
the last breath of the fourth wind



5 Years
01-31-2014, 03:37 PM (This post was last modified: 02-02-2014, 01:32 AM by Jaeger.)

deliverance for you for sure

[reference] szuriel played by me.

he is a confused soul. cleanse they said. do nothing more. and yet, he can feel. oh, can he feel. to say he is irrational would be poorly said, he is far from it. he thinks wholly before taking action, planning every move. for better explanation, you could say he makes poor decisions. he is not hot tempered, yet he is easy to upset. and from childhood, he has understood that when such a feeling is felt, he must kill. and so he is misunderstood. he is obsessively fascinated with love, not the lover's embrace but instead with the emotions two persons show when together. in this fact you could name him a voyeur. with information he is intelligent, and from teachings he has become deceitful as well as an avid speaker. but with emotions he is like a child, fumbling and easily embarrassed. but when the time for a job is near, he has learned to put aside such feelings and become somewhat of an empty drone. and for that reason, he is dangerous.

there is nothing you can do

time has taken its toll on you

[reference] charon played by cantti.

the blind wolf is that of an oddity. each movement is backed up by deep thought. each word is laced with complete concentration. the man is morbid, he thinks dark thoughts. he is completely negative about anything. the white male is a thinker with no doubt. he analyses everything. he uses his brain to make up for his eyes. he focuses in on everything to create a mental picture of the situation. he is extremely intelligent because of his constant observing. he learns much about everything, memorizing scents, feelings, and sounds. though he does not speak much, when he does it is laced with riddles. to understand the man requires much more then a simple mind. a conversation with charon is no where near simple. he has reasoning for everything he says. the man has a soft side only seen by few. he has a heart, that is completely broken and melted, but it is there. he is no where near evil. he is just entirely .. real.

the lines that crack your face

for what you have had to endure

[reference] available

lyutheria amplifies others' hunger - for food, sex, love, attention, drugs. she, like war, is a master manipulator. she states that hunger not only comes from the body, but also from the soul. she can very easily perceive the wants a person's soul harbors by spending only a few moments with them.

and what you have put others through

your body has torn through

[reference] available

azulos views disease as very pure, and humanity as the ones that are filthy and chaotic, as well as messy and weak. he wonders why god pours so much time into such dirty creatures, and wishes to show him how wrong he is.

withered in every place

a sinner once a sinner twice

maybe you could tell, maybe you couldn't. but this is an adoption thread for characters based off of the four horsemen. however, as i plan on playing szuriel (war) and cantti plans on playing charon (death), only lyutheria (famine) and azulos (pestilence) are adoptable. do they have awesomesauce powers? no. are they immortal? no. they are all actually five years old, and yes they are siblings. fun fact: their names are names from the actual four horsemen stories.

because i don't feel like writing an amazing history, i'll just give you guys the jist. they were born into a small pack of five; two adults and three elders. while they were growing, none of the adults seemed to be a mated pair. perhaps they weren't. perhaps they felt no emotion at all. perhaps they gathered for strictly business, keeping emotional ties outside. it doesn't really matter. what matters is that toward these adults, there was no emotional attachment. they brought them up as religious warriors and nothing more. they were not taught the difference between love and hate; anger or content. the only one taught anything close to it was lyutheria, who was often used to lure the damned toward the others with sexual influence. though they were not taught, this does not mean they cannot feel. they do not believe they are a species. they were taught to think otherwise - they are here to simply cleanse humanity, put here by a higher being. weed out the sinners and the damned. not to procreate or acquire any relationships, whether it be friends or enemies. just cleanse.

now, i will be extremely picky since there is only two. i would like 200 for personality, appearance is not necessary unless you change it (if you do change it, please only do so with small differences from the original.. you can simply put what you'd like to change or add, no need for a big paragraph explaining). i'd also like a 400 word rp sample. like i said, i'll be picky.

this will end on february 12, giving you a week and a half to apply.

no need for confession now
!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself


02-02-2014, 12:14 AM
-tempts you all with pretty wolves-

charon -
lyutheria - She has gray stripe like markings down her back that blend in to the point you can barely see them
azulos -
szuriel -


02-05-2014, 10:42 AM
I'm torn D: i want one or another, I'll wait till someone else chooses one before I slither in and make an application, super interested though!!



5 Years
02-05-2014, 10:52 AM
ehehe okay ^-^;
!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself