
a whole new world

Talon I


4 Years
10-22-2014, 07:24 AM (This post was last modified: 10-22-2014, 07:29 AM by Talon I.)

Their journey had led them here, into the shelter of the forest. They felt protected beneath the tall maple trees, with their brilliant wide canopies of fire, brilliant yellows and oranges looming overhead. The season brought with it such beauty and splendor -- and to have Kangi by his side again was nothing short of a miracle. He silently vowed to stay with her this time, no matter how hard things got, no matter how afraid he felt. This morning, though, he was alone as she slept, wandering briefly from the shelter they had forged beneath a fallen tree trunk to scout their surroundings and hopefully find something for breakfast.

While he was a timid man, exploring new lands had never been something troubling for him. It was easy enough to avoid those that meant trouble, and traveling over obstacles was something that made him feel accomplished, despite the difficulty of it. He was a lanky male, but the muscles that lined his legs and back were strong from travel. Still he was quite unassuming in build, smaller than most wolves he met. Food was often scarce for him, as he wasn't the most proficient hunter -- his missing left leg made fast movement difficult for him. With Kangi things were easier, but he certainly was no stranger to hunger and his slender frame made that obvious.

There was a slight hop to his step today, and while it was mostly because he only had three legs and there was little other way for him to walk -- it was also because he felt like today held some sort of promise. Perhaps a promise of adventure. Everything seemed so much better with Kangi at his side, and he felt a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he sniffed at the edge of the forest. He was not far from his sleeping mate and so he pressed on, awed at the small clearing he had found. It was a small grove, littered with large bushes that were overflowing with berries. Vines seemed to climb up trees on all sides of him, the air pungent with the sweet smell of fruit. What a cool place!

Briefly he was reminded of the cavern they had found, the place underground that had been full of strange mushrooms and mystery. Kangi would simply love this place. His pace would slow as he explored the grove, nose twitching as he tested the air. The newness of this place was enchanting and he couldn't help but wonder childishly if he had found a place no other wolf had set foot in before. It was a fanciful thought, and he knew it was almost improbable but it didn't stop him from humoring the idea for a moment, grinning like a pup as he wandered the area dreamily.


10-22-2014, 09:44 AM

A white woman had stretched her paws to the grove where very little wolves may have come for a snack. She was after the luscious fruit instead of taking a sacrifice of hare or squirrel. She could go on fruits and herbs for weeks knowing that she wasn't taking from the planet, or from someone else who truly needed it. She too was thin, slender, but her tiny body was fit just right for her size.

Though Natane didn't have piercings or an outrageous amount of accessories like some of her tribe members, and though she would love to have more, there must have been something that kept her off from the northern wolves that would soon invade her lands. They would all bring chaos to Natane's world, at least that's what she would think when a mass of them would come over.

But the dame had not yet met these other wolves, she hadn't heard of them from the tribe either. Maybe no one knew, until now. A single paw would stay lifted as her nose rose to the air and twitched intensely. A smell completely unknown to her that she dared to think threatened her. But she thought if she hid in the trees, perhaps that danger would go unnoticed by her. At least she could hope.

She would walk silently from tree to tree, until soon she noticed a wolf, or maybe not. It seemed more like a beast, trekking on three legs instead of four. This creature was very unknown to her and she could only think of the dangers it possessed. She kept eyeing though, tilting her head as she moved around until... CRACK! Jumping almost out of her skin she would look to the ground at the sticks that snapped under her little weight. Silver optics shot back up to the creature hoping that she was still in hiding. She would try to inch behind the tree more, thinking that running could be a bad idea. Only an eye would come from behind the trunk, waiting to see what would happen.

Walk "Talk" Think

Talon I


4 Years
10-22-2014, 08:26 PM

His immediately goal was to explore the grove, perhaps scope out a good spot for them to rest or even another place they could seek shelter for the next evening, and then to find Kangi. She was so beautiful when she slept, a picture of serenity so lovely he didn't dare disturb. Rest was important for them both and he knew she needed all she could get. Winter was coming soon and it would be vital they were healthy and strong to make it through yet another cold season without the protection of a pack.

Though the grove was quiet, it was not without the gentle rustling of leaves and foliage. The wind was light today, whirling delicately through the bushes and flinging colorful leaves to and fro with ease. But the sound of branches snapping was distinct and he found his head jerking to the side, instantly searching for the source of the sound. A long moment of silence followed as his silver gaze searched the surroundings. Perhaps Kangi was near? Gingerly he lifted his snout to the sky, inhaling deeply. It was not her scent but certainly another lingered nearby.

A long moment would pass before he would move again, seemingly frozen in place, paralyzed by sudden anxiety and uncertainty. "Hello?" he called out timidly. He hoped another had simply been passing through -- for he couldn't see anyone, and why would they be hiding? It was unsettling to know he wasn't alone here and he found an involuntary whimper slipping from his throat as he peered about his surroundings.



8 Years
Extra large
10-22-2014, 09:42 PM

Though his paws were massive he was an expert at silence, as he would be now under the cover of the underbrush. He?d caught the scent of an unknown wolf, one he was almost sure had to be from the North. The chance to see him was too great, and with the utmost care Shai would approach. Before he could even lay eyes on the foreign wolf he would find himself looking upon the form of a she wolf he knew from the tribe, her paw suddenly stepping on a dead stick. His form would drop to the ground as eyes widened and he would watch, readying himself in the need to rush to her aid.
Still the boy was hidden from his view, but the voice would call out, a word he didn?t catch and a whimper. Who was this wolf? Still he would remain where he was, watching the girl and observing the outsider. He wasn?t ready for direct contact just yet.

"yoruban" "english"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


10-23-2014, 07:59 PM

The sight of Shai would trigger Natane's movement. Wide eyes would eye him as her paw dangled silently from the destruction beneath it. And just as he did, she would take caution to the voices that came from the creature's throat, a whine indicating that it was frightened.

"Ohun ti awọn huwa ainilakaye?" Words from under her breath that no one could hear; response to the lack of understanding.

She would only turn her eyes back to Shai, fear showing in her own for she was about to make a serious and maybe dangerous move. She hadn't felt so much curiosity since she was a child, that of which she knew could only end badly. But even though this thing was so ugly outside, it seemed just as frightened as she was and she was willing to take the chance.

A deep breath, and then paws would curve around the tree she was hiding behind very slowly. Her white fur striking from the darker background. She would only come out enough to show her whole body, head lowered. She stood many wolves away from the stranger, ready to run at this point with one paw floating. She wondered if the other tribe member would come out too, or if he would stay hidden in the tree line.

(OOC: feel free to skip me anytime, I'm currently on scarcity.)

Walk "Talk - Hover Translate" Think

Talon I


4 Years
10-24-2014, 05:11 PM

Only moments before, his senses had been flooded with the sweet scent of elderberries and maple trees, the air crisp and sweet. But quickly it changed, instead laden with the pungent aroma of strangers. And then he heard that crack, and he knew without a doubt that another wolf lingered nearby. Why he was being watched, or followed, he didn't know. There was nothing particularly interesting about him, not that he knew, and he found another whimper slipping effortlessly from his lips.

The woman moved to reveal herself. He caught a flash of white fur from the corner of his eye and instinctively his head would jerk, turning to face the stranger. She was not different from the wolves he had encountered in his travels but something seemed strange about her. Curiosity shone in his pale gaze as he eyed her, feeling quite timid, though her own posture was far from aggressive. "Are these your lands?" he would ask quickly, his voice quivering slightly. "I didn't mean to intrude, honest, I was just wandering..." There wasn't a single bone in his body that would want to stay if they asked him otherwise. His own head dipped low, tail tucked securely between his legs as he stared at the lady.


11-02-2014, 11:04 AM

The woman would then raise her head high, pulling away from the monster that didn't seem to want to hurt her. Perhaps not a beast after all, just another animal that wished her own dreams. She was no longer terrified, but still frightened by the thing's voices.

Neck would turn back to Shai who had not come out yet, but slowly returned to the unknown. She finally set her paw to the ground but her eye were still as high as her shoulders would let her 26 inch body go. She wouldn't get any closer, but didn't back up either, and she would finally let out more of her own words.

"Ki lo so? Ko ye mi."

Eyelids narrowed, nose dropping only slightly in question. She wondered if Shai would only stay hidden to protect her if needed, or if he would come out and play too. Or maybe he would just wait until the time was right.

Walk "Talk" Think



8 Years
Extra large
11-02-2014, 03:21 PM
Shai Adeyemi

He?d watch quietly, hidden visually by the underbrush as well as the thick tree he stood behind. He was crouched, and just barely he could see the stranger through the dying leaves. Natane would approach, her form slipping easily into the clearing. He would move forward a bit, still shaded by the plant life but close enough now that he could rush to her rescue were he needed. The boy that she would approach would utter nonsense as Natane made her approach, she?d ask him what he?d said but Shai had no doubt he would only speak more of his foreign language. Still keeping himself from view he?d watch the interactions take place, this wolf seemed rather timid and he had no doubt his presence would not boost his confidence

"Speaking" ; Thoughts

art; KAT table; LAYLA

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Talon I


4 Years
11-10-2014, 08:37 PM (This post was last modified: 11-10-2014, 08:37 PM by Talon I.)

This woman stood a bit taller than him, though most did -- his eyes grew wide as she studied him. There had been something akin to fear in her gaze but it seemed to face as his own posture grew more timid and submissive. The words that fell from her lips were all but foreign to him, though her first few words sounded inquisitive though he couldn't tell what exactly she was asking. It reminded him strangely of how Kangi had spoke when they'd first met. Interest shone brightly in his silver eyes, wondering who this woman was. These lands were unfamiliar to him, but he couldn't help but wonder if they might be her home; he knew there was so much left for him to learn, and so much land to explore, but still he found himself awed by the strangeness of it all.

His lips would purse slightly as he considered what he ought to do. "Hello..." he started, his words slow and deliberate, followed by an obvious greeting in the form of his head dipping slightly toward the earth. It had been difficult enough to communicate with Kangi at their first meeting, but this woman seemed to have no knowledge of his language whatsoever.

A gentle rustling of foliage alerted him that another was nearby. Eyes narrowed curiously as he examined their surroundings. The sound had been closer to Natane than himself, and though he had grown suddenly anxious, the feeling faded a bit when he realized he was not about to be ambushed. A sudden urge to flee and call for Kangi would come over him, but he knew that such sudden movement would likely startle them... and who knew how many more were lurking in the woods? "Talon," he would state, saying his name with a fair bit of uncertainty as he lifted a paw to gesture toward himself. "You?" The male would gesture to her then with his muzzle, giving himself another opportunity to scan their surroundings.


11-12-2014, 08:37 PM

As the man spoke, hello, Natane flicked her ears forward and analyzed the movement of his lips. Her eyes looked fierce, more with concern than aggression. She was not interested in these new things that would come to their lands, but she couldn't so much just walk away. Or could she?

The creature continued to speak, mentioning himself as Talon, and then giving a gentle point with his nose. Natane stepped forward on one step, lifting her other to pull into herself just as he did. Though her ears pulled back close to her skull. "Natane." Thank the heavens that wolves understood actions and motions, because otherwise the two would just stare at each other blankly.

She would think of his previous word, one he didn't mention with his paws. And so the pearl woman would attempt her own go, the words being stuck to her brain. "Ayy-oh." Her accent had definitely gotten in the way, but in either case, she wasn't saying his word right either.

Her head would turn again, eyeing the brush and trees Shai was hiding behind. But this time, she would prick her ears back up and pat her paw gently demanding him to approach them. He didn't need to hide for a secret attack if necessary, Natane had a good vibe from the stranger. Shai could come out and say hello as well.
