



3 Years
Extra large
02-10-2014, 05:28 PM

Muscle ripped away from bone with a sudden tug as the young man ripped the last bit of tissue from the skeleton before him. He would pull it into his mouth, rolling the flesh around on his tongue before swallowing with an orgasmic shudder. No expressions graced his face as he stared down at the naked bone before him, thoughts and questions flooding his accelerating mind. With every new day came new knowledge, and today, he was studying the skeleton of a wolf after having killed and skinned it himself. Neios had concealed himself deep within the fog when Tortuga, his mother, family, and sanity, had been lost. Driven to madness he escaped into the fog, allowing the thick mist to camouflage his twisted existence, his only company being the voices within his distorted mind. As he grew in solitude he became interested in odd things, such as the body and witchcraft. He could care less about love, happiness, and the meaning of life. The body, potions, poisons, and traps intrigued him, and he was always thirty for more knowledge.

He would run his nose along the naked bone, nostrils flaring before his tongue would caress the smooth surface. And to think muscle, veins, blood and flesh had protected these beauties only hours ago. The thought would cause his lips to crack, blood dripping down his chin as it seeped out the sides of his mouth. A few feet away lay a pile or organs, next to it another pile consisting of appendages and flesh. He would use them later for his experiments, because despite his nasty nature, he did not waste any remains. He would either use them, or eat them. The sudden crack of a lose branch would cause audits to flick forward, his gaze instantly lifting. Pulling his head back to level with his spine he would look around, amethyst eyes scanning the thick fog consuming his existence. He did not expect anyone to be this deep into the moor, but he would stand to his full height, posture nothing less than superior as he prepared to meet the intruder face to face.



02-10-2014, 06:22 PM

She had not seen Basilisk since he had been so sweetly punished for his crime. She had much to think about, he had joined a pack, his desire for power was still there, and her lust to rule was as strong as ever. She prowled the lands, her thoughts consuming her. Fog soon clouded her vision, wrapping her up in a hold like a sweet lover. Powerful muscles coiled beneath her light pelt as she moved, the muck sticky to her paws unpleasantly.

But she ignored all that. Blood. It was the thick in the air and had captured her attention. Along with a familiar scent. Bas. He couldn't be here, it didn't seem right, but there was something so familiar about the stench that clung to the dense air. It propelled her forward, tail curled high over her hips, coral eye scanning, making out a dark figure in the fog.

She would step on a branch, alerting him over her presence. "What are you doing out here?" She cooed, approaching the dark silhouette. She would invade his space, searching for his violet gaze. Once she was close, too close, she realized she had been mistaken. This was not her shadow. This was someone entirely different, though looked exactly the same. A frown would tug at her lips, "Who are you?"

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3 Years
Extra large
02-10-2014, 06:46 PM

Suddenly she would appear, and mimicking a cornered animal Neios would immediately backpedal a few feet. With eyes narrowed, lips curled, and teeth bared he would look up at the woman, but she was only a few feet taller than him despite his young age. He was not yet a yearling, but the season was quickly coming to a close. Come summer and he would be one years old. "Who-o are you. How did you-u find me." He would demand an answer, though his voice was not as vigorous and bold as he believed it was. He was not used to being next to a conscious wolf, let alone someone he could not instantly overpower. He had grown accustomed to trapping then murdering them, not fighting to the death. His defenses would remain flagged, and muscles coiled tensely beneath ebony armor. His gaze would avert toward the skeleton, which surprisingly the dame hadn't noticed. Hopefully it would stay that way, though surly she could smell the organs and appendages only feet away. He would not cower, but instead he would hold his head high, tail flagged in utmost supremacy.



02-10-2014, 07:14 PM

He was started by her presence, withdrawing from her proximity immediately. His lips curled back, words falling clumsily from his dark jaws. Bemused laughter would echo in her ears. He was feral. Had withdrawn from the world, secluding himself in this place. Her gaze would following him, examining the carcass he had meticulously taken apart. Brows lifted in surprise, though a small amount of admiration shone in her eyes.

She would turn back to him, noting his dominant posture, though it lacked in his voice. "It wasn't so hard, I just had to follow that poor creatures blood." She would approach, her crown dropping to examine the dead wolf, eyes sliding to the organs set to the side. Audits remained turned in his direction, keeping tabs on him. He would be foolish to attack, else he wanted to end up like his look alike. Claimed.

"Cataleya. What is your name boy?" Her demand would fall from dark lips as she lifted her crown. He had skill, that much was obviously. Talent that could be perfected and built upon. He clearly had no morals. Plans, ideas all formed in her twisted him. He could provide much use, just as Bas, he could be used to her benefit.

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3 Years
Extra large
02-11-2014, 03:28 PM

His eyes would narrow as he watched her observe his skeleton, every voice in his head screaming to cleave her apart. How dare she intrude on his privacy, then go so close to his prized possession? Murderous schemes flooded his mind, lips curling unconsciously as he took a step forward, a low growl bubbling within his throat. It was a warning, she needed to back off or he would react as a feral monster would. He would attack. Suddenly she would raise her skull and inquire a question. Audits would flip forward as she gave a name, and he would embed it into the folds of his mind. "Cataleya. Cataleya. Cataleya." "C-cataleya." He would repeat in a jumbled manner despite the three times he had repeated it to himself in his head. His eyes were still narrowed despite his jumbled words, and his defensive posture had not changed. "L-leave. I do n-not want you here." Words would slip forth with a growl, because despite his young age he did not fear this older, and larger woman. He had learned many things about the body during his experiments, and now he knew exactly where to slice to kill her as quickly as possible. His knowledge made him fearless, and we would not reconsider using it if needed.



02-11-2014, 03:38 PM

His threats would breech her ears, resulting in a narrowing of her eyes as she glared at him. Foolish. They were all so foolish. She had easily bested the last boy that thought to stand up to her, and she would best him too. Lips twitched, a snarl threatening in a silent warning. Her tumbled off her lips in a foreign way, it was as thought he rarely spoke and it was a struggle for him to communicate. His posture remained rigid, defensive, amethyst eyes narrowed.

A brow would lift carefully as he demanded her to leave. "No," She let the brief word slide off her tongue, allowed it swirl in his thoughts. Her posture began to adjusted, her crown falling even with her spine, chin tucking against her throat, her legs bending at the knee and spreading equidistance from eachother, her silver plume straightening to act as a rudder if needed.

"You see, you have caught my interest, and I desire your knowledge. Under my care, you can flourish, just as Basilisk has." A twisted grin would pull at her dark lips, she gave him only a moment to process what she was offering. Would he take it? Even if he didn't come willing, he was still going to become hers. Toes flexed, claws digging into the earth. She would be prepared for an attack if he so chose, her defenses having fallen in line already. Audits remained at attention until he spoke. "Choose wisely." Her coo was barely audible, spoken mostly to herself rather than the boy.

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3 Years
Extra large
02-11-2014, 04:03 PM

He would remain where he was, and when her posture would become defenses he would growl louder. She didn't seem to be afraid despite the wolf skeleton and appendages beside them, which in a way frightened Neios. Was she used to these things? Was he not the only one who enjoyed science? She would speak, and his audits would flick curiously toward her, then backward to flatten against his skull. Basilisk. Why did that name sound so familiar? He would let the thought slide as he threw his defenses up. He could sense the tension in the air, and it was apparent that this woman would not be leaving anytime soon. He would need to chase her away.

He was very accustomed to fighting foes off having raised himself, so fighting came as an art to the boy. At least he liked to believe so. His head would drop to align with his spine, his ears would remain folded, his eyes would remain narrowed, and his lips would curl to fully unsheathe his fangs. He would roll his shoulders forward, raise his hackles, tuck his chin, bend his knees slightly, evenly distribute his weight, and raise his tail to align with his spine and to be used as a rudder when turning. Claws would grip the earth as toes splayed and flexed. His abdomen and muscles would tense, preparing to take a sudden blow. He was ready. "F-fuck you." He would snarl and snap aimlessly in her direction, blood trickling out the corners of his mouth from his kill. He would fight this harlot off until he could no longer, and should she succeed he would try again and again until he was free.

Round 0/2 ?
Attack: None
Defenses: Head aligned with spine, ears folded, eyes narrowed, lips curled, fangs fully unsheathed. Shoulders rolled forward, raised hackles, chin tucked, knees bent slightly, weight evenly distributed, tail raised to align with his spine and to be used as a rudder when turning. Claws gripping the earth as toes splayed and flexed. Abdomen and muscles tense, prepared to take a sudden blow.
Injuries: None
OOC: I assume they are about seven or eight feet away from each other ^.^ you get the first move! Also, he is about 34 inches right now.



02-14-2014, 11:20 AM

She watched as he sealed his fate, the rest of his defenses falling into place. Immediately her shoulders would roll forward, hackles lifting high, audits fell back against her skull. Lips curled back in a snarl, unveiling ivory daggers. Her skull remained aligned with her spine, chin tucked against her throat, tail was still straightened. Toes stayed spread, nails digging into the dirt for traction. Her abdomen tensed, preparing to strike.

[iFuck you.[/i] A snarl ripped forth from her jaws, rage boiled in her blood, adrenaline spiking. She would move, closing the gap between them. She stood only a few (2) inches taller than him, both their frames massive with weight and muscle. Basilisk had been about his size when she had battled for his freedom. And now she intended to claim this foolish boy.

The gap between them would close, her strides long and even, her movements slow and calculated, she would take her time. She would make a path to his left, arcing in a semi cirlce. Jaws unhinged, lips peeled back to expose fangs. When she was only a few feet from his left side, near his shoulder, she would strike. The muscles in her high legs would bunch, her abdomen tightening as she propelled herself forward. She aimed her jaws lowered than normal, she wished to grab a hold of his front leg, around the upper portion, a few inches below his elbow. If she is successful, then her jaws will clamp shut forcefully, slicing through muscle and flesh, followed by her immediate retreated, with a hold of his leg still. She wanted to rip the appendage out from under him, she will use her weight to push herself into him, and at the same time, move to her left she that she pulls the limb back, wanting him to loose his balance and fall.

If this fails then open jaws and he moves the limb out of harms way then dark jaws will seek out the next closest piece of flesh, depending on how he reacted to her. Defenses remained tightly in place, protecting her vitals. He would bow before her, she would put an end to this foolishness. He had no right. He would learn his place quickly, and answer to her.


ATTACKS: agreeing with Ais that they are 7-8 feet part. She moves out to his left side in a semi circle, when she strikes her chest in nearly aligned with his shoulder, they will be aligned like an L. Jaws are aimed to take a hold of his upper leg, a few inches below the elbow, after securing a hold, she will aim to push and pull the leg under him, throwing her weight into him and then stepping to her left so that she may also pull the leg back. If this fails then she aim to grab a hold of next closest piece of flesh, depending on how he moves.

DEFENSES: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, shoulders rolled forward, hackles raised, legs spread equidistance and bent at the knee, tail acting as a rudder, toes spreading and nails digging into the ground for traction, abdomen tensing, skull even with spine, chin tucked

INJURIES: None, first round

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3 Years
Extra large
02-19-2014, 01:03 PM

Suddenly the woman was off, and the distance between the duo was quickly closed. Impeccable defenses remained intact, never revealing a vulnerable spot to the bitch. His head was dropped to align with his spine, his ears were folded, his eyes were narrowed, his muzzle was scrunched, and his lips were curled to fully unsheathe his fangs. His shoulders were rolled forward, his hackles were raised, his chin was tucked, his knees were slightly bent, weight was evenly distributed, and his tail was raised to aligned with his spine to be used as a rudder when turning. Claws would grip the earth as toes splayed and flexed, giving him a stable grip on the soil. His abdomen and bodily muscles tensed, ready to spring at any moment, and as the she-witch came even closer, a snarl would rip from his gaping maw. A fiery rage arose within his amethyst gaze, and before he could whip up an attack, his body was rebelling.

She would stride forward from straight on, coming around him in a half circle so that they were beginning to form an L shape. As the woman stepped toward the left to align them at an L, Neios would react. He would elevate slightly off his front legs so that he could bring himself an inch higher then the woman (just his head would come higher than hers), and proceed to take a step forward with his right hind leg, whilst turning toward her so that part of his chest faced Cataleya's, as opposed to his shoulder mainly facing her chest. Only the upper portion of his body would twist toward her, and as he rose Neios would swing his right leg up and over in an attempt to rest the heavy appendage across both her shoulders, so that he could hold and use her stability to further assist his balance while slightly elevated. Claws would unsheathe and curve inward as he also attempted to grip onto her, though his dull claws would not have the ability to break skin. He would catch sight of her head ducking with jaws agape, and it was obvious she intended on getting a bite of him.

Though he hoped his movements would assist in his balance, it would not save him from injury. Within the same moment he had turned jaws would unhinge, and as her head ducked to grab his upper left leg (below the elbow as you said) Neios would waste no time countering. He would crane his neck downward so that his gaping mouth hovered momentarily above her vulnerable spinal cord, and as her jaws closed around his appendage, he would aim to close his gaping jaws around her spine, just between her neck, and occiput. (shown here) He aimed to close his jaws and lock them around his intended target, and proceed to add every inch of bite pressure he could manage. His jaws would lock if he reined successful, and he would proceed to flex and unflex his jaws, fangs aiming to pierce deeper and deeper to either disable, or perhaps, kill her. Tongue would roll back within his mouth so that he could fit as much flesh into his mouth as possible without choking himself. Arteries lie beneath the flesh here, along with her spinal cord and other life giving components. Should the opportunity to severely injure this bitch arise he would not contemplate the decision- he would take it mercilessly.

In return he would receive half inch lacerations around his foreleg, but with the adrenaline pumping through his veins he would cope with the pain for now. Blood seeped to the surface, only a temporary win for the girl. She would push inward and outward, attempting to pull his leg with her. He could only hope his leg had managed to land upon her shoulders, and that his attempted bite to her spinal cord would prevent him from tumbling to the earth.

Attack: I made a ghettotastic diagram for you xD Located here. He is attempting to raise himself up as she comes around his left, take a step forward to assist in turning, and turn the upper portion of his body toward her so that she is not aligned directly with his shoulder. He also wants to gain at least an inch height above her, so that his head is raised higher than hers. While doing so his right front limp will swing upward and over her in an attempt to lay it upon her shoulders so that he could assist his balance with hers. His claws are curved inward and ready to grip flesh, though they do not hold the ability to pierce skin easily. | As she ducks her head slightly and goes for his limb he will gape his jaws and hover them above her spinal cord, craning his neck down as he attempts to bite her spinal cord with as much bite force/pressure as possible. He aims to bite her as she bites his leg, in sync with her attack so that she could not easily counter. He realizes her shoulder is scrunched and her hackles are raised, so he rolls his tongue back so that he can fit as much flesh into his mouth as possible. He aims to grab a hold and lock his jaws if successful, flexing and unflexing so that his fangs could gouge as deeply as possible into her spinal cord. He hopes to harm her, while having the possibility to disable and or kill her should the opportunity arrive.
Defenses: First para!
Injuries: Half inch deep lacerations around his left forelimb, below his elbow.

OOC: Now, I understand she aimed to grab and pull his limp, but he is aiming to bite her at the same time that she bites him. It is also undecided if his leg fell over her shoulders or not, but if it did, it would assist in countering her attempt at pulling him over. Plus with a bite to the spine she may or may not keep pulling his leg outward. I hope this makes sense! I tried really hard to make it understandable xD any questions skype or pm me



02-22-2014, 05:10 PM

There was a satisfying taste of blood as her jaws met their mark. Even with the victory her defenses remained tightly in space, eyes narrowed, glowing with rage, audits lay flat against her skull, hackles remained lifted, along with her shoulders rolled forward. Her tail remained straight with her spine, acting as a rudder. Her crown remained level with her spine, if not slightly lower due to her grip on his leg. Her chin remained tucked to protect her vitals.

The boy would lift himself, his right leg land successfully across her shoulders and his weight shifting as he lifts himself higher than herself, his claws would connect with her flesh but were far to dull to cause much harm. Just as her jaws connected with his leg, pain would sear across her neck as his fangs punctured the skin. With her hackles lifted, and her shoulders rolled forward, he would grab nothing but fur and fat, but she would feel him flexing his jaws, digging deeper, toward her spine. Slowly her vision began to turn red around the edges, adrenaline spiking her system once more.

The woman would shift her weight onto her hind limbs, still keeping herself firmly planted before thrusting herself into him. With his one leg across her shoulders and the other within her jaws, she wants to knock him over, even if it was just his upper body that went down, or at least off balance enough for him to loosen his grip on her neck. She wanted him to stumble, even go down, she was willing to risk the shredding of her own flesh for his fall. Simultaneously, she would arch her back and shoulders, wanting to shove more fur and fat into his mouth in an attempt to gag him, lifting herself with her front downs to get higher up. For the moment she was thankful for her thick pelt.

While she pushed forward, jaws would flex against his leg, wanting to shred through the muscles within his leg. For now she would rely on his possible down fall or loss of balance before removing her jaws from his leg. She wanted his jaws away from the vitals along her spine.


ATTACKS: She would thrust her weight into him, wanting to use his lift leg against him. She will keep her jaws locked on his leg, flexing them to shred the muscle. She will arch her back and shoulders, wanting to push more fur and fat into his jaws in an attempt to gag him.

DEFENSES: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles lifted, shoulders rolled forward, tail flagged, legs spread and bent for balance and lower center of gravity, toes spread, claws digging into the ground, abdominal muscles tightened, skull even with spine (if not slightly lower with her grip on his leg), chin tucked.

INJURIES: Bite wound to the neck, not life threatening for now with her defenses in place.

OOC: Thank you for the diargrams, they are very helpful:) I'd like to keep Cat alive if possible tooXD
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The Judge


02-28-2014, 12:17 PM
Default to CATALEYA

Due to NEIOS not posting in the allotted time, CATALEYA is the winner, and NEIOS is now claimed by CATALEYA

NEIOS must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away.



3 Years
Extra large
02-28-2014, 01:00 PM

Suddenly the malicious woman would thrust forward, her jaws flexing as fangs cleaved deeper into his flesh, penetrating a thin layer of muscle. He would wince, eyes clenching as a pained yowl fled from his gaping mouth. Never before had the boy been bested, and being put in his place stung. He would retaliate as he came crashing toward the earth, his head smacking against the ground as he snarled in protest. He would writhe onto his back and yelp like a hurt child, because after all, he was a mere child. At only a year old he would need proper guidance if he wished to be an impeccable monarch, and this woman seemed to be the perfect mentor despite his bitter animosity toward authoritative figures. He would lay there, defeated and submissive, eyes and teeth clenched shut as he waited for another blow. He could only hope this harlot would show him mercy, as she had been the only wolf able to beat him into submission.



02-28-2014, 01:11 PM

Victory. It was hers. The boy would tumble, crashing to the earth with a thud. A malicious smile would curl her lips. He would protest with whines and snarls, but he lay before her, beat and submissive. She would release his leg, towering above the fallen boy. Her wounds stung, but it was all worth it. She now had another follow, another minion. Her left leg would rise, paw resting firmly on his shoulder.

Her crown would lower, jaws unhinging one more to grip at his throat. Fangs teased his vitals, jaws flexing against his windpipe. She would not harm him any further, just show him that he belonged to her. He would be released, her jaws moving towards his ear. "You will come when I call." Husky words were laced with a threat. She dared him to disobey her.

She would come looking for him. He was going to join her whether or not he liked it. The boy would thrive under her command just as Basilisk had. She would turn away from him, leaving him to think about his new life. She would leave just as silently as she had come.

-exit cat-

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