
Picking Flowers

Elysia I


02-08-2014, 11:04 PM

It had been a few weeks now since she had brought Cirala to her home with her King, Kus. Today her paws would travel to the battlefield to claim some flowers. It was time their kingdom had more loyal females that would stick around more often then not. The earthen colored female stopped just as she entered the battlefield. Sea foam green orbs looked about the death field. Dried blood stained the land from past wars, tuff of fur blew in the gentle breeze. She shook out her fur before entering farther into the battlefield. The sight of the place did not frighten her, she had nothing to fear when she had a King like her's.

Her mission would be simple, find and gather more females to take back to her King. She smiled softly, of course though they had to be beautiful flowers. She could not have a weed in her bouquet! Oh no, this would not be simple just for Kus, but for her too. She love the vibrant colors and shapes of different females. Males discussed her, well of her own kind anyways. Why need a male wolf when you have a sexy male panther? Who could reason with that? She snorted at the memory of their new slave. He wasn't even worth being called a slave, he was nothing. She had made sure he'd live long enough to serve the kingdom. Males like him weren't worth living. She had felt slightly happy ripping his tongue out slowly, painfully. She knew what kind of succumb-bag he was. One who preyed of females and tore them apart from the inside out. At least Kus treated all the girls kindly.

Once well into the center of the land she sat down. She couldn't howl out to other females due to her lack of a tongue, so she would have to play the waiting game. Hopefully her charm would be enough to bring the ladies home.



3 Years
02-08-2014, 11:15 PM

The woman was horribly bored. The girls family annoyed the living daylights out of her. Everyone was just so stubborn and gross. Their minds were held with such anger and annoyance. Why couldn't everyone be like her? So lovely and graceful. She moved like a feline. Her steps were unheard by anyone, but her strides were elegant. Her tail swayed behind her in delight as she pranced along the blood marked fields. The Goddess found herself exploring rather then dictating peoples lives. There was no real reason for her exploring other then self pleasing adventure. Though, she had a bad feeling about the battlefield. The smell of blood plagued her mind and the various bits of fur or bone that littered the dirt made her wanna turn back. But! She kept on.

The babe pranced on. Her baby blues slipped over the vast fields of war. Freyja inhaled quickly as she sensed another. With a tilt of her head her pad falls would come to a stop. She inhaled the scent once more. Female. Freyja rolled her shoulders and looked sharply to her left. There sat a tanned woman, alone. She looked so simple and so beautiful. The girl pranced her way over to the other girl with a brow perked out of curiosity. As she made her way to the girl her lovely voice was emitted, "Hello there!" Her voice was that of a bell, soft yet powerful. She was out of her comfort zone and it was very obvious.

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