
Not my Time



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-04-2014, 03:29 PM

Be careful making wishes in the dark
Can't be sure when they've hit their mark
Hati was not good at allowing himself to rest or take the time to heal - which, frankly, was why his wounds had become so bad to begin with. He was restless, the uncomfortable feeling translating into more and more bottled-up rage as time went by. It didn't help that the forced rest gave him time to think, time to remember. Bad memories, all of them; he couldn't think of a single good memory since he'd been a pup playing with Thor and Loki in the den, not since Hroovitnir had taken a particular interest in him and isolated him. Terrible memories best forgotten, buried and hidden behind the fog of his rage. His brothers had at one point or another left on their own business, leaving him alone with his dark and unsettled thoughts.

He needed something, anything to take his mind away from the blackness, to expel his excess energy, but there was nothing. Just a very dangerous boredom. He wanted to run, to expend his aggression in sparring, to hunt for himself, but though he'd healed enough to be restless he was nowhere near capable of any of those yet.

And it pissed him off.

And besides in the meantime
I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


02-04-2014, 07:33 PM
Isabella liked to make trips to the west now that Alphonso was with her, it gave him a chance to feel at home and to walk around her a bit. Which he was the the moment by scrambling far off to her side, never to far enough to be out of her sight though. Isabella did not like it when her small friend was too far awya to see, even if he was a predator to the insets he gleefully ate he was a snack for most other things. As she walked forward she turned her icy blue eyes over to him every now and then before turning them back forward and going on with her head and ears a bit higher than before to stay on alert. Her tail was also up, waving like a sandy banner behind her matching her fox like fur.

Alphonso was having fun, going this way and that, stretching his legs, letting his own nose and eyes guide him. He paused though when a new scent came to him, a wolf and one he did not know. He looked back at Isabella who did not seem to pick up the scent yet. With a smirk the suddenly sprinted toward the scent, somewhat fearless since he had a wolven guardian.

Isabella heard the movement and looked over to see him running figuring he was just enjoying himself. Watching him carefully she moved forward a little with no doubt he would come back. But he didn't, instead he found his way to the front of another wolf. This one, large and black with scars. It looked angry and figuring he could either cheer him up or cause some mischief he spoke. "Hello there wolf, you look a little worse for wear." He smiled looking up to the wolf with a flick of his tail. he had no doubt the wolf had ever heard a gecko speak before and wanted to see the reaction.

Meanwhile, Isabella grew worried and turned her head searching for her friend. She stopped her coarse and walked in the direction of Alphonso only to pause when she caught the scent of another wolf. "Oh that lizard!" She thought gritting her teeth. Speeding up she ran fast enough to get to the gecko before anything happened. Standing tall she locked her eyes on the other wolf once she was sure Alphonso was just out of his range. Her appearance would have been somewhat sudden to the stranger and perhaps seeming of a challenge. Though she made it clear she was not seeking a fight as she paused and lowered her tail a bit.

"I apologize for the rather sudden intrusion on your privacy but someone forced me to be so rude."Her words were not fully emotionless but they were indeed icy. The chill was directed at Alphonso, scolding him and clearly calling him back over to her. The gecko did not listen but did move closer to her than the stranger just in case something should go wrong. "There are things to be said for not befriending one that could be a snack." Her next words were normal, emotionless and a rather bad attempt at a joke.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-07-2014, 11:02 AM
OOC: Sorry for the terrible lateness and... well, general terribleness. I've been having a rough time and haven't felt much like writing lately.

will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns?
Hati had closed his eyes, thoroughly sick of the unchanging landscape around him and hoping sleep would pass the time quicker. But sleep would not come to him, no matter how he squeezed his eyes shut and tried to regulate his breathing. A strange voice sounded in his ears, and Hati seized the chance to unleash some of his rage and the foolish wolf who'd interrupted his attempted nap. With a furious snarl he whipped his head up, eyes snapping open to see... nothing.

The snarl died away in confusion. His ears dropped back suspiciously. Was this some trick of Loki's? If it was, he was going to kill him. He was in no mood for his brother's stupid games. He just wanted to sleep, all right? Was that too much to ask for? He went to drop his head back down to his paws, inadvertently dropping his gaze down to ground level to fix onto some lizard. Wait, was this supposed to be what spoke to him? Seriously? A lizard? His fur started to bristle once again. Ok, now he was definitely going to kill Loki. "This isn't very funny, Loki," he snapped, gaze sweeping around suspiciously behind the lizard, who seemed to be smiling, which was just damn weird.

His eyes were arrested by the sudden appearance of another wolf. Normally he'd have not much worried about the wolf, being that she was a rather small female, but with him unable to really get up easily, let alone fight, her unexpected appearance alarmed him. And since Hati is Hati, alarm made him furious. Didn't help that she seemed to be saying that the little lizard was her friend, making her rather than Loki the culprit of this. "There are things to be said about not befriending anything," he returned with a snap in his voice - not as clever an insult as Loki's, maybe, but who the hell wanted to sound like Loki anyway?

the sins of our father, the sins of our young
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


02-07-2014, 06:23 PM
OOC: No problem, we all have times like that in our lives at some point or another. I hope things get better for you soon :D

Alphonso chuckled to himself at the wolf's reaction, it was better than Isabella's! His laughter quickly faded as his friend appeared and after looking back at her and rolling his eyes at his joke he turned back to the wolf. "Loki? Sorry to disappoint but my name is Alphonso. Honestly I find all this very funny! You wolves are more fun to play with than jackals ! They don't express as much emotion as you...erh most of you." Alphonso know full well when to shut up but he didn't feel like he reached that point yet.

Isabella was as serious as ever and kept her eyes on the wolf, all but ignoring Alphonso for the moment.The wolf was clearly annoyed and his words seemed like an insult but with a rude awaking and appearance that was understandable. She gave no reaction to the anger, she simply spoke as calm as ever. "I can't doubt your words stranger. Life is indeed less....troubling without them but sometimes they just find a way in your life and do not leave. Quite like a burr between the shoulders." Her voice was even but in truth she did not mind making friends, when they were true friends that was. And no matter how much trouble he caused, Alphonso was a friend.

Reaching forward she placed a paw the gecko him holding him lightly in place so he could not cause more trouble. He protested with a raspy hissing sound and squirmed under her paw. "Madam Izzy! Is this really necessary?" He questioned. Isabella didn't take her eyes of the wolf as he answered him. "Yes, if you disturb another in such a rude way there should be some sort of compensation." Her next words were directed at the wolf. "At the very least you deserve our names for our disturbance. This is Alphonso." "Call me Al!" He interrupted. Isabella ignored him and went on as if he didn't speak. "I am Isabella VentFlurrer." "Izzy!" "Not Izzy."Isabella's last words held a hint of anger, the only reason she let Alphonso get away with the silly nickname was because he added 'Madam' in front of it. One person giving her a nickname was enough, she would not have others use any such way to address her unless they were pups. "So who's Loki?" Alphonso muttered. "That is enough out of you Alphonso." She warned before looking to the male. "I dare say, this is the oddest way I have yet to meet another." She commented in a rather matter of fact way as if there was no tension in the air.