
until we hit the ground



5 Years
02-26-2014, 08:39 AM

one.. two, three. one.. two, three. the man's stride was much different than what it had been last season. but when he was sober, he was now used to walking with only three appendages. when he was intoxicated, well that was a different question entirely. the only physical challenge left while sober was the piercing pain still lingering around the amputated area. to bring maeva back upon her throne over his shoulders, though, he couldn't manage. the two would have to work slowly to bring their relationship back to the harmonious balance it once was.

but he had to admit that feeling the cool dusk breeze caress his bare fur felt almost erotic. not to mention he had to look absolutely enticing creeping beside the marble veins of a cliff wall, he could only imagine the veins reflecting onto his pale coat and causing an otherworldly glow through his fine threads. the only thing missing was company; though with the overbearing stench of scent markers surrounding the area, he had a feeling it wouldn't take too long to for company to find him.

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself



02-28-2014, 05:15 PM

An eerie stillness clung heavy to the easing of shifting pipes, twisting scents of confirmation easing like welcomed velvet to grazing lungs; motionless normality to the baron stretch of The Marble Wash. The domain?s usurper meandering with a seamless elegance, absorbed in a wonderland of brilliance as the suns last dying glow would blaze a luminance atop the breathtaking shades of glossy marble. However a bump would cause his naires to flair with unease, a seamless wandering suddenly tossed with the sure obstacle of a man with a death wish; and barely moments after scent recognition the awkward frame would parade in the near distance, with no care given to his unwise choices.

Instinct would prickle his skin, pace quickening as hackles would bristle with unwavering aggression; clockwork ticking as if it had been crafted wholly for the purpose to defend. Coral stilts would bounce into a lope, making a dash for the idiots existence with strides as unfaltering as a pounding thoroughbred. However what would usually result in bared weapons and sinking canines would send him easing only to a brisk walk, spine arched as tail would raise in a dominant show of his supremacy, and with a boiling growl heavy within his pipes he would seek to stand in front of the stranger, wholly prepared to skin the three legged abomination down to his last ill contour. ?Have you come to plead for the demise of your crippled suffering, fool?? venom laced his tones, vile and depraved as ruby lenses would usher his own, sickened gape.



5 Years
03-03-2014, 12:25 PM

his mind was buzzing with what he was now expected to do. it was an important task, given to him by the gods. but before doing so, he and his beloved kapras?us must have a bl?t. the two of them must track down a boar and give sacrifice to the norn sisters urd and skuld, in order to shine light upon their fate and future. he contemplated giving one to the third sister for their present, but a flash of pale before him grabbed his attention. it was a man, bloated with confidence and aggression. he was either the owner of the group residing here, or a man on a bad trip of tree frogs. his coherent inquiry told him it was the former, and a slightly offended brow would lift at his ignorance. perhaps he did not know of the gods, and if so, he would inform him.

a demented smirk would crawl upon vile lips as rough tones would seep from them, gaman ? leiden. a glint of admiration shone within his eyes, he simply relished his native language and how it tingled upon his tongue. pleasure is suffering, my ill-mannered host. if the gods had wanted my mortal life to end, they surely would have spared my leg to take my heart. he would pry his ill-matched pools from the man's intoxicating form to gaze down at his amputated leg. it was a mark of their power, of their jealousy. but also of their forgiveness. they had reminded him that he was here to rise to valhalla, to stand beside odin. not to live a pointless life until he died of old age. and so he met the gorgeous diamond before him with a stillness he'd never known before, not a sliver of fear poisoning his veins but rather a deliciously mischievous smirk upturning a relaxed fa?ade and a calm statement of i am simply here to enjoy the visual aspects of a heavenly jewel. after all, if we do not appreciate what odin and his brother's have given us, they might give rise to ymir once more to take it away.

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself