


02-01-2014, 12:33 AM

The yearling moved easily, into the newly conquered lands of the Glaciem Empire his mind wandering, as he pushed on eager to explore. His ivory coat, a reflection of his father whom he barely remembered, was only interrupted by the various portions of black on his fur, which came from the mother, whom he only had fragmented memories of. He wasn't sure where the blindness in his right eye came from. Were one of his missing parents blind? When it came to his family he was confused, to say the least. He didn't know where to begin, though he had met with his sister, Devya in the last season, he didn't even know if he felt loyalty to her. Were they truly even siblings?

His would be lost, deep in the tangles of his mind. When he'd come to a halt, his haunches folding to the ground, with a disgruntled sigh. He had to find someone in the pack who would be willing to mentor him. He had to contribute, be he wasn't sure where to start. He wanted to be great, but greatness was so hard to achieve. Lowering his head to his paws, he contemplated his future here, unaware really to others who may approach him. He wasn't worried about being approached, no one went out of their way to notice him. He wasn't related to the royals. He hadn't earned a title. He was no one and with no one to teach him any skills, he'd remain that way. Perhaps he'd do the pack better if he fled, living life as a loner. He was but one wolf, what could he do to contribute? Did his contributions even matter?

And so he would lay there, drowning his own worries in his mind, trying not to think about the circumstances that brought him here, but failing miserably. Was he really that worthless? Did anyone even notice him here, lying about?



02-16-2014, 11:34 PM
im gonna go ahead and set this before the challenge. also this sucks but i reply bc ARTEMETH

Excitement ?or was it anxiety??churned within the depths of the pale prodigy's mind, enticing and intoxicating her with the sweetest sensation of adrenaline; and yet, despite her heightened emotions, she maintained her apathetic facade, unwilling to hint to the true feelings that lurked beneath her hardened exterior. Come the morrow, the ambitious Overseer would find herself bloodied and gored; but all for the right reasons?or so she hoped. However youthful the babe was, she still felt beyond prepared to destroy a nation in order to establish her own; but still, uncertainty clung so desperately to her thoughts as she wondered?or did she worry??about whether or not any creature would bend to her will and help her construct a stable empire where her family could thrive. Perhaps she was a fool to even believe any would find her worthy of following, perhaps she was a fool to even think to upset such a strong nation as Valhalla was, and perhaps she was a fool to even want to place herself in such a dangerous position by threatening the stability of a large pack, but she was such an ambitious and wicked little fool. Even if she found herself as Valhalla's sovereign by tomorrow's end without a single soul to govern, she would work to obtain the results she desired, just as any sane creature ought to do; it was what she would do for the sake of creating a legacy and ensuring the survival of her own kin.

Her thoughts would overwhelm and blind her to her surroundings, making her unaware of her intrusion upon an unfamiliar Glaciem's resting site until his pallid coat captivated her attention as it gleamed so brightly beneath the silver moonlight that had filtered through the tight crevices of the leaves that loomed overhead. Instinctively, her limbs would cease to propel her further into the woods as her mismatched gaze scrutinized the male's physique, judging him to be at or around her age by the youthful qualities of his countenance. "I don't know you," she admitted rather bluntly?almost awkwardly?as she maneuvered slightly closer to him, leathery nostrils quivering as they inhaled his intoxicating aroma. Brows would furrow just minutely upon her forehead and her stomach would lurch with discontent as she registered some sort of familiarity with his scent, quite unaware that this was the sibling of her greatest adversary, and quite unwilling to learn of his relation to the witch that she had all but forgotten about. No?it was best for the prodigy to live in blissful ignorance.


02-20-2014, 02:01 AM

He was sulking and he knew it. Instead of forcing the world to notice him, he was whining because he was being forgotten. He was slipping into the depths of the shadows rather than trying to steal the glorified light of fame. Half of his mind was beating him up for his stupidity, while the other half wondered if his life would ever by normal. Was it normal to feel this way? A voice interrupted his mental arguments, and he glanced up quickly, his orange eyes coming to rest on the white figure of another. She didn't seem much older than him, in fact, based on her size he would nearly bet that they were the same age. Her words were blunt, and his ears flicked at them, as he pushed into as sitting position, his head tilting with curiosity as he looked at her.

"You don't" he would agree with a chuckle before introducing himself. "I'm Seth. May I have the pleasure of your name?" He would ask with politeness, a slight smile pulling to his jaws as he took in her scent- feeling something though he wasn't sure exactly what it was. The normally chattering teen didn't know what next to say, so he let an awkward silence fall.



02-23-2014, 09:18 PM

Mismatched amethyst and silver eyes scrutinized his countenance for any traces of discontent with her intrusion and approach, but it was not until she had breached his close proximities that he would even indicate his awareness to her presence, finally glancing up to meet her heavy gaze. The viper could only assume that he had been captivated by his own internal disputes as she had been moments prior, but she would not pursue answers to her questions and would allow for them to slowly die down as curiosity over who he was and why he seemed so familiar consumed her, forcing a singular brow to quirk upon her porcelain visage as she halted before him, poised immaculately. She waited in silence as he pushed himself into a seating position and observed in amusement as he cocked his skull slightly to the side, resembling a confused whelp in the process, but her velvet lips would remain taut over bleached incisors despite the increasing urge to smirk at his display. Instead, her pupils chose to ravage his features, noting that he was around Codeine's height but significantly lacked the robust musculature possessed by her brother and that the metallic hue of his right eye matched her own; however, his left eye was a heated vermillion as opposed to her cool violet--like fire and ice.

The banshee would not mirror his seating position for the uneasy feeling she associated with his masculine scent prevented her from obtaining a sense of comfort, so she simply stood before him, vexed as he agreed with her statement and scoffed at her. Jaw tensed but her facial expression retained its neutrality as he introduced himself, the polite tone of his speech causing her to grow rigid with frustration for her inability to piece the puzzle together. "Seth Armada?" she interjected, hoping that his relation to the Glaciem sovereign might explain the familiarity she had registered with him, but still uncertain for his appearance contrasted Isardis' quite perfectly. "Artemis--Artemis Elysius," she introduced, obliging his request curtly as her chest puffed out slightly in evident pride towards her surname--a surname befitting of one destined for supremacy.


02-25-2014, 12:20 PM


I know that I can find the fire in your eyes.

He studied her, through his eye, watching her for a few moments as she would inquire to his last name. He had foolishly forgotten to add it. Armada? He was a lot of things, but an Armada, someone to be respected because of their blood? That was something he was not. "Jaeger. My surname is Jaeger." He spoke, taking in her name. Artemis Elysius, out of the pack of thirty, he hadn't yet had the pleasure of running into her. She wasn't hard to look at, easy on the eyes but in a way that it wasn't overly obtuse. He took in her scent, memorizing it, placing it in his memory with her name. A name, he assumed that he'd do well in the future to remember. He wondered what she saw when she looked at him. Was he still a gangly looking creature or would she note that his coat was sleek, the hues of black and white starkly contrasting one another, and his silvery blinded eye matched the tones of one of her eyes. Though, where her other eyes was a violet color, his was a fiery orange. It was interesting. She didn't sit, and he wondered if that was simply her way or if it was rude of him to consider sitting. Confused to the matter, he remained on his haunches, speaking again, "Out for an evening stroll?" He asked kindly, trying to continue a conversation, even though the effort felt awkward. He had grown used to other wolves carrying the topic- and leading in what was discussed.

Is it over yet? Let me in.SETH JAEGER