


02-09-2014, 02:57 AM

By the time tired paws reach the lake, evening had set in. The air was warm, humid for spring and full of life. Though it was warm there was a soft breeze that rustled the reeds. Frogs and crickets began their music, a course soft and appealing to the ears. Fire flies danced and lite up the lake. They were like tiny little stars dancing, their light reflected by the lake. The soft cream and white wolfess sighed softly as her head dipped down to lap up the refreshing lake water. She took many drinks to parch her dry mouth. She had been traveling all day and her paws ached. She stood there staring out over the lake with the full moon's reflection rippling in the center. She wanted to reach out to it, touch it. Slowly she wadded into the lake. It cool waters a relief to her general aches and pain. She felt her tense body relax under its gently ripples.

She swan out to the center to swim in circles in the moon bathed center, fire and ice orbs closing blissfully. But alas she was still tired and retreated back to the pebbled shore side of the lake. She didn't bother to shake the water from her fur, embracing the cold weight it held on her. Droplets of water shone like jewels on her body, enhancing the color of her fur to silver and a pale gold. She sat there to watch the firefly dance, the frogs and crickets playing the tunes of the song. Life had been so boring lately, every day the same old same. That was to be expected when you were alone and had no family. But she had lived like this her whole life. She should be used to it. But sometimes she wished something would just happen, or to meet just someone lasting. She'd met other before but soon later went on her way. Maybe she needed a companion? Of maybe just one night to talk to someone other than herself was the cure she needed. Honestly at times it was depression, but she was the one who put herself here. She could join a pack and never be alone of roam free with no rules and such but alone. Sometimes she wished life could give her both.




4 Years
02-11-2014, 10:10 PM

Soft moonbeams graced the path before him, lighting the way towards a destination unknown. The brute once again found himself alone. This time he'd wandered far, leaving behind Baldur and whichever annoyance had found him this time. Honestly, it was like each family member had been given the homing skills of a pigeon.

Thor paused to stare across the lake, taking in the mist hovering over the water and the various fauna that called it home. His ears picked up the humming of insects and the throaty calls of polliwogs. Soft mud seeped between his toes, squelching beneath his weight. Hanging in the mist and casting a ethereal glow across the lake was a full moon. It's beauty was subtle, yet captivating; a picture worth remembering on sunless days. All of this and more was lost on the brute. He looked out across the water and saw...water. Beauty was a thing lost on him. The concept had played no part in his previous years and thus held no meaning for him now. It wasn't that he was incapable of recognizing it, just blind to its existence altogether.

He lowered himself and began to drink. It was then that movement not far away caught his eye and the brute found himself spying on the lighter form of a moon-bathed fae. For a moment he just just watched, curiosity keeping him from his drink, and when she finally pulled herself out of the water he abandoned his unquenched thirst entirely to make his way towards her. Likely she wouldn't want the company, but remaining in the shadows would make him feel like a peeping tom.

Thor announced his presence with a short bark. He presented himself as an uncommitted loner, neither so dominant in his stance as to be threatening nor so submissive as to give the impression of vulnerability. The picture of friendly neutrality, he stood quietly waiting for her attention. "It's kind of dark for a swim, isn't it?" Who knew what kind of toe munching creatures could be lurking under the surface.

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]


02-12-2014, 08:29 PM

She sat there, enjoying the sweet scent of the warm spring air, the coolness the lake water gave her, the peace that settled over the land. Contently just enjoying what life had to offer her. She love being able to go where she pleased, to see the world for its many places. There was so much beauty it had to offer her.

A sounding short bark had her turn her head to look behind her. Ears perked up and head held high with interest. Eyes of fire and ice fell upon the form of a brown male. Calmly she took in his posture of neutral friendship and couldn't help a smile grace her muzzle. Perhaps the fireflies had carried her prayers up to the heavens and sent her this male. Not like she wanted any attachments but company with a handsome male would not be frowned on.Greetings to you too Sir. She laughed softly. Ah but what better way to enjoy the water than at it's coolest? A refreshing cool swim in good for the soul. It reminds you that you are alive. She replied softly with a warm smile.




4 Years
02-22-2014, 03:00 PM

Upon deciding that he'd found himself in equally amicable company, the brute seated himself a short distance away. A firefly droned in his ear, causing it to flick rapidly for a second and when it insisted upon landing, he shook his head vigorously to rid himself of it. The insect didn't fly far and after a few lazy loops in the air, settled on his paw were it sat winking slowly.

Thor's eyes settled on the bug for second, watching it light up his fur, before he lifted his gaze to the fae. She spoke of the water and how it was invigorating, but in it the brute could only see the monsters and his own mortality. He wasn't reminded of life, but of death and how unexpectedly it could come. Despite this, his tone was light when he said, "You weren't the least bit concerned about monsters? Something swimming up from the bottom to chew off your toes?"

He wasn't particularly fond of talking to strangers and so, before she could answer, he spoke again, "My name is Thor, by the way." If they were properly introduced, then they weren't strangers, right?

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]