
No One Can Do It All Alone


02-05-2014, 05:32 AM

It had been no easy task getting Zanire out of pack lands, but Kar had been uncomfortable with the idea of staying there, especially since she was injured. Helping her as much as he could Kar and Zanire had finally made it to a new territory. The wolf had found a good sized den at the odd site, and working for a good few hours, finally dug it out enough so that it would be big enough for the two of them. He had done what he could to try and help the pain Zanire would be experiencing from her injured limb but, alas, he was no healer, and could only do so much. For small periods of time Kar would leave, hoping to find an healer in his travels, or to hunt, but would return as often as he could to check on Zanire.

Today he was on his way back with what he hoped Zanire would take as good news. He had gone hunting for the bear before he left and was now returning with the scent of a stranger he met on his coat. A healer. Kar stressed about Zanire's injury getting infected and, even worse, the bear dying. He would be lost without her. Swift, snowy paws carried him towards the den, jaws already parted as he panted from his pace. He had left Nalyda on the edge of the territory. After what had happened with Raisa and Koros the brute wanted to be sure to respect Zanire and take into considerations her feelings of a stranger being around her, even if this particular stranger was a healer.

Once he reached the den Kar would slip inside. He would nudge Zanire, in case she had been asleep, and with a whine would sit down, speaking. "Zanire I ran into another wolf today and I want your permission to bring her here so she can look at your paw..." Emerald orbs would be desperately trying to lock onto her own violet orbs. He was so worried that if someone experienced didn't look at Zanire he was going to lose her. He stressed over it constantly, bringing it up to her and almost always on the move to try and right that situation...but now that he found a healer... would the bear be willing to see her?

Speech, Thought



9 Years
Extra large
03-01-2014, 03:21 PM

She had been curled up, back towards the den entrance. Grunts and rumbles would come from the large beast as she lay there, trying her best to ignore the large amount of pain coming from where her left paw used to be. It had been a lot of work to get to this spot, but even laying down while Kar set off, she was still exhausted. Time seemed to stretch, and what was probably just a few hours felt like a whole day he had been gone. Ears would flick at the sound of footsteps approaching, a nudge given to her back shoulder followed by Kar's whine. Eyes would shoot open at him telling her he ran into another wolf, a low grumble coming from the back of her throat. And he even asked for her permission to bring the wolf here to help with her paw.

Zanire would not answer though, instead she would uncurl her around and shift so that she was facing Kar. Right leg would straighten out while back legs slid beneath her, pushing the upper portion of her body up into a sitting position. Jaws clenching, a low groan escaping her lips as she lifted her left, chewed up leg to show off the exposed flesh, bleeding. She didn't meet his gaze, just stared down at the ground.


Awesome table by Andy <3


03-22-2014, 01:34 PM

Kar certainly hadn?t missed the grumble that came from the back of Zanire?s throat as he mentioned running into another wolf. He knew she worried, honestly he did, but this was something he could hardly afford for her to be stress over or be uncomfortable with. He knew nothing of herbs, when it came to what they did or how to apply them, and he knew that Zanire certainly needed help... She needed that paw treated so she wouldn?t be in such pain anymore.

His companion would not answer, instead uncurling and shifting so that she would be facing him. She would extend out her leg, revealing the damaged limb to him. She was clearly in pain and the limb hardly looked all that well. Of course considering how she lost it that was no surprise at all, and the wound was bleeding again. Another whine would leave him, and he looked to Zanire, her gaze upon the ground.

The male would whine again, heart breaking at the sight. So much pain... He had to help her... Just had to. So he?d go back for for the she wolf he met, and have her mend Zanire?s wounds. ?I?ll be right back Zanire... I promise. Just try and keep it off the ground if you can, okay?? With those words spoke Kar would set off.

When Kar got back to where Nadayla was waiting he gave a small nod. "She is willing to be treated. Please, follow me." And so Kar would pick up the moss filled with water carefully in his jaws, leading the fae back to Zanire before slipping in the den and looking to the bear with worried eyes.

Speech, Thought



8 Years
03-26-2014, 05:41 PM
Nalyda nods and follows her friend over to the den. Her eyes stayed focused ahead of her as she entered the den. Zanire, she had assumed, already had her paw extended. A whimper escaped her throat as she let all the poppy seeds that she could carry, plop to the ground. "Eat these Zanire, these seeds are supposed to help you sleep, but at least help with the pain." When she finished the seeds and Nalyda was sure that the pain was no more, she grabbed the moss and dabbed the water gently upon the bear's paw, the cool liquid soaking into the wound, and she repeated this completely until the wound was washed.

She grabbed a banana leaf and walked outside shortly, grabbing some sap with the banana leaf and wrapping it around the bear's paw. "Keep this on your paw, Zanire. The leaf may cause your wound to itch, but whatever you do, do not take the leaf off for a couple days. When two days is over, have Kar take the leaf off and your wound should be all cleaned up."

Nalyda walked over to Kar and gave a gentle smile, "She'll be okay, like I said, just make sure she doesn't take the leaf off for a couple days. If anything else seems wrong, come and get me."



9 Years
Extra large
03-27-2014, 03:10 PM

Her ear flicked at his voice, telling her that he would be right back, promised, and she should try and keep her damaged leg off the ground. The bear would nod her head to this, violet orbs watching him turn and exit the den to find the wolf to help her. It wouldn't take long for him to return, holding water soaked moss in his jaws, a female coming in behind him. It was when the she wolf spoke that Zanire would release a low rumbling growl, violet gaze hardening on the dark wolf. ?You, no call me that.? Tones were hard, harsh as she spoke, warning the wolf to not call her by her name. Miss, ma'am or just bear would be fine. It was only after a few moments of silence would she lower her head and lap up a few of the seeds.

The beast would sit in silence from then on, taking the pain quietly while the she wolf worked on her. The worst probably had to be when she was dabbing the water soaked moss onto the open flesh. Jaws were clenched, most of the growls and grunts being held in, only a handful managing to escape, along with when the wolf pressed the sap covered leaf on. ?Keep my name out your mouth wolf.? She warned with a low growl before turning her back on the two and laying back down. She would do as the wolf said.


Awesome table by Andy <3



8 Years
03-27-2014, 04:45 PM
Nalyda could easily sense the bears dislike of her. Apparently, she should've kept her mouth shut and would've just keep working on her without going into discussion. She walked away from the den and sat down a few yards away, hanging head low that the bear didn't take a liking to her since she spoke the bear's name Her red eyes saddened slightly, but she soon kept her eyes open and looking to the sky. She would let the bear rest before she went to go and talk to her again, apologizing would probably be the right thing to do since she didn't know the bear didn't like Nalyda to call her, her last name. A sigh escaped her throat as she waited for the female bear to wake up later before she did anything else.


04-02-2014, 11:21 AM

Just moments after arriving back at the den Nalyda would set to work, helping Zanire in the kind of way that truly only a healer could. The male would lower his ears some, watching both the gray and black wolfess and his dearest companion. He was counting himself lucky, so lucky that he had found Nalyda when he did. If anything more happened to Zanire he wasn?t sure what he would do. Zanire was family now... And he couldn?t leave her. Wouldn?t leave her. A whimper would leave the male, emerald orbs shifting to the female grizzly let out the low rumbling growl.

Had Zanire been in a better state of health Kar was certain Nalyda wouldn?t have even been anywhere near her, even if Kar had known her since he was young. Part of him was certain Zanire?s main hesitance with other wolves being around him, or rather females, was because she was worried about him. A question would form in the male?s mind. Did Zanire think, perhaps, he might find some female and leave her to become their mate? The thought saddened him. Never would he leave the grizzly. She meant so much to him... And any wolf who wanted to be his mate, to have a family with him, would need to know that as well. He wasn?t going to abandon Zanire.

Kar also worried, as the darker tones left Zanire?s mouth, that the woman might tell the healer off and refuse treatment. That worry would reflect in his eyes as he stayed by her side, a soft whine coming from him in the moment of silence that filled the den. Finally Zanire would lap up some of the seeds that Nalyda had brought and, before she continued, the healer would wait for them to take effect.

All the same as the wound was cleaned it caused Zanire quite a bit of discomfort. It was clear in her expressions and the sounds that left her... And that only brought further shifting and short whines from the male. He kept shifting his gaze from Nalyda to Zanire. He felt so useless... Unable to do anything to assist Nalyda in the treatment further or to ease Zanire?s pain. It hurt knowing this... But... At least Zanire was going to be okay. For that Kar was grateful.

Once the wound was cleaned and covered Nalyda would give her instructions on how long to keep it on... And that was that. Kar would look to the healer, about to thank her for coming with him and helping Zanire with the injury, when Zanire would speak again. Her disapproval of the female was clear enough... And Kar would let out a soft sigh as Nalyda left the den. Zanire would move too, though she would lay so that her back was facing the entrance of the den now. There wasn?t too much he could do as far as the grizzly being more moody towards the healer, but at least her paw was treated now.

Kar moved to Zanire?s side, gently nuzzling one great shoulder before speaking in a soft tone. ?Thank you.? It had to be hard for her to trust this stranger... But he was glad that she had gone through with it. It helped ease his guilt of her injury, if only a little. For a moment Kar would stay by Zanire?s shoulder, wondering if he should say more, but instead he decided against it. ?Sleep well. I won?t be far.? With that the male turned, though he?d glance one more time at the form of his companion, and then he would head outside.

Once outside of the den Kar would look to Nalyda with an apologetic gaze, flicking his tail slightly as he spoke. ?If you don?t mind... Just come a little further with me.? He cared deeply for Zanire... But he did not wish to further anger his companion or upset her by having her overhear his conversation with Nalyda.

Once he had walked a small distance away Kar would sit, turning his gaze on the ruby eyed healer. His ears were lowered and he gave her an apologetic look. ?I?m sorry that Zanire is not in the best moods. I know her injury is not helping that at all... And... I think she is wary of you because you met me first.? He wasn?t going to go into detail about that though.

?Thank you for treating her, Nalyda. It means more to me than words could ever express.? A gentle smile would appear on Kar?s face. ?You are very kind... I?m glad that I have met you.?

Speech, Thought



9 Years
Extra large
04-09-2014, 10:46 PM

The beast would give a low grunt to her companion when he came up and thanked her. She appreciated him going and finding a healer to tend to her wound, but she couldn't just up and trust the wolf that she knew nothing about, couldn't trust them especially after seeing it was another female... her thoughts wandering back to that other woman her friend had met and dumped just about everything to about them. Eyes slowly closed and she would take in a deep breath, letting her lungs completely fill with air, and the would exhale. ?Thank you...? Her voice would be soft, almost apologetic for her behavior, even if she couldn't show it with her face since her back was to him. Brows came together as she stared down at the ground, one of her claws lightly scratching at it. Her heart struggling to think of something to say that wouldn't come out as annoyed, wanting to say something sweet, to comfort Kar in some way. Nothing would form however, and the woman would sigh lightly as Kar's pawsteps grew faint upon leaving the den.


Awesome table by Andy <3



8 Years
04-15-2014, 09:01 PM
The slate-colored female smiled and nodded to the brute whom she had helped. Her crimson orbs shifted slightly as she could sense that Zanire, or Kar's friend, would be alright. "I do what I can, for even though some of my clients whom I have helped didn't take kindly to me, I still showed kindness and didn't show that I was going to hurt them in anyway possible." She would look to Kar once more as heat began to rise to her cheeks, and she would start to give a gentle smile. Nalyda didn't know what to do now other than look for a place to stay for the night.

"Well, I suppose I will see you around whenever I can, Kar," she spoke in her calm and composed tone like she has done plenty of times before, "And, if anything goes wrong or if you need me for anything else, just tell me and I will come back." As she spoke those final words, she turned her back to Kar and his den and began to walk to another place that might need her help.

The femmen soon caught a glimpse of a makeshift den. A tree looked to be uprooted, and many twigs and other foliage covered the den as she walked inside. She placed her nose to the ground. The den didn't appear to be occupied at the moment, so she lied down and placed her head down upon her paws and watched the stars shine down on her temporary den.


04-15-2014, 10:06 PM

Kar would give a nod, though he would glance back at the den. "If she gets to know you better I'm sure she'll be more appreciative towards you for your help. Its my fault I think, partially, that she is like this." The male would shake his head. "Long story short we had a... rough encounter with another female. I think she's worried about me being manipulated... or something worse perhaps." He would look back to Nalyda, returning the gentle smile. She looked pretty when she smiled, her ruby orbs shining with a happier light. Seeing her smile warmed his heart too... and eased his own feelings down. It was something he could certainly get used to seeing.

Nalyda would get ready to leave, and Kar would give a nod, his lighter green orbs meeting her own. "We'll definitely see more of each other, Nalyda. Until then I wish you a good night. I'll come see you when I can, okay?" It was nice having another wolf friend. His mind would turn to make as he got to his paws again, watching Nalyda for a moment as she walked off before setting back to the den and curling up against Zanire's back. He would go look for Nalyda again for sure... and maybe, once Zanire was doing a bit better, he'd try and find Mako too. The last time he had seen the young wolf was at Wolfpaw Lake. He would set his head upon his paws, closing his eyes. There was much to do but... he felt like things were going to get a little better than they were.

Speech, Thought

{{Ooc:: We can go ahead and end the thread there if you want guys. :3}}