
Young and Free



5 Years
02-01-2014, 05:52 PM

Raisa's paws itched with spring fever. She wanted to run, snap, chase, fight, something before she exploded out of her skin. Her winter coat was starting to drift away in the wind, and the days were growing longer and longer. It didn't help that she was in heat and more irritable than ever. She growled at the dirt below her paws, digging her claws in and tearing up tufts of grass among the boulders. Thankfully she had sent Koros away to hunt for himself, so she would not take her frustrations out on him. It was not a day for polite company. Coming to a sudden conclusion and with reckless abandon she flung her head back and howled, calling forth any who may be nearby, singing of her need. The tension in her body filled her voice to the brim, and she could only hope they would understand. If she didn't work this out, she was like to destroy something, herself included.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


02-05-2014, 12:24 AM
Running into his sister had been quite the shock. After believing for so long that he had been the only survivor of the viscious attack on their family Arwel had almost grown used to the fact that he was alone in this world. But now, now he had more hope, more happiness, and something to look forward to. Meili had seemed to grow into a fine young woman, making her own way in life. The knowledge of this fact was very, very comforting to Arwel. He had been making his own way in life as well, coming to Alacritia to seek out a place of permenant residence and a place to call home. He knew in his heart that he would be going back to his sister's pack and asking for acceptance, however, for the moment, Arwel had decided to take a little more time and travel Alacritia. It would be a temporary thing, lasting maybe just a week or so before he went back to ask for acceptance.

He wasn't entirely sure what brought him this way. The battlefield... He had wanted to further test his strengths and grow as a fighter. He had done small fights, since the day his family died, but not really enough to truly figure out where his skills lay. If such a situation was to come up again... would he be ready? As the thought entered his mind, Arwel would catch a voice in the air. A howl for a challenge. The need to fight. He would raise a brow, a bit curious. Something about the request seemed... he wasn't sure how to put it. But it was clear the female wanted to fight. To burn off some sort weight that was upon her. He would hesitate for a moment, considering. If he answered the call then there was the chance of getting an injury that would need tending to by a healer... and as of the moment he was still a loner. Arwel would frown deeply, flicking his ears back a bit. However it did present the oppertunity of testing himself, as he wanted. Plus as long as it wasn't a serious injury he could probably make it back to his sister's pack alright... and Meili would be there to confirm who he was so he could get help for his wounds.

Making his decision the brute would give a firm nod and set out, seeking the female who called. It didn't take too long to find her, he supposed, and he would approach her. A bit of friendliness, even before a fight, as long as it wasn't against an enemy, would be common practice for the brute. "Greetings. I've come to respond to your call." He would dip his head. "I am Arwel, and, if I may ask, your name and what rules you would like to set in place for our spar."