did he saw a white wolf in he distance. "Madam Izzy, we are not alone." He said softly making Isabella lower her paw and turn her head. Looking where the gecko indicated she saw a white wolf with blood on his fur a wolf she had met before. He was a hard wolf to forget both for the blood on his fur and his personalty, dominant, distant yet willing to take up conversation and give information.

"I know that wolf, Alphonso stay here I do not wish for you to get on this one's bad side. Only come if I call you." With that she jumped down from the rock and moved to the river he was at, standing at the opposite bank. She didn't get to gauge his full personalty lat time they met so it was good to be cautions while she learned more and spoke with one she could should an interesting conversation with. "Sin." She spoke to get his attention. In the presence of another her voice reverted back to its controlled state. "It has been some time. Are you well?"Though he was kind to her last time they met she knew by now any wolf with blood on his fur wore it as a trophy, any with a view like that would have to work even harder to win her trust than others.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
03-18-2014, 12:44 AM
Sin Armada

The heat bore down upon his back, heating up the fur upon his form. The stench of blood, his blood that was worn on his coat wavered in the air like a heavy perfume. He was proud of what he wore, it indicated his success in striking fear into those around him. He adored the fact that the blood on his coat unnerved others, for it only fueled him further. Salmon tongue swiped over his muzzle as he finished taking in his fill of water. And soon he was going to continue on his way to the unknown, however, a scent would reach him before he moved.

Lifting his muzzle, amber gaze fell upon a woman of familiarity just as she called out to him. Ears perked upon his head as he stared at the woman on the other side of the bank. Distance of this kind will not keep me from my prize. He rumbled within his mind. Without hesitation, he pulled himself into the water. The cooling effect it had on his body was welcomed, but not a feeling that would last as he swam towards the other side. This particular area was not strong, unlike the rest of the delta. Even so, he was determined to stand near the woman whom he had grown a liking for, a woman he wanted for his own. And he would get her by any means necessary. It did not take long before sharpened claws touched the bottom of the river once more, and he bringing himself forward to dry lands. With a shake of his fur, he was nearly dry. Though with the heat of the day, he was sure to dry within minutes.

"It is nice to see you again, little Fox. I am well, and how is my dear Isabella on this heated day?" He purred, pleased to have her within his presence after sometime of not seeing her. He wondered if she was still willing to follow him, for he still had every intention to begin an empire that would rule the lands. If she so chose to turn his back on him, then a price would be paid for he never forgot a face. Least of all hers, and he wanted her regardless of choice.


03-18-2014, 09:40 PM

Watching him cross the river Isabella moved back a bit both to give him space as he would join her and to avoid an excess water he shook off. It wasn't that she minded getting wet, she just did not want old blood on her. It was pungent in this heat and she did not want to give off any scent she enjoyed being stealthy after all, it was one of the good things that came with being small. Settling down into a sit she met Sin's golden eyes with her own icy blue ones. As per usual her head was up high and she looked as proud as ever. His words were rather odd she saw no reason for such flattery such as 'my dear' but then again he was like that last time.

Nodding a moment in greeting she spoke. "I am well, even if not fully enjoying this heat. Staying near the Ocean helps for it shall never fade and conversation had with interesting wolves such as yourself does make the day easier." She did rather like talking to Sin even if he was an odd wolf. "It is nice that you are well, though I still do not see how you can mange to feed yourself with all that blood on your fur. Prey-things will be able to smell you a mile away." Not understanding Sin just made Isabella more curious about him. Her head tilted, just a hair. Being by her beloved Ocean made her let her guard down just a bit and she knew it. Righting herself she realized she wasn't the only one who know it.

"I'd say! I'm no 'prey-thing' but I can sure smell you and it is not a pleasant smell." That was Alphonso, Isabella had warned him to stay put but he did not like the looks of Sin and wanted nothing more than to protect Isabella who turned her head to search for the gecko. For the moment she could not see him, he was doing his best to use dips in the sand to hide until he got directly behind her. With an empty sigh Isabella turned to Sin. "My apologies, that is my friend Alphonso, he is smaller than me but thinks himself bigger than you. He is...mostly harmless if you make sure he avoids your paws and the tip of your tail. He is a dear friend of mine who clearly does not know when to hold his tongue."

"Hey I'm just honest!" The voice snapped as Alphonso appeared between Isabella's front paws. Isabella's ears almost felt back he was too close to Sin, it was far to dangerous fro the bold little gecko here. She hoped he would be safe where he was while he looked up at the white and red wolf with all the courage in the world. "And by the way, Madam Izzy is clearly no fox. She doesn't like nicknames either." He knew it was a rather redundant statement but he wanted to make it clear that Isabella turreted him and he did not trust this wolf. By the way this wolf talked to Isabella, his Isabella, who no doubt wouldn't be impressed by such things he knew the wolf wanted her to like him. That gave him confidence, Isabella had made it clear enough she liked him after all, if this 'Sin' wanted to impress Izzy, he wouldn't hurt her dear friend. Though he was always confidence, this gave him more confidence than normal and that obviously went to the little gecko's head.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."