


01-28-2014, 07:18 PM

She had fallen, like a rock, straight into love with a man she had oh so recently met. Maybe it wasn't something to be expected of an Armada, but neither was such a tiny size, so everyone could just shut up and learn to expect these things from the black sheep of the family. Padding cautiously into the forest of sky scraping trees, she took a calm breath and centred herself amid the chittering of squirrels and the trilling of songbirds. She could do this, it would be a piece of cake, she had yelled at Isardis once before, and if need be she could attempt to do it again. Hopefully it didn't lead to that, she always got talked down to when she got angry, and that pissed her off even more. Tiara would pivot to cast her orchid gaze over her petite russet shoulder, focusing on Colman. ?I suggest you wait until I tell him about you before showing yourself, father has always been a bit uneasy having strange men on his land..? She chuckled weakly, sheepishly grinning at the tri pigmented male at her rear. Waiting for him to make himself scarce, she tilted her nose up to the twilight skies, barely visible through the canopies, and let a smooth call slip from her throat. A mantra run through her mind as she awaited her father's approach I can do this, I can do this... And with that, she calmly stood where she had stopped, and waited for the great albino King to make an appearance.



3 Years
01-28-2014, 07:31 PM

[Image: 1264w0p.png]

It's better to be hated, rather to be loved, for something you're not not not

Colman tried to stay as close to Eulari as he could, limping only slightly on his leg that had recently been broken entering Seracia. Though after it was healed nearly all the way through he had searched for Eulari and his new found feelings. The recently turned mature male was sensitive to this, he hadn't yet found his mother and hadn't yet heard the rumors of Glaciem. But as they approached he was told to hide. His cyan eyes would change to a bit of concern, he didn't want her to be punished because of him. "Make sure to bark for me if you need help." Colman said in a serious tone.
The boy found a tree to conceal himself behind. Easily, since these were northern area's where he had been born, raised in a dire situation as such. An alpha's son, so he knew how things went with these meetings. He had heard that her father was the king, well then maybe he would be more willing since he had been the son of a queen. He watched, waiting patiently.




01-28-2014, 08:16 PM

He would yield to her, almost obediently so, a softness for herw ore so elegantly against the curves of his heart. She was his daughter, and even through her indecisiveness that time ago, she had chosen to remain with him rightfully. And so, Isardis would settle for no less, he would support her and stand by her for as long as she did him. Her call was situated somewhere against the borders, and as the albino ghoul would pace for her confines, he soon became aware she was not alone; mingled beneath the savoury aroma of pines, the cologne of an unfamiliar male. Within moments he would usher himself onwards, with more haste and determination given the sudden change in situation. Alas, as her flaming brilliance would come to vision, he could see no man; suspicions rising, a wariness in his stride as he would approach; crown rounded and low, aiming to press into the contours of his daughters neck, ?Eulari, what is it?? he didn?t mention it in that moment, but still The King was aware they were not alone.


01-28-2014, 09:24 PM

Colman's worry made the russet femme's chest warm, and she nodded in reply as she watched him fade into oblivion. If father didn't see him right away, it would be easier for her to slowly welcome him to the idea that she had fallen in love with the triple coloured man. Smiling she would let the feeling ride through her heart, and as it finished its course, she let her emotions sober as she eagerly watched the scenery around her for her father's approach. She truly was enamored with Colman, she was really happy when she was around him and he took care of her, he paid attention to her more than her father, with his many children who also desired his affections. She did not fault her father for this, she understood that he could not pick favourites among his many creations.

Finally, the giant pallid figure of her sire would approach, worry and unease ridden in his cherry optics. He pressed his snout into her neck and murmured a soft inquiry into the thick rusty brown fur of her ruff. Grinning, sweet alto lyrics would softly fall from her dark lips to caress his rosen lobes. ?I fell in love, father.? She would excitedly murmur into his ear, feeling giddy with adrenaline as she dared speak the words to the great man. ?And please try to be nice...? She would add with a quiet chuckle, turning her cranium so her alabaster mask was facing the direction she had watched the tall man disappear. Rust pigmented plume would sweep swiftly across her heels a few times in glee as she tried to fix her orchid gaze upon the familiar figure. ?Colman..?? She would softly call, a faint grin playing at her bleached features as she awaited his appearance. This would be undoubtedly interesting, as it was not often such an important event occurred. The last time she had been so nervous to speak to her father, was when she had retuned from taking care of her big brother in Tortuga after Isardis... She shoved that thought away, not wanting it to spoil the glorious moment.



3 Years
01-29-2014, 02:58 PM

[Image: 1264w0p.png]

It's better to be hated, rather to be loved, for something you're not not not

It was easily to tell when he was figured out. It made Colman sigh, he forgot this was the king. The man respectfully scolded himself for not reminding himself of that. Perhaps he would have better chances since his mother had been a queen. Of course, he wasn't sure what she would think of this. Regardless the northern wolf stood when he was called. The boys coat flourishing as he made a slow approach and dipped his head as he looked at the taller albino king. "You're senses are very sharp sir." he complimented. After all, you couldn't let those type of skills go unnoticed. He kept himself lower, but made sure he was close to Eulari. His royal blood line kicking into him to tell him how to be respectful, and how to act in such a manner.
"My name is Colman Hutashi, I have fallen in love with your daughter and I would like to ask for blessing...and entry into your pack." Colman dipped his head again. "I was born to a northern pack, where my mother was queen. I have received training in both fighting and herbs. I believe that I can always learn more but I also...want to be with Eulari." It was so odd to him to speak without titles.
