


02-06-2014, 01:50 AM
I fell in love today

there aren't any words you can say

[Image: 21marzd.png]

The cold was no effect to the bundle of fur and muscle that the Armada packed. There was a giant wall made out of ice presented in front of him, and of course near his brother territory. In which he was certain of approaching soon, and positive that his elder had prospered. The slate blue boy stood emotionless, no one knew where his thoughts wandered. Most of the time he seemed just very stoic, rarely showing emotions besides for his graceful periods of viscous fighting. His lyrics were precious and well kept, as was his coat, his white tipped elbows moving as he walked a little bit farther ahead before stopping to look at the blood scattered across the wall.

The man was no stranger to war, but he was a stranger here. Even if an Armada and unaware of family that presented itself. After all, he only knew of Isardis, and Sendoa. Those who he admired as a child. Being a year younger, and with the same father. Though it seemed so distance since he hadn't seen his brother since his monthly time trying to create a perfect world in his head. There was an odd sensation to be felt of course.


02-06-2014, 01:59 AM

The woman had been busy. Followers popped up left and right. She had influenced Isardis and Sendoa to let her challenge for the Red King's throne. The woman would prepare for such a battle, it excited her to the very core. To have a chance at proving herself. To do the impossible. It gave her a rush of excitement. Yet, she pranced across the tundra in a flurry. Her eyes were wide as she looked around. The girl had just met her new friend Daeg and Aldoro, two, very nice people. Well, Daeg was a temptress but Aldoro was a gentlemen. A nice young man with such posh behavior. It enticed her, to be around such a gentlemen. He would be her guard, if she were to win. The woman would hope he saw it through. Betrayal is the biggest sin in her book. She would hate to see such a man get hurt over something so petty.

Those violet beams upon her face flicked around. The scent of another filled her slightly moist nose. The scent of an Armada. He wore the same musk as the others, the same scent that allured her to Glaciem. The woman stopped in her tracks and looked around once more until she found a boy in blue. A stranger, an odd looking one at that. The woman tilted her head before trotting across the rocky paths. The girl was bold, but she wanted to know who it was. Was he within Glaciem? She did not know, but she needed it. Her voice cried out for him, luring him in with hope. "Hello?" She stopped and stared at him, waiting.



02-06-2014, 02:43 AM
I fell in love today

there aren't any words you can say

[Image: 21marzd.png]

Ortzi would stop when he heard the voice, turning his body to face a dark woman. Green audits to raise, interested, but no emotion strewn across his face as it usually was. His tail flicked, as she scented of his brother, of Glaciem mainly. So she was a friend then, well he wouldn't be so foolish to believe it like that. He would be wary, but it wouldn't show, nothing ever did. Only those close to him got the subtle difference in his emotions. Even if he didn't show it they'd know how he felt, but if you were not close you would never notice the difference and he seemed like a rock.

Elegant paws would drag him closer, but staying at a respectful distance. "Hello" Fluent lyrics tinted with Russian accent built in to expose onto the air. His white dipped elbows made nice accents to the muscles that ripped over his blue body. Something that marked him related to Sendoa, and Taurig of course. Though, he did not know of Taurig's existence just yet, nor of any of the children of his elder brother.


02-06-2014, 05:01 PM

The woman had respect for royal blood but what really made the Armada family so pure? Their fair genes? Their hues of blues. Just because they have a line of Albinos does not mean they are better. Albinism is actually a defect, it is an imperfection. In reality Isardis is below Six, yet this was no reality. This was life. This was the game of thrones, the game of sexes, the game of life. Everyone was superior in their mind. Everyone had an issue with something or some sort of complex. It was a drama haven. I was horrid yet Six thrived on it. She was superior. She was a warrior, proven. She was capable. Yet, Isardis doubted her. The girl would show them. When she takes down the red King, she will show them all..

Purple eyes stared into the mans as he turned to face her. His fur was a lovely shade of deep blue mixed with whites. His eyes were a bright green that popped. He reminded her of Ky, her favorite member of the Armada family. A boy with potential. A boy with problems and issues. They shared a moment together, first injury then a meal. They grew close and she liked it. But, this man was not that boy. He was much older and stronger. An Armada, she could tell, but different, she could sense. The girl heard his reply and she dipped her head into a polite nod. "Greetings, I am Six of Glaciem. Who are you?" The woman tilted her head with curiosity.



02-06-2014, 06:31 PM
I fell in love today

there aren't any words you can say

[Image: 21marzd.png]

Etern was far different from his brother, from his sister, and all his nieces and nephews. That was a fact even if he didn't think it was so. Though no one, could even tell what was on his mind. It was a blank canvas on his face, and odd if anything. The girl who approached him he had no opinion about, he saw no flaws, not perfection in anyone. Of course he admired his elder brother simply because of the way he carried himself, not because of a coat color. He himself may or may not have been proud of his own obviously. He just carried himself like his mother taught him, like the war lord he was.

Etern stayed stoic, unemotional, but his lyrics told a different story. "I am Ortzi Eternally Armada, Etern for short. It's a pleasure, I am Isardis Armada's brother." His cranium lowered fluffy dark ears pulling back as a sign of respect, then raising again. Of course he was only slightly bigger through muscle mass since they were the same height.


02-06-2014, 09:44 PM

The woman did often judge a book be its cover due to the fact that you can tell from certain features whether someone is of good character or bad. The girl eyed the man with such curiosity. She saw no imperfections upon his fur or any sort of evil glare within his eyes. His voice was neautral and that of a gentlemen. Though, the future Queen was not daft. She trusted no one, not even her blood. The woman listened with a grin upon her inky lips, he was so polite. The bow and the twinkle in his eye. Charming. The girl kneaded the earth beneath her paws idly as her head tilted. The woman stared for a few moments, he looked nothing of Isardis. But, then again, who was to judge. Six let a smile slip across her lips, replacing the grin. "Another Armada, you guys sure do breed like bunnies." The girl let forth a tiny snicker as she sat down in front of him. "Have you joined the ranks of your brother? Or are you straying away from all of the glorified chaos?" Oh she loved Glaciem but as an outsider, it got tiring. Constantly trying to prove yourself, competing against everyone.



02-07-2014, 03:57 PM
I fell in love today

there aren't any words you can say

[Image: 21marzd.png]

Trust, such a fickle thing. But loyalty was ironed into his heart like a fool. It made it easy for others to assume he didn't care about anything with his expressions. Since sometimes he didn't even know what he was thinking about himself. The when she mentioned they bred like bunnies his ear twitched, bunnies? What had his brother been up to this entire time? Well he would make no note of it, and answer the woman's question. "I've come to join his ranks. A warlord can not simply retire at a young age." his lyrics formed truthfully. From a past that was filled with blood, filled with love, and more. It was a true magnificent story. That didn't mean shit here.

"Are you just. Six, of Glaciem?" he asked politely. He was curious, but that didn't show in his rock like formation of a face. Emerald eyes shining as the ice flew over from the wall. His dark tail flicked, perhaps she would end up betraying him in the end. Yet in the back of his head, he always tried to trust little by little. It made sure to measure his strength when they left him behind, that way he'd get stronger with every pain he encountered.


02-08-2014, 12:00 AM

Six sat down as she watched the stone man. His blue tones and greens orbs drawing her in. The woman tilted her head and licked her lovely lips. A warlord? The woman raised an ebony brow out of curiosity. He was a man of mystery and he had trapped her. "Let us hope Isardis sees it as such. He does not put much trust in the men in his ranks. Woman climb the ranks, the men don't. From what I have seen." She was merely warning the warlord for he might be in for an early retirment if he joined their ranks. Though, it may not seem so bad if he knew her plans of creating her own kingdom soon. But then, her asked a question and the doll pondered it for a few moments. "I am just Six. Though, I have greater ambitions. I shall not be a brood of a harem for long, darling." The woman giggled and fluttered those lashes. "Despite my rank, I am no harlot. I am much more."



02-08-2014, 02:34 AM
I fell in love today

there aren't any words you can say

[Image: 21marzd.png]

Of course Isar wouldn't. He was a man, as men they were forced to ensure the safety of their future bloodline. To have a future, and continue on your name as well as blood itself. Any adult males would be rivals, but Etern was not interested in leading, unless it was granted to him of course. Or maybe he was interested, why not, but the mind could be as blank as a canvas at times. He was trained to kill, he wasn't one to hold back in fights even if his own skin was on the line. This thought made his cranium tilt, his neck fur scrunched slightly at the feel of his muscles turning. They then shifted back as she continued to speak. 'I am just Six. Though, I have greater ambitions.' Well then she was not just Six.

"Then you are not just Six, you are Six with a future plan on her thoughts." He said, green audits would shut and then open again as he kept his steady breathing. "A harlot is a sad statement for you, you're attitude is strong. It can't be over looked entirely." Etern wasn't one to seek talents undergone. And of course these lyrics were said with polite and interested terms. "What are your ambitions aiming for?" he asked curiously.


02-08-2014, 12:49 PM

The woman stared at him with narrowed eyes. He did not seem to really care, his stoic features made her slightly annoyed. Though, it did not show upon her ebony features. Six listened to his words closely. He was an interesting one. He thought about things others might not. But, his question left her thinking as well. Should she tell him of her plans? Was he to be trusted? The woman tilted her head to the other side, her black tail slipped to her side. Six let forth skeptical vocals, she was very vague. "Isardis is letting me challenge for another northern pack." The woman spoke in a more serious tone then her usual luxurious song. She did not want her plans running around the north in a rumors flurry. She was pretty sure she could trust the blue man, but who ever really knew.



02-08-2014, 05:00 PM
I fell in love today

there aren't any words you can say

[Image: 21marzd.png]

She was going to be an empress, it thrilled him. Tiny notices of his fur would raise slightly, around his hackles. White tipped elbows would move up and his right leg would scratch into the snow slightly. Making large claws to scrape across in a mark. Simply saying, it was a show of fascination. The war lord had been born and raised off of blood, suffering, and forced to eat his emotions whole and still stay elegant. He wasn't above, nor below anyone, he was Etern and Etern was a war lord. Though the thought crossed his mind, would she need help? Green audits would shine without emotions, but ears would fold back half way curiously as if he wondered if she would take insult to that.

"I have no doubt you will prove no sayers wrong." he had no doubt, that not only was strength important. But so was state of mine, the same as a wolf who was enraged could not cut fights clearly. One who was upset, could not make decisions simply. That was why he had been trained to keep so calm, a war lord. He had failed once, and he would not do it again. "Do you wish for help when to achieve this goal? I would be able to serve as sub alpha until you find whoever you find suitable to replace me. I am not a very ambitious man, but I cannot deny a beauty her right to rule." his body shifted right wards. The gentleman lowered his cranium like a prince. White paw coming to pettily touch his chest. A sign and significance of trust, perhaps culturally.


02-08-2014, 08:27 PM

The girl was growing on the man before her. His features and the way he moved brought her the notion that he was slightly excited and interested. The woman eyed him with such eagerness, they were mutually interested. Her skepticism was fading as his words were heard. He did not doubt her, nor did she. The woman knew her strengths. She knew she had the ability to win and lead. Six let a smile slide across her inky lips. "I know I am capable, so do others. It is just a matter of timing." Her voice was more gentle, but still darker. She listened to his next bit of words eagerly yet a giggle was let forth. So he wanted to pose as an alpha if she won? That smile shifted into a legendary smirk. "I do plan on sharing a throne with a capable man when the time comes. But, I will be picking the man wisely. You must prove yourself. Words only go so far, little blue." The woman stared at him with now keen eyes, more sharp then before. Six let that pink tongue slither across her lovely lips, "Would you prove yourself to me?" Would he give up?



02-08-2014, 08:40 PM
I fell in love today

there aren't any words you can say

[Image: 21marzd.png]

So she was getting it was she, he had learned to express things through subtle hints rather than speech. That way ones who were not close to him, could not breath through the bounds and well kept secrets would be kept secrets. Of course he new perfectly well words only went so far, that was why he was one of actions. He had been trained since a pup to do the most devious of things. He did not dispel them unless asked if they were not really important. It wasn't like he was perfect, he knew he was strong, but he knew not everyone would exactly like the thought of a pup killer being around them. He had met plenty of "lighter" aligned wolves. "I should be insulted, but that's for lesser men." he slightly chuckled tail curling as he raised his chest. Feeling more comfortable around her. Perhaps trust was already being etched into his heart with this woman.

"And, what is it you want me to prove. I will do anything, within my range of skills. And I have many." He had weaknesses as well. Yet it was a well known fact many men were not known to up and out reveal them. Even if Etern was aware he had weaknesses, he wasn't quiet sure what they were. Perhaps his soft spot for his last love? Or perhaps his unwillingness to choose a side unless he actually grew close to someone. Who knew, only others could judge that. He honestly didn't care what they thought. What mattered was what he thought of himself, and proudly at that.


02-08-2014, 09:16 PM

The man was growing on her, which was odd. Six would not throw herself at him. He had to win her over. The woman was usually quick to fall into the paws of silver tongued men. But, now that she was going to be a Queen she had to limit herself. Six could not deal with knocked up on the spot. That would require putting complete trust in another. The behemoth eyed him slowly, shamelessly, as he spoke. They both were relaxing within each others presence. A little laugh was heard as she rolled her eyes to his. "That it is, darling." The woman continued to smirk as she stared at him, her eyes were bright as ever. He then spoke more and the girl nodded lightly. "I do not give out my love nor my pleasure anymore. I need to know you can fight." She paused and got up. Six slithered closer to him. Her right shoulder brushed his as she walked behind him. A she curved around to walk to his other side another burst of sultry tones were heard. "I need to know you will not flee if times get tough." The woman then leaned in and whispered into his ear. "I must know you can love." It was a different Six he saw in that moment. She could turn her emotions on and off it would seem.



02-08-2014, 09:42 PM
I fell in love today

there aren't any words you can say

[Image: 21marzd.png]

Could he love? That was a question he had been asking himself throughout the year right after he tore the group of men who defiled his precious angel and left her body on the edge of a cliff. The war lord has seen dark days, and he never regretted his actions, even after he was banished for ripping their throats out. That was his kind of love for the one he loved, expressed in the most valiant and pristine of ways. Her body language would shift again, he was used to the emotion switching. He had learned to conceal his, his mind was blank to most unless they bothered to look closer. Etern's paws would shift, lightly tapping the ground up and down as he thought of what she said over. Prove his love huh? Well he definitely wouldn't just leave her, she was a woman. You couldn't simply leave a woman on her own if she was in danger. He wanted to get to know every inch of her. Physically and mentally, mentally first as it seemed to herself. He wanted to know how she got angry, how she was happy, and when she was ready to have his shoulder to lean and cry on. Everyone needed someone to show their weakness eventually, in a safe environment free from distractions of discrimination.

"Then, you will have just that. We start as friends it seems, but I won't leave you behind. I've never done that to those I have grown close to. You may not give out your love physically, but I will give it mentally. And fighting is in my blood." Etern's lyrics fell as his eyes kept motion with hers. Tail flicking his ear would turn slightly into her words as well. "I won't let anyone hurt the things I hold dear ever again. There is blood in my past, I wish to know of yours through time as well. Everything. Foolishly, loyalty is embedded into my heart." The expressionless man's cranium would lean forward. The top of his blue head lightly tapped hers as he closed the emerald audits of his. He wasn't sure of what his brother had done, but now he was creating his own story here.


02-08-2014, 10:51 PM

They were close at that point. Their furs mingled and her breath hit his ear. She did not move, the woman was a master of such situations. Six knew the male body and the male mind. She was currently reeling him in like a true predator despite the innocent situation. She did not want them to rush into things. The woman already had a man on her mind. Did she really need two? Two men waiting on her hand and foot. Oh my, she would like that. But, was it far fetched? The woman was a master of body. She could reel them in and trap them with power and pleasure. Oh yes. How lovely. The woman flew into her darker thoughts before his voice invaded her mind. "Love comes in time. I do not expect you to fall at my paws in this exact moment. I just wish to see more of you after this meeting. We shall go on adventures." She was so confident and yes she was demanding some sort of date with him. The lady leaned on him slightly as she sat down, shoulder to shoulder. "Battle may boil in your carmine fluids but I must see it to believe. I demand a spar." Her eyes flicked to his with a thick smirk across her luxurious lips. A spar should be fun for them and a time for them to get physical without getting to lusty. She listened to him once more and memorized his words. His baritone vocals soothed her but her response was rich with her own lovely songs. "My past is not one of royalty, warlord." She fought for her life more times then one. She slept her way through men and used their week mines for survival and power. It was not a pretty past and not many knew of its tales.



02-09-2014, 01:51 AM
I fell in love today

there aren't any words you can say

[Image: 21marzd.png]

He could feel himself falling, and he knew she was manipulating him. In his soul he was taking in deep breaths of understanding, maybe it was desperation for wolf touches. Where as he refused to fail at his skills in protecting this woman with foolish needs. He was not seductively wrapped around her. He wanted her to trust him deeply, enough to tell him everything. Women really were the higher sex. But they lacked in some area's where men excelled in others. Their lust filled lies poisoned the air like a rotting apple. Green audits would move away along with the rest of him. This meeting was about over, he needed to gain entry into Glaciem before they sparred. So he would wait for her in the battle field of course. And knowing full well that she was using him, but he wouldn't be so easily used. The war lord was not a moron.

As he drifted away from her, he turned his body fully to her. Chest puffed with delicate blue fur moving in the wind. "I'll be in the battle field waiting then." he would also go to note that his tail flicked in slight annoyance. But not at her more towards himself. "Even so, a past is what shapes us. And I want to know everything about you." Green orbs closed, as he went to exit. Unless she wished to stop him.


02-09-2014, 09:49 AM

Six leaned against him with delight. The black and white lady had her eyes on him, like a hawk. She was manipulating him, a tiny bit. It was like a nudge in the correct direction. It wasn't like she laid before him demanding sex. No, she was just speaking in that luxurious tone and her lashes fluttered here and there. But, he only bought it for a few moments. The blue boy got up and slithered away. Her turned to her and spoke. Six got up and smirked, that row of white fangs flashing. "I cannot wait for your call, blue." The ebony beauty rolled her shoulders and watched him closely as he spoke once more. "Just remember I am much different then an Armada lady." Six quickly turned around, she knew he was leaving. The woman swayed those lush hips with each step until she bounded away quickly. There was no reason for her to stick around.

