
Uniting Young Minds



01-29-2014, 07:17 AM

Caerul made his way towards the pack meeting grounds, a new task he had itching in the back of his mind today. He had spoken briefly with Sephiroth, continuing the training that the Beta had started not long ago, but could not continue alone due to a broken leg. The large male had in mind, to give some training to the younger members in different areas. Sephiroth would be joining later to help. Caerul would teach them basic things first, explaining different techniques as well as giving demonstrations to start off. He was sure they wanted to learn different things, as young minds were always curious about everything. Hunting, fighting, herbal, or even other basic knowledge like defense and anything else one could think of to ask and learn, he would teach. Though he had minimal herbal knowledge, he learned some from watching Erani. Fighting and defense was more to his forte, after all...he did have his first spar with Obsidian. And that was no easy task.

The male arrived at the location, the scent of many mingling about from nearby members. Sephiroth would most likely be at one of his usual dens, either at the cliff bluff or at the hollow just around the corner. Either way, he would show later to oversee training and aid in what was needed to the best of his physical ability. Caerul would take a place where Chrysanthe's usual spot would be, and tilt his head back to give a soft call to any and all members who wanted to learn new things today.




10 Years
01-29-2014, 08:54 AM

The topics that had been discussed at the last meeting had run along the lines of the younger generations being taught new things. Healing, fighting, hunting, defense training -- all of them were topics that were open to the Epsilons. They made Odette's mind crave the knowledge it lacked in each department, but what she was more interested in trying was the fighting and defending. Hunting would be covered later, and healing would be another area she would open up to in the future. For now, she was more eager to have the moves down pat and learn secrets that only the best knew about. Maybe, one day, she would have secrets of her own.
Odette's location on the island was not far from her own den. Her size was slowly taking up the extra space in the den she shared with Chrysanthe, making it less comfortable for both women to curl up in the once large place of residence. She had decided to pick out a place of her own, for her sake and her mother's. It wasn't too far from the Alphess's chosen spot and that was fine with both ladies. As she was scouting through the woods of the island, looking for monkeys or something related to primates, she heard the howl that came from one of her distant cousins. His identity was still unfamiliar, but in time, she knew that his name would stay with his face. She dropped what she was doing and proceeded to trot briskly in his direction.
The paths of the forest were slowly becoming familiar to the young lady and it was an obvious observation. Her tri-colored paws led her through the right trees a bit too fast, but it was to the right wolf that had called. Caerul sat in the same place Chrysanthe had taken at the last meeting and Odette immediately thought he looked rather peculiar there. She didn't know if it was because she was used to Mother occupying said space, or the fact that she hadn't seen much of the older male. Either way, she thought he looked odd in that place, but didn't voice it. Instead, she gave a clear "Ahemmm" with her throat and made her presence known. Vibrant form that displayed physical attributes for a warrior and a proud lady gently strode towards Caerul before carefully relaxing to black and gray haunches. "Good morning, cousin," she said, making sure that their linkage was the proper one. "I hope that I will not be disappointed in what you have to show us this morning." She used 'us' freely, hoping that more would show up. If not, she would make sure his attention to fighting details of her novice nature would be honed to perfection.

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01-31-2014, 09:30 PM

Chrysanthe would leave the borders behind after hearing a call from Caerul. One of her digamma was doing a bit of training today? Good to know that he and Vahva were doing things with their new ranks. It pleased her that they were doing their part in aiding against idle paws - and hopefully this would go well. It would seem that Odette was just as curious about this training session as she was - and she would note that her daughter had come when both Vahva and Caerul called. She was a bit surprised, Odette had an interest in sparring? Chrysanthe wouldn't mind teaching the girl what she knew as well if that was the case. "Yes, we're absolutely enthralled Caerul." She would echo her daughter's statement with a playful one of her own, a smirk spread over her dark lips. A chuckle would then tumble from her mouth, and she would tip her head in greeting. "I'm sure I can learn a thing or two from you." Sure she wasn't a yearling anymore, but she was in no way old. Albeit - if she didn't keep up and spar here and now she would get rusty just like anyone else.

code by sam & image by lu


01-31-2014, 10:45 PM

All the newly promoted wolves seemed to be taking their new ranks seriously and it gladdened the heir to know that his fellow packmates took their responsibilities seriously. Gael hadn't been heir for long, no more than a season or so, but he was doing his best to keep up with his duties and help Chrysanthe out as much as he could while balancing his life with Meili. He had been spending so much time with her since their arrival on the island, now that they were engaged and soon to be married. He was going to become a husband to the most beautiful woman on the planet and he still couldn't get over that. But he still responsibilities to take care of and Caerul's call was the perfect opportunity to do so. Abandoning his meal, the Heir would rise to his paws, shaking himself off before heading in the direction of the call, ready to see what the second Digamma had in mind for them. Would it be different from what he had done with Vahva?

He would arrive in a matter of minutes, ceruleans falling across the figures of his aunt's adopted daughter Odette (his adopted cousin?), Chrysanthe herself and Caerul of course. He would greet all three with a half smile, plume wagging behind him as he entered the clearing, coming up beside his aunt to bump her shoulder with his own. So who I am beating up today? He would joke playfully, wanting to keep the high spirits going. They were starting their new lives on the island together. There was plenty of reasons to be cheerful.

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02-02-2014, 06:51 AM

The call had gone out just a little ago; Caerul was to begin the lessons today while Sephiroth tended to his leg. He had gotten a broken limb during the storm, both he and Seraphine. But it was nothing he couldn't manage, for it would heal in due time and then all would be well. After reapplying the ointments he needed and re-splinting it, he would make his way towards the center of the island where pack meetings were usually held. There upon approach, he could smell several wolves already gathered. It gave him delight to see that Chrysanthe was there, and not only her but her adopted child as well. He arrived behind the ensemble, humored words falling on his ears as he limped in behind the young heir. "Good to see you are enthusiastic young heir." He would comment as he swept past to face them. A smile was upon his face at the sight, although it was a small group, it was good to see that they were interested in learning.

The Beta dipped his head to Chrysanthe, as well as Odette before addressing them. "I appreciate you all coming today, it is nice to see that we have those who want to learn. Today, Caerul and I have decided that we will teach some different things from basic herbal knowledge that could save your life, especially when there is no healer around; as well as defensive tactics should you be attacked while away from home." The male looked at Caerul for a brief moment before continuing. "Caerul will take on herbal instruction as well as teaching some basic defense maneuvers as well as counter attacks. I, will teach you and instruct you on more advanced techniques and what to expect during a battle. Especially you, young Odette. The others I am sure are well acquainted from the War, however, there is always room to learn what to expect from your enemies." He gazed at the small group, feeling a little silly for addressing the Alphess as if she were a young student. And although he was the same age as her, he felt wiser beyond his years. Of course, he had his old pack ways to blame...he was raised to be cold and detached, nothing more then a machine for war...he had been in many during his first two years of life, and he was. Instructing others on battle tactics that could potentially save their lives, or at the least, minimize the damage they sustained while dealing more then they received.

Sick of It by Skillet on Grooveshark



6 Years
02-03-2014, 01:03 PM

Training was to be held today and the call came from the meeting area. Azalea jumped up from where she had lazied outside the den and began picking through the jungle. She headed into deep, dark forest where the sun hardly kissed the ground. It wasn't the easiest route but the auburn headed gal didn't want to go all the way around, it would nearly double the distance she had to travel.

When she finally popped out the thick, behind the meeting spot, she noticed wolves already gathered. She lifted her tail, waving it evenly, happy to see the familiar places. "Brother!' She greeted loudly, loping toward him with her jaws spread happily.

Sephiroth was in the middle of addressing everyone and she pulled back her ears and shrunk down when she realized this, heading over to sit close to Gael.

"Apologies Sephiroth."



10 Years
02-09-2014, 02:22 AM

The turnout for the meeting was making Odette's heart race in happiness. First, she saw her mother appear, which was always a wonderful sight for the young girl. As Chrysanthe sat next to her, she saw the form of Gael pop up from the woods. A wide smile spread across her face and she acknowledged him with a nod of her head before he spoke. By the time Sephiroth appeared and was speaking, she was all a tither. Her tail lightly thumped against her mother's right hind leg, for Chrysanthe was sitting on her left. Wherever she went on the island, her family was there...and she loved it.
As the Beta continued to speak and explain what they were going to do, she nodded as she paid attention. Odette had been quiet the whole time, for being polite was one of the things she wanted to work on with her pack members. It wasn't until the Beta addressed her directly that she started and gave a low squeal. A shy flush crept over her cheeks and she shyly hid her face in Chrysanthe's shoulder before pulling back shortly after. Both eyes looked over at Caerul, pondering what his input would be about all of this.
Azalea's belated entrance didn't go unnoticed, and that was what caused Odette to look away from the two proud males. Her smile broke out into a large grin and she gave a large dip of her maw to Azalea in greeting. It felt nice to be surrounded by her family, no matter where she went on Valhalla's grounds. As she thought about it, she had a flashback of Oracle and Galahad playing with her on the beach as pups. Her smile slowly started to fade and she looked at Chrysanthe with sad eyes as she whispered, "Mama, I need to speak to you later...if that's okay?" Slowly, she turned her gaze back to the males after Chrysanthe gave her answer and waited to see what would become of the meeting.

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