
Mystery of the Cross


02-02-2014, 06:24 AM

Black coated paws hopped nimbly from rock to rock. The slender male making his way upwards, to seek out a good vantage to point so that he may see where on Earth he was. He was new to these parts, having heard tales of others like him in these lands. The ones that bore a Cross on their shoulder...surely they would be the ones he was looking for? For no others held those same markings. Jinxx wanted so badly to find his sisters, his brothers...would they really be here? Had he traveled here with his goal completed? Or in vain?

With a slight grunt, the male landed atop an outcropping with a cave mouth behind him. It was no easy climb, as this place seemed to be riddled with untold dangers and hidden surprises. But alas he had made it unscathed. He stared out across the lands, the sun was high in the sky as it beat down on his lithe form. Blue eyes illuminated in the bright light, further giving his appearance that much more of an illumination effect. However, it was always the night time hours that gave the Wolves of the Cross their names...The Legion of the Black, they ruled the night. The moon always shimmered upon their coats, illuminating and giving their appearances as divine creatures. But today, he would seek out lost connections...and he hoped that someone, anyone...was here.

Tilting his head back, he let out a long howl. The note filled with intermixed emotions of sadness, loss, hope...surely...someone would come...they had to be alive...he couldn't be the only one. His voice rang out loud and clear, a haunting note that could not be mistaken by those who knew him. It sent a shiver down the spine of those who would lay ears on it, thus his nickname "Coma." For his voice had the tendency to place one's mind into a lulled sleep...if not bring the memories that were once forgotten within the folds of their minds. It was like a trance, his voice always carried that way when he howled. It was both beautiful, and haunting.



02-02-2014, 09:39 PM

The Black Clan was coming together. The rumors were true. His family was alive and well and clearly thriving from what Twig had told him. There were still several other Black siblings that were yet to appear, but the mammoth trusted that they were around these parts somewhere. If he had stumbled across Twig and Ashley, there was a very good chance that he could find the rest of the Black Clan. His search for them was a daily thing. Sometimes he went out by himself, like today, other days Twig and Angel would accompany him, or other times it would just be Twig. Until the entire Clan was reunited, the behemoth would not stop his searching. He was determined to have the family that he had been denied as a boy.

His search had brought him to a particularly dangerous part of the land, one riddled with sharp rocks and inclines, a place that probably wasn't one that very visited often. He probably wouldn't have come here to look for his siblings, since it didn't really look like a place that a wolf would like to hang out in, but a haunting voice had drawn the Black giant to the dangerous place. It was a voice he felt like he should know, yet the pitch and tone was unfamiliar to him. And yet Pulsus found himself climbing the rocks, avoiding tricky spots as he moved his way towards the top of the cliffs, elongated tail dancing this way and that to help him with his balance. Talons would scrape against the rocks, mismatched gaze spotting a flash of ivory and ebony up above. Scrambling towards it, Pulsus would come up over a boulder, his gaze falling across the figure of a young man, his base coat a pure ivory outline with swathes of charcoal. His eyes were a similar shade of azure as the behemoth's though much more pronounced than his own. And there it was; the all too familiar cross. Brother? He would call out in his low baritones, making sure that his own cross was on display for the boy to see.

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04-08-2014, 11:10 PM

"Ghost of you"

His tone would call out to the lands. Hauntingly beautiful, it seemed as if the birds themselves had silenced their own songs to listen. Jinxx would not stop, not until his notes brought back something worth stopping for. He was desperate to find those of his kind, the ones who bore the cross. His brothers and sisters, his Father. His aunts and uncles, perhaps even his grandparents if they were still alive. But alas, it was only he atop this desolate land. His song soaring in the air for all to hear, hoping...praying...that one of his own would answer his prayer.

He had not seen the newcomer approach, had not noticed the ascendance of the unknown ghost as he made his way towards him. "Brother?" It wasn't until Jinxx's audits shifted at the sound of a voice, that his melody would cease in a quick snap of his jaws. Head slowly turning to gaze at the unknown stranger, oceanic blue optics taking in the form of the stranger who stood nearby. At first, he did not believe what he was seeing. And gradually, eyes would widen in confusion as his eyes remained glued to the Cross on the behemoths side before tracing back to his face. It was someone he had never seen nor met before...and yet, he bore the family symbol. Motionless, not due to fear nor anger, he stood. Heart seemingly stopping in its tracks as he stared at the nameless one. "Brother...? Who...who are you?" He would question the other, reserved yet slightly bewildered tones lingering upon the end of his tongue. Who was this man, and why was he calling him brother? More so...why did he bear resemblance to his mother? Could it be that this was the long lost brother he had never had a chance to meet? Or was he staring face to face with a ghost?

"Speech", Thought, "You"

Pray by Blessthefall on Grooveshark


04-09-2014, 06:06 PM

Confusion was the first thing to cross over the boy's expression. Pulsus gave no reaction because it was something that he expected. Angel and Twig had had the same expression when he had revealed to them that he was their elder brother, so he figured that any one of his other siblings would most likely have the same reaction. Case in point, the young man standing not too far from him. The boy's azure gaze, a much bluer one than the Wrait's icy eye, would be glued to his cross, as if trying to understand why a stranger bore the mark of their Clan. Bewilderment would taint his words as he question who exactly the behemoth was.

Pulsus would take a moment to relax his body language, making sure that he wasn't unintentionally scarring his younger brother before he introduced himself. I am Pulsus Wraith Black, elder brother to Angel and Twig Black. And...elder brother to you too... He would trail off at the end, hoping that his introduction with the inclusion of his sisters' names would encourage his younger brother to reveal his name.

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04-11-2014, 10:49 PM

An older brother? He would remain there, eyes glued on the creature before him. Words trapped within his mind as he turned over what he had just learned. Pulsus...that name was unknown to him. The only older brother he had known about was Lunatik, but...that would mean he was related to their devil of a brother. Did that mean he was like him too? Had he done something to their sisters? Hackles rose slightly in defense, though he would keep the rest of him calm as it did not seem like this Pulsus was hostile. Perhaps there was nothing to worry about, though one couldn't be sure. Lunatik had once appeared the same way, and one day had suddenly turned savage and tried to wipe everyone out.

"'re my brother? So, does that mean you're related Lunatik?" He wondered. If he was, he wondered why he had never seen him before. Had his parents given him up? Hidden him? Why had he never heard about Pulsus before? Why had he never heard about others besides Lunatik? He turned his body to face the male, ears erect and curiosity beginning to draw out, wanting to know the answers that had been unknown to him for so long.


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Fading Away (Acoustic Version) by Demon Hunter on Grooveshark


04-11-2014, 11:05 PM

He didn't expect the boy to believe him right off the bat. Angel and Twig hadn't either, but after speaking to him they had finally accepted that he was part of the family and they had welcomed him with open arms. Would this brother do the same or would he remain hesitant about the Wraith? He would watch the ebony and ivory traced boy, noticing how his hackles were stiffening, as if he felt threatened by the titan. A frown would crease his sooty and ivory face, audits half lying against his skull, plume tucked evenly between his hocks, trying to seem even less threatening, if that was even possible. He didn't want his younger brother to think that he was here to hurt him or any of their other siblings because that was the opposite of what Pulsus was here to do.'re my brother? So, does that mean you're related Lunatik? Now it was the gargantuan's turn to look utterly confused. The crease of his brows would furrow even deeper, confusion clouding his features. Who is Lunatik? Is this a sibling of ours? Lunatik. He had never heard that name before. Could it be an older brother that Pulsus was not aware of? He wouldn't totally dismiss it. He was sure that there were still plenty of Black members he had yet to come across and this Lunatik could surely be one of them. The bi-colored man would watch his younger brother with rapt attention, waiting to see if he would explain who this Lunatik was.

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04-12-2014, 01:02 AM

Head tilted the slightest, the strangers turn now to feel confusion. Jinxx could see it on his face as plain as the sky above them. If this was indeed one of their own, then perhaps...Did mother and father have more then just Lunatik...? Why didn't they ever tell us about another brother? Hackles would lie flat, sensing now that this male was genuinely real about what he said. " really don't know anything do you? Where did you come from? Why have I never heard anything about you?" He would inquire, wondering why indeed he had never heard about him. The Black Clan were a tight knit community. Always there for one another, always there to take care and protect each other.

He shook his head slightly. If he didn't know Lunatik, then there was a story to learn from him as well. But first, he would recount the tale, the history of the Legion's downfall and separation. He moved closer to the cross marked male, feeling more relaxed and sure that this was a brother he had not known about. He sat, ocean blue optics trained on his older sibling. "Lunatik is my--our, older brother. Born of the first litter to Mother and Father, Deviant and Mystic. He was the only one of that litter...but, it seems not. I don't know why we were never told about you, but...anyway. After the first litter, there was a second litter with me, Ashley, Christian, Paradox, and Paradoxus. The year after that, the third and last litter containing our siblings Crucifix, Angel, Divinity, Prophecy, Khaos, and Beau." He would shift his position slightly, watching the other male for a reaction, and he continued his story.

"Everything seemed to be fine, but we would soon find that darkness had fallen upon us. Lunatik had grown power hungry, a chaotic creature that was bent on destroying everything. He had always been different...but nobody expected what happened next..." He would swallow back what had gathered in his throat. The memories washing over him as he remembered the day that the Legion was destroyed. Their lives, changed forever. "Lunatik took it upon himself to wreak havoc, so one night when the Clan was asleep, he would strike. He brought a band of rogues, the most malicious creatures I'd ever seen. He started it with a child, torturing the girl before slowly ripping her throat out...the scream...I'll never forget it. It woke the entire pack, everyone jumped into action and couldn't believe what they saw. Before we knew it, we were falling. One by one. Lunatik's band mauling and killing children, and adults alike. Didn't matter who they were, they were not spared." It was at this point, his legs wold begin to tremble. Ears flattening to his head as he turned slightly to look at the ground. Teeth grinding together.

"And then...Mom and Dad challenged him. They went after Lunatik, but he was bigger, stronger. We don't know how he got so powerful, but...he was too much. Mom and Dad were a formidable team, nothing was ever able to bring them down. Until that day...Lunatik killed her. She tried to go for the killing blow, but he was too fast. He knocked her to the ground, and he stood over her with that smile...that unforgettable smile of hatred...Father tried desperately to save her, but Lunatik's henchmen held him down, made him watch. He...he tore out her throat. I'll never forget the sounds..his laughter. Father watched helplessly as it happened. I was so enraged, I turned away from getting Clan members away and went to aid him. I slammed into one, and while distracted he tore the throat of the other. I tried to challenge Lunatik, but father knew I wouldn't we ran, and salvaged those that we could. I hated leaving Mother's body behind like that...I hated that we ran away, leaving our life behind to be destroyed by our own kin!"

He barked loudly at the air in front of him, teeth snapping together as his body trembled, unable to contain the tears of the memories that were still so fresh in his mind. He could hear it all, everything had come back. The screaming, the laughter, the roar of the fire that Lunatik's band had used to confuse and trap them. Tears fell, the male weeping for what had been lost. He missed his mother. His family, friends, the ones that had been lost to merciless claws. He remained silent for a moment, trying to gather himself though failed. Voice trembled as he spoke again. "He killed everyone he could in cold blood...and so, we became scattered. He's looking for us, he's not done. He's going to come, and he's going to finish what was started...I have to find everyone, we have to band together...otherwise he'll pick us off one by one, and everyone else associated with us. He's a monster! And he's not to be trusted." Cold fury began to overtake him, it became apparent in his voice and eyes the more he talked. The memories of what his brother had done out of cold blood, angered him. Was Pulsus like that too?

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Fading Away (Acoustic Version) by Demon Hunter on Grooveshark


04-25-2014, 09:36 PM

As the amount of time they were spending together began to increase, he could visibly see his younger brother relax, his hackles relaxing against his nape which was encouragement to Pulsus. His younger sibling was beginning to realize that he was indeed related to him, which was more than the titan could ask for. really don't know anything do you? Where did you come from? Why have I never heard anything about you? A saddened look would overtake his features as the words of his foster-mother would ring in his ears. From what my adopted mother told me before she died, our parents seemed to have believed that I was still-born when I really was not, so they left me out to die as a newborn. My adopted mother found me and took me in as her own, raising me as if I were her son without telling me who my real family was until it was almost too late. It was after she told me who my real family was that I came in search of this place, for rumors were circling that Blacks were wandering these parts and I wanted to see if I really did have family like she had claimed. And she was not wrong. A fond smile would barely touch his lips at the memory of his deceased mother, ever grateful to her for having taken him in as a boy. Even though she hadn't been his birth mother, she would always hold a special place in his heart.

The boy would move closer and the Wraith could only assume that he was going to provide background about this Lunatik character. Ivory haunches would fold beneath the gargantuan as he sat, making himself comfortable as his attention was focused on the younger man, ears coming to attention on his dual-pelted skull. Lunatik is my--our, older brother. Born of the first litter to Mother and Father, Deviant and Mystic. He was the only one of that litter...but, it seems not. I don't know why we were never told about you, but...anyway. After the first litter, there was a second litter with me, Ashley, Christian, Paradox, and Paradoxus. The year after that, the third and last litter containing our siblings Crucifix, Angel, Divinity, Prophecy, Khaos, and Beau. First litter. He was part of the first litter and this Lunatik was his litter mate, but an older brother. Well that something he certainly didn't expect. An older brother. Curiosity would blossom within the man but he would quiet it for now as he continued to listen to his younger brother explain the history of their clan.

He first assumption when hearing that Lunatik was his older brother was that he was a good man. All of the siblings he had met were all good. Moral and of good judgement, he expected no less of their eldest brother, but what he heard from his younger brother was the complete opposite. Unbridled shock would register across his sooty and ivory features, unable to believe that their own flesh and blood had turned on them. Lunatik had killed his birth mother...for no better reason than to shed her blood. And his younger brother had been witness to it. A silent rage would overtake the giant but it was controlled enough only to be seen in his dual-colored eyes. How could Lunatik do such a thing? His brother's sudden burst of emotion would startle the titan from his silent raging, gaze refocusing on the boy as he noticed tears trickling down his face. Instinctively Pulsus would rise and move towards his brother, wanting to comfort him, to show him that the past wasn't here to repeat itself.

He killed everyone he could in cold blood...and so, we became scattered. He's looking for us, he's not done. He's going to come, and he's going to finish what was started...I have to find everyone, we have to band together...otherwise he'll pick us off one by one, and everyone else associated with us. He's a monster! And he's not to be trusted. He would reach out tentatively, wanting to brush his muzzle against the boy's, gaze sincere and steady as he spoke. He will not finish what he started little brother, I can promise you that. He might be my litter mate, but what he did to our family is inexcusable. I will protect you and the rest of our siblings with my life, even if that means that I loose it in the process. You might not know me very well, but I can promise you I am nothing like my brother Lunatik. I am here to take care of my family, even from one of our own. His voice would take on a grave tone, features hardening. He would seek this Lunatik out before any of his younger siblings found him and talk to him. There was no way that his own brother was beyond redemption...was there?

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05-06-2014, 02:27 AM

He listened to the story of his elder brother, intrigued as well as overcome with a sense of wonder. So he was thought to be a stillborn? There must have been a mistake...his parents would have never gotten rid of one of their children without good reason. Perhaps even in the womb, Lunatik had done damage...who knew. He was glad, however, that Pulsus didn't have to witness what they had. But, perhaps things would have been different...maybe if he had been there, Lunatik wouldn't have come out the way he had. Maybe he would have been a completely different person...He returned the smile given, eyes closing briefly as he went into his own story.

His tears fell, hot against his flesh. He hated crying in the presence of others, but the memories of his past always cut deep, always left him shaking inside, and out. He leaned into his brother when he came against him, grateful that at least one of his siblings was there for him. He was positive almost, that they hated him. Blamed him for the separation. And he was left with the thoughts that perhaps they resented him...He brushed against his brothers neck, tail curling against his body as he tried to cease the flow. "He will not finish what he started little brother, I can promise you that. He might be my litter mate, but what he did to our family is inexcusable. I will protect you and the rest of our siblings with my life, even if that means that I loose it in the process. You might not know me very well, but I can promise you I am nothing like my brother Lunatik."

He could not help but to pull away. To look into the eyes of the brother that was once an unknown to him. Was he really telling the truth? He hoped so. He seemed truthful, and yet Jinxx felt so conflicted. He wanted to trust him, but at the same time what if he lied like Lunatik had? Was Pulsus truly different? He had grown up without the corruption and power hungry desires of their eldest brother, and although his mind swept him up in doubts and scrutiny, his heart told him that he could trust him. "I...think you are what this family needs, to come back together. We were strong together, and we can be that way again...will you really help me in doing so?" He would ask, voice strengthening with each word spoken. Tears had ceased, ocean blues hopeful as was his heart. Would this be the Saint that would save the Clan?

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Fading Away (Acoustic Version) by Demon Hunter on Grooveshark