
Bleeding out for you



8 Years
02-12-2014, 09:23 AM (This post was last modified: 02-12-2014, 09:24 AM by Qanik.)


in defense of the innocent

Feeling out of sorts and unsettled by the situation in Tortuga, Qanik had temporarily retreated from the lands there and just wandered. Something just felt so wrong about the whole thing, the pack and all her allegiances handed over to an outsider, a stranger, without a by-your-leave or even a warning. It made her uncomfortable, to be nothing more than a commodity for the ambitious, and it concerned her on behalf of her young friends, Ritsuka and Gossamir. But was there really anything that could be done? They had given their loyalty to Tortuga as a whole, not a specific alpha. And yet...

She shook her head in frustration, her stride lengthening even more as she ran off her excess emotion. But it wasn't enough, the running, and she finally stopped, giving it up as a lost cause. What more could she do? The restlessness burned at her. Anger, dark and biting, roiled in her chest, an emotion she'd always sought to suppress in favor of doing The Right Thing. Well, right now doing the right thing didn't feel like the best option. A glance around her showed that her subconscious mind had carried her right where she needed to be - the battlefield.

It had not been that long ago that she'd regained her sight, and even less time since she'd stopped occasionally seeing double or getting dizzy. Since that time she'd done no training, not wanting to exacerbate the condition. But now, with this discomfort gnawing at her, the restlessness, she felt the need to fight, to work it out in the sweat and blood of battle. A rare thing for her to crave, but it made sense. To be prepared, to be in her top physical form, it felt important in this unsettled time. But unfair to her young friends, to sharpen her skills against them in this foul mood she was in. Far better to train against someone she could see as an enemy now and not feel guilty about it later.

The white wolf threw back her head, square jaw parting as a vicious, throbbing howl boiled up from her chest, a demanding call thrown out over the plains for a volunteer, a victim, someone to take away all this anger and put it to constructive use.


cowardice is the only sin


02-12-2014, 07:45 PM

[Image: 0pmdfzb.png]





He had lost track of the time he'd spent wandering these lands the last few days, or maybe it had been weeks? He wasn't sure either way, whether or not his mind had managed to catch up with his repetitive footsteps yet was beyond him, let alone the time he'd taken to find out where he was. And so he merely continued to walk, waiting for that moment of euphoric realization and completion where his broken record of a life might finally cease to keep skipping, and the obsidian colored brute might actually be able to do what he loved to do without consequence, or at least... A clean slate.

Although he'd never admit it, the beast of a wolf occasionally found himself longing for a good spar. Not only knowing the wolf wasn't important to him emotionally, but feeling the heated connection between the two fighters was something that just thinking about sent a shiver down his spine, and for a moment the brute's thick, ratty hackles rose on end. The electric shock of craving made the thick muscles folding over his back tense up and every hair stood on end, bristling above his vertical center. His mind wandered, and only when he thought he'd better calm himself down before his hopes may rise, everything changed. Titanium optics brightly rose to a sharp shade of white. A shutter of energy flowed like electric surges through his veins and the brute stopped in his slow moving tracks, nails extracted from their positions to touch ever so gently at the earth, his auds froze forward, tense as if pulling away from his skull.

It was faint, but the howl he caught was near enough to meet rather quickly. It sounded angry, frustrated, and yet he felt like it was meant for him. His hackles relaxed and the brute knew almost straight away that was the direction he needed to go, pausing before taking off he had to think to himself and resonate with the sound he'd just hear. His patients wore thin, and his tracks fell quicker as the sensitivity in his paws seemed to bounce away from the earth as if they were unattracted magnets forced against one another, keeping him at a float above the terrain. As the obsidian male pushed forward, his wide set shoulders expanded with his heavy rib cage as he drew in a heavy breath. And although it was short and distinct, the bellow he gave in reply to the one emitted a while ago was equally as yearning. It flew from his lungs with a bellowing roar, short and sweet though loud and abrupt, giving not only his position to the opponent, but also his feelings of necessity and longing for a spar as equal to the one he had caught sound of.

His hackles began to rise once again along his powerful back as he padded forth, titanium optics hardly taking a moment to blink away the chilled winds hitting his skull as he trotted quickly over the earth. His auds focused purely on hearing the signs from the potential partner, his heart racing to feel what he had been wanting to feel again, a need, a want, even a purpose. And that it was not all for nothing.

Word Count: 549

Tag(s): Tea!, --, --

Mood: Rigid, Ready, On-edge





8 Years
02-12-2014, 08:36 PM

An answer came to her call, the bellowing roar of a beast larger than herself, and Qanik's white jaws parted in a savage grin. Good, a challenge was what she needed this day. This vicious feeling, born of a perceived betrayal, was most unlike her, but Qanik would save the guilt and horror of it for later. Now all she cared about was reveling in it, using it for all it was worth.

She marked where the reply had come from, and launched herself into a sprint, oversized paws carrying her swiftly over the bloody land. There, the big black brute padding toward her, pelt bristled and ready for battle. He was the caller who had so expressed a longing to fight her. Nearly half a foot taller than her, and considerably heavier despite her own stocky build. Not quite a behemoth but enough so for her. Normally, in the interests of fair play, she would stop, speak with him, make sure she knew what he was expecting and vis versa, but Qanik had pushed herself momentarily beyond that. Blood now, guilt later.

Without breaking stride or speed, with no time wasted in talk, a needless venture when they had both made their positions clear, she threw herself at the wolf. Straight toward him, head to head, with her pelt bristled to confuse the eye as to where her flesh was, ears pinned and eyes narrowed to protect them from slashing teeth - her weight evenly balanced as her paws flashed forward and back, carrying her rapidly on, her body kept low to lower her center of gravity for balance. Even as she came upon him, she made no move to stop. At the last moment she turned her right shoulder toward him, aiming toward where his own right shoulder met his chest, hoping to injure ligaments and muscles with the force of momentum if not dislocate it completely, perhaps to knock him from his feet though with the size difference it was unlikely. As she did her neck would arch, the skin and fur bunching over her neck to protect it even as she twisted her head to her right, jaws open wide as she snapped out, trying to secure a hold on his side, muscles tensed and ready to whip her muzzle back to the left, to tear, were her teeth to meet flesh.


Fight Stats

Round: 1 of 2

Defenses: ears back, eyes narrowed, pelt bristling, weight evenly balanced, skin and fur bunched over her neck, body lowered for balance

Attacks: right shoulder jutting forward as she attempts to smash into his chest where his right shoulder meets his chest, aiming a bite for his side, if she gets a grip she will whip her head back to the side for tearing damage

Injuries: none, first round

Out Of Character Notes: sorry, I did say it would be a quick and mean spar! Qanik has some issues to work out. o.o


02-13-2014, 09:58 PM

[Image: 0pmdfzb.png]





Round One

It wasn't long before the brute realized the howl that was also longing for a good spar had belonged to a fae. As he trotted forth, the obsidian beast would snort into the air. His heart raced with anticipation, soon realizing with the charging ivory wolf before him, there would be no time for mere introductions and proper acceptance of each others current situations. Though, in those moments of understanding, the brute let a smirk of coy, sick amusement crawl across his maw, his midnight colored lips peeling back slowly with a conniving sense of enjoyment allowing his ivory's pierce into eye-line. He tensed and waited for impact, pelt standing on end, tightly peeled against his quivering musculature. His gaze of silver sharpened, his dial slowly dipping as she neared him faster than he had thought, suddenly his brief moment of hesitation was slightly thrown off, and the brute was kicked from his position into a rear.

Ivory's peeled into the air and a snarl ensued from his throat, deep and sharp into the airwaves. Titanium optics perched at the snowy female. Her abrupt hit sent the ecstatic brute into an uproar, his physique exploded into a frenzy of energy and testosterone. Rearing back momentarily upon his hind legs, the brute came down slowly, bending his thick body at his right rib cage against her thrusting shoulder, a thump hitting his chest, air sharply escaping from his nostrils as they flared. The sudden breath being knocked from him made his landing a bit rough, but with her hard hit he noticed her own sharp daggers lining her maw begin to bare towards his side As she lunged for him, teeth gearing towards his right ribcage, the brute's titanium gaze narrowed and his auds remained flat against his skull. As she curled into her hit, the male did the same, his brutal daggers painted into his left fore-paw struck out towards his opponents right flank in order to cause damage to the designated area. His ivory's shimmering as saliva slid across his lips and nostrils. Thrusting forward against his forepaws the beast aimed for her folded ribcage with his jaws. Using his body weight against the colossal fighter. He attempted to overtake her and throw her into a spin between their yin-yanged position.

Spinning his bodice into her as hard as he could, the brutes rear legs pushed as hard as possible to unlock them, all the while his jaws aimed wildly for her right side. As he pushed against her, he felt a stinging pain at his right ribcage, a pull and rip cause the brute to yelp out in pain abruptly though only for a short time, warm crimson blood flooding momentarily from the ripped edge where the fae has torn away, the other side of her bite had a good sized puncture.

Word Count: 476

Tag(s): Tea!, --, --

Mood: Rigid, Ready, On-edge


Defense: Coat fluffed in excitement and for protection, eyes are narrowed to protect against teeth and claws, ears are pinned to the skull, and forward position to brace for impact.

Attacks: Rears up from impact in attempt to escape super hard impact. He yin-yang's around Qanik who went after his left ribcage, he went after her right, using his left paw to slash at her flank as well as his jaws to aim for her side to lock and hold a bite. Keeps moving his hind legs to spin her out of position.

Injuries: Initial attack from Qanik caused a sharp bite to his side, catching his flesh with both canines and ripping open one side of the bite, a lot of blood was drawn with one puncture wound and one rip with the other. Initial hit from Qanik's shoulder ramming into Hinge also cause slight bruising on one upper rib.

OOC: Oh my gosh, she is goin' crazy! But Hinge likey! ;D. Also, sorry about a poopy post, it's been a long ass time since i've gotten back into this, plus had a fight/spar, so i'm a bit rusty lol promise it'll get better! :3

EDIT: Corrected injuries to Hinge.




8 Years
02-17-2014, 03:07 PM

Though her shoulder strike did not hit her intended mark thanks to the dark wolf's nimbleness, its impact against his side still drew a grunt from her throat. Her teeth did hit their mark, the canines drawing furrows, but the damage she had hoped to do was thrown off by the impact of a heavy paw against her right hip, the strike leaving stinging welts beneath her thin fur but doing little in the way of actual damage. The real danger was in the misstep, the stumble as she fought to keep her balance. Continuing to twist and circle with her opponent, she succeeded in regaining her lost footing but a sacrifice was made as she felt his teeth meet in the thinner muscle over her ribs, deep enough that a canine scratched against a rib.

Ignoring the pain, still spinning along with him like a dog chasing it's tail to avoid allowing him to shove at her, she gathered her weight over her legs as evenly as she could and sprang forward into their spin, twisting as she did to give herself a bit more room as she tried to rear up, her chest to his right shoulder against the taller wolf's side. The sudden deviation in speed pulls her away from his jaws, but the price of freedom is the tearing of flesh where he had pierced her skin. Her left paw snaked forward as she leaped, in the intention of hooking over his back at his shoulders, her right paw crooking to go under his throat so that they would meet at his left shoulder like a hug. Even as she was doing this, her jaws drove toward the base of his skull, not to sever the spinal cord there but instead with the intention of holding a tight grip on his head and neck.

It would affect her balance, not to have all four legs solidly planted, but if she succeeded in gripping him he could drag her around all he wanted and she wouldn't care. She spread the toes on her hind paws, each claw gripping the earth to propel her with greater speed should she need to sidestep with him, her tail tucked firmly down to protect it from vengeful jaws. Her pelt continues to bristle, still serving to confuse her size. A snarl rips from her chest, a demand for submission.


Fight Stats

Round: 2 of 2

Injuries: three-inch lacerations over her her right ribcage where his teeth met and tore through, one all the way down to the bone, the other slightly more shallow

Out Of Character Notes: now she and hinge matchy-match. c:


03-10-2014, 03:14 PM

[Image: 0pmdfzb.png]





Round Two

Her impact hit him like a hammer, still his initial shock from her starting attack was something he tried his best to catch up to. Strength building just enough to allow him to have countered the females attack of a spin. His breath had been caught and his strength was regained slowly as they spinned like a whistling fire cracker in the darkness. Yin and yang dancing together perfectly for a moment as jaws lashed out at one anthers sides. Both the fae and the brute had had opposite ribcages draw blood and throb with obvious pain. Blood staining both the dark and light warriors.

As they spun, the brute slowed down initially in an attempt to lift himself up upon his hinds into a rear in order to overtake the fae with his height and strength, but only a split second before his attempt to do so, he noticed the fae did the same, catching him off guard. The brute braced for impact, trying his hardest to push against the brutal fae's rearing bodice. Legs shaking with uneasiness as he pushed himself beneath the white warrior. A low grunt of a snarl executed from the brute's low baring throat, rolling out like a thunder storm. Jaws buckling back to reveal his pearls once more.

As she lifted herself over him, he brace∂ against her, trying to slip himself away from her grip to his left, but to no avail he felt a paw grip at his withers just behind his shoulder, and the other reaching beneath his wide barreled chest to reach around and sink into the thick black scruff against his left shoulder. She towered above him for that moment, reaching herself over his shoulders. As her jaws began to bare down at the base of his head, the brute managed to move his dial down only slightly under an inch, enough to escape a serious injury to his spinal cord, but still enough for the fae's canines to grab the scruff of his neck rather well. Piercing into the thick mass of skin and scruff the brute allowed a yelp to proceed from his jaws, feel his neck arch and stretch roughly towards the fae's direction of pull.

As she pulled at his scruff the pain seeded through the back of his neck down to his shoulders and down over his skull. Auds pulled back against his dial as he felt her grip tighten. Caught in her trap, the brute snarled wildly, saliva rolling from his jaws and staining the lining of his maw, dripping madly from his lips and tongue. Breath was course and heaving against his beating heart. Jaws began to snap wildly as he stood firmly beneath the fae, his front paws then began to twist and dig at the earth to push his body painfully underneath the fae in an attempt to spin around beneath her and twist her jaw and grip off of him. His yelps proceeded as he attempted to do so, feeling her grip twist against his scalp and scruff. As he spun beneath her his jaws snapped wildly at her exposed belly, twisting up to reach at her underline and eventually around to the other side of her. The obsidian brute's powerful haunches pushed against the solid fae, doing his best to twist to his right and force her out of position as if he were a record beneath a spindle being played. His snarls ensued but his yelps proceeded as well, eventually making it harder to move his neck, though he did his best to lift it onwards towards her sides and belly.

Word Count: 608

Tag(s): Tea!, --, --

Mood: Rigid, Violent


Attacks: As Qanik has now reached up and over Hinge's right should to grip at his left with her paws, and then bite straight down on his scruff and neck, Hinge is now trying to spin to his right to twist Qanik off of his shoulder forcibly the other direction. His jaws are lashing out at her belly and sides as he does so.

Injuries: Scruff and base of his skull is caught in Qanik's jaws as she rears over him causing serious puncture wounds on either side of the scruff that has been bitten, each puncture quite deep.

OOC: Hope it makes sense visually, just PM me if it's confusing, sorry!


The Judge


03-24-2014, 04:46 PM


Round 1

10 for clarity- Clear post

8 for powerplaying. Minor powerplay

8 for defenses. 8 viable defences

5 for attack. +3 Bite, +2 Shoulder shove

10 for injuries.First round

Round one QANIK Total: 41/50


8 for clarity- Mostly clear

6 for powerplaying. Some powerplaying

5 for defenses. 5 viable defences

5 for attack. +3 Bite attack, +2 Paws

10 for injuries.First round

Round one HINGE Total: 36/50

Round 2


8 for clarity- Almost completely clear

8 for powerplaying. Minor powerplay

4 for defenses. 4 viable defences

10 for attack. +1 left paw, +1 right paw, +2 chest to shoulder, +6 bite to scruff, vitally behind skull.

5 for injuries. -3 bites, -2 bruising

Round two QANIK Total: 35/50


8 for clarity- Mostly clear but a few details missing.

6 for powerplaying. Q few cases of powerplay

3 for defenses. 3 Viable defences

8 for attack. +4 bite to already injured area. Shove +2 Push against chest +2

5 for injuries. -3 Bite wounds, -2 bruising to shoulder

Round two HINGE Total: 30/50


QANIK: 76/100

HINGE: 66/100

And the winner is...

Qanik! Hinge must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Qanik:- Thin scarring where bitten on ribs, will take one ooc week to heal. Minimal bruising to ribs and shoulder. Will take 3 ooc days to heal.

Hinge- Bite wounds will have minimal scarring and take one ooc week to heal. Bruising tk ribs will take 3 ooc days to heal. Scars will remain in scruff and skull wounds.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

It was a good fight with very interesting moves and tactics.

- By [Rina]