
All That Glitters


02-01-2014, 09:04 PM
The midday sun was bright in the sky. Cheerful enough, but hardly interesting. She'd seen the sun enough times to know it rose faithfully everyday... but she was young enough to worry sometimes when it set whether it would really return to its post to warm and protect the earth. They were but the worries of a child - And I am not a child that should worry so childishly anymore. The young woman's gait was a brisk trot. The sunshine was enough to lighten her heart just a little; she'd felt grim these past few days. Her tongue was lolling freely from her jaws, its pink a bright contrast to the grey of her pelt. It disappeared when she noticed the grass underpaw changing.

Gwyndolyn's senses betrayed nothing unusual, but the landscape seemed different here somehow. Not just that it was a flat plateau. She thought it smelled just a little different, but she couldn't really pinpoint anything... Thus her steady trot slowed to a tentative walk, her head lowering to betray the form of a wolf who was alert and uncertain. When nothing happened immediately however, her head lifted again and her pace began to pick up. In this way she continued for some minutes until she caught a flicker of something in her peripheral. Her movement ceased as surely as if she had hit a wall, her entire body turning on a dime to point her in the direction of that glimmer. Gwyn almost dismissed it at first: she saw nothing. But when she began to turn away she saw the light again and froze, head whipping around... and there! Something was most definitely catching the sunlight. But it wasn't water... nor was it like those unusual polished rocks one might find in caves... it was something else.

Little enough could contain Gwyndolyn's need to investigate this oddity. Almost of their own accord her paws pressed her forward until she stood where the culprit could be found. It was a small shining object, perfectly round and colored not unlike her own steely pelt. When she lowered her head to smell it, it was sharp and acrid... like nothing she had ever smelled before. Unable to contain herself, she cautiously pressed a paw to the disc - it was warm from the sun... and dirty. Was this really her shining thing? Well, curious as it was, it didn't appear to be of any use to her. She gave it a quick, curious lick. Maybe it was edible? It was unlikely given its scent but why not try? No - it tasted awful. Gwyn cringed, her tongue flicking out several times before returning to its proper place. Useless. Shinier now, but useless. Giving it one disdainful push with her dark nose, Gwyndolyn moved away as quietly as ever, a little disappointed it hadn't been anything more... interesting. Or helpful.

Twig I


02-01-2014, 09:58 PM

Her orchid gaze was squinted as she traveled the ground under the bright light, she supposed it could be a cheery thing but all she thought it was, as she opened her eyes from a nap, was so bright it was annoying. She would sigh as she pushed herself from the earth, certain she would not be able to drift back into her sleep. She had left her sister early that morning, before the sun had even dare show its face. Twig was determined to find her family members, no matter how tired she ended up. As she shook off her irritation towards the sun her determination would return. Slate colored paws would pick up and carry her to an old field of battle.
She had heard a few stories of humans, and she had seen what they had left behind. This field was rather odd though, there were small human pieces scattered every now and again. There was even better probability of finding more such things if she dug into the earth just a bit. She did her best to ignore them, but as her pace continued it seemed every single shiny piece would reflect the sun into her eyes. She didn't notice she was not alone until the scent hit her since her eyes were mostly useless.
She would swiftly backpedal enough to let herself see the imagery around her. Not but a few yards away a she wolf seemed to be slinking away from a particularly bright bit of reflection. Not interested enough to stop her, the cross marked girl would only watch as she made her retreat. Just to make sure she would not become a later threat.

I can talk!


02-01-2014, 10:50 PM
Gwyndolyn wanted to leave well enough alone; there was a sense of something having been here long ago - of something having happened. And, Gwyn thought, whatever left that strange, silver-shining-thing... who - or what - would make such a thing?

...and that is when Gwyndolyn decided that she was, perhaps, not quite as finished with the disappointing shiny-thing as she had first thought. She was already several lengths away when she came to a stop yet again and turning herself like a soldier at her post, she started marching back toward the glinting treasure. It was only after turning - only after her eyes took in the (rather hard-to-miss) form of another - that Gwyndolyn became at all aware there was anyone in the vicinity. Caught off-guard, the grey woman gave a little start, her fur bristling with a mind of its own. She stood still as a stone, her green eyes wide, tail straight out behind her. She tried to take stock of the situation - tried to determine if this wolf could be friend or foe or... neither.

Gwyndolyn wasn't afraid. She wasn't inclined to be vicious. But whoever this (odd) contrasted wolf was, she had come upon Gwyndolyn as if out of no where. Gwyn never smelled her, heard her... and for a moment she was all too aware of her own inexperience. She liked to think she had grown beyond stupid mistakes in her (immensely long) two years of life. Clearly not.

So there she stood, watching the stranger with wide, waiting eyes. She made no verbal greeting, and it seemed she might do nothing for the longest time before, slowly, she placed a forepaw forward and she waved her tail in gentle greeting. Her coat still bristled just the slightest bit but that would right itself in time.

Twig I


02-02-2014, 08:12 PM

Her eyes would follow the grey she wolf as best they could, the adjustment period seemed ridiculously long lived. It was becoming more bearable as she dodged the reflective light, she was able to focus now. That was when the figure would stop and turn back to what ever had interested her in the first place. Suddenly she would become aware of Twig's presence and would startle. Instinctively Twig would do the same after the quick movement was made. She didn't mean to be so flighty, but she knew what to do to stay alive. Her own hackles would raise slightly as she let her teeth show back in a half snarl.

Though when it was obvious the girl would not be an immediate threat she would sheath her daggers once more. Now slightly more curious than she had been moments before. She had not meant to sneak up upon her, but maybe it was just that she was not as aware of her surroundings. Twig was trained from an early age to be aware of what was around her, and as she grew older she had specialized in stealth. Maybe she was just better than she thought. The woman before her would not offer a word, but after a few moments would wag her tail and tentatively offer a step forward. Ashley didn't know that she wanted to be the first to speak, but would cock her head to the side curiously. What was this silly girl up to?



02-02-2014, 08:48 PM
OOC| Simple, new crappy table is crappy. Oh yeah. xD I needed some formatting though. Needed.

If there was to be any violence between them, Gwyn would not be the one to instigate it. Not intentionally. Her gentle gesture seemed to allay some of the other woman's worries, and the snarl that had been present moments earlier slipped away, leaving a curious expression. Gwyn mirrored her for a moment, however unintentionally. The other woman was brilliantly white, the glare of her coat in the sunlight quite difficult to miss. I mustn't allow myself to become so distracted while I'm on my own, marvelled Gwyn to herself. It could prove hazardous to her health if it happened again! How dare she be distracted by the oooooh shiny!

As no verbal response seemed incoming, Gwyndolyn took the liberty of breaking the silence, "Hullo." She canted her head the other way. Well, that was a wonderful way to begin, now wasn't it? All she got was one measly word in and that was it. She was at a complete loss. When was the last time she'd had a conversation? She supposed she should say more, now the other woman seemed as curious as Gwyn was. "Who are you?" Her tact was clearly astonishing. Astonishingly blunt. She supposed she'd never really been much good a introducing herself to anyone... "I'm Gwyndolyn." If she was going to be blunt and ask questions, she should probably give her own name first. Oh what is the matter with me!? Get a hold of yourself, Gwyn! Lowering her head slightly, she took a few steps forward, eye gauging the stranger for any hostile response.

Stock courtesy of Dawnthieves.

Twig I


02-03-2014, 11:58 AM (This post was last modified: 02-04-2014, 02:30 PM by Twig I.)
.ooc. I don't know what you're talking about, that's a fine table =D

Ashley Twig Black was anything but violent, incredibly defensive most certainly, but not violent. She didn't like gore or bloodying her nice fur, she was more of a show off. She would hiss and growl all night before she would be the first to attack. So as the unknown she wolf offered up words of greeting she would listen politely, "Hullo." she would offer a half smile in greeting, wondering if she'd say anything more when, "Who are you?" Her jaws would part slowly, and before she could offer her name Gwyndolyn would introduce herself, "I'm Gwyndolyn." She was amused by this she wolf, so her smile would complete itself as she let her tongue loose, "You can call me Twig." her tone was quite light hearted as her grey companion took a couple steps forward.
Twig would let her appearance keep itself jovial, she was still her cautious self however and the movement would not go unnoticed. She would still herself however, and move only her haunches into a seated position. "I'm a member o fthe Black clan." she would rotate her shoulder to better display her family's signature marking, All of us carry such a marking." She looked back to Gwyndolyn from her shoulder, "Who are you?" her voice full of curiosity.

I can talk!


02-03-2014, 12:55 PM
OOC| Here's a new proper table with pictures and everything! lol

Even the quiet Gwyn was usually less socially awkward than she was being at the present moment. She was all too aware of it; in a corner of her mind her pride whispered mean things to her about how she could do so much better. It sounded oddly like her mother's voice, actually.

A smile painted the other woman's maw, an action once more mirror unconsciously on Gwyndolyn's own face. It wasn't to be a fight then, and that was good. The name offered didn't quite match Gwyn's expectations. "Twig"? What kind of name was that supposed to be? Perhaps a nickname, or pet name? An alias? Or perhaps none of these things... and someone was really strange enough to name their unfortunate pup "Twig." Still, before Gwyn could make any such comments that might be rather rude, the cross-marked one continued, offering more information. Gwyn's ears perked curiously as she was presented with the very unique marking on the other girl's shoulder. Gwyn's head tilted.

Had she noticed the marking sooner she might've said something then. As it was, she hadn't been able to see it quite properly 'til now. Even in the bright sunlight she could make out the lines of darker fur running down the other woman's left forelimb, creating a marking that was hard to miss. Alas, she could not disown her clan even if she wanted to... but she snapped herself from her own musings when Twig presented Gwyndolyn's own question back to her. The question was simple, but begged for more than just a name. Gwyn's smile remained, but within she felt that defiant wall that refused to allow her to share more than was needed. So she offered a truth - or at least a half of it - she knew might suffice:

"I'm a traveller. I'm going north, just... north," she lifted her shoulders in the wolf equivalent of a shrug. Her answer was half-hearted. Was there not more to it than that? ...wasn't there always? A polite smile remained on Gwyn's dark lips as she kept going, the subject changing as smoothly as she dared make it, "I made it to this place," - she gestured with a whip of her tail to the grassy plateau around them both - "and well... would you happen to know anything about this place, Twig? I find it rather strange..." Her green eyes strayed from the other wolf to the round metal that had first caught her attention a few minutes before then flicked back up to Twig.

Stock courtesy of Dawnthieves.

Twig I


02-04-2014, 01:50 PM

She was glad it looked their meeting would not come down to violence, but that didn't mean she was ready to go off skipping in the meadow with this girl. She'd let her mouth display a smile but her eyes and ears would continue their careful watch on Gwyn and their surroundings. If she was surprised at the mark that Twig bore she certainly didn't show it, she would simple answer the question asked, "I'm a traveller. I'm going north, just... north," It seemed her shrug would work to bat off the topic. Ashley was ever the observant one, and she knew that this complete stranger would not possibly give her the complete truth. "I made it to this place, and well... would you happen to know anything about this place, Twig? I find it rather strange..." As the conversation shifted Twig had to say her information had run out.
She was searching for family members in this strange land, she had not a clue what any of the lands were called let alone their history. It was a lot of human things. Maybe Gwyn didn't even know what humans were! She wouldn't had she not been fed stories of them as a small babe. "They look like human filth. Left overs from the two leg's rampage." She didn't hold any love for them, and was quite glad they were gone forever. From what she had heard they were not very nice animals. They had certainly left their mark upon the world so much more plainly than any wolf could.



02-04-2014, 02:30 PM

The answer Gwyn received only begged more questions. Human? Rampage? Suddenly she felt so very sheltered. She'd been on her own a while now and thought she was getting on well enough... but every now and then someone - something - would remind her of how much she didn't know yet. Her ears pricked, the only indication of her piqued interest for a moment. She remembered vaguely the word being mentioned. But she had no stories, no point of reference as to what "human" was. Calling the shining thing "filth" seemed a little harsh. Gwyn thought it was kind of pretty, even if it was useless... and thus Twig's words caused a twinge of shame in her breast and Gwyn disliked it. This of course, she kept to herself.

For the first time, she allowed some of her attention to leave the white woman before her, in favor of looking back at the very thing she had come back to investigate in the first place. "It doesn't really do anything, does it?" she asked rhetorically, glancing at Twig briefly for a response as she padded over to the silver thing. "It is a little pretty though - it has weird markings on it," - a momentary lowering of her head to nose the thing again, then back up - "But I suppose... why do you call it filth?" Curiosity got the better of Gwyn again, and she regarded the other wolf as she waited for an answer.

Stock courtesy of Dawnthieves.

Twig I


02-04-2014, 08:43 PM

She would notice how Gwyn seemed interested in the words that left her marked lips. A half smirk would tinge her lips at the chance to educate this girl on ancient things. Human's hadn't been gone oh so long, about the time her own grandmother was born. Still, there was a chance of there being somewhere the humans never touched.
"It doesn't really do anything, does it? It is a little pretty though - it has weird markings on it, but I suppose... why do you call it filth?"
Twig would not move as her companion shuffled over to the reflective object again her questions filling her mind with the old stories she was told. They were not any peaceful bedtime stories either, wolves being hunted to extinction in some places. Their black oil filling the sea, their left overs scattered everywhere. A darker look would befall her face as her thoughts were pushed aside and attention was placed back upon the girl. "It is useless, and its unnatural. You've not seen the scars the humans left here. This is petty to what my grandmother has told me. I'm glad they're gone." Maybe this particular piece was not "filth" but it certainly did not belong there.



02-04-2014, 09:06 PM

Twig's expression had changed; this talk of humans was affecting her negatively. It was apparent enough.

"It is useless, and it's unnatural," explained Twig to the listening Gwyn. Her initial thoughts affirmed, she forced her attention back to her acquaintance a little more fully, her chin tilting up a little more as she allowed the other woman to continue. Its uselessness to her or to any wolf was apparent. "I only wonder that anyone who could create something would make something with no purpose other than to catch the sun," she said simply after a moment. A paw moved, kicking the medal away in one clean motion so she could at last forget about it. Twig spoke of scars, of damage, of rampaging. But these things were empty to Gwyn, who had never seen nor experienced these things.

"We had no stories of humans. It is only a name to me." It wasn't that she didn't care, mind you. Indeed, she was interested in knowing about a species that could impact anything so much. She supposed wolves could do the same if they chose to. But wolves were usually only interested in the matters of their own species and maybe some of their cousins, like coyotes or foxes. At least... in Silverna they were. All this time, a small smile never quite left Gwyndolyn's face, and now she made a light sound - almost a laugh. "But if there are no more of them, then I need not be concerned."

Stock courtesy of Dawnthieves.

Twig I


02-06-2014, 12:25 PM

Gwyn was certainly an attentive girl when she wanted to be, the she wolf's attention was quite focused on Twig's words of humans. Her short speech would finish as her companion took a moment to reply, "I only wonder that anyone who could create something would make something with no purpose other than to catch the sun," Twig didn't know that answer, but would watch as Gwyndolyn kicked the useless piece of reflective material away. "We had no stories of humans. It is only a name to me." Twig didn't know where she'd come from but it mustn't have been anything like Alacritia or the previous home she held. It seemed her deeper knowledge of humans would not seep as thoroughly as she had intended but the girl was right when she said, "But if there are no more of them, then I need not be concerned."
She would shake herself mentally and physically, releasing the tensions she held when her thoughts turned to humans. She would let the smile return and do her best to continue the conversation, even though she realized she still had work to do. "I should probably keep going. I'm actually searching for more of my cross marked family." She was still quite wary about letting too much information leave her lips. She would not get too much more after those words however.



02-06-2014, 01:41 PM

The other woman shook herself, adding: "I should probably keep going. I'm actually searching for more of my cross marked family."

Gwyn canted her head to one side, suddenly struck by the irony of it. While this brilliantly-contrasted white woman sought her family, the grey, non-descript wanted nothing more than to escape everything she had ever known. A half-choked laugh escaped Gwyn at the thought, and she could only hope the sound wasn't as bitter to the other girl's ears as it was hollow in Gwyn's.

"Then I wish you the best of luck finding them, Twig. I haven't been in this land very long but... it is big," she bowed her head slightly. Gwyndolyn knew it couldn't be an easy search. She could have left it at that and let the other woman go... indeed, Gwyndolyn needn't do anything more for the other, a perfect stranger. But she found herself growing suddenly serious, and her next words were meant in a kindly way: "If ever I should find another wolf marked like you, I shall let them know one of their kin is seeking them." Gwyn wasn't sure why she offered to do that. It wasn't any of her business what became of Twig or her family. She could have left well enough alone. She shifted her weight a little uncomfortably. Maybe, just maybe, it was because Gwyn could understand seeking something dear... just as she was. It may not have been family, but its meaning to her would be great when she found it.

Stock courtesy of Dawnthieves.

Twig I


02-10-2014, 01:14 PM

Their time together would slowly draw to a close as Twig made the first mention of going and finding her family. She was ready to be off, and it seemed as though Gwyndolyn had every intention of following her lead. "Then I wish you the best of luck finding them, Twig. I haven't been in this land very long but... it is big," She would nod in acceptance of the good luck wished while she was reminded at how big an area it was she searched. "If ever I should find another wolf marked like you, I shall let them know one of their kin is seeking them." If anything this meeting would produce one more set of eyes searching for the cross marked family she so held dear. She didn't know what it was Gwyn's purpose in life was, but she did find that she wished no ill will upon the gentle soul. "Thank you, and fare well in this giant place." Twig would nod her head in a gentle good bye before retaking her pace and once again searching for her dear ones.

-exit Twig unless stopped-



02-11-2014, 09:54 PM
OOC| Fail exit is fail.

And just as suddenly as they'd met, they parted again. Gwyndolyn watched the other woman go, pondering in silence for several seconds before she turned her face northwards again. She had chosen her direction rather more arbitrarily than some might have. She had her purpose, her mission. But it gave her no real direction to go in. She hadn't really thought about whether or not she would like or need company on her journey... it was a topic she didn't ponder much longer. The white, marked wolf was gone and now it was Gwyn's time to move on as well. Physically shaking herself, the young woman set off at a trot, her mind on her future and on the gentle words she had spoken to Twig.

[Exit Gwyndolyn]

Stock courtesy of Dawnthieves.