
Tonight Tonight


02-10-2014, 04:42 PM

Banyambo Akye lounged, short tail swatting at the flies around him. The air was cool compared to what he was used to, but it seemed to mean there were fewer flies. A relief, but the man did not feel any express need to up and leave his spot in the sun. The dark red rock beneath him was warm, and occasionally he would roll over onto a patch he had not yet sucked the heat from. With a happy smile, the young man lolled about. He had spent a good moon scouring the landscape for others of his kind, but had been unsuccessful. There were canines of a sort, but they were a strange breed indeed. Their sizes ranged drastically, and their pelts took on any color they pleased, by the looks of things. It did not make them bad company, he supposed, only the fruit of many a joke. He snickered to himself, and rolled over once more. The heat of the stone seeped into his fur and tingled on his skin. He may have been the only of his kind, but in a way he didn't mind. It made him first and foremost of his pack, never mind that there were none to compare him to. Could his father or brothers brag of the same? Hardly. Even if he would never see them again, well... It would have to be enough. He sat up and shook himself vigorously.

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