
The Perfect Storm



01-27-2014, 11:05 AM
It had started a normal storm. A bit of thunder, a lot of rain, it was all something that the alpha was used to - living on an island, you were going to see quite a bit of rain. But then the wind picked up - and Chrysanthe began to note the severity of this storm. She hoped that Odette was in her dens and not out traversing too far into the islands - because she wasn't sure how bad the flooding was going to be in the lower parts of the jungle, and how much of the beach would be submerged while the waves pushed and pulled more wildly than she had ever seen or heard.

She would howl from the cliffs, issuing a warning for members to come further inland. The beaches were not to be trusted while this storm was afoot. Hopefully the pack could hear her through the storm... There was no telling how long or how harsh the weather would be, but Chrysanthe wouldn't take any chances until it calmed down. In a sprint, the woman would try and reach the meeting grounds, where she could howl for the pack again. Those that were on the mainland should stay on the mainland. They were perhaps, much safer than those that were currently on Nephilim. Yet on her way the pummeling winds that she had been ignoring for the sake of bringing Valhalla together started picking up debris.

The lupine almost missed it with her vision already permanently impaired. From her blind side came sharp branches that blew by at a dangerous speed - she only avoided being hit because she stopped just before it would have slammed right into her left side. There were already pebbles, dirt and rain being blown about with the raging winds, it would take her a moment to reach the meeting grounds in these conditions.

With a sigh she would pause by the rocks up north, taking a moment to use the larger ones to shield her from the wind while she caught her breath. In a minute or two she would head toward the meeting grounds again - hoping that the field would be a good place to gather those on the island and find a place to huddle together and wait this storm out.

ooc: maybe someone others are hanging out near the rocks atm? c:



01-29-2014, 08:53 AM

The winds howled all around him, things flew every which way. He wasn't sure where everyone had gone, but he knew he had to get somewhere safe away from the flying dangers the storm held. Unfortunately for him, he was near the beach on the western side of the island, the wind and rain pelting him mercilessly and soaking clear to the bone. Sand and drift wood flew everywhere as the male ran full pelt towards the shelter of the trees, the storm not giving any moment to catch a breath as it raged on the island they called home. He only hoped that the others were safe and out of harms way. As he slipped into the trees, he heard branches cracking and trees creaking from the force of the winds, and among all the sounds a distant howl caught his attention. It was all too familiar, and a quick feeling of panic went through his system. Was Chrysanthe alright?

He turned course towards the main grounds, racing through the trees as he tried to avoid as much as he could. As the male ran under the cover of trees, creaking and snapping and howling would sound all around him, then soon a sharp pain on his back as an unsuspecting branch was swept his way, smacking him sharply on his lower back and knocking him to the ground. He felt winded, his lower back stinging and throbbing with new pain as he pulled himself back to his feet as quickly as he could. He moved forward again, though slower this time thanks to the new feeling of pain on his hind end.

As he neared the site, a second call would come forth, this time from another direction. And Caerul knew exactly where; Chrysanthe had changed course and moved to a more sheltered location. He urged himself to move faster, to get there and see if she and any others were alright. It wasn't too far away, and even with the pain he would move faster. Long grueling minutes passed, and finally he would arrive. The wind buffeting him as he clambered towards the rocks and sliding into their sheltered circle. He panted as he pressed himself against the rocks, and there nearby was Chrysanthe. Green gaze looked her over, she seemed to look fine with no injuries. "Chrysanthe, do you know where everyone is?" He would inquire with worry.




01-31-2014, 12:13 AM
She was glad to see Caerul - but he was one of many. Where was the rest of Valhalla during this storm? Perhaps they were on the mainland in an attempt to stray from the wind and rain? The alpha would look the black and white male over with her good eye, before shaking her head with a sigh. "I don't know Caerul, we should check the dens." After the dens, she would give a call at the meeting grounds, one that wouldn't ask for Valhallans to leave the safety of their own hideouts, but only to respond so that she knew they were alright. Not knowing where her pack was would drive her insane with worry - but for now, she would have to keep calm and try not to be knocked around too much by the storm. "If they're not there I'll scout the beaches - think you can cover the jungle?" This felt so familiar - like the flooding that had happened in Veronica only months before. Why was it Valhalla could not catch a break with this weather! Frustrated and sick with worry, she would wait for Caerul's answer - but her gaze would flick from him to behind him. Constantly she was waiting for Odette to appear on the horizon with Gideon in tow. For someone - anyone else to have heard her. But the swirling winds and thunder overhead were the only sounds that resonated through the area.

ooc: guess the storms weren't mandatory ^^;;; I'll start moving the pack tomorrow.



4 Years
02-01-2014, 08:05 PM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2014, 10:56 PM by Soren.)

The boy was enjoying his afternoon out of the den. It was warm and though the weather above them was somewhat foul he had grown used to it, the island was often buffeted by minor storms, thunder and lightning booming overhead but the jungle canopy sheltering them from much of it. He strolled about, tail lifted in contentment, the den had finally been finished and he drew some joy from knowing that he no longer had to worry about it. He could enjoy a walk about without any nagging in the back of his head. The wind was picking up though, buffeting the pup as he struggled to remain standing.

He let out a little puppy growl trying to dig small blunt claws into the ground so as to remain upright. A howl sounded out from a ways off and he paused for a moment, his concentration lost and he toppled over with a small yelp. He let out a grunt as he struggled back to his paws, the thunder rolling over head growing louder and seemingly closer, the rain driving down at an angle so that less of the canopy seemed to catch it.

He struggled to answer the howl, follow it, but the elements were doing a number on his tiny body, finally he huddled at the base of a rather large tree, which helped to shelter him from the rain and wind some at least and let out an howl of his own. His voice feeble and underdeveloped, he only hoped at least someone would hear him.

BG ?

[Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]