



5 Years
02-10-2014, 06:57 PM

He wasn't really in the habit of making a lot of noise on his own, but every now and then there would be a place - a feeling - and Mikhail would find himself being carried away from the world and the life he knew. His mind would wander and his heart would follow close behind... and that is exactly what happened when he first glimpsed the wall, separating grassland from snowy tundra. He hummed a few soft notes, unable to contain himself. The white wolf padded gingerly over the snow, his long limbs carrying him far with each stride, his broad paws keeping him from sinking into the snow. He looked at that wall, a spark of awe in his eyes. All the while, a gentle melody he made up as he went continued, a throaty hum that might be soothing to one wolf and annoying to another.

Unlike some, Mikhail had some idea what this was - he'd heard of the humans, though he had never encountered them himself. He'd heard of the horrors... and the wonders. This wasn't something natural, from the earth. This wall was tall and magnificent. It would have kept anyone from passing it once, he imagined. Except, perhaps, other humans. The man's head canted as he eyed the wall, then began to trot alongside it, stopping when the wall stopped to reveal the grassland beyond. "Tch tch tch. Well, look at that," he mused aloud, blue eyes observing how time had crumbled the wall into dust. "Nothing is strong enough to withstand a force like time." The whisper faded into the chill air, gobbled up hungrily by it. Giving his head a shake, the lanky, white-coated fellow started on his way again, crossing by the wall into the grasslands, where the snow gradually melted away.

Mikhail was a stranger in a strange land. If his movements didn't give him away then his accent would. But then, he had kept under the radar since Annabelle's passing. He supposed it had left more of a mark on him than he would have liked. It was the thought of her that caused him to stop and glance back toward the wall, his musing expression returning. There were many types of walls... the strong, physical kind men had built once... and then the kind a person built to hold their heart safely. The kind that kept others out and needed to be torn down again. Done musing, he moved again, this time his steps heavier and the gentle, constant melody he hummed ceased. The warm light of the sun was his only companion today.


02-11-2014, 03:08 PM
The wall, lonely, isolated, beaten down on the outside but still strong on the inside. It was a nice place to visit when one wanted to think, and to be alone. That's what the fox like female was at the moment, alone. Alphonso was safe at a den they had claimed together in a place that was warmer and safer for the little gecko. Isabella loved her small friend but even friends needed distance sometimes. Besides, how they interacted made her worry. Burning thoughts overtook her mind as she walked on looking proud, dominant and controlled.

"To be around a friend so much may make me soft. I may get too comfortable, show too much emotoin. And yet, he knows how I am, how I act and sometimes can read my true feelings. Perhaps that is not so bad I just cannot get used to being so relaxed, so weak around others. Even now as the weather changes I want to act foolish. Roll in the grass of spring, run about and wag my tail. No..I must keep those urges hidden and must never act upon them. Last time I did such a thing another found me. I must be more careful next time."

As she walked on she was careful to not let her own thoughts distract her. As she walked her icy blue eyes scanned the area and though her hears were up and proud they were going to pick up any sound that came near. Coming up to the end of the wall she paused catching scent of another, most likely on the other side of it. Her ears turned to catch a whisper as her eyes looked forward to a man that crossed the wall, not yet noticing she was there. The man was white with blue eyes. Ironically the last time she was at this wall she met a white male but this one was clearly not the same wolf. He either did not notice her yet or did not acknowledge he noticed her. She was of a small frame, close to the wall an somewhat away from the end of it so it would have been easy to overlook her. Looking at the man she thought of how conversation had brought her knowledge then perhaps it could help her thoughts now. And it could offer a bit of training and reassurance if she could keep her emotions hidden "Better to face the stranger than run like a silly prey-thing. I am many things, but cowardly prey I am most certainly not."

Moving away from the wall she made herself more visible as she set her eyes on the man, sizing him up and looking for any sign of a threat. "I thought I was alone in this barren land, but I always seem to be wrong on that thought in the north." He voice was a chill fit for the end of winter and could either be taken as very calm or somewhat unfriendly." Falling silent she waited for the reply of the man, it would be a good way to gauge his personality. She didn't feel much like giving her name yet, that was something that could wait even if it was the more polite thing to do, she didn't quite feel like being her normal more polite self at the moment.



5 Years
02-11-2014, 04:58 PM

It wasn't that he was uncomfortable being alone - he didn't mind it so much. But that was likely because he was used to it, rather than because he desired it. So the warmth of the sun's light was an okay friend to have by his standards, though its company was considerably quieter than what he'd had in the past. Stepping carefully through the grass, he might have continued on, never knowing another watched him in the shadow of the wall if not for the sound of chill words slicing through the cold air.

Mikhail turned quickly, his blue eyes wide in surprise. He would blame the deafness in one ear for his lack of awareness, but in truth his mind had wandered a little farther than he should have allowed it. Now he moved with a deliberate slowness toward the figure who had spoken. She was small - several inches shorter than himself. But alas, he was all legs, so he supposed that counted for little. Her eyes were blue - not unlike his own - but he noted the similarities ended there, as a wall of another kind presented itself within hers. It was a guardedness he had not seen in some time... but that was hardly fair to say when it had been so long since he'd encountered another.

As he drew nearer and the shock left his features, a natural and undeniable warmth entered his eyes, the very antithesis of their cold color. He was only glad he'd heard her - he would have felt rather stupid if he'd had to ask her to repeat herself, given her words had been rather on the less-than-friendly side. He took her words as meaning she had wanted to be alone and that she was frustrated with the presence of another. Mikhail said nothing to suggest her words had upset them (if in fact they had at all)... he had every right to be here as well. Instead a wan smile spread across his maw and he stopped his steady approach. He stood tall - out of reach of any abrupt attack - but with a demeanor that suggested he himself was no threat: his head lowered slightly, shoulders slouched casually... but in spite of it a certain dignity remained in the tilt of his chin.

"Ach, is that not so often the way of things, Fr?ulein? After all, I am here." It was a choice to take her words well; another may have taken offense. But not Mikhail. Not today. "I find just because it is dismal does not mean it is so empty here," his head tilted peculiarly - primarily because his hearing was off, but also because he was sussing the woman up. She provided no name and her demeanor was icier than the air here. In his experience, such a front was only put up when one had experienced pain of some sort. But then, he would admit his experience may not be complete.

Righting himself, Mikhail chuckled softly. "But where are my manners? My name is Mikhail. Might I have the privilege of knowing your name in return?" While he asked politely, in reality he expected a response. So he waited, his blue eyes never leaving the woman.


02-12-2014, 11:43 PM
The male seemed surprised but not angry or aggressive as he noticed her. That was a good trait at least. Eyes n the male she watched him carefully as he came closer. Isabella was not one for closeness to strangers yet the male moved slowly and gave her some space. As the look of confusion gave way to friendliness she relaxed a bit and even more so as he stood in a tall yet distant and relaxed way. He was large but she was used to every male she met being larger than her. Not so much as tall as this one, but not that it was outrageously new or surprising.

The male spoke in an odd, way both with odd words and behavior. He tiled his head often for whatever reason she did not know. It looked rather silly, not that she saw the male as silly but she saw it as something she would never do herself, it looked playful, curios, happy, such things she would not want others to see if she could help it. Keeping those thoughts in mind she focused on his words. They were kind yet he did not yammer on, they were logical and left an opening for more conversation.

"I suppose that is true, sometimes the most barren lands draw the interest of others and so there are others to find there. There is much room to run and explore in such places, perhaps that is their draw." Her words did not change yet she gave no sign of anger or hostility. Yet, to meet someone so kind and give nothing back would be wrong so she wagged her tail in one precise controlled wag if only to be polite.

She saw no reason for the male to laugh but at least he followed the laugh with kindness, giving his name first then asking for hers, a proper way to do things. "Of course." the words slipped off her tongue as she lowered her head in an acknowledgement and greeting. "I am Isabella VentFlurrer. A loner yet not a stranger to these lands. If I may ask, what is a 'Fr?ulein' I have never heard such a word before." Knowledge, that was one of the things she loved and was always hungry for. He seemed a kind wolf so she hoped he would share the meaning for the word, and though her face did not change the eagerness to learn something new was noticeable in her eyes. They seemed to brighten at the idea.



5 Years
02-13-2014, 12:17 AM

It was after she spoke again that he could see she was not necessarily an aggressive woman. Her tone remained cold, but the movements she made suggested at least the barest effort of politeness and that was enough for Mikhail to think the iciness may be the facade. On the other hand, he had no reason to expect more from her (or less, for that matter). She obliged him with her name moments later, her head dipping at last in what was a proper greeting. He noted no change in her features - no added warmth. It was the edge of civility. If it irked him, it didn't show on his face, nor in his actions: he gently reciprocated her gesture, his head lifting as a question came from her lips.

A vague smile toyed at the man's lips as Mikhail continued to take in this young woman. She was a little hard to read, but her question suggested she was curious. It was a trait he would encourage in any young wolf, even those out of puphood.

"No, you won't have heard it before I suspect. It is a word of my people's tongue... and I have never heard the language spoken here. It is..." he paused, searching for good summation of the term before proceeding deliberately, "...a polite term for a young lady. I believe 'miss' would be an appropriate equivalent." Mikhail's blue eyes did not leave her, though he mused to himself that he could lose himself at times - that he could forget others did not understand the words he had grown up speaking. He spoke well enough the language of most others in Alacritia, but his accent would always give him away: he was not born here, or in any land adjacent.

She mentioned a place like this being a good one to run through. It was wide open except for the wall. Plenty of room to run physically... or to let the mind run metaphorically. Not only that, but she implied she was no stranger to this place - she had come this way before. Was it a place for her to ponder, as Mikhail thought it might be for himself? "So, Miss VentFlurrer? Do you come here to run?" His question could be taken for face-value. Or perhaps he suggested more, given her cold demeanor and former comments on finding another in a place she expected to be alone. He supposed there were plenty of things to escape: friends, enemies... one's own mind. He could only hope he spoke what he meant well enough, and that her reasons for being here were not too personal. It was not his intent to pry... not really. But if he were serious about not prying, he might not have asked at all... Nevertheless, a flicker across his face seemed to suggest he had already realized he may have made an error and an apology was already forming in his mind should the words be necessary.


02-13-2014, 03:56 PM
She waited for him to speak with her ears turned to him, her own version of being eager. Another language? That was very interesting, very interesting and the term 'miss' was one she did not mind. "I see, to know another language would be fascinating. It may be hard to believe but I am learning 'gecko' myself, it seems our kind does not have the right tongue for it though by his cringing." It wasn't quite a joke but it was a pleasant yet truthful exchange of words.

The next question of Mikail caught her off guard, being asked about herself, her own motives wasn't something that always happened. Then again the question did follow the flow of conversation. She wasn't offended by the question, in fact it was a nice question to be asked yet she kept her calm facade up. An answer was relatively easy to give but hard to put into words.

"Me? Well to run in away a suppose, to run from distractions and weaknesses. Sometimes one must be alone to get control of oneself once more. If we loose control than when are we? Rouges perhaps?. Either way it is not something I wish to become. Control is who I am." She did not mind talking and being honest about her feelings but rambling on so much felt a little rude. "My apologies, that was more of an answer than you needed." Dipping her head low and somewhat to the side she apologized further before raising her head once more. "What of you? Are you out to explore or just in this land by chance?"



5 Years
02-13-2014, 08:02 PM

Any need for an apology died when Isabella spoke, laying to rest the man's worry that he had spoken out of turn (and so soon into the conversation!) He let her speak in full, his own ears perked with interest as she spoke. She thought it interesting he could speak "another language" - this he would not comment on at any point. For him it was normality - he had learned the language of his pack - of his ancestors... but they lived in a land surrounded by packs who spoke the dominant tongue. Learning a second language hadn't been an option - it had been a requirement.

She spoke on control, and that gave her away. It was part of the core of her being; the coldness was not to be confused with malign intent, but rather it seemed to be her rendition of strength. It seemed to be her way of keeping herself from becoming that rogue wolf that was so often avoided in the wilds. And, as she appeared to be as alone as Mikhail was (except the words which suggested there was another she spoke to with some frequency) he also suspected she used the facade to keep herself safe. And no wonder - she was a little thing.

"My apologies, that was more of an answer than you needed," she finished with an apology, prompting the gentle furrowing of the man's brow and a slight frown.

Mikhail had already misjudged her. Her demeanor was ice and he had expected her answer might be a bigger wall - one he would not have scaled readily. Instead, she spoke with (relative) ease, so while he agreed with her assessment on the amount of information given, he could only bow his head and give it a light shake. "Do not concern yourself, Miss VentFlurrer. I am not bothered," he assured her with a dismissive wave of his tail. And just to prove he was not concerned with the amount of information she had given - and to steer the conversation away from any discomfort on her part - he answered the question she had asked him in return:

"A little of both, I must admit. I come from so very far away and I know little enough of the... geography to be so very deliberate about where I go. But I do not think this is a fair answer to your question. I do not mind the cold and this place is sehr interessant - very interesting," his gaze trailed to the wall as he said this, a half-smile teasing at his lips. He needn't go into his musing about different kinds of walls - or rather he wouldn't - but he returned his blue eyes to Isabella and canted his head slightly. "So today I explore! And tomorrow, perhaps I move on."

A peculiar expression - somewhere between amusement and curiosity - flitted across Mikhail's face when next he spoke: "Did you say you speak... 'gecko'?"


02-14-2014, 08:50 PM
Mikhail seemed rather relaxed around her, even more so after she had spoke. Perhaps something was troubling him or he did just not want to overstep his bounds. She did not mind though, she saw no real reason to mind. Watching him wag his tail a bit she thought of returning the favor once more but to do so would be a huge backslide in her mind. The point of coming out here was to train anyway and going against it would not be good.

["Chance and exploration are both good things when learning a land. Sometimes they lead to encounters such as this." She added with a nod already repeating interessant' in her head a few times to learn it. As he looked at the wall she watched him wondering what he thought of it. Some wolves didn't think much of human things but to her they were rather amazing in part because she never saw a human before. As he turned to her she nodded again.

Waiting for him to accept the offer or not she lifted her head a bit at the next question. She supposed it was not something that others heard often. In fact Isabella herself woke up the first few nights momentary forgetting about Alphonso only to be shocked again when he spoke. A laugh seemed like the thing to do at the question, in fact her mouth just about opened but she did not let her lips part as she kept the laughter in and instead deiced on an answer.

[COLOR=blue]"Yes, I have formed a bond with an odd gecko who learned our language by way of jackal. Their language is odd, like us they have real conversations of course but there are things like signals, 'hey there is food her' 'run away there is a threat' 'look how big I am leave me alone' those sorts of things. I admit I am not very good but I can do the 'i am big' call. He thought me it first no doubt due to his scene of irony.It's a rather harsh sound and it goes this."
Taking a deep breath she parted her lips a bit and let air pass though in a hissing sound while whimpering. It sounded like the mix of a painful and urgent cry, perhaps more emotion that she would ever in such few words. "It...seems to get the point across." She said after the brief call had ended. Of course she did not sound exactly like a gecko, still quite like a wolf but she did her best to make a sound similar to those a gecko would make.

(Leopord Gecko Scream low volume is best ^.^)



5 Years
02-17-2014, 10:24 PM
OOC| Sorry for the delay; I've had a busy weekend! :P

Mikhail thought he spied the barest glimmer of amusement on the woman's face before she reigned it in and instead gave him an answer to his question and, once again, surprised him with her willingness to share so much. Her facade was only that then - a face to hide behind. What made a lady want to hide? But he listened to her explanation in silence, his face a mask behind which his thoughts hid... but undoubtedly danced enthusiastically with the idea of a gecko learning to speak a canid language.

"I admit I am not very good but I can do the 'I am big' call. He taught me it first no doubt due to his sense of irony. It's a rather harsh sound and it goes something... like this."

Perhaps it was a mistake on Mikhail's part to perk his ears to listen, for the sound she made was almost painful to him... not the most painful sound he had heard, no, but far from the musical voice of a wolf. He was almost grateful to have difficulty hearing out of one ear! He hadn't thought a wolf could make a sound like that - and indeed, it was a sound that would've caught his attention readily in an urgent situation. It was a dangerous sound... how appropriate if it was meant to make one think of the speaker as bigger and meaner.

Mikhail only realized he had splayed his ears when he perked them up again to hear the woman's last statement. The man's furry brows lifted and a grin briefly split his maw, "I concur. It is a rather as harsh as you say! Is all of the gecko language spoken like that? I cannot say I have heard a gecko have a conversation myself..."


02-18-2014, 04:59 PM
OOC: No problem :)

Judging by his reaction he didn't care much for the sound either. That was good, it meant that wolves indeed would move away from it. "Hum, maybe it could be used as a battle-cry." She thought for herself as something to remember if ever the needed arose. Watching him adjust his ears she nodded before speaking. "Yes, well at least for the most part. What he has told me are mating calls are a little nicer on the ears, still only something that wold get the admiration of a gecko though. And the gecko I know, he makes soft little chuffing sounds now and again, and something akin to a hiss."

Though she had not heard any geckos in conversations sometimes Alphonso spoke to her complete in gecko. "It is hard to follow, even if one knows the language. Things tend to run together and can be easily mixed up. Sometimes I only understand about half of it but he is still proud of me." It was clear she was fond of her friend and it was nice to have someone who had faith and pride in her skills, someone to say she was doing things right.

For a moment her eyes softened and her lips moved in a soft smile. Realizing the mistake she resumed her neutral expression as best she could. "Well, it is fun to learn anyway, if a bit odd. I find it respectful though to talk to someone in their native tongue and if I know it then I can. Speaking of, if you would like me to use a title for you in your language simply let me know." Though kindness was not always high on her list of priorities respect always was.