



2 Years
01-30-2014, 10:40 PM

A recent rain had drained away most of the ash that had once plagued him, though bits of it still remained in nooks and crannies where the rain hadn't been able to remove it. He didn't mind it though, something about it interested the boy in some small way. His paws drummed out a quick rhythm upon the earth as he fought hard to run as fast as he once was able to. He'd since grown into his lanky legs and large paws and thus was not worried about tripping, rather he was worried his lungs would give him a fit as they had the last time he'd tried this.

He was right to worry.

A warm sensation filled his lungs, quickly replaced by a sharp - intense burning. He sputtered and coughed, his paws failing beneath him. At first he would drop to his knees, skidding an inch or two before shifting his weight a bit to the right and taking a hard falling blow to his shoulder. He yelped, breathless as he continued to cough and sputter to little avail. Limbs instinctively seized close to his chest, protecting his underside while at the same time making himself as small as possible. His entire body shook for a moment until he finally was able to draw in a breath, and then another. The color returned to his gums as he lay there panting - regaining his life. His limbs relaxed until he was laying placidly on his side, appearing almost peaceful to anyone who might have missed his little 'episode'.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.


01-30-2014, 10:55 PM

The woman had felt slightly useless since the storm. Ash had made its way into her lungs, staining her most vital essence of life, air. With each breath she wheezed, it got less and less noticeable but it sure as hell was still there. The woman could remember the day, when she rescued the pup from the ash. Six was more concerned about the boy's well being then her own. Though, Isardis seemed to swoop in and save the day, as the Father. The bitch got no sort of praise. But, Six refused to be petty even if she thought petty thoughts.

As if on queue the woman stumbled upon the ebony boy. Six stopped and watched as he ran and fell to his knees. The woman gasped and frowned, her massive paws carried her to the boy. Purple eyes scanned the youngling with a frown, why was it they always met this way? He yelped and gasped for breath. The ash must have done just as much damage to him as her. Six sucked in a long, painful breath before her lovely vocals were emitted. "You should be more careful." The behemoth moved to see him face to face. She sat down and let her tail curl up to her side. Six stared at him with those bright violet orbs. "I know it is not fun but take it easy. You do not want to end of even worse then you already are. Lungs are very sensitive, Ky."



2 Years
01-30-2014, 11:06 PM

Much to his dismay, someone had seen his fit and had thought it best to approach him. He wished she would have just gone away, pretended she didn't see it, anything but scold him. Jaws would open to respond to her first comment, but his lungs weren't prepared for words just yet. Emerald pools met violet, watering from his momentary lack of oxygen. The burning in his lungs continued, but had subsided considerably. For this he was very thankful. ?I kn-? Voice faded, disobeying his mind's command. ?I know,? he managed. It wasn't much, but at least he'd said something. ?How do you..? he faded again, a discouraged glean took over his gaze. ?How do you know it's not fun?? Voice was breathy, husky, nothing like his usual tenor pitched timbre. He had hoped one day to grow into a masculine, suave orator like his father - but who knew now that his lungs had taken such a beating. ?And why are they so sensitive?? It was dumb, that two of the things keeping him alive were so touchy when it came to some ash. It wasn't as if everyone had problems like he did - it seemed, to him - that he was alone in these trials. His memory of the day was minimal enough that he didn't recall Six's own trouble with the nearly-deadly powder. He continued to lay still, though his head raised to gaze at her more comfortably - and perhaps to look a little less pitiful.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.


01-31-2014, 02:32 AM

They stared at each other. Her purple eyes bored down into his own softer orbs. She smiled to comfort the boy, he had such potential and she would make sure despite his injury the boy would prosper. Six had yet to meet a male to be even close to worthy within Glaciem, it was hard to get to that level with their King. But, the woman saw it within the two royal pups. Ky and Kuvio. She watched him get up as words emitted from his mouth. He stumbled on a sentence and sounded so unsure of himself. He agreed with her before a question was let forth. The black and white behemoth let forth her own sultry tones with a smirk. "You are not the only one who swallowed to much ash. I currently can barely break out into a trot without coughing up a lung. But, with time you and I will heal.." The brute watched as he sat up and she continued to stare at him with those lovely eyes. Another question was proposed and Six brought forth an answer. "Your lungs make sure oxygen gets to your blood. Without them we would not breath. Since you and I both inhaled a great amount of ash our lungs were damaged. With enough rest and healing we should be back to new at some point. You are young and heal much faster. I don't wanna see you all wheezy when you are older. Got it?" A weird side of Six had come out. One that no one really saw. She was caring, but it was those big teal eyes. They cried out to her. The bitch could not resist the adorable that is Ky!



2 Years
01-31-2014, 08:49 PM

She would quickly assure him that she knew because she too was facing the same trials. Good, at least he wasn't alone. Perhaps it wasn't nice to be happy that someone else was having a rough time like him, but he was just thrilled to not feel like he was the only one. She assured him that they would both heal in time, but some amount of time had already passed. How much time was she talking? He didn't have enough time to ask, for she answered his other question rather quickly. It seemed that the ash had hurt their lungs, but that, since he was young, he would most likely heal pretty fast. A corner of his mouth twitched into a hopeful smile. ?Hope you're right,? he breathed - voice still slightly rasped but considerably recovered from before. His lungs had ceased burning and he would finally feel strong enough to lift his bodice altogether and rest on his haunches alone. No longer would he sprawl across the earth - he would take it easy. Of course, his resilience wasn't very good so the odds of him taking it easy for very long were quite slim. His tongue thumped the earth gently as he tilted his head at her - emerald eyes peering at her quizzically. ?What were you doing over here? Most wolves don't patrol this far over because mom keeps a pretty good eye on the area around the den.? It was true, he wasn't that far away from the den, and it wasn't usual to see many wolves unless they were family - and Six wasn't. He wasn't accusing her of anything, and his tone displayed that easily, but rather he was just curious about what she was up to.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.


02-01-2014, 01:42 PM

Being around so many mothers and pups had made the cruel woman soft. She was normally a harsh bitch without much emotion, but Glaciem had changed her. For the good? No one knew. She was confused, yet she just went with the flow of things. There was no point in worrying to much, people who worried to much annoyed her. Six lived life by the day, she did not worry about the future. Everyone faced struggle, pain, and terror. There was no stopping it. So why try to avoid it when it was inevitable? Those purple orbs stared down at the boy as he spoke. The black and white girl nodded softly, to reassure him. Six had some weird connection to him, but it was nothing more then a motherly thing.

The woman looked around as he began to speak again. Six shrugged softly. Why was she there? The bitch liked to explore, to know her home. To know every inch of it. In case packs go restless and decided to attack, raid, or start a war. The bitch would not let such happen. The woman was devoted to her pack. Those ebony jaws parted to let forth her lovely voice, "I was just doing some exploring, little one. Every Wolf should know their pack's territory. I was also doing some hunting." Six kneaded the earth below her massive paws idly. She smiled, "Wanna hunt with me? I can show you some tricks." The behemoth tilted her head, waiting for an answer.



2 Years
02-01-2014, 03:01 PM

It didn't take long for her response to come, and it was a reasonable one too. He nodded, agreeing with the idea that every wolf should know their territory. He had taken to exploring as much as he could too. Then came the phrase he had long awaited from an adult wolf. She invited him to hunt with her, and said that she could teach him some tricks. Yes, yes, yes! No, he needed to keep it cool. ?Sure,? he chided confidently, as coolly as he could. Maturity wasn't a concept fully grasped yet, but he had an idea of how to appear as if he had a good hold on it - at least he thought. But what would they hunt? It wasn't likely he could ever dream of taking down a deer at his size, but a squirrel or hare might be viable prey. Yes, that seemed likely, but he wouldn't assume too much until she instructed him. ?I'm listening.? He tagged on as an afterthought, proving his willingness to be taught.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.


02-01-2014, 06:30 PM

The behemoth enjoyed pups despite her harsh attitude. Though, the boy was nearing his second season. He could nearly be considered a yearling. The purple eyes of the daemon looked around quickly in search of a small animal. The scent of a few critters hit her nose. The black dame looked back down to the boy as he spoke a single word. The female nodded quickly and stood up. Another line of words were heard as she turned to look around. Those violet eyes skipped around in search of a critter before they found a brown and white Bunny. The girl looked to Ky and smirked softly. She got low to the ground and spread her paws out evenly. "Follow me. Stay low and keep your toes spread to even out your weight on each paw. Keep your steps super light, like a little Mouse." Her voice was a hushed whisper. Six slithered closer to the unsuspecting Bunny. She waited for him to catch up with her. "Now, I want you to get as close as you can to it, then jump. Wrap you claws around it. Trap it. Quick!" The woman spoke very very softly, the Bunny stopped to look around. If he didn't act quick their window would close and she would have to chase the Bunny down.