


02-02-2014, 03:05 AM

In the wake of the setting sun, the ivory temptress moved easily through the land. Her pace was relaxed, posture that of grace. The regal aura about her was alluring, a fact she was all to aware of. She was beautiful, her coat glowing in the remnants of the light, crimson and gold markings standing out against her alabaster hued fur. The markings that she wore, were bestowed upon her by her deceased mother, a sign of the bloodline that she had come from. A blood-line of royalty on both sides, blood that none could compare too. Her violet eyes cast a alluring color, such a contrast against the pale features of her bodice. Still, though she knew she was a beauty, she felt as she paled in comparison to the scene before her. The orange glow of the sun glittered against the dark waters of the lake before her. The navy sky slowly over-taking the sun and laying it down to rest.

A quiet sigh left her, and she stepped forward, her toes barely touching the cool water. It was still to cold to indulge herself in a swim, but the water held a tempting air. The wind blew against her back, the air against her as she stood there, her tail hanging level with her spine, in the cool night air. Relaxed, she would be unaware of the approach of others, after all, what did the woman have to fear here? One would think she wouldn't be so nonchalant, after her past experiences, but if anything her mistakes had taught her, to enjoy the moment. Live in the now, and of course to take delight in life's more delicate moments.




02-02-2014, 09:55 AM

Archaic's own musings had buried him deep within his mind. Summer would be upon him in a few moons, and the thought brought a smile to his face. Long, heady days of lounging about, berries to eat, fish to catch. The prey would be quick and spry and the whole world would come vividly alive. The prospect filled him with a primal excitement. He forced himself back to the present, however, having learned long ago that daydreaming and walking rarely mix well together. Spring was well enough too, he supposed. Anything could be preferred to the cold, drab days of winter. He liked color, dammit! And warmth! Autumn was okay too, but despite it being the harvest season and providing him with a plethora of fat squirrels, it was also a very sad time. Spring and summer, he decided at last, were just right.

He came to a stop quite suddenly, looking up to find he was practically face to face with an ivory fae. She bore strange red markings, but beyond that the only color he could see within her form were vivid purple eyes. He blinked. "Oh. Hello there," he said with a hint of uncertainty in his tone. "Uh, didn't mean to intrude." He shrugged and made to leave, taking a few steps before his curiosity bit at him. He looked over his shoulder, eying her once more... She was rather pretty... "Out of curiosity, what were you doing exactly? Just.. enjoying the night?" His small talk was terrible, of course, but that didn't really phase the large male. What did he care what other thought of his nature? That was his business, all things considered.

"Talk" "You" Think


02-06-2014, 07:12 AM

In her wanderings she would suddenly come face to face to another. She hadn't been paying attention to her surroundings, rather lost in her musings and immediately skidded to halt, nearly colliding into him. Violet eyes widened, as she stood there not getting a chance to speak before he did. An uncharacteristic chuckle left her, at his words, as her violet eyes moved over his features. He was a handsome wolf, his coat many colors, but a unique blend. However it was his eyes, a light nearly teal blue that were the most striking feature about him. "I suppose I won't hold it against you, you're too handsome to hold a grudge against." She'd respond lightly, her voice whimsical.

He would turn to walk away, and she'd watch him, before turning he gaze back to the lake, glancing back over at him when he spoke. An attempt at small talk? "I'm just out to stretch really, I haven't been to the warmer regions in a while." Glancing at him, she shifted her weight, sinking back to her haunches. "Care to give a lady some company, handsome?" She'd ask with a teasing lit, her smile warm. She was in a socializing mood tonight, and she wondered just how far she could carry this conversation.




02-10-2014, 11:42 AM

Her easy going compliments both surprised and thrilled a brute. A smile worked it's way to his lips and he chuckled, the deep laugh complimenting his baritone voice. She wasn't so hard on the eyes either. She offered him a seat on the ground beside her and he rolled his shoulders, languidly padding over. "Well, if you insist," he said with a smile. "My name is Archaic. If I had to guess I'd say your name is as lovely as you." He considered a wink, but decided against it. It was a calm, cool night. If she was looking for passion, he wasn't sure how much good he would do her. Company he could provide, of course, but he was always wary of coupling, and any flirtatious female made him a bit more suspicious than normal.

He scoffed internally, chastising himself for over thinking the situation. It was a nice night in nicer company, and there he sat letting his imagination run away. All this assuming you could even get laid. Hah! He rolled his eyes at himself and smiled. All things considered, there were worse ways he could spend his evening.

"Talk" "You" Think


02-13-2014, 02:28 PM
She supposed she couldn't complain at the company the male, would offer. He was certainly attractive enough that she couldn't help but to flirt with him. He introduced himself as Archaic, and she mentally contemplated the roots of the name. "I am called Roman, Roman Armada. " She would speak with pride befitting her title, pride befitting the blood that ran through her veins. She would regard him through violet optics as he sat near her, another question quickly leaving her porcelain jaws. "Where do you come from, Archaic? " Did he already hold ties with a pack here? She knew the others though her experiences with them were menial.

Ooc: on tablet, so replies are crap. Didn't want to keep you waiting, though. :/