


10-25-2014, 06:46 PM

The white she-wolf sauntered back across the border of Sparse Pines- perhaps she had gotten a bit lax about respecting the border- but since Devin had treated her here, she didn't think Athena would care too much about her coming in and out, with her travels. She had gotten stronger since her return to Alacritis, and it showed with her increased travels. She'd been all over the lands- exploring and learning the various new territories. The scent of the pines was welcoming however, as she took in a deep breath, along with the scent of another. Glancing about herself, she spoke into the darkening sky. "Athena." She acknowledge the scent- wondering if her sister was nearby, and could hear her.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak

Worse starter ever. but I'm about to starve. >._< and I can't focus xD

Athena I


9 Years
10-25-2014, 06:56 PM

Athena lounged just outside of her den, enjoying the silence at the world slowly descended into night. It wouldn't be long, maybe even within the next few days, before her pups would be born and this silence would be gone for the foreseeable future so she wanted to soak it all in for as long as she could. Vereux had almost completely taken over doing her patrols in the last few days so she was sure that's what he was doing and Amalia mentioned something about going to get her a snack. They had both been so incredibly attentive, leaving Athena nothing to do but relax and peer at her ridiculously large belly.

But a familiar scent reached her nose, making her lift her head from her paws and glance around. She had absolutely no problem with Roman coming and going as she pleased. The pale woman was family after all, a member of her family that she truly respected and cared for on top of that. Her ears perked when she heard her sister speak her name, a smile coming to her muzzle. "Over here, sister," she called, pulling herself up into a sitting position with a little bit of a struggle and a sigh. She wasn't sure if it was normal to get this huge with pregnancy, but she was certainly ready for it to be over.



10-25-2014, 07:08 PM

"Over here, Sister". The words rang through the forest, and she turned towards the sound- her ears twitching. She turned- through the shadows, and weaved around until she found her sister sitting outside of her den. Her violet eyes passed over her sisters growing stomach, and pang of sadness passed through her belly. She worried for Athena, worried that her sister would experience the horrible pain she had. Logically, Roman knew that not all females miscarried- but the fear weighed in her mind. She drew to a halt, a few feet from her- and smiled slightly.

"How's it going?" She inquired awkwardly- she didn't really know what to say. 'Hey athena, i hope your children don't die?' No, that would be insane. She had to keep her personal fears aside- besides once those things were said, she'd feel personally responsible if something did happen. She sank to her haunches, and waited on her sister to speak- hoping she'd direct the conversation a little bit.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak

Athena I


9 Years
10-25-2014, 07:22 PM

Athena waited and a few moments later her sister appeared out of the shadows, the sight of her bringing a smile to the silver girl's face. At her question, Athena gave a mildly sarcastic chuckle and replied, "Oh you know, just busy being the size of a mountain. I'm honestly just bored out of my mind. There's not a whole lot I can do like this. But they'll be here soon enough, thank goodness." She smiled again, reminding herself that she really was happy to be a mother. It was just the process to get there that was tiring.

"I just don't know what I'm going to do when they get here," she added, her tone growing more serious. "I was constantly busy with the pack up until I just couldn't do it any more. I want these pups to have parents. Not just 'parents' like Isardis was my father and Argent was my mother when she wanted to be, but I really want to be there for them and raise them. I just don't know if there are enough hours in the day." She sighed with a shrug, not sure if Roman would have any advice or not, but that had been weighing on her mind so she wanted to get it out in the open.



10-25-2014, 07:59 PM

Athena spoke, and Roman chuckled. Being pregnant sucked- at least that much she could relate too. It wasn't so bad, until your stomach expanded until you thought you'd burst. There was a nausea and the other various symptoms that associated itself with the early part of the term- but to her, it was the size of her stomach that upset her. She didn't say much, shuffling her paws awkwardly. Before she'd left, words had come easy to her- now... she seemed to find so many troubles in basic conversation these days.

Athena spoke again, and Roman listened intently. Narrowing her eyes slightly, she thought about any good advice that she could give her sister. She didn't have much, other than saying what the silver she-wolf already knew. She sighed, and suggested lightly, "Could Vereux do more to lessen your load?" She asked. She wasn't really sure what Vereux's place in the kingdom was. Truthfully, Roman hadn't paid much attention to the politics of Bevroren since she returned- focusing on gaining her health back so she could decide what to do with her life- had been more important.

Athena I


9 Years
10-25-2014, 09:54 PM

A small, sad smile touched her muzzle at Roman's suggestion. "Vereux is... doing what he can. Don't get me wrong, he's really good at the tasks that I gave him to begin with, but there's just some stuff I don't... She hesitated, searching for the right words. "There are some things I want to do myself. Vereux isn't the most... personable wolf sometimes and I wouldn't want him to be the one to greet everyone that comes to the border or the one to go visit other packs, that sort of thing. He's a good mate and a good king for the most part, but he can't do it all either."

She sighed, pondering it and working over the situation in her mind. She had tried her best to delegate out duties to Talvi and Haruka as well, but... what it boiled down to was her inability to trust anyone with the delicate matters of the pack. It was exhausting and stressful trying to be everywhere all the time. That's why she had to keep herself in the den the majority of her pregnancy to keep herself from getting too stressed. "I can't do this and have children too... I can't. Not on my own." It was more of a mutter to herself, but with that an idea suddenly came to her mind and she looked up at Roman with something akin to surprise. Of course. "Roman... Have you thought about what you'll do now? Have you thought about ruling a pack again?"



10-25-2014, 10:11 PM

She watched the reactions on her sisters face, frowning slightly- her brow furrowing at the sight of a small frown adorning the silver queen's jaws. As she spoke, Roman understood- she found it hard to imagine, having a king- and having to put the power in his paws. She realized that she oddly related to what Athena was saying- and Roman didn't really know Vereux, but perhaps there was a reason Isardis had chosen Athena over he- to take Glaciem. She didn't speak, merely nodding- and letting Athena slip into silence, as it appeared that she was thinking. She didn't know what to say to Athena- she hadn't had these feelings when she was expecting Faust's children. She knew she'd be Queen- and a mother, and she was prepared to sacrifice anything to both.

When Athena proposed a question that directly involved Roman, she took a breath- speaking with a chuckle. "It's funny you should bring that up- I ran into an old member of Regium on my travels- and I think I'll do whatever it takes to reestablish my throne, whatever the cost." She spoke slowly. Roman Armada was meant to be a Queen- not just a rouge or a pack-wolf, she was meant to rule. She owed it to her father's legacy to be a force to be reckoned with.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak

Athena I


9 Years
10-25-2014, 10:34 PM

Athena smiled at Roman's response, remembering a time in her life when she had felt that need. That need to rule, to embrace her family's legacy, to do whatever it took to be queen. But for her that had come too hard and too fast. When she went to their father to ask to be heir, she had done it with the assumption that he would be there to groom her into a proper queen, that she would get to watch him rule over Glaciem and stand at his side and learn to be a queen that would make him proud. Instead Isardis had immediately fallen ill and was gone not long after. She was thrown into being a queen at just a year old. It was too much too fast. She was only two and already burned out. Exausted. She had never gotten a chance to really live without responsibility on her shoulders.

"Take my place," she said suddenly, her ruby and emerald gaze watching Roman for her reaction. "I need time to breathe, to raise my children in the way that Argent never did for me, to figure out what I really want from my life. I've been queen here since I was really too young to understand what I was doing and had basically had the pack thrown at me even when I was still an heir. I just... I need to take a step back, but I don't want it to go to just anyone. I need someone I can trust. I don't believe Vereux can do it on his own, Talvi is younger than myself and just went off to explore and visit our allies, Haurka isn't family... Roman, I trust you. I've looked up to you for as long as I can remember and you still have that desire to rule. Please, take my throne. Even if it's just for a while... I don't know if I want to rule any more. At least not on my own like this. Maybe... Maybe we can rule side by side? I can handle the day to day things, the inner pack things. Those things I like and they will keep me here with my pups. So... What do you say, sister?"



10-25-2014, 10:44 PM

In her mind, she's been planning the rise of Regium from the ashes it's crumbled into- she's every intention to make it great again. She isn't prepared, however, for the words that would come out of Athena's mouth next. 'Take my place' Her violet eyes widened- she wanted her throne yes, but did she want to take Athena's? Athena went on, and Roman listened warily, she didn't much like the idea of taking another's throne- she felt limited to changes she could make, felt constricted in keeping the empire, theirs. As Athena finished, her words dwindling into silence, Roman took a deep breath- furrowing her brows as she weighed her options.

With an exhale, she'd speak- "I will do what you need me to do, Athena." She would speak- seriously, her tone strong. It was acceptance- she'd do whatever was necessary. She'd.She'd step in and take the crown from her sisters weary head- Athena had been made a Queen quite young- and Roman knew the damage the worries of being an alpha could be. She knew how hard it could be on some. As an alpha- you had to place the need of the packs above your own, it was a hard road to travel and it could burn out even the best rulers quickly. While Roman lacked some of her their father's flamboyance, she thought that perhaps she had inherited his strength to lead, and his nerve.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak

Athena I


9 Years
10-25-2014, 11:02 PM

With Roman's acceptance of her offer it felt like a heavy weight had been lifted from her shoulders and she sighed with relief. She closed her eyes for just a moment, taking a breath to enjoy the thought that she no longer had to shoulder the responsibilities of Bevroren. At least not on her own. There was no doubt that she would do what she could to help the pack, but at least know she knew that Roman could take the pack and be the outstanding leader Athena knew she was. She opened her eyes to look at her sister again, smiling gratefully. "Thank you, Roman. Please, make any changes that you feel need to be done. I hold no particular fondness to Bevroren's name and you're welcome to rearrange the ranks as you see fit. I do ask that you at least consider the wolves I have chosen for my higher ranks. Talvi is been doing a fabulous job leading our training sessions and I'm sure she will be back soon. Haruka is a spit fire, but she's loyal and a good fighter despite her side. And of course Vereux. He cares, he really does. He just doesn't always know what is the best course of action. Devin is my lead healer, he's very talented. Aretta is my lead hunter. She hasn't been here for very long, but her daughter, Vesta, is Sin's child and is trying very, very hard to make a life for Vesta. Amalia-" she stopped with a chuckle, realizing she was blushing a bit at the mention of Amalia's name. "Amalia is... Well, to be honest with you, is my lover. Vereux knows, he married us... I know it's strange, but I love her as much as I love Vereux. But she's a healer, though she is still learning." She shrugged and moved on, hoping her sister wouldn't question it too much. It was hard to explain as it was. "That just leaves Trica and Kyung. Trica is a hunter, she just joined recently. I don't know too much about her really, but she did come to ask if her and her mate could have pups recently. Kyung... I've tried giving him chance after chance since he is our brother, but he keeps disappearing and when he is here he's completely disinterested." Another shrug.

She realized she had been rambling and she chuckled awkwardly with a little grin. "Sorry... I really to love my pack members. They are the ones that stuck by me when Isardis left to start Indarra so... I'm a little attached to them. But I know you'll treat them well, sister. Like I said, I trust your judgement."



10-27-2014, 08:10 PM

Her head was spinning- this wasn't the expected way for this to go about. Roman would listen carefully, as Athena would speak about her members. She didn't know what rank changes she would make, it would depend on how those wolves reacted to her, when she took over- but she'd take in the silver queen's opinion- and use it well. She didn't want to totally uproot Bevroren, because that would simply cause mutiny. Her brow furrowed slightly as Athena mentioned Haruka. Truthfully, Roman didn't know that she had ever spoke to the girl, she knew she had a relation to Ritsuka though. Her eyes widened slightly a chuckle leaving her, as Athena talked about Amalia.

Athena then talked about Trica- a wolf Roman didn't know, but would make a point to meet. And Kyung. One of her many siblings, and one she hadn't gotten to know well. Athena's words on him, caused her brow to furrow slightly. What was he like? As Athena finished, and apologized, Roman waved her apology away. "I respect that you care so much for them- it's nothing to apologize for. I only hope, I do your trust in my judgement proud." She said, her tone serious. "I'm fairly certain, Elli one of my previous Regium members will join me. She was a healer, but I'm not sure that's the path she wishes to follow these days?" She hadn't really discussed ranks with Elli- only recently had she decided to take back her crown. Roman sighed, her mind swimming with all the names and details she needed to remember. "I want this transition to be as smooth as possible for the wolves here. I expect some tension, but I don't want it to turn into a riot." Roman would defend her honor- with tooth and claw if needed, but she didn't want to start attacking the wolves of Athena's pack- no her pack now.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak