


01-28-2014, 04:05 PM

Tea cupped paws of russet would strike the terra of her home with a silence common of one with her tiny frame. Rusty brown banner would sweep across her heels like a furry pendulum, her little hips swaying as she moved across the snowy lands. Her father had told every one of his children to begin fighting, but she was not interested in that. Would she risk her father's wrath and ignore him, or would she be able to loophole her way into avoiding having to learn the physical arts? Well, she had always taken an interest in healing, and it seemed to be something she was good at, what with her calm demeanor and gentle nature- most of the time. Surely someone with a temper like her own could also convince a particularly unwilling patient to let her treat them, right? Bleached features were downcast as she thought, her feet taking her to the den of the Glaciem Sage without her even thinking about it. Orchid toned optics were distant as she kept her gaze on the snow underfoot, thinking about the possibility that she could become Eris' apprentice. Humming a quiet tune to herself, she looked up to find herself at the place she had sought, the tiny healers quarters. The scents of herbs filtered into her sensitive ebony nose, and a small sneeze erupted from her snout, giving her presence away. Screwing up her face in embarrassment, she softly let her sweet alto lyrics fall from her dark lips. ?Eris? Do you have a minute?? She would inquire gently, hoping the woman did. She probably wouldn't be able to work up the nerve to try again, since she was always pained about how awkward she was. Lowering her tiara to peer inside the den, she tried to make out the figure of the surprisingly smaller lady.


01-28-2014, 08:43 PM

In the aftermath of the storm, she had taken time to sort herbs, restocking them and preparing them for whatever would come next. She was apparently alone, Irune wasn't in the den at the moment, though it didn't bother Eris. The small woman wanted her daughter to play, and learn the fundamentals of pack life along with her other siblings. A soft sneeze interrupted her sorting, and the russet woman paused for a moment,her head lifting from the herbs, scenting the air. The tang of herbs made it hard to distingusish who it was, but when an alto voice filtered in the den, calling for her, she realized that it was Eulari. One of Isardis's daughters and a sweet fea, one she hadn't spent much time, regardless Eris turned quickly moving to the mouth of the den. A warm bark would leave her, her tail wagging lightly behind her, "Eulari! Of course I have a moment! Come in! Come in!" Golden eyes scanned over the woman, and she would speak again, "You're alright aren't you, not feeling sick or injured?" She couldn't scent sickness or injury but that didn't mean that the woman couldn't have something wrong with her.



01-28-2014, 09:34 PM

The warm greeting she received from the Sage launched a wave of relief, which crashed over the petite frame of the rusty brown lady. Grinning, she padded into the den after Eris, chuckling as the healer would ask about her well being. A reasonable question, since that was usually why wolves sought out those with the training to heal them. A soft shake of her tiara would be given in response, as she sheepishly looked downwards to speak. How strange, the pose of her cranium was hardly ever one used to speak, nearly always she was looking up at those she met. ?Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something else.? She would begin, seating herself smoothly upon the ground and wrapping her russet banner loosely about her tea cupped paws. ?Father mentioned in the meeting you needed to take on an apprentice...? She would continue awkwardly, having clearly missed out on the graceful aspect everyone else in the family had an abundance of. Soft alto lyrics were cautious and unsure, which resulted in another soft chuckle from her as she offered a sheepish smile to the lady before her. ?And I was wondering if maybe... You would be willing to teach me?? She would finally end, orchid toned gaze falling on the features of the older dame. Hope she would not be rejected burned in her gaze, and she knew that if Eris turned her down she would be screwed, being the Armada least inclined to fight within the entire family. The art of battle simply did not interest her, and neither was she gifted in it's concepts as were the rest of her family. Warily watching the Glaciem Sage, she awaited an answer with hope twinkling in her muted pink orbs.


02-04-2014, 12:50 AM

As walked into her den, the smaller woman would look at her, she didn't seem to be hurt and once the russet woman would speak. The healers eyes would move to the taller woman's face, a kind look to them, as she began to speak. Eulari would speak, mentioning how Isardis had wanted her to take on an apprentice, and Eris's mind was drawn back to that meeting, remembering then how she was unsure who she would take. As Eulari went on, her golden eyes widened as she took in her words. Eulari wanted to train as a healer? She took in her words, staying quiet for a moment before she would speak. "If you're sure about this, I would be happy to teach you, Eulari. This isn't a task to be taken on lightly, though." She would pause, before looking at her again, "And you'll want to speak to your father, and get his approval." Though she was serious, about healing not being an easy task, she had no fear that the woman before her couldn't handle it.
