
Sunshine, Daisies, Buttermellow


02-15-2014, 09:38 PM (This post was last modified: 02-15-2014, 09:45 PM by Bravo.)

ive got something i can laugh about

good day sunshine!

Alabaster pelt brushed carelessly against snow covered branches as the young prince made his way through the north. He didn't really care about the icy cold weather or the danger that deep powder posed against him. Bravo was used to this and had been taught about false snow traps since he was born. This was his element.

With a smile in his golden eyes, Bravo leaped over covered rocks and branches that had fallen from the previous storm. None would have known he was there with his pelt as white as the snow, but for the small sound escaping the boy's lips. He was humming a tune he had herd the birds singing that morning. What a beautiful day it was!

Spring was upon him and with it was the beauty of blossoming wildlife around him. Who could ever frown with that kind of scenery? Ebony lips lifted into a smile as he stopped right in front of a tree. He nosed the snow away from the trunk and stood on his hindpaws, looking at the new birds building their nests. His banner waved behind him in large happy sweeps as he barked up at the trees branches.

"Hey! Throw a squirrel down, will ya?" Laughter escaped his open maw as he pushed off from the tree. He'd leave the squirrels alone for now. His belly rumbled in protest and he nearly rolled his eyes, So now he needed food? How offputting.


Walk Think "Speak!"


02-15-2014, 10:18 PM

Aranya had been sleeping more than usual, as of late. It was hard to go back to being alone after so long. She'd lost track of her brother, and then Nuka... Well, she wasn't sure what had happened to him. It hurt her, deep in her chest, to wonder what had become of the brute. As such she'd become somewhat listless, and it was starting to show now just in her actions, but in her physique. Today, it was a voice that woke her from sleep, instead of her rumbling stomach. The frosted fae's ears perked upwards, and she cocked her head. Nuka? she thought before she could stop her mind's motion. Another pang lurched through her body, clenching her stomach and heart. No, of course not...

Still, the once bubbly fae sighed and rose, wanting to investigate. It could easily be vagabonds, or some other dangerous sort. Better to know and flee than be caught unawares. So she paced through the trees as quietly as she could, trying to locate the sound's source. It came to be, eventually, that she crossed a young male. She stumbled quite suddenly into his path, and stood now no farther than three paces away. She gasped, and back peddled, startled. His pelt was even paler than hers, his eyes bright with a sort of jovial humor. S-Sorry! she gasped out, feeling as though she had intruded. After all, the last time she'd stumbled upon a wandering male had turned out quite poorly indeed...



02-17-2014, 11:13 PM

ive got something i can laugh about

good day sunshine!

Golden eyes shone with delight as he turned to greet the female. His tail wagged boyishly behind him as a grin spread across his face. The girl had a pale pelt, not nearly as pale as his own or those of his previous packmates but lovely nonetheless.

Ivory head tilted slightly to the side as his frame lowered. He was resting on his elbows now, looking up at the girl with his tongue lolling out of his mouth and his tail wagging.

"Hello! Who are you?" He asked the girl in quick and high pitched tones. So he had not yet made the change into man-hood, so what? He was loving life! His rear end wriggled in the air behind him as he awaited her response, then froze in the mood of play. Golden eyes widened as a serious look crossed his features.

"Did you want" He queried and sprang his limbs back into action, shifting his weight restlessly from paw to paw and completely forgetting the hunger that clawed at his belly.


Walk Think "Speak!"


02-21-2014, 02:03 PM

We all want something to hold in the night

We don't care if it hurts when we're holding too tight

The boy's jovial attitude took Aranya aback. She had not been prepared for such a vigorously energetic stranger to fall across her path. Her ears flicked back in uncertainty as he asked after her name. "Er, I'm Aranya Eloise Netonya," she responded, giving her full title. She might have only given her first name, or might not have responded at all, had she not been so startled. The boy dropped into a stance, and asked if she wanted to play. "Uhh," she stammered, and stepped back a pace. She was typically os good with young ones, but ever since Nuka left her, well... It had been hard to find her spirit. She concocted a quick fib, so as no to hurt the boy's feelings. "Sorry, bad hips. I can't." She did not ask his name, and had half a mind to continue on her way, yet she stayed with apprehension to see if her lie would pass the test of scrutiny.

"Speech," Think