
Sweet punishment


02-07-2014, 12:16 PM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2014, 07:31 AM by Epiphron.)

She was angry. He had all but vanished from her. Did he honestly think he could just disappear? Just slip from her grasp without injury? A perpetual snarl curled her dark lips, pools of coral hard and cruel. Audits had fallen back against her skull, hackles lifted. Rage rolled off her in waves. He belonged to her. He had the freedom to come and go so long as he had answered her calls. But he had no. He had failed. Paws pressed into the earth, toes flexing and claws grabbing for traction.

Tail lashed dangerously above her hips. She had spent a good deal of time tracking him, it had only heightened her rage. He had joined a pack. Did he think an Alpha could protect him from her wrath? Jaws snapped together, lashing out at nothing. Heart pounded in her chest, threatening to burst. The stench of pack invaded her nostrils, bringing her to stand still. He was here. There was no doubt about it.

Her crown would lift, jaws parting enough to release a commanded. He had better make an appearance. And he had better do it now. She would remain standing, her hulking form quivered with barely contained rage. He had abandoned her, and his plans for revenge. He had failed. Miserably. And now he would pay. He thought it was bad the day she had claimed him? He had unleashed her demons on himself. There would be no hope.

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Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
02-09-2014, 08:31 AM

He knew she would be mad. Basilisk had not told Cataleya of his plans -- even he had not known what would unravel when he had answered Deteste's pleading call. Never had he known he would end up here, slowly coming into power, more power than he ever imagined he could hold. Sure, Tortuga was not big, nor as strong as it could be, but the potential was what captured his attention.

Her call was sudden and demanding, and he felt a pit grow in his stomach. Her voice was brimming with anger; Basilisk was ready to face her. He could only hope she would understand what he had done for them, and for her children. His paws would carry him away from the lands he had come to know as home over the last few weeks, and as Cataleya came into view, he would slow his pace, his stance guarded. "Cataleya..." he began, his own lips twitching slightly as if he might snarl at a moment's notice. Somehow, he had grown fond of the woman that had claimed him -- it wasn't the kind of fondness one felt for a lover, no, but something else. She had taught him things, she had cared for him when nobody else had, even if her way had been strange and foul to some. "I have found a home for us. And for your children." There was more than that, but she had to listen. Deteste was growing older and he knew the man was grooming him for power. Perhaps even leadership. The promise was there, and he could not ignore it.


02-09-2014, 09:52 PM

He took no time in answering, which weighted in his favor. Her name rolled off his tongue, his dark lips twitching. Did he dare to snarl at her? It only fueled her fire, only enraged her more. Nostrils quivered, the stench of pack rolling off him in powerful waves. His betrayal burned in the pit of her stomach. She didn't care for him like a lover, but he had become a part of her life, a part of her childrens lives.

I have found us a home. Her eyes narrowed to dangerous slits. Did he think she would believe that? "Do you really expect me to believe that?" Husky words would slide from between ivory daggers. Muscles would coil, limbs stretching to bring her closer. She wouldn't stop until she was within reach of him.

Moving with precise speed, her jaws would unhinge, aimed directly at the side of his face, below his cheek, wanting a grip on his throat. Growls erupted from her throat. If she was successful in taking a hold of him, then she would throw her weight towards, wanting to knock him down. She wanted him pinned beneath her before she would listen to anything he had to say. If she was unsuccessful then jaws would continue to snap until they met his flesh.

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Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
02-18-2014, 04:50 PM

He truly belived Deteste was leaning toward training him for leadership. He saw the fire in Basilisk's soul and knew it would never be extinguished. It could only grow, but in which direction? The possibilities were endless. Cataleya knew that, and so did Deteste, but he was beginning to learn that it was he -- and he alone -- that would choose the direction of his fate.

Her anger was unsurprising, and while he would not withdraw entirely from it, he had changed significantly since their first meeting. He would take her anger, and her wrath, and whatever punishment she might see fit. He was no longer a boy, but a man, and how strong he was growing to be. "Would I lie to you?" he retorted, bristling in irritation, and yet his stance betrayed his continued loyalty to her. Somehow, she had grounded him, had made him so much stronger through her dominance. She continued to snarl, moving to snap at his face. He did not move, but instead felt the stinging of fangs against his throat. Painful, no doubt, but no deadly. Basilisk would remain calm, though bile threatened to rise in his throat as adrenaline began to trickle through his veins.

He would stand strong, unwilling to struggle. He was loyal to her, as he had been since the day he had been claimed, and was not yet ready to fight for his freedom. He wondered silently if he might ever be ready. He remained standing through it all. She would not knock him down, but neither would he try to break free from her grasp. "We can have power here," he offered through gritted fangs. "We will prosper." Only as a child had he known a true home.


02-18-2014, 05:59 PM

He would accept her anger without protest, he would allow her fangs to puncture his flesh without so much as a flinch. His words would be spoken through clenched jaws, his irritation obvious. They had been together long enough that she would tolerate his emotions. She would release him, but not before giving him a scar. He would not budge, he would reaming tall and strong, refusing to bow before her. Part of her admired him, he had come so far from the uncontrollable boy he was when she first met him.

"You have come far since we first met. But what about your plans for Jupiter? Have you decided you want something else?" She would step away from him, her gazing never leaving him. Slowly her posture would relax, her aggression slipping away, though it still shone in her eyes.

"Power is what you seek, no?" Slowly she began to process what the future could hold for them. He clearly had developed a taste for power, for control, she didn't see him as the type for follow another's command unless he benefitted from it somewhere. There was no doubt about it. He was willing to take the risk to see what would become of it. "Then let us take it. But not here." She would let the information sink in. Would he be willing to branch out and create a pack of his own? Of their own?

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Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
02-21-2014, 12:00 PM

Her grip would tighten, but only momentarily, before she let him go. The man's jaws were tightly clenched together, gritting his teeth through the pain. How much he had changed since they had first met! Physically, too, he had grown -- he was a massive brute now, no longer awkward as he had been as a boy, but truly a sizable opponent. And yet he did not dare fight her. She had taught him so much, and despite her temper, he could not help but want her continued company.

She spoke, her words wise and far calmer than usual, and he thought. "I will never forget what she has done to me," he promised her, facing her with wide purple eyes. The fire would light in his gaze, bright and fierce, as he spoke. "But rumor has it that she is no longer in these lands. There has been no sign of her for many months." He had learned this much from Deteste, and no more.

His mind would reel as she spoke, going over the possibilities, and the choices he had made. He wondered if perhaps he had been mislead. He had put his trust in Deteste, and to what avail? He had thrust a woman he did not even know into power. Rumor was that he had fallen ill, but Basilisk had not seen him for some time. The Redwood forest was his by birthright. "I want what I deserve," he said carefully, sneering slightly; not at Cataleya, but at those that had wronged him. The list was growing long in his head. "And what you deserve." They were powerful and deserved so much more than what they had received. "But we need followers first." Wolves who craved power and control like they did. Was it possible?


02-23-2014, 11:32 PM

She could still his passion for the womans death, but she had vanished, fleeing the land. Perhaps one day she would return. His sneer had a twisted grin pulling at her lips. He was already envisioning what she had in mind. A soft roll of wicked laughter would bubble at her maw. He was bright boy, driven. Silver haunches would slide to the earth, plume curling around her carefully.

"We have Zaria, and possibly the boy she has taken a liking to. My brother may come. Do you know anyone?" A brow would lift as she thought, carefully mulling over the ideas. Could such power really be within her grasp?

She would return her gaze to his, watching the wheels turn within his mind. He knew what he deserved and what he wanted. That alone would make him powerful. With her at his side, they would be unstoppable, a force to be reckoned with. "We could easily force others into joining us if needed. But we will need numbers to be strong." She spoke slowly, carefully. This would only bring the unlikely pair closer together. There was no doubt that she had tested his limits, but he had never even ventured to fighting for his freedom, perhaps one day it would be granted, but first, new plans for the boy had begun to form.

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Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
02-24-2014, 12:22 PM

Basilisk Saxe had grown so full of hate. His character, though, seemed inevitable, despite whatever course of action his life had taken. If his father had not been murdered, he would've been the same kind of man -- a cruel, heartless one. But now, instead, he had become cold and hardened for other reasons. He had been abandoned by those he had trusted, and each day he waited for someone to return to him. His mother, perhaps, or even one of his siblings, but it seemed they had forgotten him. Even Deteste had apparently abandoned him. He had once seemed eager to take the boy under his reigns, to teach him and to foster control and power within him, but he had abandoned such prospects, it seemed.

And through it all, only one had remained. Cataleya. The woman that had claimed him, so long ago, had always remained loyal to him, as he had to her. "Not many," he stated truthfully. "If I ever find my mother, or my siblings, they will join us." The key word was if. He truly did not know where they were, or even if they were alive. It seemed the plan was forming in his mind, and his gaze grew wild with excitement, but his features were guarded still. Could such a thing really be possible? To recruit like-minded wolves, to grow a pack that they would lead together? "I want this." He stated firmly, tail lashing out behind him as a slight smirk grew on his lips.


02-24-2014, 02:31 PM

His followers were not entirely promising. Jaws would clench for a moment, thoughts whirling in her mind. She would rise, pacing with lazy strides, her gaze focused directly in front of her. They only had two followers. They needed more. But who? They couldn't rely on his father to follow them. "We need to start gathering numbers. Fast. With numbers comes strength."

I want this. His words brought her pacing to a stop, had her sharp gazing turning towards him. "Then this is what you'll have." It was the first time she had offered to give him anything. To share anything with him. They both wanted this.

For whatever reason, she had grown loyal to this boy, just as he had loyalty for her. She did not fear his betrayal, or any such thing, for the day that he turned on her, would be the day that she had done her job perfectly. She would approach him, tongue reaching down to cleanse the wound she had inflicted, a rare sight of affection that she only gave to those closest to her.

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Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
02-26-2014, 08:55 AM

Basilisk would've never expected her to warm up to him. When they had first met, she had been so full of anger and rage, but it seemed his compliance had made her so much more docile. There was no longer a reason to direct her anger onto him. He would not retaliate. Instead, he had learned to focus his own energy into greater things. And it was clear that Cataleya was not pleased with his membership in Tortuga. Basilisk, too, was realizing that he would not gain the power he wanted there. He had to leave, and soon, and begin to put their plan into action.

"I will start soon," he promised her surely. It would not be easy, by any means; he was not the most pleasant creature to talk to, but he could try to recruit those he saw potential in. He wanted no weak wolves. A smirk lined his features as she drew near, feeling her tongue lash out to dance over his wound. Behind him his grey-flecked tail waved gently where it lay at his hocks, and he felt his chest constricting with excitement. He had wanted so badly to give his loyalties to his sister, to be her partner, to take back what was theirs with her -- but somehow, Cataleya had found her way into his head and he could not shake her.

He would pause, pressing his weight briefly into her touch. He was no longer a child, after all, and the presence of a woman was enticing to him. He thought of the girl he had met so long ago by the cove, and though he had reunited with her once, he had not been able to stay. He also thought of Jupiter's daughter, who had ignited such a strange sense of excitement within him. "Just promise me you will not betray me." He'd had enough betrayal for a lifetime; he couldn't handle any more.


02-26-2014, 10:01 PM

A brief nod would be given to the boy. She was certain that he would not fail. Power was within his reach, he'd be a fool to let it slip away. She felt the slight shift of his weight as he leaned into her touch. Just promise me you will not betray me. She would take a step back, looking at the dark boy evenly. She didn't much about his family, or his past, other than that Jupiter had killed his father. But what about his mother? Siblings? They apparently did not share the same relationship as her and Demy.

"I would only betray you, if you betrayed me." She made it clear that he had her loyalty, he was one of the few, and that she would treasure until the end of time. A small smile played on her lips, it was a rare moment when she showed that she truly cared, but for a brief moment it would play on her features before slipping away.

"Now come, we have much to do." She would step towards him again, moving to brush against his side, her tail curling around his chest as she slid by. Briefly it occurred to her that the two had never shared their bodies, had never bonded to each other physically. For a moment she would linger at his side, crown turning to glance at him over her shoulder.

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Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
03-03-2014, 12:39 PM

Basilisk was still little more than a child. Still so malleable and changing. He had been abandoned so young that he had never truly discovered who he was, and still he did not know; he was dynamic, and in the paws of a wolf as cruel as Cataleya, he had much potential to morph into something like her. He was barely a year old, and had so much life to live yet. He had never known if he would grow up to be like his mother, or his father, and yet it seemed he was something entirely different. He was not downright cruel, but how deeply he longed for more. He knew the lengths he would eventually go to get what he wanted. But, unlike Kaios, the mere act of suffering did not seem to please him. No. He needed a goal. Something to work toward...

Her smile was brief, but noticed by Basilisk, eliciting one of his own. She was one of the few wolves that had not betrayed him nor abandoned him, and he would be forever thankful. He felt a shiver crawl down his spine as her tail met the fur of his chest, and his expression twisted into a slight smirk. "As you wish," he commented, turning to follow her, attempting to bump her gently with his shoulder.


03-03-2014, 02:01 PM

She felt him bump her shoulder, a smirk twisting his features. Even though he was still so young, he has grown so much. Months ago, he wouldn't even think about touching her or showing any emotion. But now, he has grown bold, stronger, he was finally at ease around her. She would push against, feeling his heat down the length of her body.

Her crown would tip towards him, nipping at his neck, a low growl vibrating her throat. Young or not, she had desires that she wanted fulfilled. And she wanted him. Lust flared in her bright eyes as her tail twitched with impatience. She knew little about his personal affairs, and had little desire to know, so long as he could fulfil what she needed.

She would pressure him harder this time, harder than she had before. He would not be able to escape her grasp this time. Tension flooded her and her blood ignited with need. Her sole focus was on the boy beside her, her senses highly aware of his presence.

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Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
03-06-2014, 07:30 AM

Her sudden need for him was obvious, yet he did not know how to take it. Never had he been with a woman. Perhaps he was waiting for a time that might never come. Subtly she pressed back into him, and he found himself craving more. Perhaps it was a reaction that any male might have' perhaps his need was specific to her. Basilisk didn't know.

When she first called for him, she had been so angry, biting his neck so hard that he had bled. But now, her fangs merely grazed the fur of his neck. There was no pain this time. Only pleasure. A low laugh would escape his throat, his gaze growing bright with excitement and anticipation. It was surprising to him that she had grown so fond of him, in her own way -- and he, of her. His own fangs would seek her flesh, so tender as he moved to grasp onto the scruff near the back of her neck. She was not in heat, and he had no desire to have children yet, so he couldn't find any reason to not succumb to his own desires. A gentle growl would leave his throat as he positioned himself closer to her, a paw swinging around her back as he continued to grasp at the back of her neck, growing quickly excited by being so close to her.


03-06-2014, 03:11 PM

A shiver of pleasure would rattle her behemoth frame as his fangs gently collided with her flesh. His gentleness gave away his inexperience. She had been right to assume he had never been with another woman. A slow smirk curled her dark lips. It was just another thing she would teach him. And she happily do so. He would take a gentle hold of her scruff, a low growl vibrate in his throat. She would feel his paw come to rest across her back.

She would push her weight into him, a growl rattling her chest, demanding his attention. She wasn't going to shatter under his touch. She didn't like gentle, only one man had been gentle, and that had only been once, and that had been her brother. Never again. Basilisk needed to learn and needed to learn fast. She had no patience for his inexperience.

His heat spread across her body like a fire, igniting a desire. It had been far to long since she had last been fucked. It had made her tense, quick to anger. That was all about to change. She was about to further corrupt her little shadow, she was going to further claim him as her own.

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Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
03-13-2014, 10:45 AM

He could not help but be somewhat reserved; he had never known the body of a woman. Had never really cared to, until now. And it didn't matter if he wanted it or not -- Cataleya was adept at getting exactly what she wanted. He felt an incessant burning between his legs, something he was unused to, but he would not dare deny the needs of his body. A growl would follow her own as she pressed roughly into him, and he would oblige, letting his teeth grip tighter into the scruff of her neck, pulling her close to him. He would never hurt her, but now that he had the chance to unleash some of his aggression, he would gladly take the opportunity. Basilisk did not know when he might ever have such a chance again.

He felt his face grow hot with adrenaline as their bodies collided. Though he was inexperienced, his body seemed to know better than his head what to do. Another growl slipped from his lips as he fully positioned himself over here. He couldn't help but feel a strange thrill at being somewhat in control. He had always craved power, craved more, but this was so different -- and so thrilling. Finally he would push roughly against her, as their bodies became one, his growls growing steadily softer.

(fade? <3)


03-13-2014, 02:02 PM

It had seemed like eternity since she had last found herself in the embrace of another man aside from her brother. And how desperately she had missed it, the feeling of surrendering her body to a man, the blinding pleasure. She had waited for this day since she had claimed Bas on the beach, to fully claim him as her own. It was a strange bond that they shared, but one that worked for them. He had given his loyalty to her and she had done the same.

Simultaneously his grip on her scruff tightened as he roughly pulled her closer. He was inexperienced but it didn't show as his instinct took over his body. His movements were rough, demanding, as though he could taste the control he had. Her body ignited as his heat bathed her back, anticipation fluttering in her belly. With a single thrust, their bodies became one, a sweetest of pleasure shot through her frame. For once, she would hand the reigns over to Basilisk, settling in beneath him, allowing herself to drown in pleasure.


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Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
03-22-2014, 07:36 PM

For a long moment, all he knew was bliss. For the first time in so many seasons, his mind was silent, as still as the surface of a lake just before dawn. He wondered if it was possible to feel such pure pleasure forever, but he knew the moment would be far too short lived. The feeling of pleasure was superficial at best, but for now it would take his mind away from whatever turbulent thoughts threatened to take over his mind.

Time passed by too quickly -- he slowly pulled himself from her, a sigh slipping from his lips. Basilisk would move away from her, though his violet gaze did not stray far from her. Behind him his tail would sway slowly. They had much to do, and he was not planning on disappearing again as he had before. He would remain with her. His loyalty was hers. Nobody else had earned it, not yet. "I meant what I said." He said solemnly. "I will never betray you." Though Basilisk was not a pure boy, he was not prone to deception. He had learned to be cruel and heartless, to be cold and callous, but he was not the type to deceive those that had trained him.


03-22-2014, 08:47 PM

It was a welcomed relief. For the moment, all tension left her body and she lost herself in the pleasure. But it never lasted, it ended far to quickly, leaving her breathless and craving more. Her coral gaze would turn as the boy left her, his amethyst gaze never straying from her. He restated his promise, signing his loyalty over to her without so much as a blink.

"Neither will I. Now go, we have work to do." He was one of the few that had her loyalty, and he would have it until he broke it. She would not turn on him, he had been accepted into her life and he would stay there until he left. A small smile would be given to him, a rare sign of simple affection before she turned, leaving him to his task.

-exit cat-

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