
Limited roleplaying


02-03-2014, 10:30 AM (This post was last modified: 02-03-2014, 10:34 AM by Aislin.)
I think I already posted to scarcity, but if not I will fix that.

So I now have two jobs; one full time, one part time, and my online schooling.

To show what my days will be like, check this out:

Microsoft 5AM - 10AM
Jimmy JOhns 11 AM - 3 PM
Microsoft 330 PM - 600 PM
Bed: 8 or 9 PM

Yeah I have a full day/week but I feel like I can accomplish it. I feel like also if I do a post a night (to multiple threads I might be in) I can best manage my time. I will have to do the same for homework as it is anyway, which will also be manageable from doing the 'one assignment a night' method.

So please pleaaaase don't think I am dropping. For the next week or two, I will be figuring out schedules and how to best balance.

This is all due to $35,000 in school loans I have to pay back this month *sigh*. Which reminds me... I need to figure out when that is....

Soooo its almost 50,000 in loans now, which I may not have to pay back till January of 2016? That might be nice....