
Thou has slain the frozen dragon



02-09-2014, 10:17 PM
The lone female would make her way up an icy peak, the cold wind ruffling her taupe fur violently. She shivered slightly, body convulsing a few seconds before ceasing. The black and grey wisp stepped onto a glacier, paw pads cold and wet. She could not feel her own skin, for her body had seemed to go numb. The girl would slide down into a simple laying position, head resting delicately on her dainty paws. She searched the barren tundra for a single sign of one, simple wolf who happened to stumble upon the frozen land. She shook her small cranium and shrugged her broad shoulders before rolling over onto her thick coated spine and folding her paws up to her large chest. She wondered where all the canines were in this world, and began to think about her past. She saw flashes of red, blood splattering, eyes innocent. Heard bones grinding and breaking, painful yelps and whines, and wicked laughter. She whined and shoved her paws over her erect ears, making them fold down.


02-09-2014, 11:09 PM
"Are you still warm Alphonso?" A voice as cold as the wind around them spoke as a fox colored wolf looked back to her shoulders. "Yes Madam Izzy, your fur is quite toasty. I don't see why you wolves ever complain about being cold." A raspy voice answered the wolf from her fur. "Good, I don't want you freezing here. We won't be here long but since you wanted to see the world I wanted you to see ice." The female said as she moved on in sure confident steps. Her head was up in this cold, her icy blue eyes and high ears unaffected by the wind. Her tail was also up as she moved, a proud banner for any around her to see.

Alphonso the gecko poked his head out from her fur looking at the ice around them. It was indeed a wonder to him being from the sands. First he never thought this much water could exist in one place and then for it to be frozen? Magnificent. Isabella liked it as well, she always loved the Ocean and for such a massive area of the Ocean to be frozen and to be walked on? It was truly a gift from he Spirit of the Ocean.

"We shall see a glacier before we leave. It is like a mountain but all ice." Isabella spoke moving on to the closest glacier as Alphonso withdrew back to her fur. As she got closer to the glacier Isabella saw another wolf resting on it. No, not resting, hiding in quite a sorrowful way. Though she prided herself in being emotionless, or as emotionless as she could be, she could not turn a blind eye to one who seemed in need. Keeping a safe distance from the stranger she kept her eyes on the black and gray wolf before speaking. "Excuse me, are you in pain or need of help?" Her kind offer could have been taken as an insult with her cold voice but it was nothing of the sort. Even though she was willing to help, Isabella was not the trusting sort so she stood ready to move in any way to the strangers reaction as Alphonso hid in her fur. Considering his last meeting with a wolf, he figured it was good to keep quite or a while.