
Go The Distance


02-09-2014, 07:09 PM

With the passing of Tortuga into her paws, she made decisions quickly. The first would be to summon a pack meeting, she wanted to see those who were pack members already, an to have an open call for any that may be interested in the pack. Their numbers were small, but she felt that she could increase their size. She wanted to meet with the high ranking wolves, to know those that she would have to work with, and to meet those with lower rank. They were all vital to the pack. All of those wishing to remain in their positions and in the pack would be required to attend, she needed a head count. She needed to know what she was to be working with. There was no room for failure, no room for incompetence. They had to unite.

She would draw to a halt, as she had wandered far into the territory, and her head would tilt back, her ivory jaws parting and summons would leave her, calling for all those in the land. She would fall silent, her violet eyes scanning the area around her, expectantly waiting. She knew not what the previous master of the land had expected, nor what he would be doing while he was ill. Tortuga was the smallest empire in the land, though they had much in the way of territory, there weren't enough wolves to fill it. That was something that would change. She had royal blood pumping through her viens, and though she was young she knew she could lead. Her father was the king of the vastest empire in the land, the head of one of the most deadly armies she had known. Her mothers lands had once dominated all others in the region. She was royalty in her blood, and this would be no problem.

Would she change anything about Tortuga? She did not know. Time changed everything, and it would take time to make such drastic decisions. She didn't want to trample over Deteste's former rulings, but she had to make it clear that she would be their leader now. She also had to make it clear that while Tortuga's alliance with Glaciem would remain strong, they would also be their own pack. Just because she was the daughter of the albino king, didn't mean she would scamper after him like a pup, dragging the pack along with her. No. She would form them into a strong unit, almost like a family. They would be strong, however, for the moment, she would wait albeit impenitently for her new empire to make their first appearances.

ooc: If you have a member of Tortuga please reply to this. If you have a wolf who would like to join, please feel free to throw them in.

I will be replying to this on the 17th.




02-09-2014, 07:51 PM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2014, 09:12 PM by Gossamir.)

Gossamir was resting contentedly in her den after another phase of wandering through Alacritis. So far the whole terra seemed to be quite. The most excitement any of them got was the specks of ash that had fallen on the terra earlier in the season but even that hadn't been much. Oh well? at least Ritsuka and Qanik were alright. The rest of the pack seemed to keep to themselves and were probably off wandering as well. The sapphire-eyed femme had yet to meet another member beyond Deteste and the two wolves she'd joined with.

A call rang out and Gossamir was on her feet in seconds. A meeting? The call though was female and strange to her but she half wondered if it wasn't their queen or another Tortugan of high rank that was calling them together. Swiftly the young fae was out of the den and headed toward the source of the call. Gossamir came upon a large female wolf and nodded in greetings.

"Hello? I'm Gossamir Alkali of Tortuga. Who are you?" The white fae's scent was mixed. Smelling of both Tortuga and another pack. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously.

Sharpening my words...
[Image: gossy_bot_zpsa3db5e02.jpg]



8 Years
02-09-2014, 08:26 PM


in defense of the innocent

The white-coated wolf was dozing in her den, having gone on a long - and rather disappointing - hunting trip not long before. Her ears would flick forward of their own accord to pick up the sound of a howl, and she would start awake. A call sent out, summoning all those of Tortuga. Qanik frowned - the voice was female, certainly not Deteste's, and though she'd never met his queen if he even had one, she was fairly certain it was unusual for a secondary alpha to call pack meetings.

Uncertainty momentarily froze her in place, but Qanik shook it off and climbed to her feet. A quick lope brought her out of her den in the forest to the edge of the lake known as Kennocha, with it's unusual ice formations and even more unusual phosphorescent ice. Her blue eyes flicked between the two figures already present. The first was Gossamer, who she knew had not voiced the call, the second a white wolf with strange colored marks on her face, a wolf she had never seen previously. A wolf with the cold scent of another northern pack still strong on her pelt.

Qanik paused, her ears set back suspiciously. She sent a searching glance over to Gossamer, who didn't seem to know any more than she did. Politeness was engrained in the older wolf, though, so she refrained from being quite as blunt as she wanted to be. "Where's Deteste?" and "what do you want?" were pretty high on the list of questions she wanted to ask, but she settled for, "Greetings, stranger. I am Qanik, a member of Tortuga." Her gaze shifted to Gossamer, and her face and manner softened. "It's good to see you, Gossamer."


cowardice is the only sin


02-10-2014, 06:28 AM
Wait, what was this now? Ritsuka had been patrolling the different territories of Tortuga, and, well, he happened to be near when the call for a meeting would go up. A rather strange call, he would note, considering it wasn't by Deteste. It was unusual for a secondary alpha to call a meeting, but, well, the feminine voice was certain not that of the Master of Tortuga, so that was all he could guess her position to be. Ritsuka would hesitate for a moment, flicking his ears back in irritation. Hopefully this meeting would make the other members of Tortuga show themselves, finally. He was tired of being in a pack where it seemed like, although they were a small one, everyone was playing hide and seek like a bunch of whelps.

Ritsuka would travel along, ears perked forward with curiosity at what he was going to find. There were three scents that immediately came to him as he arrived upon the scene at the lake, and they reached him before he set his emerald gaze upon the former. Gossamir. Qanik. He would raise his brow at the third wolf however. Well she had to be the one to call this meeting, however she smelled of a different pack, as well as Tortuga, so that brought a question to his mind. No doubt it would raise questions in the brains of his capable pack mates as well, and he would come up a couple feet to the side of Gossamir, raising a brow, though no rude words would leave his maw.

There was also little doubt in his mind that the other two had also questioned whom this female was, so he would not ask, making her repeat herself a thousand times over. He would make his judgements on her based on those of his female friends... and besides, if this female was indeed the one who had summoned them all here, then she would let her presence be known when the meeting of the pack began. Instead he would offer a greeting. It would not be incredibly warm, as it would be to Gossamir and Qanik when he addressed them, but it would hold a neutral respect for the other, simply because she was a pack wolf. If she ended up being some sort of threat, however, he had no problem in helping chase her off Tortuga lands.

"Greetings, miss. Gossamir, Qanik, nice to see you both." Yes, his tone would certainly change to the more friendly sort as he addressed the other two. The only two who bothered to show themselves within the packlands. He held more respect for the both of them than even wolves from his old pack, minus his sister. Qanik was a bit older than himself and Gossamir -- knowledgeable and kind. Gossamir was, well, another young wolf like himself with a sense of fun, yet not overbearing. If anyone ever dared mess with either he would be at their aid the moment he found out. No one would mess with his friends or pack.



02-10-2014, 10:25 AM
It had been too long since she had been in the company of others. She missed it. Her mind and heart were too strong to be sleeping alone every night, one eye constantly open for fear of endangerment. She was not afraid of death nor was she afraid of her surroundings, but she refused to let another wolf overtake her as they had done with her birth pack.

She could easily say that it was not a mistake that she sought out the scent of Tortuga on this spring day. She had heard good things about Glaciem, and word among the nomads was that a Glaciem wolf had now taken over the Tortugan position of alpha. And the small group reminded her of the small ranks that her old pack had homed. The only, and very important, difference was that Tortuga was home to fighters and led by the daughter of a well known tyrant. She liked that.

Her silver and auburn toned fur shone in the sunlight as she entered the clearing by the lakeside. Golden eyes took in her surroundings and the small gathering of wolves headed by the snowy white queen. A smile would not cross her features even as excitement flooded her veins. She would not allow herself to be anything but respectful and reverent in the presence of her potential queen.

Pebbles from the lakeside rubbed harshly between her toes as she padded calmly towards the gathering. She did not want to appear intimidating to the small pack. She was merely responding to the call that the alphess had given. The woman dipped her head in respect to the alabaster queen, golden eyes lifting to address her.

"Greetings, queen alphess. My name is Melody. I heard your call and have chosen to accept your invitation to enter your territory in hopes of being accepted into the ranks of your pack. I have much to offer and hope to better myself and the well being of Tortuga upon my entrance." She would not sit in front of the woman, she knew better than to disrespect her in such a way. She would stand a short distance from her with her head dipped, awaiting the queen's reply.


02-12-2014, 10:07 AM

The howl that tore through the territory was not familiar, a call for the gathering of the pack, it certainly was not that of Deteste. A secondary alphess calling a meeting perhaps? Paws kissed the earth as he trotted to the source of the sound. When he saw the small gathering of Tortugans it confirmed what he had thought, a secondary alphess calling a meeting. She was a fine looking thing, with red and yellow markings. He stopped when he was quite near, he looked to her, since they had never met he decided to introduce himself, "Hello M'lady, Legolas, Auxillary of Tortuga." he tipped his head in a curt bow and headed over to where the larger number of the Tortugans were.

OOC: Rubbish 5 min post




5 Years
02-15-2014, 11:52 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Likely it was her own fault that she had failed to hear about the change in leadership inside her own home, relation to the leader aside. In her mind, Deteste had finally come through on his word, claimed a territory for his family, and had settled them quietly there in the north. It had taken some time but with the expansions and bringing in of new territory Callisto had found her peace, taking sanctuary inside the Gorge and spending much of her time there, alone and quite happily so. Life had settled somewhat into its own routine of sorts, or at least enough for the grey and black pup to think truly that her home was stable, safe, and at last satisfactory.

The howl that had risen through the Tortugan lands was unfamiliar, strange, and held within it an authority Callisto did not believe it rightfully possessed. As she stopped along the edge of her gorge, she cast her silvery blue eyes toward the direction of the lake, narrowing them with confusion and an unexpected touch of possessiveness. This pack was Deteste's; who was this who came in and ordered his pack as if it were their own?

Curiosity as much as a strong desire to understand drew the young girl out of the gorge and toward the lake, her thin, lanky form quiet as it followed through easy paths and entered the place of the meeting. They were gathered in the heart of the Kennocha Lake, six of them, and not a one that she could recognize. She paused beyond the group, scanning the unfamiliar faces of Tortuga - when had they joined? - until finally she cast an assessing look toward the woman at the helm of the meeting. Regality and authority seemed apparent enough in her bearing, but who was she? And where was Callisto's father?

It felt strange, being here. Without her family she felt disconnected, not entirely a part of the pack and therefore not exactly suitable to attend such a meeting. But maybe they would come. Maybe Deteste would show alongside Circe. Maybe even her irritant of a brother would show as well. Just as quietly as she had arrived, the young wolf padded slowly forward and took up a seated position just beyond the wolf seated furthest from the oddly marked white wolf who situated herself as leader. Callisto said nothing, no words of greeting or introduction. She was far more interested in observing.


02-16-2014, 01:26 AM

The girl walks quietly from the forest and behind the crowd. Her eyes large, her mind somewhat at a daze as she follows that unfamiliar call. It has been many days since she saw either of her parents. The den she chose to share with her father had been vacant. While Deteste's absence was not alarming to her independent siblings, Circe was taken aback when she found the den that she choose to share with her father empty. Night after night the great darkness of it swallowed her into restless sleep. The face of the moon had changed in the absence. She had no clear understanding of how long she had last seen Deteste.

Her heart fluttered with anticipation, with the minute hope that her father would be among the gathering. But his scent was beginning to fade. Before her sat the antithesis of her father. A woman, white as snow. A haze would cloud her vision then, she would stand before the proclaimed new leader, one small paw lifted to her chest. Slowly she would turn, desperately attempting to disengage herself from the situation considering that it may be a dangerous one if her family had been ursurped. It was then that Callisto's scent would hit her. Some remnant of hope guided her small body, somewhat thin now without her parent's support, away from the stranger and towards Callisto though the distance between the girls could not be greater. So much as Circe tried to clear the rift between them.

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
02-17-2014, 10:55 PM

Basilisk Saxe was nearly seething by the time the call rang out across the lands. For some time he had hoped -- had rested on the possibility that Deteste might give him the pack he'd been owed since his birth. It was his right and his duty. And he had contained himself; had grown in both passion and resolve as the man who had taken him here had hoped. And for it to be taken from him with such ease! A sneer would linger on his lips as he drew close to the gathering, eager to listen, and yet doubtful he would truly hear what was to be said.

The massive brute was silent as he stood, a fire burning endlessly in his gaze. Still he craved revenge and power -- wanted to bask in the blood of his enemies, of those that had changed his life and his family -- and yet he had become so adept at controlling himself. All in due time. He came to recline on his haunches, waiting for the woman to speak.


02-18-2014, 12:53 AM

Her soldiers would appear, little did they know that they would become hers. They would be trained, and would achieve greatness. The first would heed to her call and her violet eyes would train on a grey female. She seemed young but capable, and introduced herself as Gossamir Akali, and inquired her name. A slightly warm look would cross her features, and Roman would acknowledge her name with a slight nod. She debated on introducing herself for a few moments before the scent of another approaching caught her attention and the violet eyes of the woman would seek the stranger. A white woman with blue eyes would appear next, she would introduce herself as Qanik, and though she didn't ask her name, Roman would finally answer Gossamir's question as well as introduce herself to the pair. "I am Roman Armada."She'd introduce herself quietly, before growing silent. She could introduce herself latter to any others.

Next to appear would be a male, and he would speak to the others but not inquire her name. Her eyes studied each addition to the clearing, studying their movements and interactions. The words of a female caught her attention, a dame introducing herself as Melody, and her violet eyes would turn towards the dame seeing something familiar in the colors of Melody's eyes, though she couldn't immediately place it. Shaking it off, and the prickle of discomfort she greeted her, "Take a seat Melody. You're welcome in my ranks." Her voice would be a soft coo, a relaxing tone. Another would come, introducing himself as Legolas, and then two children who wouldn't speak. She studied their colors, wondering who their parents were, curious about them.

Lastly a brute would appear, just as she was about to speak. Eight wolves had heeded to her call. Eight would be the making of an army. Rising to her paws she woulds speak, her tones commanding but warm. "My name is Roman Armada. I'm sure you are wondering where Deteste is. He has fallen ill, and has chosen me to take over the pack." She would pause, glancing at each of them, before continuing. "Your numbers are small, and I understand that you've each been left primarily to your own devices. I do not know how Deteste organized your ranks, but in the next few days I'd like to speak with each of you individually about what you aspire to be in the pack." Another pause, and this time she'd glance about wondering how her news would be received. ""This pack is small but I have confidence that with training, and recruitment we can become an army to fear." Flicking her tail behind her, "I do not expect you all to trust me outright, I'm sure over the coming time I will earn your trust. I understand that this is an upheaval, and if you have any issues with this or questions- I ask that you speak with me privately or discuss them now. I wish to take you from a pack of eight, and build you into an army. However, I will not force you to remain. If this doesn't suit you, feel free to take your leave, now."

Her head would turn, eyes resting on each in attendance, as silence fell, and finally her speech would end with one last comment. "To those who choose to stay... We just became an Army." She would go on to instruct things, after everyone would speak. She would train them in fighting, hunting, traps, snares, spying. Tasks that would make them formidable opponents, if not unstoppable. Laziness would not be tolerated, and she would tighten their ranks. Not only would they become an army, but also a family. An asset to each of their allies, and a force to be reckoned with.

ooc: if you wanna leave, just post an exit post. roman wants to talk to each wolf privately about ranks and such since its such a small pack. look for promotions and new ranks in the next coming days. pm me with issues, comments, and ideas.




02-19-2014, 09:13 PM

Gossamir felt her confidence rise as each of her packmates appeared as well as some she didn't recognize. The fae smirked. Nothing like an intruder with a power complex to lull the rats out of their sinking ship. While Gossamir was concerned for her safety she was open to the idea of a new leader though she hoped the white femme would prove herself and do it quickly. Sauntering in without any resistance didn't quite sit well with Gossy but she chose to keep her mouth shut. She'd been waiting since the day she joined for something to shake up the pack and now it had actually happened. Besides the femme who introduced herself as Roman Armada seemed quite strong and capable. Gossy looked forward to seeing her in action.

It was obvious by the time Middy arrived that Roman was taking over as alpha as she referred to her ranks. Apparently Deteste had fallen ill? ohhh did she smell sabotage? Gossamir grinned. She was liking where this was going.

"Well then, welcome Roman Armada. I plan to stay and I look forward to our conversation."

Sharpening my words...
[Image: gossy_bot_zpsa3db5e02.jpg]


02-20-2014, 05:33 PM

It hadn't been long since a wolf had accepted her, and she still hadn't seen her brother. Ears pricked as she saw the wolf, and Blizzard's brown head turned. A single word escaped from her jaws as she saw a wolf with her eyes. Brother? The girl shook her head in dismissal, until she looked closer. RITSUKA! She barked, and jumped over to her brother in such excitement, to see her brother again. Ritsuka, you're okay! And you've found yourself a pack! The girl's tail wagged as she licked her brother.

talk, think



5 Years
02-22-2014, 03:28 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

In the sea of strangers, Circe was a welcome sight. At last, a token of her old life to which Callisto could gravitate toward had arrived, regardless of the tenuous relationship the girls shared with each other though for no lack of effort on Circe's part. The black and grey youth fixed her attention solely upon the mottled brown girl as she stepped upon the scene within the territory of the lake, looking appropriately apprehensive and confused. For having always kept to herself, Callisto had not felt shocked at her own ignorance pertaining the status of their home, but Circe had always been something of a second shadow to their father, constantly in his company. And yet here she was looking quite lost. Minutely, Calli's brow furrowed, even more puzzled than before.

Blue eyes locked as the less than social girl's sibling took notice of her, and as anticipated being the only two of their family present in a gathering of strange, unfamiliar faces they were drawn together. Callisto merely watched her sibling's progress as Circe maneuvered with the same trepidation over to join her, and Callisto said nothing, welcoming her presence with a quiet yet tolerant silence. She was reluctant to say so aloud, but it felt better having the other girl there. Being alone had never been an issue before but there was a certain comfort that could only be taken in the familiar, and with there being only one face amongst this assembly that she could rightly identify they had somehow become unspoken allies.

Her silence continued as the white woman addressed the members of Deteste's Tortuga, and at last one of the questions that had been roaming through her thoughts had been answered. Deteste was ill. So ill it seemed that he could not even perform the duties required of him for the pack. A sidelong glance was cast at her sister - How did she not know? - before returning to Roman, the apparent new leader of their home. But already it was changing. Deteste's laws had been lax and easy, and this woman left no question that she intended to turn them all into soldiers. Callisto blinked, sighed. She supposed it entirely possible to alter herself for such a life, to strengthen and train and turn her body into a machine of some sort. The only problem was she had no interest in it.

Home no longer felt like home. Callisto cast her attention toward Circe, turning an assessing glance on her timid sibling. Would she change as this woman asked? Would she become a drone for her army? And what of their father? Thinking of him, Callisto shifted her gaze away with a thoughtful blink and then sat up to stare at Roman, pausing a brief moment in the quiet given over for the pack to speak before she lifted her voice in question. "What of us? Does Deteste leave any message for his children?" What did the old man wish for them to do? Stay? Leave? Choose for themselves? Despite her growing attachment to the Gorge, this new regime with its militaristic basis was hardly appealing.



8 Years
02-26-2014, 02:54 PM


in defense of the innocent

The stranger would introduce herself as Roman Armada, a name that had no meaning for Qanik, who knew little of the political strife of their lands and nothing at all of Isardis' far-reaching bloodline. She merely inclined her head in acknowledgement, and let the silence continue.

The appearance of Ritsuka provoked a warm smile from the older wolf - out of all her packmates she knew Ritsuka the best, and she had high hopes for the young man's future. She had come to consider him - and Gossamir, though she knew her a little less well - as truly a member of her family. Any words she may have spoken to him were cut off by the sudden appearance of a stranger. By her words and her scent, she was not a member of the pack. The call sent out had been for any wolf, so Qanik could not very well protest this female's appearance on pack lands, particularly as Roman - troublingly - welcomed her into the ranks of the pack, but she could - and did - watch her warily for any trouble. Her eyes, her scent, there was something disturbingly familiar about her, but she could not focus on that mystery when a much larger one confronted her in the form of this meeting.

Another young wolf approached, this one introducing himself as an auxiliary of of the pack, and Qanik blinked. "I didn't know we even had those," she murmured wryly under her breath, but she nodded respectfully to him all the same.

A very young wolf, hardly more than a pup really, was the next to approach and silently take a seat, followed closely by another the same age. Qanik watched them appraisingly - siblings, perhaps? And whose children were they? Deteste's, perhaps, as in many packs where only the alphas bred. But why were they here so alone, so uncertain, so uncared for? Her heart went out to the little ones, but before she could move to be closer to them, to reassure them, this Roman Armada stood up and began to speak.

Each word she spoke troubled Qanik more. Deteste, too sick to even inform his pack that he was handing them over to a stranger? Or did they just matter so little to the ambitious few who would rule them? Her unease grew as the woman spoke of becoming an army to fear. Training and learning, yes, that was something she approved of wholeheartedly, but an army? The very idea concerned her greatly, and she swept her troubled gaze out over her packmates. Gossamir spoke up immediately, welcoming the new alpha and making it clear she intended to go along with this. Qanik remained silent, but inside she was seething with indecision. She didn't like the idea of being... what? A soldier? A pawn? Part of a war machine. But she didn't like the idea of leaving, abandoning her home, her family, to the uncertainties of this new structure.

One of the young wolves spoke up, questioning Roman about the wishes of their father, her words confirming that they were indeed Deteste's children. That was a good question. What would become of Deteste's pups, in all this? Once more Qanik chose to keep quiet, though she knew that simply remaining there at all implied support for these changes. She wasn't sure if she could support this new pack, this new alpha, but she did know that the idea of losing what she'd found here, losing the redwood forest, losing Ritsuka and Gossamir, made her heartsick. She couldn't leave.

Besides, this Roman Armada was young yet. Perhaps she had simply chose her words poorly, hoping to impress them with bravado and pride. Perhaps she could yet be tempered with caution and diplomacy.


cowardice is the only sin


02-26-2014, 09:35 PM
Her golden hazels widened as she was easily accepted into the ranks. She wasn't sure she appreciated the way the pale woman looked at her, or the way a few other pack members saw her as a threat, but she let it go for the sake of good measure. At this word, Melody raised her head high and walked among the ranks of her new packmates to take a seat. So she had done what had seemed impossible, and joined a pack. It was small, yes. But she snsed that there was a strong fighting spirit hiding among the hurt and abandoned individuals who called Tortuga their home.

When Roman began speaking of the way the pack would run, Melody could feel adrenaline rising in and spreading through her limbs. They would be a force to be reckoned with! They could not be torn apart by the musings of tyranny or disrespect. She loved the idea of being one of these wolves.

As the meeting went on and Melody's ideas of her future grew, she found herself settling her silver and auburn body into the grounds of the lake. She would be quite at home here.

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
02-28-2014, 07:58 AM

Basilisk Saxe was not sure why he had come here. He had spoken to Cataleya, and a plan had begun to form. All he had to do was act. The sneer lingered on his lips as the woman who had been thrust into power began to speak, and he found himself watching her with unblinking eyes. She spoke, giving the wolves of Tortuga an opportunity to speak with her -- and to leave. An opportunity he could not overlook.

"I shall leave," he declared loudly, his voice deep and booming for a male hardly more than a year old. Already he was massive, standing taller than most of the wolves here, and his force was unquestionable. A growl bubbled on his lips, but before he had time to react any further he would turn to flee, heading to find Cataleya and truly begin what they had started.


03-11-2014, 05:45 PM
Ritsuka would quietly listen to the female speak, his green eyes holding curiosity in them. So this female was to recollect what Tortuga was and reshape it. At the mention of it being an 'army to fear' however the male would pause, a frown on his face and ears tilting back ever so slightly. An army? That was hardly what he had aspired for when he left his own pack. Surely enough he wanted to be something bigger and better, to become part of a larger pack. But... well he would save his question for after the others had spoken. It would appear as for their previous alpha he had fallen in. Such was a sad fate, but it wasn't really his concern. He was no healer... so thus when it came to helping Deteste he would be no help. Still... this all didn't sit quite right with him.

Gossamir would speak up, saying that she was staying. Was being an army the type of thing his friend would enjoy? Again his question rolled in the back of his mind. Even if the answer wasn't satisfactory... would he stay? The brute would speak up, wondering if any of the others wondered the same that he did within his heart. "Miss Roman, if I may, I indeed have a question about all this." His green eyes would settle upon her form, ears still remaining slightly lowered, revealing his uncertainty.

"While it is one thing to make sure that the wolves of Tortuga are well prepared in learning different skills... I am not so sure, by the way you put it, that I am comfortable with being in something called an army." The brute would remain standing, keeping his body relaxed as he spoke, his eyes never leaving the new alphess' form. "So before I fully make my decision I want to inquire just a bit more about this army you intend to make the Tortugan wolves into. Are we merely going to be a ready, able bodied unit, or do you plan to us as pawns for conquest?" Simple, blunt, and to the point. He was not about to be used as a tool of war, for hurting others and driving them from their homes. However he wasn't against being ready to defend Tortuga's lands if some pack decided they were going to attack them first.

A scent would invade his nose, and a familiar brown form would bound up to him, a distraction to both the male and hopefully the alphess who was going to give her answer. He would turn his head giving Blizzard a gentle nuzzle to her shoulder as his heart swelled with happiness. He could feel tears stinging his eyes, almost unable to believe that his sister was here. It seemed so long ago that he left the place of their birth. But more than anything he was glad that she was here with him. "Yes I am." He would chuckle as she licked his face. He could smell the pack lands on her, so he could only assume that she had been accepted by a Tortugan. "We'll speak more after the meeting, Blizzard." He said gently, eyes trailing back to Roman.



03-16-2014, 11:36 PM

In the near shell-shock of her words, the woman would wait- they would have questions, concerns they had a right to voice- and she wanted to hear them. She was a stranger, someone that they didn't know. Someone that they didn't trust. The deserved to speak their minds. A nod of respect was given to the first who agreed to stay, a smile gracing her lips. A sigh of relief nearly left her- perhaps she wouldn't screw this up to badly. Her expression softened slightly, when a child would speak up, asking if Deteste had left any words for his children. He hadn't- and no knowing exactly what to tell the child nearly broke her heart. Softly, she would speak- "Your father did not tell me of any message to pass on." Her tone was warm, and gentle. She knew what it was like to grow up without her father being around- and with Deteste falling ill so quickly- Roman could only pray he'd get well soon, to be there for his children. She didn't know what to say to the young wolf, nothing she could say would make her feel any better, so she fell silent, sympathy in her gaze.

For the first time in this meeting it would seem that her guard would fall, and she would look at each of the wolves before her with sympathy in her gaze- realizing for the first time what a change it would be for them. A large male would speaking, voicing his intention to leave and she would nod, a soft word leaving her, "I wish you well." A dismissal, he was free to go- she wouldn't bother to try to stop him. That wasn't her place. Finally another, would speak- this male addressing questions of what she had spoke of. She nodded slightly, listening to his words, her purple eyes staring at his form. "Perhaps- I chose my words poorly." She would admit. "I have no intention to use you as pawns. I am however, interested in strengthening this pack. From what I've heard of Tortuga- the name has passed many leaders. No one seems to settle here, and I want to no only make you an able bodied and respected name in the lands, but I also wish to have a family here. I would like to see this pack train, and become strong- strong enough to withstand any enemy that may come to our borders, but I do not want to go and seek mindless war." She hoped that would clear up confusion, perhaps she had come on a little strong. Her tone still soft, she would ask further. "Does that answer your question, sir?" She asked, genuinely interested to see if he understood her. Yes she would make them strong but she would make them strong because she'd turn them into a family first- then an army. Wolves that would have each others backs, no matter what. A family, that's all the pale queen really wanted. She wanted to be.. wanted.



03-26-2014, 12:02 PM
Relief would wash over Ritsuka as their new leader began to speak, and a spark of respect for Roman would grow within. The young male could certainly understand her views, of the will to see them strong, able bodied, and not willing to leave their lands. Wolves that could protect their home from any who sought to take it for themselves, and to make a respectable name for their pack within Alacritis. He would give a nod, a gentle smile forming on his face. ?That certainly clears things up for me, Roman, thank you. It also leaves me with little doubt of what I choose to do. I am definitely staying within Tortuga, and I am behind those views one hundred percent.?

There was nothing wrong with what Roman wanted... If anything he could see that she wanted them to be strong together. Like a family more than a pack, wolves would be there for each other through thick and thin, and always have each others backs. He would dip his head, openly showing respect for his new alphess, his emerald orbs shining. ?I look forward to getting to know you further.? His gaze would then turn to his sister again, and Ritsuka would give her a gentle nudge before whispering just loud enough for her to hear. ?I want to speak with you later, okay??
