


02-14-2014, 06:21 PM

It was the day. She was going to fight the Red King. Or whoever had the throne. Six could care less. The daemon just wanted the throne. The number had heard so much about how the throne did not matter, it was how you held yourself within that throne. If the throne did not matter then how would you be able to sit down and expect others to respect you? Wolves read way to much into it. Isardis.. Sendoa.. Everyone read way to much into it. Six was a woman of the Wolf. The wolves way was her code. To be a strong leader. To be a faithful mate. To be a strict and reliable woman. The girl was born to be what she may come that day. It was her duty.

Her massive two toned paws fell upon the muddy earth as she slithered through the battlefields. It was raining, which she did not mind. It made it more interesting. Her tail was high and her head was higher. Six was ready. Her eyes narrowed as she looked up to the dim sky, no sun was found. The mud would throw the more off balance and would play into the fight. But, it was just more fun. To her at least. Her head tilted up to the dull sky as her song was emitted from those inky jaws. She beckoned forth the leader of Amenti for their throne.

The behemoth got ready. With her eyes already narrowed she squared her shoulders and bent her knees. As she got lower the woman aligned her ebony tail with her spine for maximum balance. Her claws dug into the earth and her hackles were raised. She was slightly more eased then usual for the throne may be just handed to her. But, some Wolves were dirty and fought unfair. She would be ready even if the fight was not near starting. She really hoped Aldoro would show, she really did. The girl did not care about anyone else. Just her mate. She wanted to make him proud.

Six v Virgil

for amenti


Defenses: With her eyes already narrowed she squared her shoulders and bent her knees. As she got lower the woman aligned her ebony tail with her spine for maximum balance. Her claws dug into the earth and her hackles were raised

Attack: n/a

Injuries: (pre-existing lung injury that occurs after a long amount of physical activity. Should only play a part in the last round or so.)




5 Years
02-14-2014, 06:41 PM

As Six had told him, it was the day she would challenge the Red King. The day everything would change for the girl, if she were to win. He knew she would. She was a strong and intelligent woman. One that was destined to become a queen. A ruler. And since he had become her beloved mate, he may be the king at her side. That is, if she won. Nervous, but excited at the same time. Though, at their last meeting, the man had promised he would be there to root for her. To make sure she didn't give in on such a great advantage. And he wouldn't break that promise. He'd never break a promise to his beloved. So with that, he would be there, on the sidelines with an encouraging smile.

The rain tattered on as the large man trotted across the muddy plains. Cool droplets would splatter all over him and drench his fur...but that didn't bother him. The only thing that bothered him was the chance of Six loosing. She was strong and confident- but he's heard of the Red King before. He was also strong. Aldoro shook the thought away and continued along. He could feel the muddy terrain beneath his paws as he trotted along. As he stepped, mud was thrown up behind him and sometimes it hit his elbows. But just like last time he came to the wet place, it didn't bother him. It actually brought him comfort. This was the place where him and his mate played together--- well, after their spar. Mud was splattered all over the pair, head to toe, but they both cared less. The words and postures is what mattered most. To him. But just as he was finished thinking, he had arrived in the open area. Through the heavy rain he saw a black figure in a defensive posture. The man couldn't help but smile before making his way to the side and sitting down. Now Six's opponent needed to arrive...

Virgil I


4 Years
02-14-2014, 11:26 PM
OOC: canty, you need to get the gems deducted for this pack challenge x3

She is annoyed. Not because she truly holds ambition against her opponent (although that isn?t to say they won?t be punished; mortals must learn their place, and Virgil has a message to send). Alas, today is a good day for the Empress to showcase her abilities. She is a god, and she will crush her opponent without question. No other option runs through her head; today is a stepping stone towards Olympian domination.
As she walks, her defenses settle into place. Legs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributing across all four limbs, knees bent, weight and center of gravity lowered, toes spread, claws biting into the soil for traction, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, head lowered to align with her spine, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws parted, eyes narrowed, and ears pinned back. For a moment she debates attempting to approach from behind her opponent, but the thought is strictly shut down. Such tactics are for cowards; a god has no reason to cower.

She arrives, poised and enraged, ready to invoke her wrath. ?Virgil Olympus, matriarch of the Olympus family and Empress of Amenti. Your move, challenger,? she says coolly, caring little for her opponent?s name. It is her opponent who will have to initiate the fight; Virgil has what she wants, it is Six who wants to take it.


Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]


02-15-2014, 10:03 AM
ooc: i posted in matienence all they goota do is take 400 gems from her. she has enough XD

It was not long before Aldoro showed up. He sat to the side but she was instantly calmed by his alluring scent. She ti;ted her head towards him and smiled, the girl did not speak. Though, their mingled scents gave up that they were indeed mates. The girl water a few more minutes before a woman showed up. She was not much smaller but she held her head high. Six stared at her with unwavering eyes as words were spewed forth. The ebony beauty eyed the other for any sort of injuries or weaknesses but saw none. They were evenly matched, Six liked it. "I am Six." The girl then got ready.

Six tucked her head in to protect the vital bits of her neck. To further such protection she opened her mouth and let her lips roll up. Her alabaster fangs in perfect view. Her hackles puffed up into tough rolls while her two toned ears flicked back. Her eyes narrowed as she bent her knees some more. Her claws were dug into the muddy ground as rain beat down on them. Her tail was aligned with her back while her shoulders were squared. The woman tightened her core and let forth a rippling growl.

The woman waited a moment as she thought out her possible moves. The massive girl then set off, attempting to crash her upper left shoulder into Virgil's left shoulder, this would cause bruising for them both and it may even push Virgil back a few steps. Mud flew everywhere as Six moved so quickly. Her open jaws moved to meet the left side of Virgil's neck in attempt to bite down. The wound may or not be vital but not fatal if hit. Six would also attempt to bring her right leg up and wrap it around Virgil's torso/upper body to get more height and leverage on the blond girl.

Six v Virgil

for amenti


Defenses: tucked head. jaws agape. lips rolled up. hackles raised. ears flat. eyes narrowed. knees bent. tail aligned with spin. shoulders square. core tightened. claws dug into the ground.

Attack: attemped charge at virgil, aiming to hit virgil in her left shoulder with six's left shoulder. bite aimed at the left side of virgils neck. six attempted to raise her right leg up and wrap it around virgls upper body/toso to get leverage and height.

Injuries: (pre-existing lung injury that occurs after a long amount of physical activity. Should only play a part in the last round or so.)


Virgil I


4 Years
02-15-2014, 09:28 PM
OOC: ah, you're supposed to post the deduction in the gemstore xD that's why I didn't see it xD

She doesn?t care what this woman calls herself. Instead Virgil worries herself with making certain that her defenses are all intact. Legs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributed, limbs bent, toes spread, claws biting into the soil for traction, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, center of gravity lowered, head lowered to align with her spine, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back.
Her opponent charges straight on, seemingly aiming for their shoulders to collide. Virgil has no intentions of letting such a painful thing land. Instead she charges forth as well, stepping to her own right, hips pivoting to her own right as well. As a result, Six?s shoulder misses completely. As she pivots, Six?s jaws clip minutely into Virgil?s left side neck, a decent chunk of fur ripped out of the golden goddess?s neck along with a few slight lacerations.
Alas, Virgil is not in front of Six when the ebony woman raises. The golden goddess intends to take advantage of this; she seeks to bring herself perpendicular with Six?s outside left shoulder. The golden goddess?s own left shoulder lowers, hoping to slam into the muscular part of the ebony girl?s left shoulder. The matriarch redistributes her balance to her hind legs, which spread and squat, her front limbs lifting from the ground. Her right paw hopes to slam down on the woman?s back, just beyond Six?s shoulders, hoping to push down and outward on her hopefully off-balance opponent.
Jaws, meanwhile, snap for the bottom of Six?s neck, hoping to sink beyond the fur into the woman?s spine and disable her. Her powerful hind limbs push, hoping to push her chest and left shoulder into Six?s left front side and knock the previously raising woman off her feet. She wants to pin this bitch beneath her, to show her just who runs things around here.


Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]



7 Years
02-17-2014, 12:40 PM

The ebony woman traipsed slowly toward the battlefield, curious to follow the call for her matriarch. Did the challenger know what had become of Amenti? That it was, in fact, Amenti no more? That it was now ruled by wolves blessed with the power of the gods above? It was unlikely. The residents of Alacritia seemed far too ignorant to the powers that walked among them. This day they would learn.

It was foolish to challenge her. Natalya would only think those words as she approached the scene and seated herself in the shadows. There was no need to tell anyone how poor the challenger's decision was. Nat was far more interested in listening to the fight that would soon be raging before her, letting her silent presence show her support for Virgil as the lesson taught itself. This battle was nothing but a small bump on the path to domination, but one that she would interest herself in nonetheless. In the meantime, she could get a feel for the land that she was sure to find herself fighting on sooner or later.


02-17-2014, 07:33 PM
ooc: edit allowed by muse.

As Six charged the golden bitch did too. The ebony darling messed up and missed her charge. Her jaws managed to hit the other girls neck swiftly, taking quite a chunk from her neck. The slightly larger woman had raised herself but her paw missed. As she came back down her chest was slammed into a pointed shoulder, which caused her to wince slightly. The wound would result in bruising later. Six managed to re-evaluate the situation, her knees bent and her claws dug into the earth. To gain a better position the woman would try to position herself slightly facing the golden goddess. To do so she would pivot slightly. This would cause Six to be facing Virgil more but they would be at an L angle nontheless. Virgil wasted no time, bringing her two front paws up to wrap around Six's upper body. The move was known to the girl and she would attempt to counter it by raising up her two front legs to intertwine with the golden lady's legs. Her hind legs were bent and her paws dug into the earth. This may result in a dance like position for them both. Virgil aimed low, her jaws snapped at the bottom of Six's throat. The girl quickly tucked in her head and the golden bitches jaws managed to get lumps of scruffs at the base of Six's neck. The bite would hurt but it was not vital. Six was pushed down slightly by Virgil's right paw but not enough to shake her balance to much. The ebony girl would attempt to lean in and tilted her head, she would try to snap her jaws at the left of Virgil's throat where she had bit before to cause more damage to the area. The flesh wound could be vital in the sense of blood loss and pain, but it would not be fatal. As she did so her shoulders were squared, her ears pinned, her eyes slit, her core tight for balance, and her tail tucked. Six would also attempt to flex her front paws to poke her claws at Virgil's back, the claws werent the best tool for pain but she they could help in balance. Six would try anything at that point.

Six v Virgil

for Amenti


Defenses: her knees bent and her claws dug into the earth. her shoulders were squared, her ears pinned, her eyes slit, her core tight for balance, and her tail tucked. paws flexed and claws may or may not be dug into virgil's back.

Attack: The move was known to the girl and she would attempt to counter it by raising up her two front legs to intertwine with the golden lady's legs. This may result in a dance like position for them both. The ebony girl would attempt to lean in and tilted her head, she would try to snap her jaws at the left of Virgil's throat where she had bit before to cause more damage to the area. Six would also attempt to flex her front paws to poke her claws at Virgil's back, the claws werent the best tool for pain but she they could help in balance.

Injuries: bruising to the left bit of her chest. bite wound to her lower neck, scruff.


Virgil I


4 Years
02-18-2014, 10:24 PM
ooc: crap post is crap ;_; if canty has questions feel free to pm me <3 also, I am leaving on Friday for the whole weekend, so if this fight could be wrapped up by Thursday that would be great c: If not I can deffo manage a phone post~

Alas, the cards do not fall as the golden woman had intended, but she is a warrior. Warriors account for all options, and decisions are made in the drop of a hat. Her opponent moves in an attempt to bring them more face to face, and Virgil permits this for now. They are at a more obtuse angle (OOC: this is what I picture, with 1. Being the position Virgil was attempting, and 2 being what Six?s movement put them at) , which is fine by the golden woman. It presents her with more opportunities, after all, at least in her opinion.
Her shoulder does not hit where intended, her jaws not doing intended damage, and her right paw does not knock the woman off balance. Six?s legs seek to brace Virgil?s (although Virgil?s left paw never raised (OOC: see previous post, only her right one did), so Virgil hoped this gave her an opportunity), and the woman lets her. Alas, due to their angle, things cannot be quite so easy. Six?s left paw lands on the back of Virgil?s neck, whilst the ebony woman?s right paw lands just on top of Virgil?s left shoulder, although it is a week attachment at best. Jaws release whatever grip they had on Six?s flesh, moving to seek a different target. Top fangs hop to bite in the middle of Six?s left cheek, aiming towards the back of her face, whilst her bottom fangs hope to sink beneath Six?s bottom left jaw, once again aiming towards the back of Six?s face. She desires to grip down and crush, hoping to slaughter the jaw joint there. Alas, whilst Six?s jaws pass her nose, they deliver a moderate laceration to the middle of Virgil?s sensitive nose. Further damage to Virgil?s neck depended on the success of the goddess?s attack to the other?s jaw, for if all went according to plan then Virgil?s attack to Six?s jaw would cut off her attempt to bite Virgil?s neck.

At the same time, her left arm starts to raise, hoping to hook her left foot beneath Six?s right armpit and sink rugged claws into the delicate flesh there. However, she does not stop, muscular hind legs pushing forth in an attempt to ram the two women together. This, the golden warrioress hopes, will have two results. One, she hopes that her claws will scrape long beneath Six?s right armpit and deliver stinging wounds. Two, she hopes the sudden surge will knock the woman off balance and teeter her to the ground.
Defenses are in place the entire time; tail lashing out behind her, hind legs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributed between them, knees squatted, toes spread, hind claws biting into the soil for as much traction as possible. Hackles raise, head seeks to stay aligned with her spine, shoulders rolled as much as possible, neck scrunched, chin tucking as much as she can manage, jaws parting, eyes narrow and ears pin back. Due to Virgil?s raised hackles, which produce fluffier fur for protection of the golden woman?s skin, Six?s claws do not dig more than slight scratches into Virgil?s flesh. Alas, she hopes this fight will end soon all the same. The wound from her nose bleeds heavily, the pain intense, but her adrenaline keeps her focused.


Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]


02-19-2014, 01:24 PM

Six was accomplished in her movements. They ended up in a dancing like position. Six managed to get both of her large paws on the golden ladies back. Virgil seemed to only have her right paw on Six'd back instead of two, which may or may not add to a balance issue for the other girl. Virgil let got of the ebony's lower neck scruff and moved for a much different attack. Six went in to bite the other girls neck where she bit before but her bite was intercepted and her fangs caught Virgil's nose. The darker lady had her eyes narrowed and her lips curled as the Queen went in to bite at her cheek. The golden girls top fangs sliced at Six's cheek causing an inch and a half of lacerations that probably would leave scars. Virgil caught the ebony's lower jaw with her very own lower jaw but it was not crushed from forced. Lacerations would slide across her lower jaw then up across the skin covered flesh area. The ebony girls jaw would lock for a moment, causing a shooting pain but it would not be a serious issue after a few moments. The pain did stun her for a few moments but after her jaws became free of Virgil's hold she arched her neck and attempt to snap her jaws at the flesh wound she had already created to increase the pain Virgil already suffered from. Six hoped the pain and potential blood loss would become either a distraction or even to much to handle.

Six felt the scratching of the delicate flesh beneath her armpit and winced. She instantly tried to pull her right leg back to enclose the space between her armpit and arm. The wounds stung, bringing her slightly off balance but due to her legs being bent and firm she stayed on those back legs after all. Six would attempt to bring her right paw up them slam it down on Virgil's shoulders, as her paw would slam down she would try to push down as much as she could. Six would also try to push the slightly skinnier Queen by pushing forward with her hind legs, as if trying to walk forward. Six would try to use her body to knock the lighter femme back.

The woman was damaged and lungs began to sting, but she would tough it out. Blood flowed from her armpit and jaws, the stench of crimson blood would fill the air. But, they would continue on. To increase her protection the girl had her hackles swelled into rolls of tough skin and fur. Her hind legs were bent and her paws dug into the mud below. Her tail was tucked in case another wolf decided to come in and attack her from behind. Her ears were completely flat to her skull. Her head would be tucked and her jaws a gape if she did not land the bite on Virgil's neck. Her core was completely tight to increase balance. Six had her shoulders square to help with upper body balance. Those ebony lips would be rolled back to expose her long fangs, this would add an intimidation factor and provide less skin to scar.

six v virgil



defenses:She attempted all this while her tail was tucked, her ears were flat, her lips were curled, her core was tight to increase balance, the girls breathing was completely steady, her hackles were rolled into lumps of skin, her head was tucked to prevent her neck from being bit again, and her paws were dug into the mud.


Virgil I


4 Years
02-20-2014, 10:19 PM

Successfully she manages to keep Six?s jaws from her neck, which stings and pulses with pain. Alas, she does not crush the woman?s jaw, despite her attack landing just as she intended, and yet she does not linger. Head seeks a different target, a more vital one. Muzzle dips down, jaws releasing the ebony?s woman?s flesh if they had still head any, and head tilting to her own right as she seeks to snake her muzzle beneath Six?s chin and attempting to clench into the woman?s throat. Virgil knows not what she intends; if she intends to attempt to strangle the woman of breath, or if she intends to attempt to tear out her jugular. She supposes that is a bridge she will cross once she arrives at it, but nevertheless she desires to shake her head back and forth, an attempt to damage the area she hopes to sink her jaws into.
Alas, she does not go unscathed. Wicked daggers, which aimed for the flesh wound on her left side neck, found themselves scraping down just behind the bald patch on her left side neck. Due to Virgil?s raised hackles and scrunched neck, the teeth sink moderate punctures this time into her rolls of skin, although no severe damage is done thanks to her defenses.
Alas, she knows she cannot stay like this forever. Right paw moves in an attempt to scrape claws down Six?s left side, hoping to go from the top of her back (hopefully just behind the end of her left leg) to the bottom of her chest. Virgil knows claws have potential to do little damage, but in battle all wounds count. Her left limb begins to sink towards the ground as well, the woman hoping to use her lowering weight and hopeful grip on the ebony woman?s throat to yank Six down with her (COUNTER, DAMAGE FROM SIX?S PUSH FORWARDS PENDING). She hopes this will prevent Six, who is just slightly larger (OOC: it is agreed that virgil is 140 lbs), from pushing her weight forward and into the Olympian. Six?s right paw pushes down on her shoulders, but Virgil is already falling towards earth, and the foot causes moderate bruising and slight scrapes on Virgil?s shoulders. It pushes her further towards the ground, which is her desire at this point.

Defenses never waver; her two hind legs are spread equally, weight evenly distributed, and her paws returning to the ground are prepared to assume such defenses as well. Toes spread, claws biting into the dirt for traction, tail lashing out behind her to account for any balance issues. Hackles raise, shoulders roll, head seeks to stay aligned with her spine, neck scrunched, jaws parted in pursuit of flesh and blood, chin tucked as much as possible, eyes narrowed and ears pin back. This is to be the final move, and she hopes all those watching will take note about what happens to those who dare to challenge Olympains. She does not see loss as an option, not when she is a God, and her opponent is nothing but mortal.


Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]

The Judge


02-23-2014, 07:21 PM


Round 1


clarity ? 0 out of 10 ; failure to mention at what angle six intends to approach virgil (-2). failure to mention exactly where on virgil?s neck that six attempts to bite, i.e. the upper portion, center portion, or base (-1). failure to mention what six hopes to achieve with a bite to virgil?s neck (-2). in regard to six?s attempt to wrap her right foreleg around virgil?s torso, where upon the torso needs to be specified (-2) and also, this seemed unlikely given the fact that six and virgil?s left halves would need to be overlapped in order for six?s left shoulder to impact virgil?s left shoulder, so six?s right forelimb would really need to reach over her own body to get to virgil?s, which seems unlikely, especially when lifting her forelimb so high without severely compromising her balance seems unrealistic on its own (-3).

powerplay ? 6 out of 10 ; there was no clear attempt to close the distance between six and virgil (-2). ??this would cause bruising for them both?? do not assume what your attack will achieve; these need to be made as intentions (-2).

defenses ? 9 out of 10 ; skull lowered, jaws gaping, teeth exposed, hackles raised, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, knees bent, nails gripping, tail out, shoulders squared, abdomen tensed. subtracted one point from initial score for failure to readjust balance as she raised her right forepaw.

attack ? 4 out of 10 ; attempt to slam left shoulder against virgil?s left shoulder to cause bruising (+2, subtracted a single point for minor pp issue). attempt to bite down on virgil?s left-sided neck (+2, subtracted two points for clarity issues). no points awarded for six?s attempt to wrap her foreleg around virgil because it wouldn?t cause any damage.

injuries ? 10 out of 10 ; first round.

round one six total ? 29 out of 50


clarity ? 5 out of 10 ; failure to mention exactly where on virgil?s neck that six manages to hit, i.e. upper neck, middle neck, base of neck (-1). failure to mention where virgil?s left forepaw goes when virgil raises it (-2). in regard to virgil?s attack to the base of six?s neck, it is stated that virgil wishes to ?disable? six, but it is never clarified as to how (-2).

powerplay ? 10 out of 10 ; nothing of note.

defenses ? 9 out of 10 ; limbs spread evenly apart, bent to lower center of gravity, toes splayed, nails gripping, tail out, hackles raised, skull lowered, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws gaping, eyes narrowed, ears pinned. one point subtracted from initial score for having two paws leave the safety of the earth (this would have been two had there not been mention of virgil redistributing her balance to her hinds, but is still one because having only two grounded paws compromises balance).

attack ? 6 out of 10 ; attempt to thrust her left shoulder into six?s left shoulder and her chest into six?s side in hopes of knocking six off-balance (+3). attempt to slam right forepaw down and outward on six?s back to aide in her attempt at knocking six off-balance (+1). attempt to bite into the bottom of six?s neck (+2, subtracted a point for clarity issue).

injuries ? 10 out of 10 ; first round ? moderate chunk of fur taken from left-sided neck, mild lacerations to flesh located there.

round one virgil total ? 40 out of 50

Round 2


clarity ? 0 out of 10 ; unspecified reason as to why virgil?s shoulder-attack hit six?s chest rather than shoulder (-2). unspecified as to where on six?s chest virgil managed to hit and the severity of the bruising done to her chest (-3). unspecified as to what direction six pivots in order to face virgil at an obtuse angle (-1). unspecified damage to the base of six?s neck from virgil?s attack (-2). failure to specify where upon virgil that six?s forepaws intend to land (-2). failure to mention where upon six that virgil?s right forepaw lands (-2).

powerplay ? 5 out of 10 ; ?virgil wasted no time, bringing her two front paws up to wrap around Six's upper body? virgil did not try to wrap her paws around six at all (-3). again, there is an assumption of the damage that virgil will take for the attempted bite to her left-sided neck. any damage your character wishes to inflict upon another needs to be made as an intention (-2).

defenses ? 5 out of 10 ; limbs bent, nails gripping, shoulders squared, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, abdomen tensed, tail tucked. two points subtracted from initial score for failure to redistribute her balance as she rears back upon her hinds.

attack ? 3 out of 10 ; attempt to worsen damage upon virgil?s left-sided neck (+3, subtracted a point for minor pp issue). attempt to dig her claws into virgil?s back (+0, ineffective tactic and unspecified as to where on virgil?s back six would attempt this attack).

injuries ? 6 out of 10 ; moderate bruising to left-sided chest (judge?s interpretation, -2), half-inch-deep puncture wounds to scruff (-2, judge?s interpretation).

round two six total ? 19 out of 50


clarity ? 3 out of 10 ; failure to specify what part of virgil is attempting to collide into what part of six during her push forwards (-3). failure to specify where upon virgil she receives the scratches from six?s nails (-2). failure to mention the position of virgil?s right forepaw (-2).

powerplay ? 8 out of 10 ; ??then Virgil?s attack to Six?s jaw would cut off?? do not assume what your attack will achieve; these need to be made as intentions (-2).

defenses ? 10 out of 10 ; tail out, grounded limbs spaced evenly apart, weight evenly distributed, limbs bent, toes splayed, nails gripping, hackles raised, skull lowered, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws gaping, eyes narrowed, ears pinned.

attack ? 7 out of 10 ; bite to six?s left cheek/beneath six?s mandible, attempting to crush the jaw joint (+4, counterattack). attempt to thrust her left forepaw into six?s right armpit, hoping to claw the flesh there (+2, effective nail use since the skin of the armpit is thin). attempt to crash into six (+1, two points subtracted for clarity issues).

injuries ? 7 out of 10 ; moderate laceration to nose (-2), damage pending to neck, mild scratches to unspecified area (-1).

round two virgil total ? 35 out of 50

Round 3


clarity ? 0 out of 10 ; failure to specify why virgil?s jaw attack did not hit in full when her attack landed exactly as intended (-2). failure to specify which cheek of six?s that virgil strikes with her jaws (-1). failure to specify where upon virgil that six attempts to bite; stating that she wishes to strike the flesh wound created before is still not specific enough, especially when six has now created other wounds upon virgil. clarify that she is again attempting to strike the left-sided neck to avoid having to reread the previous rounds in order to know where that is (-1). failure to specify which armpit receives the damage from virgil?s nails and how much damage is exactly done, i.e. mild or moderate lacerations (-3). failure to specify which part of six is attempting to collide into which part of virgil during her hopeful push forward (-3).

powerplay ? 2 out of 10 ; ??after her jaws became free of Virgil's hold?? there was no mention in virgil?s post that she would release her hold upon six, and six made no movement to cause virgil to lose her grasp (-3). failure to respond to virgil?s push forward (-4). ??increase the pain Virgil already suffered from.? do not make assumptions about the other character (-1).

defenses ? 10 out of 10 ; eyes narrowed, teeth exposed, limbs bent, hackles raised, tail tucked, ears pinned, skull lowered, jaws gaping, abdomen tensed, shoulders squared.

attack ? 5 out of 10 ; attempt to worsen damage to left-sided (?) neck (+3, one point deducted for clarity issues). attempt to slam right forepaw onto virgil?s shoulders (+1, one point deducted for clarity issues). attempt to push into virgil (+1, two points deducted for clarity issues).

injuries ? 5 out of 10 ; deep lacerations to left cheek/beneath left-sided mandible (-3), moderate lacerations to right armpit (-2, judge?s interpretation).

round three six total ? 22 out of 50


clarity ? 6 out of 10 ; failure to specify why six?s attempt to strike virgil?s wounds hit beneath the wounded area rather than on it despite the fact that virgil made no movements to redirect the attack (-2). failure to specify exactly what virgil hopes to achieve with a grip beneath six?s chin (-1 because it does touch upon it). failure to specify what portion of virgil?s neck that six grasps, i.e. upper portion, middle portion, lower portion (-1).

powerplay ? 7 out of 10 ; virgil?s attempt to shake her head back and forth on six?s neck is, while not directly stated as such, an ?if this, then this? statement. as in, if virgil manages a grip beneath six?s chin, then she will shake her head back and forth to increase the damage. if/then statements are seen to as unfair because they allow for an extra attack in posts without waiting for the opponent?s response (-3).

defenses ? 10 out of 10 ; hackles raised, scrunched neck, limbs spread equidistant apart, weight evenly distributed, toes spread, claws gripping, tail out, skull lowered, jaws gaping, chin tucked, eyes narrowed, ears pinned.

attack ? 4 out of 10 ; attempt to bite beneath six?s chin (+3, one point deducted for minor clarity issue). no points awarded for attempt to shake her head back and forth because of the powerplay issue. attempt to scrape claws down six?s left side (+1, nails wouldn?t do much damage to this area).

injuries ? 5 out of 10 ; moderate puncture wounds to left-sided neck (-2). moderate bruising/mild lacerations to shoulders (-3). damage pending from six?s attempt to push into virgil because virgil tries to lower herself.

round three virgil total ? 32 out of 50


six ? 70 out of 150

virgil ? 107 out of 150

And the winner is...

virgil! six must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out. virgil remains in control of olympus.


six ? moderate puncture wounds to scruff (will heal in five ooc days), moderate bruising to left-sided chest (will be sore for two ooc days), deep lacerations to left-sided face (will heal in nine ooc days and will permanently scar over), moderate lacerations to right armpit (will heal in five ooc days and may cause discomfort with walking), pending damage from virgil's attack which gets to hit since virgil won.

virgil ? two moderate wounds to center portion of left-sided neck (will heal in five ooc days), moderate laceration to nose (will heal in six ooc days and may screw with virgil's sense of smell for this duration of time), mild scratches to base of neck (will heal in two ooc days), mild lacerations to back of shoulders, soreness from bruises there too (will heal in two ooc days).


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

cantti ? there was an overall lack of detail on your part; make sure to specify everything you can to increase your score, since clarity brought you down the most. also, there were repetitive instances where virgil's attacks landed as intended but didn't do their intended damage and instances where virgil's attacks did not land where they were meant to without movement from six to prevent it, so make sure to give reason as to why your opponent's attacks do not hit their marks/do not hit in full. i didn't remove any points for this, but there was repetition of one attack (to virgil's left-sided neck) when i personally believed that six could have managed to do more.

muse ? there was also a lack of detail on your part and a few minor powerplay issues too that brought down your score. make sure to specify your attacks and the damage inflicted upon your characters so there's a better understanding of what's going on.

great job to the both of you <3

judging by [ aly ]